Waking Christians up, One soul at a Time
Nothing has done more damage in the Body of Christ world-wide than the False Prophets everywhere preaching the false gospel of seed faith tithing. Now all the elders and Preachers in churches all over in the rich countries steal money from Christians everywhere in the name of God and the False Prophet Gospel acts of tithing to become wealthy because …Read more »
Pre-Tribulation Rapture is exactly as scripture teaches unless you commit Religion-ism and Materialism Idolatry by adding and taking words away from God’s words to arrive at your own idolatress interpretation of scripture according to Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture is clearly taught in Matt. 25:1-13 in which us (Pre-Tribbers) are clearly raptured because we are actually watching for …Read more »
Are you a follower of Christ my Brothers and Sisters in Christ? If yes you MUST preach the same things Christ taught everywhere he walked in his 3 1/2-years ministry of salvation and miracles all over Israel. Do you realize in summary everywhere Christ walked he taught Trinitarian-doctrine? He is recorded always talking about his Father in Heaven, always speaking …Read more »
All Comments Now Turned On Just to let everyone know I was having trouble getting the comments to work in this blog. As silly as it sounds I found one of three switches that was turned off and they are now all on. This includes even the static pages. So please comment a lot so I know the comments …Read more »
New-Found Prophecies in Revelation: © Almost All Prophecies Revealed Section #1 New-Found Prophecies in Revelation: © Almost All Prophecies Revealed Section #1 This is the room I sat weeping like Jeremiah did when numerous mysterious prophecies were opened and revealed to me in dreams after great search of the scriptures and prayer with scripture links as proof as I …Read more »
Section-8 About adding and taking words to God’s words & two forms of idolatry. My Dear Wormwood, as my nephew you must always remember everything started with our dark Angelic Brother Lucifer’s two temptations of idolatry in the garden, the two forms of idolatry, the Religious & Materialism idolatry that were so successful with Adam & Eve in …Read more »
Section-7 New Jerusalem Revelation 21:1-27 Revelation 21:1-3 1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed …Read more »
Section-6 (Place Screwtape Letters on Islam and Religious Idolatry and Revelation 22:18 here…) All about Trinitarian-doctrine denial My Dear Wormwood, you and your winged captors of the Mice-men, you all love to claw & tear the flesh so much it has become a distraction leading to confusion. You’re all celebrating the poverty of the descendants of the Enemy’s …Read more »
Section-5 (Place Screwtape Letters on Materialism Idolatry, Babylon the Great and Revelation 22:19 here…) Section-5 The scriptures conceal the identity of this empire of Materialism Idolatry by both mystery & cryptogram, Rev. 17:5, Jer. 50:1; 51:1, until right before her very end post rapture. Her end begins immediately post-rapture of those found worthy to escape …Read more »
New-Found Prophecies in Revelation: Almost All Prophecy Revealed Section-4 “The Great Tribulation,” also known as “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble also called,” The Promised Return, Rapture & Resurrection that occurs two times of both the 1st and 2nd elect, also known as the 1st & 2nd Wedding Banquets, Rev. 6:9-17; 7:9-17; 8:1-12; 14:1-5. The Egyptian & Assyrians prophesies with all …Read more »
(Place the Screwtape letters of the New Priesthood, The 144,000 12-year old male Firstborns Never defiled by women, the dragon and the flood, the about 70-years, the time, times and half a time) All Israel saved and 144,000 Here are some more letters from that shepherd girl that found them in those caves on her family’s commercial sheep ranch. …Read more »
These 2nd set of Screwtape letters between these Demons from caves of darkness are talking about scripture so I added the scripture quotes so the reader can easily reference what they might be talking about…I have also taken the liberty to capitalize the pronoun when referring to God to make it easier for the reader to understand what is being …Read more »
The Shofar is a Warning Compliments PDImages.com Wed, Feb 22, 2012 4:49 pm The Fig Tree Prophecy by RobertLeeRE The Shofar is a Warning Compliments PDImages.comLuke 21:5-36 | NIV NKJV | ESVThe Fig Tree ProphecyAccording to the fig tree prophecy there are five things a person must understand to comprehend this important prophecy. My commentary is in blue, I hope you …Read more »
The Antichrist Kingdoms not Coming from Europe (Genesis) Tuesday, August 29, 2006 Antichrist kingdoms not coming from European Union The two-dimensional work of art depicted in this image is in the public domain worldwide due to the date of death of its author, or due to its date of publication. Thus, this reproduction of the work is also in the …Read more »
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 05, 2012 My Commentary on Ezekiel’s Gog Chapters 38 & 39 Mountains of Israel Gog will be Judged by God on two times, 1000 years apart- copyrighted-All rights © This material is copyrighted all rights reserved Israel Mountains compliments of Daniel Ventura on Wikipedia; red & black writing on image are commentary changes by RobertLeeRE This Sermon has …Read more »
Does anyone know what midrash is and the importance of midrash in the Body of Christ? Midrash is a Jewish term related to a tradition of two high level theologians debating their stands on theology with an audience quietly listening. People may pose questions but they must be questions that are within the context of the discussion. So no one should pose …Read more »
the sermon joke There was an 80 year old woman getting married for the 4th time As reported in the news…An 80 year-old woman was recently married to her 4th husband. A reporter questioned the occupation of her newly acquired husband. She replied that he owned a funeral home. Curious about the other husbands, the reporter also asked about their occupations. …Read more »
According to Islam we are in the Islamic Year 1439 and will enter the Islamic year of 1440 on September 11th, 2018. Here is a Sermon I did about thirteen years ago on a blog I had written on Xanga if anyone remembers that blog site. All the scriptural quotes are here as they were then and I have only modified this …Read more »
Genesis 2:16-17 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” 18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be …Read more »
When we study what the scriptures tell us about what happenned in the beginning with Adam & Eve, God & Satan, we can learn about ourselves. When we study what the scriptures tell us it is almost like mankind is looking into a mirror that God is holding up so we may see our reflection of who we are, and …Read more »
Teach Your Children Well Passing the Gospel to Our Children is the Most Important Job Genesis 2:17-3:3 NIV Teach Your Children Well The most important job we have is to pass the gospel to our children. We must be a witness to them first. This was the cause of the fall of mankind, think about that for a …Read more »
passing the Gospel To Our Children Is The Most Important Job Passing the Gospel to Our Children is the Most Important Job (Genesis 2:17-3:3) Teach Your Children Well The most important job we have is to pass the gospel to our children. This was the cause of the fall of mankind, think about that for a minute. How can I …Read more »
The Sermon Joke There was a sarcastic Messianic Rabbi eating at a restaurant that ordered a big bowl of soup. He called the waiter over because something was wrong pleading with the waiter saying “Please try this soup something is not right!” The waiter not a fan of soup said “Please Sir, is it a fly? I do not need to try it …Read more »
The Drawing Christian Science Fiction Novel by RobertLeeRE People, family and supporters of this blog. Please do not buy this book from Amazon. Very little of the purchase goes to me and this ministry. This was my first novel of Christian Science Fiction and I am in the process of re-writing it with a 2nd edition in 2022 possibly. I …Read more »
The Drawing Christian Science Fiction Novel by RobertLeeRE People, family and supporters of this blog. Please do not buy this book from Amazon. Very little of the purchase goes to me and this ministry. This was my first novel of Christian Science Fiction and I am in the process of re-writing it with a 2nd edition in 2022 possibly. I …Read more »
Assembling Holy Men