Saudi Televangelist Minister of Islam fined only $13,000 for raping & torturing own 5-year-old daughter to death

An interesting story published originally by the “Independent,” picture by the AP of a current event that has much of Saudi Arabia outraged and up in arms over a celebrity Islamic Minister’s molestation, repeated rape and torture of his own 5 year old daughter. He admitted to the torturing of her with cane beatings and cable”because of his own doubts of her virginity.” His daughter Lama died of a crushed skull, broken back, multiple broken ribs, broken ribs with extensive bruising and burns all over her entire body.  See original article at this link:

Saudi celebrity preacher who raped and tortured his five -year-old daughter to death is released after paying blood money – Middle East – World – The Independent.

This Preacher of Islam, Islamic Televangelist known all over Saudi Arabia, charged of not only raping, but torturing with various methods his own five-year-old daughter, to death, was quietly released from custody after a special agreement with the judge to just pay what comes to equal to only about $13,000 blood money.

Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a famous Saudi Arabian Minister of the Islamic cult  had been on trial in Saudi Arabia for killing his lovely & innocent 5 year old daughter Lama during interrogations of how she had lost (sic) her virginity. The Father Fayhan was very upset about this and was instituting methods of torture on his own daughter.

Social workers said upon investigation they had concluded she had  been repeatedly raped and burnt, caned, severly beaten & cabled.

Upon investigation authorities concluded Fayhan  even admitted using a cane and cables to inflict the injuries after doubting his five-year-old daughter virginity, according to the campaign group Women to Drive.

Who molested her? Was it an Uncle or was it her Father Fayhan himself? What role did Fayhan play in this matter? Most seem to think he himself was raping her and molesting her. Even if he didn’t what in the Islamic religion would cause him to actually blame his own innocent 5 year old daughter?

Rather than getting the death penalty or receiving a long sentence for the crime, Fayhan al-Ghamdi served only a few months in jail before a judge ruled the prosecution could only seek blood money.

Fayhan al-Ghamdi, who regularly appears on television in Saudi Arabia, is said to have agreed to pay only equal to a paltry $13,000 to Lama mother as a restitution. He repeatedly rapes and tortures a 5 year old girl and the religion of Islam blames the girl for leading her own Father astray causing the Father to rape and torture her.

This $13,000 money restitution under Islamic Sharia law, is only half the amount that would have been paid had Lama been a boy. If he had done this to a boy he would have been required by the judge to pay $26,000.

Saudi Arabia’s archaic legal system based upon Sharia law is a far cry from the justice systems experienced in Christian Western countries. For example when an Islamic believer converts to Christianity under Sharia law it is considered blasphemy in Saudi Arabia and these people are beheaded yet when a 5 year old innocent girl is raped, molested and tortured by her own Father he pays a $13,000 restitution fine to her Mother. So is he paying this fine to himself? If he is required to pay the wife where does she live? By my understanding I do not think Islam even allows divorce. So this is really a laughable system of “Monkey Justice.” You Islamic people that are so quick to kill people because some old Korans are burned but yet you do nothing to stand up for real justice should be ashamed of your own religion.

Despite Saudi Arabia’s repeated infamous rulings by judges, the protest movement called Women to Drive states “Fathers cannot be executed for murdering their children.” This appears to be the Islamic laws and how they relate to Sharia law.

And we have Atheist Morons in the West that want to keep allowing these Islamic fanatics that never assimilate to immigrate to the West?

The protest movement called Women to Drive also said “In addition, husbands cannot be executed for murdering their wives.” In Islam women and girls are counted as half  the value of a man.  This is very similar to the way the Blacks in America were looked upon in the law books before the civil war. These poor women and girls are forced to wear black burquas to cover up their beatings and scars, to protect the men from being found out. The burquas also prevent those outside Islam from actually seeing the abuse and human condition of these women and girls. How long will the West stand idle at the atrocities being committed against the innocent? How long will weak Preachers not say anything here in the West?

The men are not held accountable in these countries, nor does justice exist since the perpetrators are never found out. The West needs to treat this religion just like they did communism. They would never let communists immigrate to their countries, so why let these 200 million Islamic Fascists immigrate throughout the world?

Saudi activists, protesting against this ruling are gathering at this time under the twitter hashtag #AnaLama (which translates as I Am Lama) has been set up. How many Islamic women are Lama? how many Islamic people have daughters that are Lama? How many Islamic men have nieces that are Lama?

Local Saudi Arabian reports say public anger over the settlement is widespread & growing across Saudi Arabia. Authorities state they plan to  set up a 24-hour hotline to take calls about child abuse. Really? I will believe it when I see it.





I am a prolific writer and interpreter of biblical prophecy for today's generations of Christians. I also am a witness of God's soon coming judgment of the city of man, the best man could build, Babylon the Great, now known to be America, that will fall in one day, one hour as breathed through the Evangelist Apostle John, clearly described Revelation 18:1-24. I also am witness to the Beast rising in the Middle East known as Islam, whom the Antichrist will rise through, as a Beast Man, known as the 12th Mahdi, will usher in uncontrolled world nuclear proliferation as clearly described by the prophet Joel 2:1-11, breathed through John the Apostle in Revelation 9:13-21, but one of the three unholy trinity kings Beasts, two of which are men, that emerge just east of the Euphrates River, where Islam rules, also where the four Fallen Angels were released that were bound at this same Euphrates River, Revelation 9:13-21, whom were responsible for the plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that kills 1/3rd of mankind. We witnesses that support this ministry, drinking at this trough, are not prophets, but witnesses pointing to God's truth in the love letter he wrote for all mankind to see.

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