My Review of “MIDEAST BEAST,” by Joel Richardson, Buy it. Read it. His Interpretations on prophecy of the BEAST are sound and true.

This is Joel’s 2nd TRUMPET WARNING to the church, thus his 2nd book on this same subject that Antichrist nations will rise through Islam, first being New York Times bestseller The Islamic Antichrist, published in 2008. Brother Joel’s concise clear exegetical analysis of scriptural prophecy pertaining to the Antichrist BREATHS FRESH AIR into eschatology circles. This book, a huge conundrum to all other theologians that conclude without evidence (eisegesis) the Antichrist rises in Europe or the United Nations, easily dispels according to Joel their arrogant Western thought. Surely this book, with its extensive scriptural evidence, cuts through all the NONSENSE & EISEGESIS commonly used with chalkboards and calculators to SO-CALL-PROVE the Antichrist will rise through the EU or UN with a new version of Christianity or the Pope. Joel PROVES prophecy in scripture isn’t going to happen THAT WAY. I could never picture Christian kings of Christian countries beheading Christians and Jews during tribulation, in fulfillment of Revelation 9:14-15, 16:12-14, 20:4; seems to clearly indicate: four powerful demon angels were bound at the River Euphrates until Gabriel’s time of the end prediction to Daniel in Daniel 12:9; three unclean spirits released LIKE FROGS also released at Euphrates River; the kings of the East and 200 million are JUST EAST of the Euphrates River. All this added to Brother Joel’s extensive exegetical analysis with DETAILED QUOTES of all the OLD OUTDATED EU & UN promoters with their calculators and chalkboards proves Joel is the leader of a new movement in eschatology schools teaching proper exegesis of biblical prophecy.

New York Times best selling author Joel Richardson, once Islamic but now a Christian and Minister to Muslims, JoelRichardsononce again will surely set the tone for all future biblical prophesy, on how prophecy should be interpreted, on the Antichrist, commonly called the Beast in the bible, the 666 himself. Here is a book review I have done of Joel Richardson’s latest best selling book called MIDEAST BEAST: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist. This gem of a book can easily be found and bought on published by WND books out of Washington D.C., copyrighted, just published and released. Just click the above book link to buy, I guarantee you WILL NOT regret it. This is not the typical prophecy book that is long on tooth theory and short on scriptural support. Also, Joel quotes all the current theologians as to what exactly they believe about the Antichrist and why. This book is good for theologians also since it simplifies with summary what all the current theologians believe and where those beliefs originate. For that reason alone this book is a book all should own and have on their book shelf, if even as a reference book.

I want to say if you want to be on the forefront of Antichrist prophecy this is the book to have, with all the other theology books. There is a great deal of summarizing going of all the theologian’s views in this book. This is not shallow theology seen quite often in many books on prophecy. This is deep thinking. The type of theology book that drains your brain when reading, but in a good way. This book teaches proper prophetic interpretation on the Antichrist. Brother Joel fulfills his promise in the title. This book truly is The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist.

There is only one interpretation of his I’ve seen he quoted I disagree with in this book. This is minuet when considering his title though. I feel there will be two Gog Magog wars, one at the beginning of tribulation and one at the end of the 1,000 year millennium. Joel says Gog and Antichrist are the same. This is an interesting view indeed and Joel does commit three whole chapters on Gog and Magog and why Gog and Antichrist are the same. These three chapters came across a little bit murky as sometimes prophecy does. But considering the size of the book and the details in it I do not feel this really detracts from the quality of the book. I do plan to go back and reread these chapters to consider what Joel says more deeply. I still feel Joel proved his case in scripture, that the Antichrist will truly rise through Islam in the Middle East.

As also a teacher on scripture sound prophecy I highly recommend this book as THEE ONE BOOK of prophecy to own, to get, as authoritative being sound teaching of prophecy in scripture on the deciphering of biblical prophecy as to the who, the what, where why and how of the Antichrist,  MIDEAST BEAST, will RISE in the very near future through Islam in the Middle East. Brother Joel backs up ALL of his scriptural interpretations using not only sound hermeneutic principals, as well as quoting most of the post modern theologians responsible for the European Union and United Nations theories that say the Antichrist will rise through a revived Western Empire whose False prophet will be some post modern religious movement or Catholicism. Here is only some of his 8 huge pages of annotated bibliography for those into research.

Brother Joel pulls no punches as he exposes of, throughout the book, of which are mostly weaknesses of argument, with 8 pages fully annotated bibliography of interpretations on prophecy espoused and promoted by such theology greats as follows but not limited to: David Reagan, John Woolvard, Chuck 51YYO1Yq9ML._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_[1] (166x256Smith, Dwight Pentecost, Gleason Archer Jr., Pollard, Tim Lahaye & Ed Hinson, H.C. Leupold,Jamieson Fausse & Brown, Jerome, David Neff of Christianity Today, James Smith, William Smith, Ralph Smith, Larry Harper, Matthew Henry, Lang, David Guzik, Robert Thomas, C.F. Kiel, Edward Young, Arno Clemens Gaebelein, Nathan Jones, Max Blumenthal, John C. Whitcomb, Grant Osborne, G.K. Beale & Sean McDonough and many many more too numerous to list.

He also uses other extensive historical evidence as Josephus, Ancient Christian Commentary , not forgetting Taludic, Midrashic & Rabbinic sources, Nigel Pollard, Lactantius, Hippolytus, Herodotus,

The structure and eloquent prose of the book is such that one literally cannot put it down once started from the summary preface statement through the detailed 259 pages to the full page of recommended sources for researchers, 8 full pages of detailed bibliography notes and 5 full pages of index for later return to certain areas of the book.

Brother Joel hits a home run with this book and backs up all his claims with scriptural evidence as to why the Antichrist will not be driving some flashy limousine coming from Western Europe somewhere. He not only proves this in biblical scripture but also linguistically and culturally by a detailed comparison and contrast between Western and Eastern thought as to how scripture was written in the East (Middle east) and not the West. This book is a ten on prophecy teaching.  Buy this book and see your future.

So, for those that are looking for some cutting edge teaching on the Antichrist, this is the book. For those having trouble rationalizing an Antichrist that rises from a Western European country that beheads Christians and Jews in fulfillment of Revelation 20:4, you gotta read this book. For others that have seen the Islamic Antichrist theories online in places this book has your name on it, buy it, read it, mark it up and study it. For the rest of you that have trouble imagining an Antichrist that rules the world from a tiny Islamic country, Joel gives answers for your view also. This book is cutting edge teaching on your future, the near future, the coming future of the MIDEAST BEAST. Get this book and be prepared as God warns us in scripture. Buy this book and see your future. I really liked this book and felt it is the best teaching on the market for the coming Islamic Beast, the MIDEAST BEAST, the Antichrist. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, I give this book a solid 10.  See the many questions in the first paragraph and lets discuss Joel’s book, having fellowship breaking bread together, to discuss prophecy and Joel’s book.

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I am a prolific writer and interpreter of biblical prophecy for today's generations of Christians. I also am a witness of God's soon coming judgment of the city of man, the best man could build, Babylon the Great, now known to be America, that will fall in one day, one hour as breathed through the Evangelist Apostle John, clearly described Revelation 18:1-24. I also am witness to the Beast rising in the Middle East known as Islam, whom the Antichrist will rise through, as a Beast Man, known as the 12th Mahdi, will usher in uncontrolled world nuclear proliferation as clearly described by the prophet Joel 2:1-11, breathed through John the Apostle in Revelation 9:13-21, but one of the three unholy trinity kings Beasts, two of which are men, that emerge just east of the Euphrates River, where Islam rules, also where the four Fallen Angels were released that were bound at this same Euphrates River, Revelation 9:13-21, whom were responsible for the plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that kills 1/3rd of mankind. We witnesses that support this ministry, drinking at this trough, are not prophets, but witnesses pointing to God's truth in the love letter he wrote for all mankind to see.

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