The 200 Million Islamic Fascists


        The 200 Million
Are Not China
But Islamic

                    Revelation 9:14-16

Islamic women by

       14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”15 And the four angels who are kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million.  I heard their number.

       People please Wake up!  Wake Up! Or sleep forever in a drunken stupor!   The only 200 million people even near the Euphrates is Islamic countries and they are also the ones that are beheading Christians and Jews.  Here is an interesting link from the Jewish Encyclopedia with a copy of part of the article.

Other Link on Islam in the book of Joel-see my


                                  Excerpt From Jewish Encyclopedia

The total number of professors of the Mohammedan faith in the world has been variously estimated. Two computations of modern times should especially be mentioned: that of the Mohammedan scholar Rouhi al-Khalidi, who gives the total number as 282, 225, 420 (“Revue de l’Islam, “1897, No. 21), and that of Hubert Jansen (“Verbreitung des Islams,” etc., Friedrichshagen, 1897), whose estimate, in round numbers, is 260,000,000

       When are you people going to wake up to G-d’s words and quit following all the False Prophets?  Islam is the 200 million man army and it is Euphrates where the army resides.  The only countries in this area people are Islamic people!  G-d made it very simple for you to follow since there are no other religions in that area.  This is not rocket science people!  Quit following the blind!

I hope you all enjoyed my commentary on Zechariah.  I thought I would give you a little break before we start Daniel, which I know you will all enjoy! 


Some other sermons on Antichrist and False prophet:

The Antichrist Denies the Only Begotten Son
Islamic Dome Of Rock Translation Denies Only Begotten Son
The Antichrist and False Prophet come From Just east of The Euphrates River
The Antichrist will Behead Christians and Jews
The Number Of The Beast 666
Three Evil Spirits that Look & Act Like Frogs
The Antichrist Nations Will Come From A Great Desert On Earth
The House of the Antichrist & False Prophet seen In Zechariah & Given Authority By God for 43.66 Years
12th Mhadi will Be Antichrist, Man calling self Jesus Christ will be False Prophet
Fire and Nuclear Judgment Go Before the Antichrist Nation in Joel
The Antichrist will try to change the set times
200 million Antichrist Army
The God loved by women
Antichrist Images On Dome of The Rock
Antichrist & False Prophet Come From east of Euphrates River
Antichrist Countries Defeat America With Nukes
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I am a prolific writer and interpreter of biblical prophecy for today's generations of Christians. I also am a witness of God's soon coming judgment of the city of man, the best man could build, Babylon the Great, now known to be America, that will fall in one day, one hour as breathed through the Evangelist Apostle John, clearly described Revelation 18:1-24. I also am witness to the Beast rising in the Middle East known as Islam, whom the Antichrist will rise through, as a Beast Man, known as the 12th Mahdi, will usher in uncontrolled world nuclear proliferation as clearly described by the prophet Joel 2:1-11, breathed through John the Apostle in Revelation 9:13-21, but one of the three unholy trinity kings Beasts, two of which are men, that emerge just east of the Euphrates River, where Islam rules, also where the four Fallen Angels were released that were bound at this same Euphrates River, Revelation 9:13-21, whom were responsible for the plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that kills 1/3rd of mankind. We witnesses that support this ministry, drinking at this trough, are not prophets, but witnesses pointing to God's truth in the love letter he wrote for all mankind to see.

2 thoughts on “The 200 Million Islamic Fascists

  1. Pingback: The Antichrist Images on the Dome of the Rock

  2. Pingback: The Antichrist Images on the Dome of the Rock Scream Islam's TheologyThe Coming Witnesses

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