Seventy Years Israel, Then Comes Judgment

Seventy Years Israel, Then Comes Judgment

Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE
The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the process of tranfering it from Xanga. If you look to the left on my home page on Xanga you will see a massive archive of links. Well I also have a massive archive I havent even published yet. And add that to a massive archive that I never put in that link scroll. I guess the Lord is right, I have ten books. You may go visit my old Xanga homepage at this link:
So I have been heartily typing my brains out on Xanga and now I am on WordPress where all revenue generated can go toward the gospel being spread throughout the earth. No longer will Xanga be advertising on my site getting them rich. The cost to publish and manufacture each book in a quantity where some can be distributed for free to those who cannot afford them is $15,000 for each book. There will be ten books according to what the Lord has led me. Now all we need are those that have already been blessed by my writings and interpretations to step up to the plate. Some of you are wealthy and can donate a considerable amount so others can be blessed, others are struggling to just get by. TO DONATE And still others yet cannot afford anything, it is not you I am speaking to. God’s words are free, the gospel is free and I will be darned if I am going to charge anyone to hear the truth of the gospel. But most of you can afford something, to support me, to minister to me as I have Ministered to you. Do you owe me? NO! But you owe it to God to support those sent by God that have ministered to you. If you have been blessed by this ministry, God Bless you and what you can give. Whether it is for a healing or miracle from God you seek, or a loved one that is sick send a note with your donation and I will hold you up in my prayers. I have explained the tiers of donations as books that I will publish.-TO DONATE

 Seventy Years Israel Then Comes Judgment

  We are surrounded by false preachers, false teachers and false prophets, all holding many degrees, official spiritually sounding significant church titles with an arrogance that would make any prostitute blush.
  If this is not the case like many church-goers say, then why don’t the preachers read from the bibles when they are teaching? Oh you might see them read one sentence or two, if lucky, in a 1 1/2 hour typical church service, but, no real teaching.  God has given us a real thick bible of his words to mankind.
  Why did God give the bible to us?
  Because man can never be trusted. The purpose of the bible is to save us from ourselves; from all the Foolish False Prophets with the credentials that say they are Good Shepherds but we know better. Any time you have to have someone tell you what certain passages mean and when you look you still don’t understand, this is not from God. Why? Because the preacher and teacher is now out of since with God’s plan for mankind’s spiritual growth.Prophesy is not to be interpreted in symbolic terms, but rather in the context of the passage at hand, selecting literal interpretation as always being superior. Many times man interprets God’s words symbolically to make the bible say what ever he wants it to say. When the passage doesn’t say as he wishes all he must do is get rid of a few verses here and there selecting carefully the verse he wants even if it is out of the context of the passage or book or entire bible for that matter. Preachers have been twisting God’s word to mean what the preachers want it to say since the fall of all creation but especially Israel became a nation in 1948. God is gently teaching man how to become responsible for his own spiritual growth.  I can prove it.  Why did God give us the bible?  Because this was God’s intention from the very beginning of time, to have his word impressed upon our hearts.  It was God’s intention from the beginning for each individual to be responsible to God individually.  God gave us the bible even though preachers and teachers in high places tried to prevent us from having them.Pastors and teachers will be held accountable for what is written in it.  Most Christians will also.  How many books are there in the bible that you haven’t read? Did you know that God tells us the future if we carefully read the scriptures with guidance from the Holy Spirit?
  Do you or have you ever heard the fig tree prophesy?  This prophesy was given by Christ on the sermon on the mount in the book of Matthew 24:32-35.  This prophesy says that once Israel becomes a nation all things will be accomplished in that generation. Israel became a nation in 1948.
  According to God in the book of Psalms 90:10 prophesied by Moses the last generation will live seventy years and eighty if lucky.  Do you know scientists say mankind has lived this long only the last thirty years?  This same psalm says the “a day is like a thousand years in the eyes of God” at the beginning, (Psalm 90:4).  This prophesy says that God’s people will rise on the third day just like Christ did, (2nd Peter 3:8).  Well I’ve got news for all you Christians that believe all of your false prophet preachers that tickle your ears by stories they make up and tell during church service.Christ is coming, for all the old testament prophets teach that Israel’s desolation would be for seventy years,(Jeremiah 24:11),(Daniel 9:2), (Zechariah 1:12).  A peculiar thing is God also says seventy years for Israel’s arch enemy Lebanon or Tyre, (Isaiah 23:15).
  Seventy years God says, seemingly everywhere here and there.  What a coincidence there’s that seventy years again. Why does God use certain numbers over and over?  Some theologians would have you believe that certain numbers are holy to God.  This is not true.  One number to God is the same as any other. God speaks to those that hear his voice in repetition.  Don’t you know that seventy years pops up here and there throughout all the prophets in the old testament.  Even Daniel talks about seventy years and at the end of chapter nine the angel tells him that Daniels people (Israel) are decreed to finish transgression and atonement for wickedness which leads to everlasting righteousness seventy sevens the angel says.  Could it be that God is saying something to us through this number seventy?The correct interpretation of Daniel 9:24 is the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, seventy years of celebrating the yearly feast that lasts for one week.All current preachers say this means weeks of years or 490 years.  Then they pull out this calculator and tell you how this matches Christ’s coming as Messiah but you have to subtract this for this reason and add that for that reason, stop, think, do you really thing God speaks to mankind through mathematical analysis and equations? No, the Papal system is not part of the Antichrist system, for apostle John describes the Antichrist in 1st John 2:22 saying the Antichrist will deny that Christ is the begotten son or that he’s the son of God, God in the flesh.  See this link of the Dome of the Rock and the images in the tiles that have been there since it was built. Click here.
And here are the references and translations of the inner and outer inscriptions.
Click here.
The Antichrist will say that Christ is just a prophet.  So the Antichrist will deny what the son says or deny the witnesses (apostles) of what Christ said.
Does the Papal system do that?  No,  sure the Papal system has gotten a little off the road with their relics and statues of Virgin Mary and other saints but they still claim that Christ is the messiah, God in the flesh.  They are part of the body of Christ just like all others who profess faith in repentance of Jesus and call on Jesus to save them.  Just like any church though those that attend church without proclaiming the sinner’s creed are not saved by the fact they attend church.
 (Daniel 11:36-37), says Antichrist will show no regard for the God of his fathers, or for the one desired by woman. Christianity and Catholicism have done only good things for women.  It’s Islam that has abused women historically by raping them, marrying them at unheard of young ages like ten years old.  This means the religious system he represents will abuse and oppress women.  It also says he will honor a God of fortresses.  This means he’ll believe in having a superior military strength.
 End of verse 39 says he will distribute land at a price.  This means he’ll be a conqueror and will divide land at a profit.
 Islam has done this historically for thousands of years.  They immigrate to a country and when there is enough of a majority they suicide bomb for a while or lob grenades into public areas and churches.  After doing that for a while then they elect leaders, and put pressure politically to ask for an Islamic country within a country.
 Kind of like the Nation of Islam in America that wants it’s own state in America for their people.
  Another good example would be Pakistan and India.  The majority Islam caused a civil war because they wanted their own Islamic country.  So after a civil war India rolled over and gave them the India territory of Pakistan, to have their own monotheistic Islamic kingdom of Pakistan.
 Now they’re doing the same thing again in Kashmir.  Muslim Kashmir keep bringing suicide bombers in from other Islamic countries, (once again Pakistan), fighting for a separate Islamic Kashmir which is really India, so the whole process starts all over again. God describes the Islamic religion & people as locusts in the bible.
 It’s interesting to note John the Baptist came eating locusts right before Christ came to mankind to save the world.  God told John the Baptist to eat locusts, but why? Think about this carefully.
  Because these locusts represent Islam.  Islam will take over the world right before or during the second coming.  Islam is like a dark cloud that appears overnight seemingly from nowhere.
  Joel 2:3 says before the locusts,  fire devours and behind them is the Garden of Eden.  This fire is nukes and the land they have occupied is where the Garden of Eden was, Iraq and Iran.  At least somewhere in that area anyways.
 Locusts always show up when the weather has already caused weaknesses in the crops, like too much rain, or too much sun. The locusts always run in packs, they never go away from the group,(Joel  2:7).  Joel 2:5 says they leap over mountains like a crackling fire consuming stubble.
 Locusts always show up all at once almost seemingly overnight , then they feed on everything, someone else has already made or produced.  This is Islam.  This has been Islam since its beginnings,  click here to see.
  Ever wonder why the Pakistan and India people sound the same?  It’s because they are the same people. Islam divided their land at a profit.  The book of Daniel says in the end the Antichrist was dividing Israel for a profit,  (Daniel 11:39).  God speaks to us clearly, with no confusion.  It’s funny these same theologians then conclude that this pope is the Antichrist or the false prophet.  And the Antichrist will be driving some shiny limousine and leader of the European Union, blah blah blah blah.  No, Look in Leviticus chapter 23 and read the feasts of Israel.
  Notice the feast of tabernacles says Israel once a year is to live in booths for a week to celebrate God taking them out of Egypt to live and dwell with God in booths.  This dwelling with beings of heaven signifies living with Christ for the day of rest or 1000 year milleneum.
  This day of rest is for both God and man, to rest and dwell together.  For both God and man have been working for the last six thousand years concerning this mankind/sin/Satan problem.
  God says in Leviticus 23:37-44 that the Israelite are to celebrate these feasts for all future generations and that after the end of these feasts is to be a day of rest, a Sabbath day.  Us gentiles do not have to worry about these festivals and feasts according to Paul in the book of  Collossians 2:16-23 but according to Zola Levite all Messianic Jews and all Jews are.  The point being God said to celebrate these feasts for all generations, why?  Think of this very carefully.  Is the feast itself holy to God?  Or maybe God just wants to give the Jewish people groups unnecessary feasts, festivals and traditions to follow.  I think not!  These feasts are not holy!  God is not a God that enjoys just making us do things!
 Do you remember what happens to the nation of Israel during tribulation?  The whole nation gets saved.  They get saved through the following of these feasts during tribulation.
  The understanding of these feasts and how they line up with Daniel opens the book of revelation for the wise.Also Christ never went to the feast of Tabernacles in Judea in public for the he was not to be crucified until the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles is five months before.  His own brothers (probably James the less and Judas who both wrote books in the bible, James and Jude) recommended him to go so the Pharisees could see Christ’s miracles in Judea where Christ was crucified, (John 7:1-13). Verse 6, Christ tells us that the right time has not yet come.Christ seems to insinuate a double meaning.  One, that Christ’s Crucifixion must occur on the Passover to fulfill the first fruits wave offering, (1st Corinthians 15:20-23),when He’s raised from dead. Second, that the time isn’t right to come celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, even though he later attends without the knowledge of his brothers incognito.The feast of Tabernacles is a yearly celebration required by God to remind Israel that after they were taken out of slavery in Egypt God and Israel dwelled in tents together.
  This is for one week per year to live in a booths made of palm branches. Seventy years of this could be described as seventy weeks, or seventy years of weeks. Don’t you get it?  70 years plus 1948 equals the year around 2018.  2018 minus a 7 year tribulation is an around 2012 or 2011 rapture date.Remember Christ said the second coming would be just like the days of Noah. People would be eating and drinking and marrying.  In other words life would have them distracted from the really important things.  How about you brothers and sisters, does life have you distracted from God?
Selah-Have an awakening on this!


I am a prolific writer and interpreter of biblical prophecy for today's generations of Christians. I also am a witness of God's soon coming judgment of the city of man, the best man could build, Babylon the Great, now known to be America, that will fall in one day, one hour as breathed through the Evangelist Apostle John, clearly described Revelation 18:1-24. I also am witness to the Beast rising in the Middle East known as Islam, whom the Antichrist will rise through, as a Beast Man, known as the 12th Mahdi, will usher in uncontrolled world nuclear proliferation as clearly described by the prophet Joel 2:1-11, breathed through John the Apostle in Revelation 9:13-21, but one of the three unholy trinity kings Beasts, two of which are men, that emerge just east of the Euphrates River, where Islam rules, also where the four Fallen Angels were released that were bound at this same Euphrates River, Revelation 9:13-21, whom were responsible for the plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that kills 1/3rd of mankind. We witnesses that support this ministry, drinking at this trough, are not prophets, but witnesses pointing to God's truth in the love letter he wrote for all mankind to see.

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