A Summary of The American Prophecies
A Summary of Prophecies that say America is Babylon the Great |
Revelation 16:1-22:21 |
I summarized all the prophecies that support the evidence of America being Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes, Abominations of the Earth. Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE
The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the process of tranfering it from Xanga. If you look to the left on my home page on Xanga you will see a massive archive of links. Well I also have a massive archive I havent even published yet. And add that to a massive archive that I never put in that link scroll. I guess the Lord is right, I have ten books. You may go visit my old Xanga homepage at this link: http://robertleere.xanga.com/weblogpreview
So I have been heartily typing my brains out on Xanga and now I am on WordPress where all revenue generated can go toward the gospel being spread throughout the earth. No longer will Xanga be advertising on my site getting them rich. The cost to publish and manufacture each book in a quantity where some can be distributed for free to those who cannot afford them is $15,000 for each book. There will be ten books according to what the Lord has led me. Now all we need are those that have already been blessed by my writings and interpretations to step up to the plate. Some of you are wealthy and can donate a considerable amount so others can be blessed, others are struggling to just get by. TO DONATE And still others yet cannot afford anything, it is not you I am speaking to. God’s words are free, the gospel is free and I will be darned if I am going to charge anyone to hear the truth of the gospel. But most of you can afford something, to support me, to minister to me as I have Ministered to you. Do you owe me? NO! But you owe it to God to support those sent by God that have ministered to you. If you have been blessed by this ministry, God Bless you and what you can give. Whether it is for a healing or miracle from God you seek, or a loved one that is sick send a note with your donation and I will hold you up in my prayers. I have explained the tiers of donations as books that I will publish.-TO DONATE
I summarized all the prophecies that support the evidence of America being Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes, Abominations of the Earth.
The evidence that America is Babylon the Great is quite overwhelming, Chapter 18 Revelation, Jeremiah chapters 50 & 51, Isaiah chapters 13 & 14, Daniel 2:29-43, Zechariah 5:5-11, and these are just some quick ones I put together. Revelation 17:1 –She will be the nation with the most bodies of water that surround her and lakes and rivers within her lands. Zechariah 5:5-11–This woman is wickedness, also Babylon the Great, also America, and the wickedness she represents is nuclear proliferment which is why she was trying to get out and why the cover is lead. Revelation 18:23–The voice of the bridegroom, Jesus Christ, & bride, church will never be heard in her again when she falls. Revelation 18:9-20–Babylon the great will be the richest nation on earth. Revelation 18:12-13–This nation will be the richest consumers of the earth making all other nations wealthy purchasing their cargo of luxerious items. Revelation 17:5-She’ll teach the nations of the earth how to become wealthy like her. Revelation 17:5-She’ll spread abominationable pornographic images throughout the world. Revelation 17:15–She’ll be the biggest melting pot on earth drawing all nations to her teaching them to all speak one language because to become like her. Revelation 18:22-she’ll produce the best musicians and schools on earth and all will desire to attend her schools. Revelation 18:17-She’ll have the most merchant Marines of any country on earth and the largest Navy. Jeremiah 51:2-God will judge her by sending a plague of “too many” foreigners to overwhelm her borders & oppress her. God will destroy her to increase the harvest of the earth, Jeremiah 51:33. The nation who birthed her will be ashamed because she squandered an opportunity to spred the gospel throughout the earth, Jeremiah 50:12. She’ll be not only the greatest city but the greatest country, Isaiah 13:5. A nation that lays a heavy yoke on the aged, Isaiah 47:6. A nation that confronts a major issue of it’s time to decide if “She will succeed,” or if, “She will cause Terror,” Isaiah 47:12. A nation whose towers will fall causing many to weep, Jeremiah 50:15. She’ll be a nation of False Prophets, Jeremiah 50:35 that will be overthrown like Sodom & Gomorrah, verse 40. She’ll be the most arrogant nation on earth, Jeremiah 50:31. She’ll be a nation of greedy people never satisfied like people in Hell, Habakkuk 2:5. A nation who’s end is revealed in the beginning Isaiah 46:10-see Genesis 11:1-9. A nation judged in one day, one hour by fire & nukes, Isaiah 47:14, Revelation 9:15-19, 17:16, 18:10, 18:19, by those that cause terror, 18:10, who’s leader is death that kills by sword, spreading famine and plagues, Revelation 6:8, that behead Christians and Jews, 20:4, that is the last nation to drink of the cup of God’s wrath, Jeremiah 25:26.
Have you read what the protestant theologians are teaching? Have you sinned and spread any anti-Catholic propaganda that you are ashamed of? Have you repeated anything a false prophet said that you are ashamed of? Have you sinned against a friend or relative by repeating some hate propaganda that you heard or read by some protestant teacher or theologian that you now realize was not what the bible says? Was it hateful? Have you caused possibly some people to never turn to God because of the hate you were repeating against the pope or catholics? Tell me about it. I would like to hear your story! Are there any things you now realize are not in the bible, not from God that you thought for many years were? The tower of Babel should not even be used in any kind of a comparison to the church because of all the abuse down through the centuries from this type of teaching. It is very unscriptural and very ungodly. The question is why is it so ungodly? Because it divides the body of Christ into camps of hate. Because it offends the Holy Spirit. Because 1/5 of the book of Revelation and 1/8 of the old testament prophets speak of Babylon the Great, America, and her kindom rules the earth from Nebuchadnezzar until the fall of America, Daniel 2:38, and how she, America, Babylon the Great falls in one day, one hour, Revelation 18:17, 18:8, by a plague of fire, smoke and sulfur, Revelation 9:18, Revelation 17:16, Joel 2:5, by the Islamic Antichrist beast nations that number 200 million, like a dark cloud of locusts, Joel 2:1-11, Revelation 9:10. So God says to his followers to come out of her, wake up and quit following the Jehovah Witness’s and Seventh Day Adventists and Baptsts who say, “Apostate Christianity is the Great Whore,” whom also state, “The abominations are the Great Church,” for you came from the church and God is losing his patience with you. 1.) All of them describe her as the wealthiest country on earth, Revelation 17:4;18:11-13, Jeremiah 50:10. 2.) As a nation surrounded by many bodies of water, Revelation 17:15. Gulf Of Mexico Atlantic Ocean Hawaiee Islands Alutian Islands Peurto Rico (Satelite}, Pacific Ocean The Five Great Lakes, Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario Minnesota’s 20,000 lakes Complements NASA —Image of Mississippi Watershed Bering Sea Bering Strait , Florida Everglades, Great Salt Lake,                   Complements CIA Book Facts Mississippi River, Missouri River Potomac River Saint Lawrence River Colorado River Yukon RiverSnake River Arkansas River Columbia River Gulf Of Tonka Gulf of Alaska, Chuchi Sea Beaufort Sea, Artic Ocean, Potomic River, Chesepeake Bay, Also notice Washington D.C. is surrounded by two great rivers in a Y formation just like the city of Babylon was. Complements CIA Book Facts  This is not to mention all the tiny rivers and lakes all over the country making the land in America, Babylon the Great the most fertile farmers soil on the earth till judgment. Also,
3.) As a nation of many peoples, nations, languages, Revelation 17:15, melting pot, as a nation of the best tradespeople& musicians of the earth, America, Revelation 18:22. 4.) A nation whose mother ashamed she wasted the opportunity to spread the gospel throughout earth, Great Britain, Jeremiah 50:12. 5.) A nation whose plunderers will get their fill because of her great wealth, Jeremiah 50:10. 6.) A nation of immigrants, people groups from all over, Jeremiah 50:16. 7.) As a nation that teaches other nations to become like her, Revelation 17:5. 8.) As a nation that will be attacked and defeated from the north, Jeremiah 50:3; 50:9,50:41. 9.) As a nation that has God’s evangelists in it, Jeremiah 50:16. 10.) A nation whose towers have fallen, Jeremiah 50:15. 11.) A nation known as the hammer of god’s judgement by all the earth, Jeremiah 50:23. 12.) As a nation with many rumors of violence in the land, Jeremiah 51:46. 13.) As a nation that right after she falls Israel will be attacked next, Jeremiah chapter 52, Revelation all over. 14.) As a nation that makes and breaks kings in other nations, Revelation 18:9. 15.) As a nation the bridegroom and bride were heard in, church and Jesus Christ, Revelation 18:23. 16.) As a nation that births and spreads the abominations of the earth, Revelation 17:5. 17.) As a nation that makes ship captains and merchants wealthy, Revelation 18:11, 18:17. 18.) As a nation that draws people to it, peoples to it, Jeremiah 50:16. 19.) As a nation that other nations want to be like her, Revelation 17:5. 20.) A nation that is a great threshing floor increasing God’s harvest of mankind when she falls, Jeremiah 51:33-34. 21.) A nation that makes other nations wealthy because of the cargos she buys, Revelation 18:11-13. 22.) A nation judged by God so quickly many will go to sleep at night and die while sleeping, Jeremiah 51:39; 51:57. 23.) A nation with many Jews that will not go back to Israel & making God upset, Jeremiah 51:44. 24.) As a nation that has the best trade schools, Revelation 18:22. 25.) As a nation the apostle John was greatly astonished to see was the Harlot, Revelation 17:6. 26.) As a nation that falls while in the desert, Revelation 17:5. 27.) As a nation that rides the beast in the desert, Revelation 17:5. 28.) As a nation who’s wickedness is sealed in with a cover of lead, (Zachariah chapter 5), as a great wheat growing nation, Jeremiah 50:26. 29.) A nation with many cattle, Jeremiah 50:27. 30.) As the richest nation on earth, Revelation 18:11-13;17:5, Jeremiah 50:10. 31.) A nation the middle east terrorist nations of the world and Russia will gang up on, Jeremiah 51:27-28. 32.) As a nation that makes a lot of bread, Revelation 18:22. 33.) A nation who’s merchants were the world’s great men, Revelation 18:23. 34.) A nation called the greatest nation man built, Revelation chapter 17 & 18. 35.) A nation that will cause all the people of the earth to weep greatly when they see the smoke of her burning, Revelation 18:18:8-10; 18:14-19. 36.) A nation that the light of a lamp, God, will never be seen in again, Revelation 18:23. 37.) A nation surrounded by many waters, Revelation 17:15. 38.) A nation that thinks of herself as a queen and not a widow, Revelation 18:7. 39.) A nation God calls oh arrogant one, Jeremiah 50:31-32. 40.) A nation that the antichrist kingdoms will hate and burn her with fire in one day, one hour, Revelation 18:8;18:19. 41.) A nation God will send the sword and terror to, Jeremiah 50:35; 50:37. 42.) A nation filled with false prophets that state the fall is not coming, Jeremiah 50:36. 43.) A nation God will fills with Islamic terror, Jeremiah 50:36. 44.) A nation that will be defeated by an army of men that act like locusts, Jeremiah 51:14, Joel 2:2-10. 45.) A nation with many images that cannot breath, Jeremiah 51:17 that forced these Hollywood images upon other nations to drink, Revelation 18:3, 18:6. 46.) A nation that has many waters that God will dry up, Jeremiah 50:38, after judgment by the plague of fire, smoke & sulfur, Revelation 9:18 in one day one hour, Revelation 18:8,18:17. 47.) A nation that after judgement will become like a desert, Jeremiah 50:39. 48.) A nation God will judge like Soddom and Gomorrah, Jeremiah 50:40. 49.) A nation God sends someone like her to destroy her, Jeremiah 50:44, Russia and Islam. 50.) A nation that fulfills end times prophecy like a woman in labor, Jeremiah 50:43. 51.) A nation with many homosexuals, Jeremiah 50:40. 52.) A nation God will send a great earthquake to and divide her into three parts, Revelation 16:18-19, see two mountain ranges going across USA. 53.) A nation whose many islands disappear and mountain ranges disappear when the nation divides in three parts and cause great tsunamis all over the world, Revelation 16:20, Jeremiah 51:42. 54.) A nation whom God sends great hailstones weighing about 100 pounds each, Revelation 16:21. 55.) People of the North, North America, Jeremiah 45:24. —Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” So I have been heartily typing my brains out on Xanga and now I am on WordPress where all revenue generated can go toward the gospel being spread throughout the earth. No longer will Xanga be advertising on my site getting them rich. The cost to publish and manufacture each book in a quantity where some can be distributed for free to those who cannot afford them is $15,000 for each book. There will be ten books according to what the Lord has led me. Now all we need are those that have already been blessed by my writings and interpretations to step up to the plate. Some of you are wealthy and can donate a considerable amount so others can be blessed, others are struggling to just get by. And still others yet cannot afford anything, it is not you I am speaking to. God’s words are free, the gospel is free and I will be darned if I am going to charge anyone to hear the truth of the gospel. But most of you can afford something, to support me, to minister to me as I have Ministered to you. Do you owe me? NO! But you owe it to God to support those sent by God that have ministered to you. If you drink at this trough you are required to support the trough builder’s servant. And you will be blessed many timesover if you do! If you have been blessed by this ministry, God Bless you and what you can give. Whether it is for a healing or miracle from God you seek, or a loved one that is sick send a note with your donation and I will hold you up in my prayers. If you do not have a donation I will still pray for you, God Bless. I have explained the tiers of donations as books that I will publish TO DONATE |