Antichrist Denies Only Begotten son
Antichrist denies Only Begotten Son | |
(Revelation 7:1-20:4) | |
Antichrist Denies
    Only Begotten Son Hope you do not mind me customizing one of my sermons because many of the issues you mentioned in your post were discussed previously and I had already written on them. You mentioned Revelation 13:3, Daniel 7:4, the great city being divided into three parts and my opinion on some of Joel Rosenburg’s writings on Islamic and Christian Eschatology and how they relate.Revelation 13:3-                                          Scripture only supports the antichrist coming from the Middle East, Islam.       This does not line up with any of the protestant theologians many of them great men going as far back as 200 A.D. These were only men even though many people try to act as if their opinions are equal standing to the apostles and Paul and it just isn’t so. Some were very famous such as Martin Luther and many other reformers thought the antichrist would rise through a United Europe with a religious false prophet, usually a Catholic pope or wayward Christian evangelist.       These interpretations usually portray the antichrist as driving a flashy huge black limousine where the antichrist was of noble class usually uniting the western nations through Europe and, or, the United Nations.       They usually base their interpretations with a lot of scriptural quotes with a large amount of hyper hermeneutics and symbolic interpretations. Usually, when you look up their quotes they are just plain wrong and deceptive. Let’s look at the scriptural evidence,  for this is the only thing that matters. Scriptural Evidence of the Antichrist 1.) The only place with kings on earth today that hate Jews and Christians and still beheads people, (Revelation 20:4, 7:14), is in the middle east. What religions behead people today?
2.) The Antichrist kingdoms will come from the middle east desert ( Revelation 17:3) . The woman is America and the beast she is riding are the Islamic nations/kingdoms and kings that hate America and are the ones that will burn her with fire in one day, one hour. 3.) The antichrist’s authority will be given by God for one hour, Revelation 17:12 43.66 years at 1000 years = a day prophetic timetable.  I believe this period of authority started around Febuary 1974, five years before the fall of the Shah of Iran. It would be interesting to find out and study the Yom Kipper war and see if there is any significance there. 4.) Multitudes of Christians & Jews slain by the Antichrist kingdoms, beheaded by sword during tribulation, (Revelation 7:14; 20:4).  The only ones still using swords today are Islamic nations. It is also interesting to note Christ told his followers not to use the sword, (Matthew 26:52).  Why do you think Christ said that? Do you think he thought Christians had a right to protect themselves? Or do you think he thought Christians should just turn the other cheek? If this is so how can you rationalize us having policemen and laws today? 5.) Only Islam denies Jesus is the Christ, the begotten son of God the Father which fulfills the apostle John’s definition of the antichrist, 1st John 2:22.  Their main gripe with Christianity is how can God have a son? Is this the basic tenant of the Islamic religion? It is even all over the dome of the rock. Click on the links below to see them. 6.) Islam has antichrist inscriptions and images on it’s greatest monuments to Islam including the dome of the rock since it was built? Click this link to see. 7.) Islam is defined in the fourth seal when it is opened a pale horse comes out who’s rider is death and Hades was following close behind him, they were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, and plague, (Revelation 6:7-8), Many of the African country’s people groups over the last fifty years that became Islamized experienced death by sword, famine and plagues. 8.) For these antichrist kingdoms will set up an abomination that causes desolation at the same place the temple in Jerusalem is located for in Daniel 9:27 says on the wing of the temple. The only thing I know that is here today is the Dome of the Rock. Also they are the only ones attempting to gain possession of Jerusalem at this time. 9.) The false prophet of the antichrist will also come from the desert, (Matthew 24:26). this is why the beast the harlot is riding and steering but falls off (bucked) is seen in the desert. 10.) For the Beast hates Babylon The Great the Mother of Harlots (U.S.A.) and it is in the beasts mind to destroy her,(Revelation 17:16), 11.) for the beast will eat her flesh and leave her naked and burn her with fire, (Revelation 17:16,18:8), this will be judgment by God or terrorists carrying nukes into America or both. Islam will defeat America in the war on terror during the very beginning of tribulation. 12.) Christ warns not to go to the desert because he will not be coming back as a servant, or a man, but as lightening is seen when striking from from east to the west in the clouds, King of Kings (Matthew 24:26).  So what do you think is this the desert? I believe this desert is the Middle East Islamic nations which are surrounded by deserts. 13.) This false prophet beast will cause fire coming down from heaven to earth in full view of men (Revelation 13:13).Â
14.) The antichrist kingdoms will be led by three evil spirits like a dragon, beast, and false prophet that perform miracles and come from just east of the Eurphrates river, (Revelation 16:12-14).  This River goes right through the center of Iraq. Also there have been bad environmental problems related to the gradual drying up of this river and the swamps and wildlife that surrounds the river according to the CIA book of facts. See my other sermon, “Iraq, are these the three frogs.” This sermon has a picture of the Iraqi flag which has three green stars on it, 15.) The antichrist kingdoms will be ridden & steered like a wild beast by Babylon the Great in the desert, (Revelation 17:3). This means The antichrist nations will be ridden and steered by America.
16.) The antichrist kingdoms will hate Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes, (Revelation 17:16). This I believe is America and nobody hates America more then Islam in fulfillment of this prophecy. 17.) The antichrist nations will burn Babylon the great with fire and eat her flesh, (Revelation 17:16). These Islamic warriors can also be seen in the book of Joel described as Locust soldiers that walk in straight lines and do not break ranks to the left or the right and do not jostle each other, (Joel chapter 2, Malachi 4:1). This is during the coming nuclear war when 1/3 the earth dies, 2 billion people. Fire goes before them and this fire is Nuclear explosions or it sure sounds like it.  So what do you think, is Iran trying to get nukes right now? Do you think Iran will succeed? Do you think Iran will defeat America? Prophecy seems to indicate this. 18.) God gives the antichrist kingdoms authority to make war against the saints and conquer them, (Revelation 13:7). Even today, who is killing more saints and causing more trouble to the saints then Islam, also called locusts in the book of Joel chapter 2. It is very interesting to note that John the baptist eat these locusts with honey. Do you believe God told John what to eat, to eat locusts with honey? I do. Why do you think Christ called John the Baptist the greatest prophet born of women? He did no miracles yet this huge compliment from Christ. 19.) The antichrist kingdoms conquer and kill with the sword, (Revelation 13:10). Lately we see Islamic warriors threatening westerners with Islamic swords to behead them or convert. This happened with two reporters recently. Why do you think Islamic warriors still use the sword? Wouldn’t a gun be easier? Wouldn’t a gun be an easier weapon to clean, to care for, better for protection? Do you believe islam glorifies the past, the days of using a sword? 20.) The antichrist utters proud words and blasphemes God and slanders God’s dwelling place for 3 1/2 years,(Revelation 13:5-6). Doesn’t this sound like Islamic kings? What Islamic king does this sound like to you that is alive or dead? The antichrist will be like them but even more boastful, more proud. 21.) The antichrist had ten horns and seven heads with ten crowns on his horns and on each head a blasphemes name, (Revelation 13:1). This means that Islam will birth many blasphemies. What are blasphemies, do you know? How do you define blasphemy? What are the blasphemies coming out of Islam?Â
22.) The Antichrist kingdoms shall divide the land for gain making new rulers and distributing it. See both NIV & NKJV, (Daniel 11.39). Islam has been doing this from the beginning, it’s birth. This is why no nation should ever allow them to immigrate to their countries. They have been doing this since the birth of Islam. Examples in the last seventy five years. India was divided by the spread of Islam, civil war led to a new country Pakistan. Now all the Islamic countries send suicide terrorists to Kashmir, to kill Indians while at the same time Kashmirans rape and kill Indians driving them out of Kashmir. Kashmir keeps getting purged and becoming more and more Islamic. Kashmir in the mean time keeps asking politicians to allow them to become a separate islamic country and the process starts all over again. We also see the same thing going on in America with the Louis Farikhan Nation of Islam. They have been trying for a long time to get a separate state for them as a separate nation. They divide land for gain. 23.) The antichrist will magnify & exalt himself above every God, (Daniel 11:36). 24.) Will say unheard of things against the God of gods, (Daniel 11:36). 25.) A god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, precious stones and costly gifts, (Daniel 11:38).
          Daniel 7:4        First Beast Â
     Second Beast         This Beast looked like a bear and was raised up on one of it’s sides, had three ribs in it’s mouth between it’s teeth, it was told “get up and eat your fill of flesh!”             To me this second beast represents a type of socialism and communism that has occurred in the world since the beginning of time. We can especially see this in communism when we look at Russia and China in the last 100 years.     Third Beast       This beast is like a leopard with four heads and four wings like a bird and was given authority to rule.
      To me this beast represents a form of humanism that has gone on since the beginning of time. This type of belief can be seen in the greek philosophers and the greek kingdom of Alexander the Great, which dies young and split into four pieces each piece ruled by one of the four generals of Alexandar the Great. It is important to note that two of these kingdoms actually were located in what is known today as the Middle East where Islam grew up. When you look at the “gods” of the greek empire they were all based on human thought, human imaginations.
       Fourth Beast       Terrifying and frightening and very powerfull! With large iron teeth it crushed and devoured it’s victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different then all the former beasts. It had eyes like a man and spoke boastfully.Â
      This fourth beast to me is Islam that grew out of the deserts in the Middle East. We especially see this beast when we look at radical Islam and countries like Iran and Syria. When Islam takes over a country it feeds on the wealth of that country. It was not like any of the other beasts for none of them had a religion like Islam. Also none of them were able to unite the Arabic people like Islam has.
    Daniel chapter 8:18 says this: “But the Saints of the most high will recieve the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, forever and ever.”       This sentence had an important key to my interpretation of these beasts. Each beast is trying to possess a kingdom, not a country. This kingdom is a spiritual kingdom by God. These beasts are spiritual beasts also, spiritual struggles of man. Demons leading man from the beginning of time really. Demons that attempt to present themselves as truth, deceiving man.
The Great City America       Divided into Three                    Parts
      I assume you are speaking about the passage in Revelation 16:18-21. Let’s read it here it is.                               Revelation 16:18-21 NIV
                                                                                                    Painting by John Martin  1789-1854                                                                                               Babyon the Great divided in 3 parts On Great Day of His Wrath                                                            Revelation 16:18-21 NKJV
18 And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. 20 Then every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And great hail from heaven fell upon men, each hailstone about the weight of a talent. Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, since that plague was exceedingly great.       Now both NKJV and NIV are appropriate to get the most accurate interpretation. The real question here is what is the “great city.” I have pondered this statement repeatedly over the years and keep coming up with the same answer. This great city is also called Babylon the Great. There is no other way to translate it. Some I sappose may say it is Jerusalem but I do not think scripture supports that. Because judgement started with Jerusalem in the book of Jeremiah chapter 27 when Jeremiah was going around and causing all the the nations to drink the cup of God’s wrath. Notice in this chapter the Nation of Israel drank first, not last. This dividing of the city is a judgment from God of epic proportions. This is not the city of Jerusalem also described as a great city in Revelation 11:8. this is Babylon the Great, also a great city, the great city man built and this city is America.
      So the question still begs how will God divide America into three parts from the great earthquake. Notice after the great earthquake divides the great city, city man built, into three parts the cities of the nations fell.  This is all over the earth, except, probably Jerusalem. The next thing that happens is that every island fled away. This means there will be great tsunamis all over the earth. Even to the point that all islands will be covered with water, completely covered. What would cause these great tsunamis. I kept thinking this until I looked at a map of the mountain ranges in North America. They go up both sides in a “y” formation. Â
Image Credit: NASA / GSFC / LaRC / JPL, SRTM / MISR Teams      Look at the two mountain ranges on the NASA public domain image. One starts around the furthest NE part of Mexico which touches Texas that goes in a northwest direction cutting across Ameica going up towards Alaska. Now look at the other mountain range on the right side of America. This cuts across America through the great lakes towards the Bering Sea up there. The reason I think the mountan ranges is because of what it says at the end of verse twenty. And all the mountain tops fled away. America, I think will divide in these parts, at the mountain ranges.  When this happens, god help those here during tribulation, when this happens most or all the mountain ranges in America will slide into the oceans cause the waters to rise everywhere and great tsunamis everywhere and basicly burying all the coastlines with all their cities drowning billions of people for the first death.        Are The Antichrist Kingdoms Coming from the Desert?
Antichrist kingdoms not coming from European UnionThe two-dimensional work of art depicted in this image is in the public domain worldwide due to the date of death of its author, or due to its date of publication. Thus, this reproduction of the work is also in the public domain. This applies to reproductions created in the United States (see Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp.), in Germany, and in many other countries.
Antichrist Kingdoms Not Coming From
 The European Union but From Desert
Nor are they coming from the Pope, Rome or America. The only place with kings on earth today that hate Jews and Christians and still beheads people (Revelation 20:4) is in the middle east.The Antichrist kingdoms will come from the middle east desert ( Revelation 17:3), Their authority will be given by God for one hour, Revelation 17:12(43.66 years at 1000 years = a day prophetic timetable, after militant Islam overthrew Iran also called Persia by the world until 1938 according to the CIA book of facts), these 43.66 years appear to have started when the new radical Persians overthrew the Shah of Iran ousting him in the late seventies leading to the global spread of radical Islam. For the multitudes slain by the Antichrist kingdoms, beheaded by sword during tribulation, were cleansed with their own and lambs blood (martyrdom) and given white robes,(Revelation 7:14, 20:4), by not denying Jesus is the Christ, the begotten son of God the Father. And what’s up with those images that have been on the dome of the rock since it was built? Click this link to see. Also read the inscriptions translated on the inside and the outside of the Dome of The Rock. This is where I believe the antichrist is coming from, the middle east desert. This is also my scripture that backs it from the new testament. Where do you believe the Antichrist and false prophet are coming from? What is your scripture to support what you believe? Please do not post long drawn out sermons. Please give supporting evidence from the bible.Â