Leaving Babylon Although You Were Born There
Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE
The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the process of tranfering it from Xanga. If you look to the left on my home page on Xanga you will see a massive archive of links. Well I also have a massive archive I havent even published yet. And add that to a massive archive that I never put in that link scroll. I guess the Lord is right, I have ten books. You may go visit my old Xanga homepage at this link: http://robertleere.xanga.com/weblogpreview TO DONATE
So I have been heartily typing my brains out on Xanga and now I am on WordPress where all revenue generated can go toward the gospel being spread throughout the earth. No longer will Xanga be advertising on my site getting them rich. The cost to publish and manufacture each book in a quantity where some can be distributed for free to those who cannot afford them is $15,000 for each book. There will be ten books according to what the Lord has led me. Now all we need are those that have already been blessed by my writings and interpretations to step up to the plate. Some of you are wealthy and can donate a considerable amount so others can be blessed, others are struggling to just get by. TO DONATE And still others yet cannot afford anything, it is not you I am speaking to. God’s words are free, the gospel is free and I will be darned if I am going to charge anyone to hear the truth of the gospel. But most of you can afford something, to support me, to minister to me as I have Ministered to you. Do you owe me? NO! But you owe it to God to support those sent by God that have ministered to you. If you have been blessed by this ministry, God Bless you and what you can give. Whether it is for a healing or miracle from God you seek, or a loved one that is sick send a note with your donation and I will hold you up in my prayers. I have explained the tiers of donations as books that I will publish.-TO DONATE
Leaving Babylon the Great
To leave Babylon we first must know what Babylon is. Babylon is not the Church, not any form of Apostate Christianity, nor any form of apostate Catholicism, not even the Pope. Babylon is not broken up into different forms like an economic and a political or a religious Babylon. This, my friends is the manipulation and twisting of God’s words.
 All of these kinds of explanations are nonscriptural and God will not only hold the foolish preachers spreading these lies accountable but all that attend their churches belonging to their denominations propping up false teachers will be judged according to the level they judge.
These really bad interpretations of prophecy do not hold water to even a  small amount of scriptural scrutiny. As a matter of fact, all of these explanations of who Babylon is are from foolish false prophets. Their prophecy interpretations only stand up if you place man’s words equal to God’s words. They come to us in long robes with calculators, some with chalkboards, hiding behind fluffy puffed up degrees avoiding debates in public forums. All of these explanations come from men, false preachers and foolish pastors, from those men placed higher than ourselves, with many tassels and silky scarfs calling themselves great teachers, when they are really foolish false prophets.  The bible has nothing in it giving any credence what so ever to these rumors spread by the rumor-mongerors and false prophets here and there the world over [t]hat have infiltrated the body of Christ.
Some ask, “What does God mean when in Revelation he talks about Babylon the Great?” This is the last thing that occurs in mankind’s journey to judgment day. Babylon the Great falls in all of chapter 18:1-24 of the book of Revelation. This key chapter unlocks this important mystery as to what and who Babylon the Great is. We find in Revelation chapter 19 a huge celebration in heaven indicating all of heaven had been waiting for this Babylon to fall ever since the fall of Adam and Eve and all creation in the Garden of Eden. This means the peculiar name of “Babylon the Great” is representative of something that has been around since the beginning of time as we know it. This chapter reveals who Babylon The Great is, what Babylon the Great is, revealed through revelation by the very charcteristics described by Jesus Christ, to the Apostle John of her fall. But in scripture we really do not see Babylon’s ugly head  until the tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9, unless we know who she is. Do you know who and what Babylon is? If it is not important to know who and what Babylon is as many preacch today than how can you explain the large amount of the bible that is about going to, coming out of or being intimately involved in the institutions of Babylon? Did you know that all Christians fall in one of three categories? All people are either leaving Babylon, going to Babylon or intimately involved with building the institutions of Babylon. Which group are you in?
Babylon the Great enjoys the worship of the false idols of silver and gold, of bronze, iron wood  and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand, Daniel 5:23. This is according to scripture. Babylon the Great worsips materilism, warfare and the covering of the entire earth with her cities. Babylon the Great worships the same false gods that Babylon worshipped which were the false gods they worshipped at the Tower of Babel. Silver and gold are materialism. Bronze and iron are warfare. Wood and Stone are buildings, skyscrapers and cities to cover the earth, Isaiah 14:23. The only difference between Babylon the Great, Babylon or the Tower of Babel  is that Babylon the Great is greater. According to Prophet Isaiah and God Satan is the invisible king of Babylon the Great that is attempting to cover the entire earth with cities that are planned by Satan, Isaiah 14:1-23.
The Tower of Babel, Babylon and Babylon The Great are all the same Mother Prostitute beast that keeps rising and bothering mankind. This beast devours by promoting the worship and envy of glittering wealth, materialism really, instead of a reliance upon God. Satan is the invisible king over these various kingdoms that have been misleading mankind thus devouring souls ever since Adam and Eve, decided to follow their words instead of the words given by God. This materialism is the worship of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone that build things like skyscrapers, armies eventually using warfare to dominate and consume more. It is in these cities that Satan creates slaves hurting the spirits of as mny as he can, creating a system of bitterness and nonbelief that leads to Atheism and Humanism. America today we now know to be Babylon the Great. All scripture reveas this and any other view is indefenable scripturally.
But if you look in the book of beginnings, Genesis one can see clearly in these pages it is only the first 10 pages of the bible where it appears we do not see Babylon, but Babyon is there and has been since the beginning. For Babylon is one of the beasts that when she fell all of heaven including all the angels shouted Hallelujah in a great multitude when she was finally fallen in one day, one hour, for she has been there since the beginning in the Garden of Eden, Revelation 19:1-8.
Wherever you see big cities on earth today the beast of Babylon is there in the midst promoting the worship of fase gods of wealth. The reason we do not see it though is it is a Great Mystery that only can be revealed by direct revelation from God. So Babylon really starts with the fall of the Garden of Eden, when Eve and Adam choose materialism over God, chose atheism and nonbelief over God, chose to do it their way instead of God’s protection and way, chose death over life. These we see were the same temptations when tempting Christ by Lucifer when Christ was offered all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, Matthew 4:8 NIV. This major temptation by Satan is representative of the gods of Babylon, gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood, Daniel 5:23 NIV. But we definitely see Babylon in the Tower of Babel. In fact this story in the book of beginnings by God has shadows and hints of the much later coming Babylon the Great, America.
First we see Babel than Babylon and now Babylon the Great. This means that the Babylon system will be at the height of her power, not just Babylon but Babylon the Great. Picture a wrestler coming out on the stage that has a great skill and experience doing what she does best, City Building, Warfare, Materialism, Atheism. But she is BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS!  God is announcing her to show that she has been there since the very beginning, her invisible king, Lucifer, Isaiah 14:3-21, has been tormenting mankind since the beginning of the fall of creation. This was Lucifer’s plan, to cover the earth with all his cities and all his debauchery like things seen in HOLLYWOOD and NEW YORK CITY.Â
But God tells Lucifer he will not succeed in Isaiah 14:23, thus we see the celebration in heaven when Babylon the Great, America falls, Revelation 19:1-8. The false gods of Babylon the great are the same as old Babylon, gods of silver and gold, , bronze, iron, wood and stone, that do not speak or breath, Daniel 5:23.
These theologians are like ravaging wolves dividing us by defining us, to be followers of a false wealth gospel  rather then our Christ, although taught we must give up all wealth to follow him, to be tithers when clearly Christ nor Paul ever promoted nor mentioned tithing, mosaic law, both were physically tormented, one crucified by the mosaic law followers, called by Christ followers of lawlessness, citizens of this world rather than citizens of heaven, to be sleeping sheep at a time when God calls us to “Wake Up Wake Up,”Jeremiah 51:39, and those who do not wake will sleep forever in death.
Listen to what Lord Almighty has for you who lines one’s pockets at the expense of your bretheran. Here is the banner, proclaim it to the body, reveal your sores allowing light to get in, to heal it, to bring unity. Quit sqaubbeling over insignificant things. Disgard those bandages rejecting theologians of lawlessness. Surely clean the wound with pain and scrubbing. Pour plenty of water so life may enter. For if you do not do these things your wounds will spread swelling with pressure to burst, but there will be no burst.
These theologians of lawlessness are slanderers when Lord Almighty warned against bearing false witness, to be followers of tradition instead of followers of God’s words;  as Roman Catholics when we are Christ followers, to be Lutherans when we are Christ followers, as Calvinists when we are Christ followers, to be Anabaptists when we are Christ followers, as Swiss Brethren when we are Christ followers, to be Amish when we are Christ followers, as Methodists when we are Christ followers, to be Church of Christ when we are Christ followers, as Baptists when we are Christ followers, to be Millerites when we are Christ followers , as Seventh Day Adventists when we are Christ followers, to be Mormons when we are Christ followers, as Jehovah’s Witnesses when we are Christ followers, to be Pentecostal when we are Christ followers, as Pentecostal when we are Christ followers, to be Assembly of God when we are Christ followers, to be Charismatic when we are Christ followers, to be Church of God when we are Christ followers, to be Bishops and Prophets when the time of Bishops and Prophets has ended, as slaves when we are Christ followers, to be alcoholics when we are Christ followers, as drug addicts when we are Christ followers, to be sexually addicted when we are Christ followers, as weak when we are strong, to be quiet when we should stir things up, to sit down when we should stand, to divide when we should unite, as busy when we should celebrate Sabbath and family,  to be preachers of mosaic law instead of preachers of faith, as readers of man’s words instead of readers of God’s words.
So what is Babylon then one may ask? Babylon [is] a system of city building that attempts to put the gods of Babylon, gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood above God. Babylon is in the strictest sense nothing but pure materialism. Pure materialism leads to pure atheism. C.S. Lewis states materialism and atheism are the same, and atheists agree. Atheism is worshipping man instead of God. Adam and Eve started humanism when they decided to follow their own desires, materialism, instead of God’s. Isaiah 14:3-21 when read states Lucifer himself is the invisible king of Babylon. This proves Babylon began with the fall of creation, not with Babel as some think. God tells Lucifer his kingdom of Babylon [will not] cover the earth with his cities, Isaiah 14:21. So Babylon is a system of city building led by Lucifer to cover the earth that is finally stopped when Babylon the Great falls in Revelation 18:1-24. To those in Babylon wealth is more important than God, more important than celebrating Sabbath, more important than family, more important than one’s own health, more important than eating right, more important than marriage, more important than children, even more important than truth and honor.
God is calling all his people to right now leave Babylon or you will share in her coming judgments. Cut your ties to Babylon now. Flee Babylon the Great. Sell your homes if you still have a mortgage you cannot pay.  Pay the mortgage if you can, if you cannot sell it to get out from under it. Cut your chains to the Mother of Prostitutes so you may flee for the time to flee is now. Do not look back for your gods of gold, silver, stone, marble and bricks. Break the manacles once and for all. Tear the band-aid off quickly so you may heal. Flee, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! For the time of her fall is coming, and it will be in one day and one hour. Flee to God’s protection out of Babylon. Take the path of faith like Abraham your father. Go to where Holy Spirit is taking you. Put on your wedding garments and get ready for the 1st Wedding Banquet. Sell your automobiles you owe money on, if you don’t owe money, keep only one, selling the others. Invest in renewable energy sources for your home, if you can. Shaker flashlights are good, wind up radios even better. Get solar rechargeable batteries. Start gardening to improve your skills in creating food. Learn to hunt and trap. Learn to survive cut off and away from the system of Babylon. Cut your ties to the great Mother Prostitute. The Lord Almighty says he will cut you off from Babylon whether you like it or not, then you will return to your own country in haste because you did not listen. And like the Laodiceans who love money so much you will be spit out into the fire being refined and purified so you can fill your empty jars with oil watching with great prayer in the 2nd and 3rd watch of the night going to those you thought you replaced and despised so much bringing the good news of grace.
So save money everywhere by doing things yourselves, return to the old ways of knowledge long forgotten. Learn how to make things by becoming independent from the system of Babylon the Great America.  GET READY NOW! Make things that save money cutting your ties by making of things like; soap suds, cheese, pickles, vegetable gardens, butter, ketschup, sausage, deer hunting, trapping, cutting wood rather than buying wood, installing a well on your property, installing anything solar, creating and spending more time with families, ministering to their very souls before it will be too late. Get wood stoves for winter preparing for 2nd and 3rd watches, so when the electric goes out you can still heat your home for your families. If your work allows it, sell your big homes purchasing small ones in cash moving to the deep rural areas. Many small towns have small humble homes for considerably less. CUT YOUR TIES NOW! All you have to do is look. Simplify your lives quickly so you are ready to flee when God requires you to do so. sell all your things except the bare minimum for the day of great trial is upon us, even at the door.
Do not panic but do everything orderly and quickly in a timely fashion. PUT YOUR WEDDING GARMENTS ON NOW! Cut your chains to Babylon now. Get Ready for the Lord has told us in scripture what will happen and when. But only few is it revealed to. Smash those manacles becoming free with the liberty Christ intends you to have. Quit seeking the things of this world, the gods of gold, silver, bronze, marble, stone, brick and wood. Why do you seek the gods that cannot breath or speak? If you are seeking them you are still in Babylon the Great. Flee Babylon and return to your own lands. Do not share in her judgments, for they are piled to the heavens in a double portion. Tell everyone quickly spread the news quietly to get ready for the first banquet, putting on your wedding garments. Break the chain locks now and flee. Wake up! Wake Up! Do not consult with the false prophets first, for they are not above Lord Almighty, nor are they above God’s words breathed through His prophets in the bible. Awake! Awake! for the long awaited bridegroom is coming and judgment of Babylon is coming soon, very soon, even at the door. Do not partake in Babylon’s judgments, so flee materialism, flee all the images which are a trap for the ungodly.  Babylon the Great, America is like an all consuming mountain that will soon be consumed herself. Do not be consumed with her. Her sins are piled to heaven. Do not fall with her, but escape her with the warning close to your heart. Do not look back, remember Lot’s wife!. Avoid the plagues of fire smoke and sulfur coming to her from Iran and the other Antichrist nations, Revelation 9:18. See, the Lord Almighty has told you it will happen even before it happens so you can flee.
Babylon the Great America will not cover the earth with her cities, nor will she inherit the earth so says the Lord Almighty, Isaiah 14:21, and Satan’s plan being known by Lord Almighty will be thwarted.  Babylon the Great America will not force God’s people to become like her, to laugh at the things she laughs at, to enslave those she enslaves, to mock the things she mocks, schooling children the way she manipulates children, proclaiming confusion when there is truth in God’s words, mocking things God doesn’t want mocked, eating more then God wants you to eat, to get drink so that you sleep forever and ever.Â
The reason I have not posted in awhile is I have been working the great sugar beet harvest here in Minnesota. This has been my new career change since moving to Minnesota from Virginia. Many of you are aware of my mid career crisis in which I had to change to something more appropriate for my age, with less labor, trucking.
Let us just say that it has been one miracle after the other. Our financial crisis ended November of last year after being forced to move in the hope that we could start over. We now know God was behind all this forcing to do something we would never have done, moving to a tiny little town. We gathered our belongings and struck off into the wild blue yonder winding up in a small town of less then a thousand, “Your town,” Minnesota. with only a small amount of cash to start over it has been one blessing after another. Our small amount of cash we brought with us has miraculously lasted getting us through this crisis in flying colors giving all glory to God.Â
Although neither of us were covered on unemployment insurance she found a job immediately the first month we moved to Minnesota. She always preferred a job working at home so she could be at home when our daughter got home from school. Somehow she found a sewing job that allowed her to work by the piece, paid by the piece. I figured the most she would make was about 4-5 dollars out of the home like that. It turned out she was making about 10-12 dollars per hour. This was the first miracle.
My case was a little tougher. I was attempting to have a career change to get my class A truckers licence, yet could not afford to attend one of the truckers schools in which they make you sign a contract to work to pay them back for a 1-2 year period, usually at low wages, working like a slave 70 hours weekly, never home, always out of town, basically living like a single man. This seemed like the best job for me since it was just driving, no labor, at least very little labor anyway. A truck driver could drive until he was pretty old, pay wasn’t bad, the skill was in demand. I thought if I could get licensed doing this while I am working on my seminary degree eventually I might be able to find some type of full time ministry job. Well it seems the full time ministry job will not come to fruition since my theology is basically sola scriptoria, scripture reveals scripture only. I know this doesn’t sound too radical but when you compare it to today’s typical denominational preacher or typical nondenominational preacher they follow men’s words a lot. Most of my teaching comes right out of the bible. So for me the only income is trucking.
But I tried to get a trucking position about two years ago before we moved, which would be three years ago. I took a plane out to Utah to a trucking school and it was like a nightmare. There was no restaurant at the school, no meals, and only vending machines with junk food, not even healthy food, in the few vending machines they had. There were these tiny 7×5 rooms with a bunk bed you shared with one other person, no dresser, not even hooks on the wall to hang shirts on. Walls were block, mattresses all had plastic on them so when you put your sheets on them they would slide off. Just filthy. I guess their typical trucker student didn’t take showers so they put plastic on the mattresses. And then throughout the night when anyone left their room to go to the bathroom way on the other side of the building, the door would slam so loud you couldn’t sleep at all. You had to sign a contract with them that you would agree to pay them back $6,000 dollars and they would agree to help you get your class A trucker’s CDL. but it was a one sided contract. They would provide you a certain amount of schooling for that price but additional schooling costs additional. Also they paid only by the mile once you graduated at a low milage rate. These things didn’t bother me much. My main concern was how much family time I would receive, how much home time. The recruiter promised me 1 day per 6 worked which was 4 days per month.  This seemed okay to me if the pay was decent, at that time a couple years ago we were unsuccessfully trying to pay our credit cards and save our house.
The recruiter had told me I could take 8 days off every 2 months, 8 days all at once. To me the 8 days all at once was non-negotiable since having only 2 or 4 or 6 days off I would be almost sleeping the entire time, no quality family time. I figured 8 days would be enough time to unwind and spend quality family time. The recruiter told me 8 days was no problem even though few truckers did it that way. But most truckers were not married. Turns out that once I was at the school after spending my own money on plane fare I found out the maximum days were 6, any more then 6 and they would take your truck away, giving you a different truck. Well, basically they were punishing you. At least this is how it came across to me. But no matter how hard I tried to negotiate with them on this they would not put it in the contract. So I left Utah to go back to Virginia, wasted money on plane fares and wasted time. This was my first experience with trucking schools and I did not like it. I found out later that they were not a good school nor did the drivers make any money. They promised the sky but very few made much money working for them the first couple years, because of the cost of the school and interest.
But the Lord had given me a vision that I would be a preaching truck driver. I just did not understand the specifics of that dream at that time. But right now in retrospect I know, for I can look back and see the Lord has done great things. I will not go into the specifics but it was one of the many dreams from the Lord I had over a couple year period.  I just didn’t know what the Lord was doing, but I had strong faith.  My wife was a basket case, for she never went low in her life. But The Lord had taken me low and high so very little phased me. All of this came as a result of very strong prayers and intercession I had made about six years ago for the spiritual growth of my wife and daughter. At least this is the way I see it when looking back in retrospect. I felt at that time [they] were both baby Christians without any real understanding of prophecy or spiritual growth. It was at this time that we quit going to structured church and I became the pastor of my family every Sunday at the kitchen table. I can honestly state that God took them out of their comfort zone but to a much more adult spiritual walk with the Lord. This has been a blessing beyond comprehension for us as a family. We have never looked back. As the father and pastor it was my responsibility to make sure they learned the gospel well and I did this. The average time of reading the bible every Sunday is about six hours with occasional short breaks. Their spiritual growth and command of scripture exceeds that of most pastors and preachers. We haven’t looked back since. Our family has grown so much closer and our prayer time during the week has increased dramatically. My daughter no longer picks the wrong friends to hang out with.
Okay people. The boring preliminary stuff is finished. I just wanted you to see what the Lord has done for me after allowing our economic situation to be completely devastated.
Do you know what I am doing? I am now working for a farmer harvesting Sugar Beets. I drive the semi-truck and he loads it with a huge combine. I am actually part of the harvest team working the great sugar beet harvest in the great state of Minnesota. Isn’t that amazing! So although we lost our house and everything, I think I told you, a miracle occurred. I met someone in this tiny little town in Minnesota we moved to near the border of Canada and North Dakota. So although we lost our house we also lost all the stress that came with owning it. We also lost all the stress that came with credit cards also.
Last December I met someone who owned a semi-truck, trailer alone 43 feet, he taught me how to drive it, let me use it for the Class A test, tested, passed it, never attending an expensive semi school, and now I work as part of a harvest team, during a time in the world that a great harvest of the earth is coming. He was an Australian that was at the hotel when I drove out here to see if there was an apartment to rent in the tiny town we moved to. He lived here locally.  We became friends and it turned out he used to own a very large trucking company.  He ended up lending me his semi to practice in the parking lot where he parked it.  He let me use it and to take the drivers test. This was a miracle since I did not have the money to go to school. This was also a miracle because what are the odds?Â
I mean what are the odds to not only meet someone but they trust you enough to use their semi and trailer, as expensive as they are, to practice for three months and to take the test? The odds are so slim they are beyond comprehension. It was God’s perfect will, it was God’s plan. Also God gave me a dream of it before hand. A miracle plain and simple.Â
Now get this, although we moved to this tiny little town my wife also was blessed with a job working for a factory in Minnesota sewing at home, so she works at home and just drives to the factory picking up her product 1X every 6 weeks.  She makes about twelve dollars per hour. Although she is filing bankruptcy and I have been not working for about three years unable to find work I could do I just recently started working a temporary two week harvest driving job.
This is very good because cost of living is very inexpensive in this tiny town, air is very clean, a lot of wildlife, good fishing. Everything just one big miracle. Every day now I am in these huge green harvest fields driving my assigned semi in the fields, luscious green as far as the eye can see, fill the 43 foot trailer, bring to another little town and start all over again. Sometimes the Lord puts up a stop sign
in our lives for us to slow down and heal. We didn’t put it there, an authority from heaven did. We think things are horrible when we have to stop for we do not understand the danger just beyond, the stop sign placed there by God is to protect us so we do not stumble. But if we do stumble we must as all righteous do, get up immediately, praying immediately for strength and guidance and wisdom from God to avoid stumbling again.
     My daughter walks 1 1/2 blocks to school. This town has everything we need, although very small. My wife and daughter did not wish to move to such a little town. They were praying adamantly for God to not take them here, but God did take them here, to a place out of Babylon, a place of redemption that flows of milk and honey. They absolutely love it here and now realize it was God’s purpose and will for them to leave Babylon and flee the coming plagues that will be poured out in a double portion upon the heads of those who refuse to leave Babylon.
It is so peaceful here, beyond comprehension. Everyone is so nice, very different then the big city life. We just love it here. Here is the truck I drive during the sugar beet harvest. The trailer is 43 feet long!Â
We have to follow the farmer in the field while the loader loads the truck with sugar beets. Sugar beets are a un edible vegetable that grows in the ground shaped like one of those old wooden tops you would wind the string around and spin it on the floor. The only difference is that the top of the top would be about 5 to 6 inches across, but shaped like a top, shaped like a wide tornado. The lifter takes them out of the ground while I had to driver the semi right beside it. The blue semi above doesn’t look like it is
moving but it is very slowly, about 5 moper while the lifter is moving 5 moper beside it filling the trailer. After about 20 minutes the trailer is full and then the driver must drive it to the piler in Charlesville. This is where the sugar beets are unloaded out of the trucks by various methods depending on the truck. Some are like a dump truck dumping the sugar beets onto the conveyer belt others have a conveyer belt which is part of the trailer itself.  This is a daytime shot in which there is no semi unloading yet but you can see the huge pile of sugar beets in the back ground. That hill you see is actually about fifty feet high. Here are some night pictures of the same thing.
Here is another picture.
 You cannot see the conveyer belts but they are right below where the semis are dumping the
sugar beets.Here are the fields we harvested them from. And here. My hours w
ere 12am to 12pm for about 2 weeks. So every morning I was harvesting with the sun rising.Â
 The beauty was beyond comprehension!
It was amazing being part of this great harvest in Minnesota.  We had to be careful when coming back to the field to not miss our turns. If you missed your turn on the road it became more dangerous because you had to turn around. When you have to turn around with a 43 foot trailer you usually had to back up. Backing up at night is almost impossible because you cannot not see. Just like us Christ followers we should never get off the narrow winding path to heaven. So for safety they would put cones out so we could easily see where we turn. Out there all the
farm fields look the same, but cones remind you where to turn. We are to stay on the straight and narrow, never turning right nor left or taking the easy broad road of destruction. We are to witness at all costs taking the gospel to a hostile world.
If your speeding you still could miss your turn which led to danger. Sometimes we Christ followers are going to fast in life, not paying attention to the signs the Lord gives us, not knowing when the path turns sharply. If we are not careful and wise we can get off the narrow path of redemption. This is the path that winds up the mountain to the Father, to God. God leaves us signs that are clearly seen, clearly visible on this road we call life. Let us all watch for these important signs.
Then sometime the path turns in the road and we must slow down for there is danger up ahead. This could be a place that if we are not careful could cause us to stumble and be injured. We must avoid these spiritual injuries for there are many types. But the main thing for us to remember always is to get up quickly when we stumble and fall, repenting and learning from what caused us to stumble.
But all else we are to participate in the great
harvest. I am talking of a world harvest that is already upon us, that most Christians are not participating. It is God’s will that we harvest now, for the fields are all green and ripe and ready for harvest. We must rescue all that are on the way to the lake of fire! Let us not be ashamed when the Son of the farm comes back from His long absence finding us sleeping while everyone else is working!
Some pictures of the towns
around us.
For the last three days I have been doing a different job the Lord has brought into my path. Once again it was very long hours at this separate harvest. Instead of participating in the harvest of Sugar Beets this lat weekend I have been working on a team harvesting corn.Â
But this time instead of driving a truck I have been driving a tractor that pulls a long cutter. This cutter has very sharp blades that cut the corn chafe into little pieces that will be turned and twisted into the ground to turn back to dirt again that will be used again for a new crop. So although I am part of the harvest team harvesting corn, my job specifically deals with the chafe that is left over after the corn picker comes by. I deal with the part that is thrown away.Â
The cutter blades must be sharp, so all chafe is cut up. I must be very careful not to go over the row when cutting the headlong.
The headlong is on the east and west side of the field that is harvested first. It is in this part that both the tractor pulling the cutter and the corn picker are working side by side, next to each other.Â
During this part I must be very careful I am staying in my row and not drifting for if I drift I will cut up good corn, good harvest.Â
There can be no mistakes or the Father gets very upset. In this sense the angels at the time of the end, the soon coming great  thrashing floor harvest of the world will work like machines never making even one mistake.Â
Those chafe will be separated from the fruit of Jesus Christ, the Branch, and will be cut up and cast aside to the wind turning to debri nothing good except to be tossed into the lake of fire. Here are some pictures of the great corn harvest in Minnesota.
Let us not forget the road God has placed us on and the
 dangers we encounter on it.
If you were blessed by this sermon on prophecy consider this: Like Paul, I ask of no money from you, like the many false prophets of today wearing big gold watches and chains, the many diamonds they flash with their expensive showy clothes, showy cars and houses with many rooms, worshipping their idols of Babylonian materialism.  I ask of no money, even though, if asking  for money I would be right not wrong, and everyone feeding at this trough would be obligated to support the trough builder’s servant.  I only ask of one thing in this matter. Tell others of this web site, giving proper credit where due, providing easy click links, so that they [also]  may be blessed as you [also] were blessed, waking them up to the times in which we live, just as Christ repeatedly woke up the three imploring them to pray and watch what would soon happen…to Christ…to all mankind.
May we all see God’s back leaving Babylon the Great, America, Revelation 18:4.