My Commentary On the Book of Zechariah Part 4
Sheep Marked For Slaughter Compliments of
   My Commentary
on the Book Of
Zechariah Part Four
                              Chapters 6&7
       This is my commentary on the book of Zechariah part 4. This book’s prophetic meaning is now revealed to the body of Christ. My comments are not meant to replace the word of God, nor be added to it. They are meant only as a guide for you to compare my interpretation to what the Holy Spirit leads you.Â
       Please comment on areas that you feel are wrong and I will be happy to reconsider. Please cite scriptural facts with specifics. My only intention is to teach on the book of Zechariah and the interpretations God revealed to me, subject at hand.Â
     Lack of leadership in the body of Christ on prophecy is unending. Those who are pastors and teachers constantly ignore these prophetic books. The rejection of prophecy has let to a great crisis in the church today.  To teach the bible without teaching prophecy is just plain wrong.
My goal as a teacher is to fill this gap.
      Let us break bread and open the book of Zechariah, chapters 6 & 7. Please read this, [only], side by side when you have your bible with you. I use an NIV so I put those words here so it is easy for you to see what God stated in his holy bible.Â
Please be careful and do not place my words equal to those in the bible for they are not.  This is just commentary only and I am not adding or taking away from the bible according to Revelation 22:19.
This is only a commentary of a long line of commentaries down through the last 2000 years. But I do believe this interpretation is far superior to any interpretation out there today.
Please pray for God to wake you up and give you the proper interpretation of these prophecies so you may warn and wake up the body of Christ of the soon coming Day of the Lord. I have placed my words in a different color, this color, so that you may differentiate them from God’s words.
                                                      Four Chariots    1 I looked up again—and there before me were four chariots coming out from between two mountains—mountains of bronze! 2 The first chariot had red horses, the second black, 3 the third white, and the fourth dappled—all of them powerful. 4 I asked the angel who was speaking to me, “What are these, my lord?”    5 The angel answered me, “These are the four spirits [a] of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world. 6 The one with the black horses is going toward the north country, the one with the white horses toward the west, [b] and the one with the dappled horses toward the south.”    7 When the powerful horses went out, they were straining to go throughout the earth. And he said, “Go throughout the earth!” So they went throughout the earth.    8 Then he called to me, “Look, those going toward the north country have given my Spirit [c] rest in the land of the north.”
              Four Chariots are Four
Winds/Spirits of Heaven
     The four chariots are a hint that God is coming this time not as a servant but to conquer. God controls the wind and these four winds are from heaven,  from God. They conquer as churners of the seas giving rise to four beasts of war that are used as a judgment on mankind. In the bible chariots were almost always used at war, each of these four Beasts will be represented in the battle of Armageddon. These chariots are the four winds/spirits from heaven behind the beasts that were holding back the beasts some before the time of the end for the Four Beasts to come to the valley of Armageddon.
This is the same number, four,  as the four horns and four craftsmen mentioned Zechariah 1:18-21, but actually are the four winds, four spirits, of heaven held back by God until , Daniel 7:2, Revelation 7:1, all the twelve tribe tribulation saints, 144,000 are protected with the seals of the
living God.  Although these winds are not released until after the rapture, Revelation 7:1, we will already see the characteristics of these beasts of war before hand.
These beasts are nothing more then (1.) Beast of Babylon the Great, America, Lion with torn off wings that became like a man with a man’s heart; (2.) Russia, Bear with ribs in teeth reclining on side; (3.) Passive Islam, four headed winged Leopard with Bear Paws (4.) Antichrist and false Prophet radical Islam Beast.
The only place I know with horse colors in scripture is in Revelation chapter 6. There is no other place I am aware of. It would make sense to apply the same definition here since most theologians consider the book of Zechariah to be the mini book of Revelation. It states like this:
Four Horses Apocalypse
Red Horse-WW3–people slay each other- lot of blood-rider
given a sword, Revelation 6:4.
Black Horse–Famine-days wages for quart of wheat, Revelation 6:6.
White Horse–Rider given bow and crown to conquer,Revelation 6:2.
Pale Horse–
Rider named death, Hades followed, Revelation 6:8.
                 The Four Chariots
      The placing of the four chariots vision coming right after chapter five in which the flying scroll curse that went throughout the earth and the measuring wickedness basket that is placed in a distant Babylonia says to me that these four chariots also called the four winds of heaven actually are the same four winds in Daniel 7:2-3 that churn up the seas and four beasts come out of. These four winds are also mentioned in Revelation 7:1 as being held back by four angels.
So to me these four winds of heaven, four chariots, are held back until right after the rapture of the five virgins church with jars of oil.
      When these winds of heaven are released the four beasts which are all drawn to the valley of Armageddon to make war come up out of the sea so to speak to fight. These winds or spirits of heaven churn up the seas in which four beasts come out of these seas during these last 6-7 year 1/3 of tribulation.
These winds of heaven are the same seen in Revelation 7:1 which is during the last third part of tribulation, a 6-7 year period, The Great Harvest Period, Genesis 30:32-31:41. This was the last period of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble which represents the last third of the twenty year Time of Jacob’s Trouble.
These curses and judgments show fulfillment on the earth during these last seventy years thus the same four horses of the apocalypse precipitated into a purer stronger form of evil but similar form of judgment related to the four horses of the apocalypse, Revelation chapter six. This is not one beast at a time living and dying rising in a distinct order in which the last one , antichrist Islamic nations, are the most terrifying.
      But all four beasts rising one at a time during this last third of tribulation period, last 6-7 years of tribulation in which perfect fulfillment occurs and prophecy becomes more exact.    We know this because Daniel 7:12 indicates that after the last most terrifying beast is destroyed by God the other three beasts will still be somewhat alive and allowed to live for a period of time.
      The fourth beast will be given authority by God for the last 43.66 years of this seventy year period. This means that all four beasts will arise to make war during these last seventy years and be their strongest and most terrifying during the last 1/3 of tribulation , a 6-7 year period. Keep in mind that these are also called in verse 5 the four spirits, winds,  of heaven.
These four chariots represent four angels who have been holding back the four winds of heaven and earth until around the rapture or even some period of time during the last 1/3 of tribulation, a 6-7 year period just after the Rapture.
The first Red Chariots–Represents blood throughout earth,
scripture not list which direction they went–so they went everywhere, see Revelation 6:4.
The second Black Chariots–Went to the north to churn the water with high winds for the beast in the north, North America for it gave the Lord’s Spirit rest. Gave rest because of the fall of Babylon the Great, America in one day one hour, all heaven rejoiced, Revelation chapter 19:1-8. The Black represents famine after the fall of the beast of Babylon the Great. A days wages for quart of wheat & three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, see Revelation 6:6.
The Third White Chariots–To churn the waters for the last beast, see Revelation 6:4, The Antichrist and False Prophet to them was given authority for one hour, (~ 41.66 years, ~ March 1977 to ~ October 2018) Revelation 17:12. This authority ends ~ 2018.
The Fourth Dappled Chariots—To churn the waters and bring both life and death at the same time to all of creation. Death because the chariot horses are pale like, Revelation 6:8. Life because the horse is also dappled or spotted and represents the great harvest of the earth, Genesis 30:31-31:41.
Here is an appropriate quote that relates, let us read.
                 NIV Revelation 6:8
      I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
This can be none other then the antichrist nations themselves which are all Islamic. Notice the word “They” implies that all four horses did these things to over one fourth the earth. Notice also they are all bent on conquering, a specific characteristic of the antichrist nations and their religion. Also they today control about exactly 1/4th the earth. Notice it also says “given” in the sense of given authority for one hour or 43.66 years, Revelation 17:12, as defined by Peter in 2nd Peter, 3:8.
  Let us study how God looks at mountains in scripture. God many times met those who were or became his followers on high mountains. It appears there is some significance of these images left in our minds when we review these instances in scripture. God, remember could have revealed himself anywhere, under some magnificent tree, before a back drop of some magnificent comet or on some huge beach with the waves crashing behind. But in most instances God required the individual to climb up the mountain and take off his shoes for he was on holy ground. Now we have a man standing with horses of different colors, Myrtle Trees. Later we see from a distance two mountains of bronze and this time horses of war which is what chariots represent. Let us see if we can figure out what these mountains of bronze are by studying everywhere in scripture God talks of mountains.
Verse-1-Mountains in scripture are always portrayed as spiritual places to have encounters with God. When Moses had his encounter with God he climbed mount Sinai to meet God. He later received the ten commandments and detailed teaching by G-d which became the first five books of the bible, Torah, basis for all mosaic law and how to live, Deuteronomy 33:2; Judges 5:4-5.
      When Christ took Peter, James and John to watch Him be transfigured after climbing up a tall unnamed mountain in which they had an encounter with God the Father, God the Son, Moses and Elijah, Mark 9:2-7, Matthew 17:1-9.
Encounters with God on Mountains
Mountain Ararat-Noah laid the Ark, Ge 8:4.
Mountain Moriah-Abraham sacrificed an
offering provided by God instead of Isaac, Ge 22:2.
Mountain Horeb-, geographically indistinguishable from Sinai,
Moses saw burning bush, Mk 9:2.
Mountain Sinai-, indistinguishable from Horeb,
The law was given, Ex 19:11.
Mountain Ebal- The curses of Leviticus were read, Dt 11:29, 27:11-13.
Mountain Gerizim-the blessings of Leviticus were read, Dt 11:29, 27:11-13.
Mountain Carmel-Elijah’s famous sacrifice, 1st Kings 18:19.
Mountain of Olives–Christ’s ascension, Acts 1:12
Mountain Nebo–Moses died on, Dt 32:48
Mountains of Bashan–Envious of the mountains
where God reins, Psalms 68:15.
Mountain Gilboa, Philistines slay many Israelites & Saul
falls on sword, 1st Samuel 31:1-4.
Hills of Ephraim-Joshua 17:15, Judges 2:9,4:5,7:24
Hill country of Gilead, Where Jacob fled to during the
end of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble when Laban
was chasing after him, Genesis 31:21.
Hill country that is fine–Moses description of Israel, Palestine, Dt 3:25
Hill country of Judea–Where John the Baptist’s parents
lived, Zechariah & Elizabeth, Luke 1:40.
These two mountains are a continuation of the same vision in chapter 1:8 of the man in the ravine of myrtle trees with the different color horses. This ravine is the same as a valley. A valley must have two mountains for if their is only one mountain it is not a valley, not a ravine.
These mountains are made of bronze, a strong metal, instead of dirt and earth which man can move and manipulate so he can easily go through or around it.
The bible constantly shows those who are willing to seek God can find him. Over and over they climb these [real] mountains and God comes down to meet them somewhere near the top.
The valley, ravine, is the valley of decision. All men must make a decision in their lifetime of which mountain to climb, mountain of man or mountain of God.
                                Valley of Decision Â
Do you go off and build the city of man or the city of God? This is the valley of decision and all must choose to get through.  You cannot go around or through a tunnel to avoid choosing. choose one or the other.
Tower of Babel to Babylon the Great
The bible starts with after the last judgment of the world a building of a mighty skyscraper called the Tower of Babel. God said the city building was going too fast back then, man was getting too smart too quickly. Technology spreading too fast. So God confuses their languages and scatters them throughout the earth.  This Tower of Babel later became the city of Babylon and later the empire of Babylon causing the prophesied desolation of Israel, [Judah], for 70 years as decreed by God breathed through Jeremiah. God would allow the horns to destroy Israel for 70 years. A period of time selected by God himself.
Babylon the Great, City of Man
Like a Bronze MountainÂ
Babylon the Great is called a destroying mountain by God, Jeremiah 51:25. We see in Revelation chapters 17 and 18 this same Babylon with a new name called Babylon the Great. We know this is the same Babylon, only a greater one, because in Daniel 2:36-38 Nebuchednezzar is told, by Daniel and  God,  he is the king of kings of a kingdom made by man to the ends of the earth, given dominion by    God. Some say Babylon the Great is Iraq, others the Catholic church, still others yet Apostate Christianity. We know [t]his cannot be according to the Fig Tree prophecy, and the Times of the Gentiles Over prophecy; One fulfilled in 1948, the other fulfilled in 1967.   We now know that Babylon the Great must be America. But God, who teaches not only by scripture through his prophets, also teaches through all of creation, the stars and even world history gives us a strong hint through history. God in all his mercy let us know this when America invaded Iraq and Iraq became under the dominion of America. This also means America is Babylon the Great. This we know does not contradict scripture but backs up what God has already taught us through Revelation chapters 17 & 18, Jeremiah chapters 50 & 51 & Isaiah chapter 13. For us to ignore such a massive amount of scriptural evidence, history of Islam and the church and prophecy is not wise.
For this kingdom, Babylon the Great, is a kingdom of city building that results in the greatest city man ever built, America, the best man can do. America is the best city man can build, best man can do without God. This is the same city described by the angel to John in the book of Revelation 17:5 with the tattoo on her forehead which says Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth, America, the best man can do by himself without God.  This is the materialism [atheism] that has plagued mankind since Adam and Eve let Satan in at the fall of creation.  For this city is a bronze mountain in the valley of decision. What a picture we have of her with that tattoo. Like she is walking out of the biggest city on earth.
Meaning of City in Biblical Times
      So what in the world did they think during the time of Apostle John when he received the words of this book of Revelation form Jesus Christ? What did the word city mean to people who lived in this time and what did it mean when someone did not live in a city?
For one thing when someone told someone else they were a Roman or from Rome this meant this person was able to bathe everyday with soap, they had running water where you lived, even where you went to the bathroom there was water that swept clean the odor and uncleanness of your bodily functions. It also meant you were able to always wear clean clothes, even if they were white.
To be from Rome or Roman also meant a sense of legal protection when visiting other countries or cities. Other cities could not place a roman citizen under their legal system for fear of the diplomacy of Rome itself.
But there were other meanings when someone stated they were a Roman, or from a big city. Besides the common arrogance when someone claimed these People also assumed you were always safe and able to raise your babies safely, absent of violence which was common place outside the city.
If there was a fire there was some type of plan to put out the fire, volunteer or otherwise. There were policemen and some type of justice and safety. There was a marketplace close by to visit and purchase food by barter or trade. There was some type of advanced educational and vocational institution for the kids and adults a like.
There were soldiers capable of defending the city should a neighboring city, and there always was, decide they wanted to rape and pillage and steal everything in your city. The best of cities were always backed up by the best of soldiers. There would be many high paying jobs and roads everywhere so people would be able to get from one side to the other easily.  America is the best example of one giant city from sea to shining sea. No matter where you go in America you have all these things.
         New Jerusalem
the other Bronze Mountain
The other bronze mountain is God’s mountain and if we want to follow
Gd we must climb this mountain.  Moses climbed it to receive the law for all of us and teach us how to live. God asked Moses and three prophets to get seventy elders to climb up the mountain and then God would come down and dwell with them, Exodus 24:9-10. They all saw God that day observing Him as they ate an drank and were counted as worthy because of it, because they were willing to climb God’s mountain.
Psalm 74:2 speaks of a mount Zion in which today, we can find no physical location on earth, for this is the mountain where God dwells.  We must climb this mountain in our heart using the tools God gave us, His holy words the bible. This is the mountain Jesus Christ, Lamb, is standing on in Revelation 14:1.  This mountain is also seen in the whole of chapter 21, Revelation, called New Jerusalem. The measurements are 1400 miles long as wide & 1400 miles tall.
New Jerusalem Shaped
Like a Brass Mountain
Some theologians say New Jerusalem will be shaped like a square cube. I believe New Jerusalem will be shaped like a mountain, brass maybe, like a city with the tallest things in the center. This would still be scriptural, and, my opinion more accurate. For John is given the measurement and description of this city called New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven, right after the judgment of the greatest city man built, a great city called Babylon the Great, [America]. But God has an answer to all the weeping and sour grapes that spread throughout the earth.
                     Mankind Climbing the Wrong Mountain
      Babylon the Great called a destroying mountain by God, Jeremiah 51:25. The answer is mankind was climbing the wrong mountain so God sent judgment to this mountain, city of man, in one hour, one day. God wanted man’s attention during this separation of the goats from the sheep by the angels at the threshing floor where the chaff is separated from the grain and thrown in the fire that never quenches.
           God’s Solution is New Jerusalem
So in Revelation chapter 21 God is pointing one finger at Babylon the Great, America and it’s fall by fire in one hour, one day. This is one mountain of bronze. And God is pointing to the solution which is in the heavens coming down, 1400 miles by 1400 miles to a point 1400 miles tall, shaped like a giant pyramid coming down to earth, the City Christ the carpenter built, the city God built as a perfect example of how we can be prosperous and follow G-d at the same time. The perfect example of how we can care for the widowed and those without parents. For this is what God has been teaching us since the beginning right after the flood.
          Temptation & Life
is in the Heart
Satan led Christ to a very high unnamed mountain offering the kingdoms of the world in trade for worship, Matthew 4:8.  Since this mountain is unnamed it almost seems to be a shadow of Christ’s followers in which it is our hearts that God wants, where temptation occurs. and this is where the biggest battles are. Not in physical things and following laws and regulations, but in our hearts. So we must repent of our sins and cleanse our tear our hearts.
A Crown for Joshua
   9 The word of the LORD came to me: 10 “Take silver and gold from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon. Go the same day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah. 11 Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak. 12 Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the LORD. 13 It is he who will build the temple of the LORD, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two.’ 14 The crown will be given to Heldai, [d] Tobijah, Jedaiah and Hen [e] son of Zephaniah as a memorial in the temple of the LORD. 15 Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the LORD, and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the LORD your God.”Footnotes:
- Zechariah 6:5 Or winds
- Zechariah 6:6 Or horses after them
- Zechariah 6:8 Or spirit
- Zechariah 6:14 Syriac; Hebrew Helem
- Zechariah 6:14 Or and the gracious one, the
These visions were given to Zechariah one year after Daniel gave his fervent prayer that was answered immediately by Gabrial the Angel interrupted Daniel’s prayer to give him the answer. So this whole book is about Israel and the 70 years of desolation and the future 70 years of craftsmanship. For scripture teaches this all over. Even Gabrial gave Daniel the answer he was praying for. Daniel was praying for Israel to never again go through a seventy year desolation period, to overcome all sin and to always see God’s back, never His face, Read all chapter 9 Daniel.
So Gabriel interrupted Daniel’s prayer because he was a bearer of good news. Daniel would receive exactly what he was praying for. Daniel was praying for all redemption of Israel and for all sin to be put away.
When we read Daniel 9:20-24 we see that Gabriel brings to Daniel the exact thing he is praying for, full final redemption for all Israel. Gabriel tells Daniel this redemption will be accomplished during a period of the same period they just came out of, 70 weeks. This 70 weeks are seventy times the Feast of Tabernacles, are celebrated which would take 70 years to accomplish this.
Many theologians take the view that this period was 70 X 7 years or 490 years thus ushering in the Chr-st. This is the wrong view and is not supported by scripture.
In fact this view is a similar view to Jewish theologians right before the time of Chr-st. Jewish theologians believed that it was 70 X7 X 6 days of creation.  And just like the many protestant theologians today on Daniel, you would add some years for this, you would take away years for that and then you would arrive at the right date for what you were trying to prove. This is not from G-d people! Quit putting God’s words equal to man’s words!
So, some may ask why all this? Because the book of Zechariah is directly related to all the books of the bible related to when they were in Babylon, which was a 70 year period. To teach anything else is teaching these books out of context.
Justice and Mercy, Not Fasting   1 In the fourth year of King Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah on the fourth day of the ninth month, the month of Kislev. 2 The people of Bethel had sent Sharezer and Regem-Melech, together with their men, to entreat the LORD 3by asking the priests of the house of the LORD Almighty and the prophets, “Should I mourn and fast in the fifth month, as I have done for so many years?”   4 Then the word of the LORD Almighty came to me: 5 “Ask all the people of the land and the priests, ‘When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it really for me that you fasted? 6 And when you were eating and drinking, were you not just feasting for yourselves? 7Are these not the words the LORD proclaimed through the earlier prophets when Jerusalem and its surrounding towns were at rest and prosperous, and the Negev and the western foothills were settled?’ “   8 And the word of the LORD came again to Zechariah: 9 “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. 10Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In your hearts do not think evil of each other.’   11 “But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and stopped up their ears. 12They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen to the law or to the words that the LORD Almighty had sent by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. So the LORD Almighty was very angry.   13 ” ‘When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,’ says the LORD Almighty. 14‘I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations, where they were strangers. The land was left so desolate behind them that no one could come or go. This is how they made the pleasant land desolate.’ ”
Verse 1-3–In the fourth year of Darius, two years from the first part of Zechariah, is approximately three years after Daniel received his seventy weeks answer from Gabrial the angel, two years after Haggai the prophet received the word of the lord which became the book of Haggai respectively. The book of Ezra was written also three years earlier.
      G-d states in verse 4-7 a rhetorical question in which the L-rd insinuates something. That he is not happy with Israel yet. G-d is stating they were fasting and in the fifth and seventh months, [August & October on western calenders) for the wrong reasons. And that when eating and drinking with the appointed Feasts they were not celebrations of G-d, but celebrations of themselves.
Verse 8-10 the Lord gives the true answer to please G-d. G-d states do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In your hearts do not think evil of each other.
Verse 11-13 sounds a lot like Chr-st’s descriptions of the pharisees and sadducees in the four gospels. They made their hearts like flint, hard and not soft. They would not listen to G-d’s words spoke through the earlier prophets. These earlier prophets would be Moses, Jeremiah, Ezekial, Job, Jonah, Elijah, Samuel. G-d ends with a statement of fact that they would be scattered again and the redemption and restoration of the 2nd Temple which started three years prior would never know it’s former glory when G-d visited often. Â
