New-Found Prophecies in Revelation: Almost All Prophecies Revealed Section 1
New-Found Prophecies
© Almost All Prophecies Revealed
Section #1
New-Found Prophecies
© Almost All Prophecies Revealed
Section #1
This is the room I sat weeping like Jeremiah did when numerous mysterious prophecies were opened and revealed to me in dreams after great search of the scriptures and prayer with scripture links as proof as I pondered the mystery’s significance opened quickly writing my interpretations down using as many tools I could find like using all the many many theology books at my side, theological dictionaries, Islam Qur’ans with Hadiths, numerous translations of consideration with the ones not to, historical Jewish writers like Josephus that all seminaries require plus all the different at many times contradicting church Fathers, books by reformers like Calvin, Luther, Wesley and the rest with all their confusions of cloudiness many times mucking up truth to promote their own slants.
But all in all it was the testimony of 8 perfect Witnesses including their quotes in scripture that we are to use strict Solo Scriptura in all scripture interpretations for this is in fact the very will of God according to all scriptures: The Apostle John said so in Rev. 22:18-19; Apostle John received every word in Revelation from Jesus Christ on the Island Patmos who said he brought it from His Father, Rev. 1:11-20; 10:1-4; 10:8-10; Moses said so in Deut. 4:2; Jeremiah with Jer.2:13, Isaiah claims Our God is the only God whose words in the end are revealed by God’s words in the beginning, Is. 46:9-10; The powerful Apostle Paul’s True Gospel and revelation of the False Gospel came from no man, no prior disciple that walked with Christ, no church Elder, no denomination but by Old testament scripture only in the deep wilderness (Arabah is East & South of Jordan River) alone for 3-years starting just 3-days later after blinded, saved & healed by Jesus Christ, Gal. 1:11-24, Heb. 13:8; Prophet John is the last prophet and the bible is closed to all future face to face revelation for all of John’s words in Revelation came from Jesus Christ who delivered it from His Father God who is Our father God in Heaven also, Rev.22:18-19, Matt. 6:3-18; The last Prophet John claimed Jesus Christ was the word in the beginning, the Son of God Jesus Christ in the Trinity, whom Christ breathed all scripture thru the prophets because the last prophet John calls Christ the Word, Jn. 1:11-34; All these scriptures are linked and should all be quoted with each other for they all reveal each other Solo Scriptura. These important scriptures opened my eyes revealing that all truth in scripture comes by the strict following of Solo Scriptura. Following these Solo Scriptura principals is the very basis of all my interpretations in scripture whether they were accepted or rejected in my interpretations of almost all prophecy. Almost All the Prophecies to me comes from them and not me, nor the reformers for before the reformers said “Sola Scriptura” these perfect witnesses in scripture were shouting from the mountain tops “Solo Scriptura! “Moses did via Our Father God in Heaven, Jeremiah did, Isaiah did, Apostle Paul did, and the last prophet John did via Jesus Christ for Revelation was written last and prophecy ended when God issued his two warnings confirming Moses. These perfect witnesses had already communicated that all prophecies were opened and revealed by “Solo Scriptura Prophetiam Interpretatur,” Meaning in English “Only Scripture Interprets Prophecy.” These important skills in the interpreting of all scriptures were taken used and considered in the writing of my book “New-Found Prophecies in Revelation: Almost All Prophecy Revealed,”
There are materials that will assist you more if you have them in your studies on the book of Revelation and this commentary. Here’s what I would consider a minimum:
- An NIV, NKJV & KJV translations if you can…Best to have physical books on hand to review throughout day.
- 1 to 3 Qur’ans with different translations. I see them for 50 cents all the time at a re-sell shop like Salvation Army or Goodwill, same as bibles.
- A Compositions book to take notes. For those that do not know hat these are they are those lined blank page binding books at Walgreen’s like stores.
- a highlighter to highlight certain scripture quotes in your composition notebook.
- An internet connection to search the Hadiths and Qur’ans and bible translations quickly saving you labor & time, or buy them if easier and cheaper used, if necessary to read them as I quote them. Of course this would be a solution for these other things I mentioned.
- If you get tired and do not understand certain prophecies I quote, sleep on them and start again in morning when your mind is fresh. Do not forget these are spiritual attacks when you suddenly get sleepy upon heavy studies in the scriptures such as this.
These interpretations
on this Commentary on Revelation
Come From No Man nor Church Official But Scripture Only
This image above is the direction I’m heading in the design of the Hardcover. This 11″ x 14″ hardcover will have over 540,000 words, extra pages at the end of each section to take copious notes, thoughts and scripture quotes so that when the reader returns they can look at their own notes & thoughts.
There are also sections in the front space of the book with Section scripture quotes and prophecies so the large blank note pages at the bottom the reader can transfer their own scripture quotes and notations of thoughts to encourage creative thoughts on prophecy. All of this is to encourage creative interpretation via the holy Spirit and the scriptures to consider.
This is the purpose of the extra wide margins with extra pages at the end of each of the 8-Sections that cover the entire book of Revelation. These are for jotting down personal notes, scriptures, thoughts and notes so one can easily return to later to re-consider one’s own stance on RobertLeeRE’s original interpretation and scripture quotes. This commentary will also have extensive charts & diagrams shipped separately or attached within binding as foldouts to frame with glass or put up on a wall to look at and think about.
The number of these charts and diagrams in all my commentaries will be surprising to many of you as you will see many of them in this Section-1 reading. Let this be the value and quality you can expect from any of the things I author. At this time I have chosen to not publish this with Amazon. I also decided against an agent of another publishing house interested in which I also declined. He wanted me to turn my manuscript over to his highly credentialed expert in theology, (so he claimed) that would approve some things and disapprove others. I just felt I could not trust them.
My view has always been that my authority comes from God’s words in absolute scriptures in the bible. There is no denomination, no man, nor preacher, teacher or missionary group nor outfit I would place over me as an authority over me. These interpretations are not my own but as scriptures confirm.
These Prophetic Interpretations
Have Come to You From
No Man
Just as Apostle Paul’s Gospel
Gal. 1:11-24, Rev. 1:11; 1:13; 1:9-18; 10:1-4; 10:9-11; 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Ex. 34:27-29, Is. 46:9-10
The most important lesson to learn in the learned skill taught by Our Father in Heaven is in the proper interpretation of all scripture and prophecy is that no interpretation of scripture nor prophecy comes from no man nor seminary, no church nor denomination, no church teaching, no pastor, no elder, nor any church father or any denomination, not even a church official or someone that is called a prophet or prophetess. This teaching comes from Our Father in Heaven himself in the scriptures I quote above. “Sola Scriptura now becomes Sola Scriptura Prophetiam Interpretatur.”
I’d like to to reiterate once more that I received these interpretations from no man just as the Apostle Paul who 2/3rds of the New Testament was breathed thru, Gal. 1:11-21, for the gospel and truth in scripture is the same yesterday, today and forever. All interpretations were of my personal interpretation style I call, “Sola Scriptura,” which is a Latin phrase meaning scripture reveals other scripture. In this case according to my 1st lesson in interpreting prophecy according to strict scripture guidelines, “Prophecy in The End is Revealed by Scriptures in the Beginning,”Is. 46:9-10, Apostle Paul’s claim, Gal. 1:11-24, Prophet John’s claim who gave him Revelation, Rev. 1:11; 1:13; 1:9-18; God micromanaging each word written by John in Revelation, 10:1-4; 10:9-11; 22:18-19, God micro managing each word Moses wrote, Deut. 4:2, Ex. 34:27-29, Apostle Paul reiterates in Hebrews each and everyone of God’s words never changes, Heb. 13:8, reinforcing John’s gospel that God’s words are never changing and eternal, Jn. 1:1-34.
So if all these perfect witnesses confirm that we are not to add or take away even one word to God’s words why do our church pastors, elders, denominations, seminaries constantly run rough-shod stirring the waters making them cloudy so those they are teaching flee from their churches because the water is impure? Because God will judge between fat sheep and thin sheep, between rich sheep and poor sheep, between bad pastors and good pastors, all sheep are judged according to how they handle Our Father God in Heaven’s words and whether they add or take away words from God’s words, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Heb. 13:8, Jn. 1:1-34.
You see according to 8-perfect witnesses: Our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, Moses, Isaiah, Apostle Paul & Prophet John and the Holy Spirit no man has a right to stand in your church pulpit and add even one word or take away one word from God’s words breathed thru the prophets in this Love-letter we call the bible. You have the authority to correct him and any elder supporting him. You also have the authority to exercise your authority by removing your donations and convincing others to do the same starving the false prophets out of your church. Your church would be better off if anyone just stood up and read the bible word for word. If they boot you out of the church so what. Better to serve Truth than being in the company of false prophets. Better to stand up and be counted for righteousness sake than to be serving the Religion-ism & Materialism Idolators, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Jer. 2:13, that add and take away words from Our Father in Heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Gal. 1:11-24, Rev. 1:11; 1:13; 1:9-18; 10:1-4; 10:9-18, Ex. 34:27-29, Is. 46:9-10. For God Our Father in Heaven has always micromanaged every single word in the bible since the beginning of time and death to show us the way back from the two forms of idolatry tempted by Satan in the beginning in the Garden of Eden that became Two Sins getting us Sent Out, becoming man’s two sins and two cities of Babylon and Assyria, symbolic as two future empires America and Islam defeated by God in the end, Rev. 18:1-19:3; 9:14-21; 17:16-17, 16:19.5-21,( theologians made a mistake; verse 19 should be cut in half into two verses); These two cities of idolatry becoming two countries of idolatry and two empires of similar idolatrous sin, even becoming the Two Sins of Israel God Breathed thru Prophet Jeremiah, Jer. 2:13.
This means these church leaders have no authority over you; Nor does anyone have authority over you. This also means this is the last revival and last movement of God Our Father in Heaven before the Resurrection. The train is leaving the station and now is your time to hop on or your going to miss it. Read the scriptures I just quoted yourself and see if it is not so. Join us witnesses to the truth in God’s holy scriptures. All you have to do is read them and ask. This is now your ministry of witnessing what truth is. Are you thinking about seminary? Skip it, you do not need seminary to minister. All you do by going to seminary is place yourself under their authority to condemn and question the authority God has already given you to Teach and Preach.
The quotes in this paragraph are the most important in beginning to learn and interpret all prophecy in the bible based upon the reformation principal applied to the strict interpretation of all prophecy I call, “Sola Scriptura Prophetiam Interpretatur,” Meaning in English “Only Scripture Interprets Prophecy.”
This technique follows a strict adherence to the Prophet John’s words he was quoting of Jesus Christ’s according to Rev. 1:11; 10:4; 22:18-19 of which also Our Father in Heaven’s words were spoken & breathed word for word thru Moses Deut. 4:2, Ex. 34:27-29. For these reasons only word for word bible translations should be used to translate prophecy so in this commentary we use NIV, KJV & NKJV. And we shall attempt to not add one word or take away one word in our attempts in the strict adherence of these guidelines in our interpretation of prophecy because all prophecy repeats over and over from the beginning to the end. It is important to me that you understand I believe that the closer we get to the end almost all prophecy will be revealed to mankind for the very purpose of prophesy is for God;s followers to see what is coming in the near future for the Children of Our Father in Heaven we were taught to address as God by his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Never-the-less this entire commentary is how I see as Prophecy will play out for all us Brothers and Sisters in Christ during these last 20.8-years of, “The Great Tribulation,” also known in scriptures, these last 20.9-years of “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”
Here is a summary teaching based upon Our Lord’s summary of the Ten Commandments summarized in to two commandments greatly simplifying scripture which is the basis of all my teaching as I step into the same footprints of Christ you may follow me also in the learning process of ministry and scripture, for no man has authority over what God says to us which is every single word in the holy scriptures we call the bible. This bible is really a love-letter from God to us showing the way back to truth, Matt. 22:34-40.
Won’t you join me in witnessing these things to mankind? This is the last movement of God. Won;t you abandon all those words of men and join us witnesses till the end of time? If you already know the bible follow these four steps to join us in maturation of your spiritual sanctification and walk with Christ.
- Step-1 Do not add or take away one word from God’s words from his perfect love-letter we call the bible, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
- Step-2 Listen to no man’s, Preacher, Teacher or Church-Leader’s words. Read bible and interpret for none have authority over you for all truth comes from scripture and one scripture reveals other scripture for interpretation is by scripture only, “Sola Scriptura,” Gal. 1:11-18.”
- Step-3 Our Father in Heaven reveals the End in the Beginning, and almost all Prophecy is revealed, Is. 46:9-10.
- Step-4 The most important lesson to learn and interpret all prophecy in the bible is dependently based upon the reformation principal applied to the strict interpretation of all prophecy I call, “Sola Scriptura Prophetiam Interpretatur,” Meaning in English “Only Scripture Interprets Prophecy.” This is reliant upon a strict adherence to the Prophet John’s words he was quoting of Jesus Christ’s according to Rev. 1:11; 10:4; 22:18-19 of which also Our Father in Heaven’s words were spoken & breathed word for word thru Moses to be also written down word for word, Deut. 4:2, Ex. 34:27-29. For these reasons only word for word bible translations should be used to translate prophecy so in this commentary we use NIV, KJV & NKJV.
This method of interpreting prophecy is by far the most superior method because instead of (I) pointing you to other men’s words I (instead) point you back to God’s words in scripture. This means I am not interpreting these prophecies but rather the words of God are revealing and the Holy Spirit in you will confirm whether or not they are true and sound interpretations. I have attempted to give you all the connecting verses so you are to read them and study them in the same order I give them to you. If it seems I am repeating myself over and over that is not me repeating but God himself repeating because this is a verse by verse commentary that repeats just as God repeats. For those that complain or do not care for this method of interpretation then it means probably your not of the 5-virgin group (half Christianity) that will be raptured, Matt. 25:1-13.
If You Disagree or Do Not Understand
Do Not Worry Do Not Fret for
You Are of a Higher Calling Being the
Tribulation Saint Left Behinds
Rather you are of a higher group called the Tribulation Saints left behinds, (other 5-virgins) meant to go through the 20.8-year Great Tribulation, Matt. 25:1-13. All this means is that you are of the other elect group called the left behinds. You are the Apostle Peter-group rather than Apostle John-group. Both groups are saved only each group is used by God with different purposes not yet revealed. Do not worry do not fret because I also believe I am of this group but for different reasons.
It was Our Father in Heaven’s Providence to decide what would happen to the Apostle Peter and what would happen to the Apostle John. One would be crucified upside down for all to see and the other would preach Trinitarian-doctrine while sitting in a tub of boiling oil miraculously unscathed nor blistered saving miraculously whole audiences that were blessed enough to witness. It is also God’s Providence for half of Christianity to be raptured and escaped and the other half to find their escape plan thru martyrdom, Matt. 25:1-13.
These are the ones that will immediately return to their bibles post-rapture to figure out why they were left behind spiritually. They will figure it out and self correct spiritually determined to spread the gospel with the harvesting of Planet Earth becoming a martyr if necessary; Our Father in Heaven with his Son will be pleased and proud of his children on Planet Earth willing to cleanse themselves in the fire of The Great Tribulation.
These Breadcrumbs of Light are left behind to show the way back to God by the citizens of Planet Earth that are lost without hope and grace. The Tribulation Saint Left Behinds are willed by God to combine forces with a Messianic Jewish Israel that turns to the one they pierced weeping that Jesus Christ was their Messiah realizing the requirement to enter the Promised Land requires 12,000 preadolescent 1st-born males not defiled by women nor pornography, Rev. 14:4.
They’re to be given as Firstborns to the first 1st-born Jesus Christ, Ex. 13:1-2, 13:11-13, Nu. 3:12-13. as a sort of contrition for something that had never yet been done, Gen. , Lk. 2:41-50, to be trained after raptured in Heaven their mission by God, Rev. 7:1-8, 14:4; 14:1-5, Gen. Lk.2:41-50 . Israel to be left behind and so were blinded just as Israel was blinded to increase the harvest. Everything is not only about Trinitarian-doctrine but also about increasing the harvest, Matt. 25:1-13.
These Left Behind Breadcrumbs of light will be involved in martyrdom whether by decapitation by the Islam-sword or nuclear annihilation as your harvesting in the greatest become harvest of Planet Earth. All martyrdom by the Tribulation Saints will result in greater rewards in Heaven because of the torment they went thru thru on Planet Earth during the 20.8-year Time of Jacob’s Trouble also known as The Great Tribulation, Gen. 31:41, Rev. 8:1, 2nd Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4.
God’s words because then the water muddied up an cloudy as God breathed thru Ezekiel, Ez. 34:17-19; 47:1-10, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2,Jn.4:7-14, Rev. 22:1-2, and all truth and pure water comes Jesus Christ and his Father, Jn. 4:7-14, Rev.22:1-2.
Just as the Apostle Paul also concluded and taught, his truth of the gospel came from no man, no disciple choosing upon his restored sight with salvation choose instead to not go to any man or disciple instead choosing to enter the wilderness in Arabia to study the only scriptures he had Old Testament scriptures, to become intimate in knowledge of Our Father in Heaven and His perfect sacrifice Jesus Christ after spending 3-years in the wilderness searching every scripture in the Old Testament referencing his Messiah the Son of God he’d encountered in the desert on the way to Damascus to find and kill more Christians and kill them as he’d been doing, Gal. 1:10-24.
I did not need someone to go through my manuscript commentary on Revelation. Although they seemed quite genuinely interested in inspecting my manuscript with a red marker exercising their man-given authority over me, to remove & add words that promote their own authority over me and much worse, to try to influence me to agree with their laughable ridiculous interpretations of prophecy in the scriptures they never read.
What a crock of BS this agent was attempting to fling at me! Never let someone that never reads the bible tell you what is correct theology. God breathed thru the prophets directly for us, because of the prevalence of Religious Idolatry all over the Planet Earth, Rev. 22:18, Deut. 4:2.
So, they asked me to be placed under their authority giving my agent (wanna be) a chance to send my manuscript to inspect and determine whether the interpretations were correct or not. Imagine that! All my interpretations were arrived at by what other scriptures said. So what they really wanted to do is take a superior interpretation with real authority and replace it with an interpretation based upon what some man said somewhere at one time in history.
To me it was no question and he told me I could take time to think about it and I told him I needed no time at all what so ever. I was also a little concerned of my interpretations being possibly stolen and quickly published since they are all originally mine and arrived at by extreme searching and reading the scriptures over and over with deep prayers for God to lead me to the connecting scriptures. I mean we are talking of mysteries in the bible and we can only solve them by finding connecting scriptures so we must read carefully over and over.
The one interested in being my agent (wasn’t he such a gentle pussycat!), educating me saying I had to submit my manuscript to an expert he had all lined up, that would of course draw the line at which it crosses over against his particular denominations. That last part was coming next. I could see what was coming so I nipped it in the posterior if you know what I mean. It is what it is and I am who I am. Who knows what would have happened if I’d crossed that line! These self proclaimed experts with all their degrees and fluffy seminary connections.
The Apostle Paul had a unique teaching based upon all scripture he found as he dived deep into the Old Testament scriptures choosing instead that his authority on what to teach would come from no man, not even the disciples that had actually walked with Christ during his 3 1/2 year ministry. Instead of going to the disciples to be taught the words of men that were claiming higher authority Paul chose instead to go to Arabia to grow spiritually with Holy Spirit and scripture only, Gal. 1:11-24.
There are words translated as wilderness in scripture around 300 times and they all apply to different areas East of the Jordan. Wilderness was a desolate place of uncultivated land filled with not only wild animals but marauders and roving thieves also. This was an area ruled by the Midianites (also called Ishmaelites) all the way from SE Syria all the way down to Saudi Arabia itself and the term wilderness was a general term to describe all this.
Arabia was also a general term with no specificity used either in a very general way as wilderness. Arabia also being East of the Jordan River so theologians debate endlessly over these terms and almost any personal view is an acceptable translation. I happen to believe Paul went East of Damascus after spending a few days in Damascus heading South to some big city in Arabia that had a large population of Jews where he laid low and had access to scrolls of the Old Testament to dig deeper into scripture and find scriptures about prophesies about Christ. where he had access to
The wilderness was where Arabia during those times of Paul was not what we call Saudi Arabia today but also included East of the Jordan River, North and South in that area all the way to Arabia as the word during that time “Arabia” had a more general term as wilderness of that time no different then where John the Baptist was from, one calling from the wilderness, Mark 1:4 says “He appeared in the wilderness; all the Judean country & all the Jerusalemites went out to him” …therefore this infers the wilderness was considered a much larger area than East of Jerusalem and Judah, Matt.11:7, Lk.7:24, wilderness in the Greek translates as a lonely uncultivated uninhabited place.
The Apostle Paul’s story is consistent although Luke does not mention Paul’s 3-years in Arabia skipping it and saying he went to Jerusalem. Luke does mention Paul went to Damascus a couple days. Paul was healed of his blindness in Damascus, preached to the Jews there and they conspired to kill him and someone warned Paul so they lowered him in a basket out the window, that is when Paul went to Arabia to escape staying for 3-years. Paul’s claim is consistent exactly what he said, comparing Galatians quote with 2nd Corinthians,he went to no man but went to get healed in Damascus, witnessed to the Jews for a couple days, and escaped for his own safety to Arabia, Galatians 1:11-24, 2nd Co. 11:32-33.
All they ever do is just keep patting each other on the back saying “Good job!” “I think that sounds good, lets try that!” Ha he ha ha he he he! All these big fat sheep will be judged accordingly compared to the little weak sheep by the Good Shepherd, Ez. 34: 17-19. These characters are laughable. My authority comes from God, not from any man on Planet Earth just as the Apostle Paul’s did, Galatians 1:11-2:1.
You see I come from a non-Christian family being raised in no church. My Father was a hard core Atheist raised by Jehovah Witnesses bitter toward all the legalism he grew up with as a young child. My Mother adopted an agnostic worldview from her parents. To her she was a Christian even though she had never even opened her bible once. I know this was true because I asked her about the bible I gave her whether or not she had even ever opened that bible and even read one word. I n a very factual discussion she admitted she had never opened it; This is the very definition of agnostic which is a person that never commits one way or the other sitting on the fence believing they are a good person, they are a “Christian,” so if God is real they will go to heaven. In fact many of them will claim outright they are a Christian, they are a good person. So I can see thru all this BS and our churches are filled with them. Her parents taught her from a young age that the bible had wisdom but was only the words of men. This agent wanna be wanted to look my manuscript over to make sure my commentary followed the accepted seminary protocol, their dogmatic hierarchy of Religious Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, to make sure my interpretations followed (their) accepted seminary protocol, to travails downward to that assembly line with stampers, those that approve and others with their own red markers of rejected dissatisfaction.
But I prevailed to stand up for truth for Truth’s sake deciding that the law of Sola Scriptura was an authority greater than any man, certainly greater than any church official based upon all scripture, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Gal. 1:11-21. As a Christian soldier I marched on.
I honestly felt they just wanted turn me into a megaphone for them preaching all their commonly already heard bad interpretation of scripture that quoted the words of men to prove their bad interpretations. To me it was a simple choice. I would either quote the words of men in my own conclusions of what determines truth in scripture, or I’d let scripture reveal other scripture opening mysteries Our Father in Heaven breathed thru his personally chosen prophets. I’d already envisioned the fireworks/arguments coming because I would not step in line with their shallow denominational stances (bickering?) based upon the words of men with all their long robes, huge tassels, silk lined garments with all their degrees of men’s words they’d studied.
So, it was my choice. Thinking to myself, “Should I become a sell out with certain financial rewards, or should I step up to the plate and stick with the Sola Scriptura truth as laid out plainly in the holy scriptures?”
I decided to step up to the place and publish it on my blog for all of you to see this manuscript in its purest unedited form. It is easy for me to say this since I cannot afford an editor anyway.
You see these major publishers give you the editor for free. So please be patient with this reading you do and try to understand why it is so important for you to support this ministry so that I can hire an editor, I can hire web design experts and programmers, and I can feed my family, put gas in my car, visit a church and preach the gospel. For only about the cost of a can of soda pop a day, say $20 to 30 per month or a one-time donation and you become one of our pray warrior friends that supports and prays for us. Bless me with support and prayer and you will be blessed. send your prayer requests with you donation following the instructions at this link. Thank you and God Bless you…
I see no value in these kind of things like voluntarily placing myself under their authority since the study of the words of famous men has no value in the determination of truth, nor does it have much value in the interpretation of prophecy in scripture. All that matters is scripture revealed and opened by other scripture, “Sola Scriptura,” a Latin phrase commonly used and quoted by the reformers that lit a spiritual fire in European church growth history.
- Those Marked for Slaughter and Those Marked for Life; We all go through market by angels.
Unfortunately, the different Christian sects that descended from the beliefs of these European reformers such as Luther, Calvin, St. Francis, Hus, Wycliffe, Wesley only show that the problem is from within man himself as both Religious Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, and Materialism Idolatry, Rev. 22:19, Deut. 4:2.
Christ is the only man that overcame these two temptations from Satan and if you look and evaluate carefully that although Satan tempted Christ more than two times you will see Satan was rewording these same two temptations over and over with Christ never falling for one or the other forms of Religious-ism Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, Deut. 4:2, and Materialism Idolatry, Matt 4:1-11, Rev. 22:19, Deut. 4:2.
Once again for Christianity and all her denominations it is time for us all to get dressed and ready for the soon coming Wedding disregarding the words of men that have been added to the words of Our Father in Heaven. Christ commanded us how we were to address God in all our prayers, Matt. 6:6-13. God stated Israel sinned twice inferring IMHO Samaria once by building their own cisterns which was broken inferring the adding words to God’s words committing Religious-ism Idolatry, Re. 22:18, Jer. 2:13, so God sent Samaria to be enslaved by an entire empire built upon Religious-Idolatry and what better way to teach them but to enslave them by and empire built upon Religious-Idolatry, Rev, 22:18, Jer. 2:13, and Judah whose sin was to forsake God with its materialism Idolatry was sent to the Empire of Materialism Idolatry for what better way to teach them except to send them to Empire of Materialism Idolatry to be ruled over by Materialism Idolatry, Rev. 22:19, Jer. 2:13.
God breathed words thru Ezekiel and John insinuating it is better we should go directly to the source for our living water from either Him or his only Begotten Son the lamb, Rev. 22:1, Jn. 4:10-15, Ez, 34:17-19. We are to disregard other lambs or rams that stomp their feet while they are drinking the water so those sheep after them no longer have pure water to drink; Instead the sheep afterwords only have muddied water to drink so they are scattered from the water source like church goers are scattered by a False Prophet that is not careful and adds words to God’s words resulting in teaching something God never intended to teach. disregard drinking water in which the words of men have been added to God’s words clouding the purity making it questionable for human consumption, Ez. 34:11-12; 34:17-19.
Now let us all reason together and avoid drinking this contaminated muddied up water in which men’s words have been added to God’s words which is nothing but Religious Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, Deut. 4:2, but let us instead choose the living water from God that bursts forth with such a forceful earthquake the Dome of the Rock divides into 3-parts disintegrating the Dome’s foundation right after the Two Witnesses were beaded and resurrected 3 1/2-days later and God casts the 12th Mahdi Antichrist with his assistant Isa they think is Jesus into the Lake if Fire Alive, Rev.19:19-21, Ez.47:1-12.
For God’s children shall build the 3rd Temple upon the top of the Dome of the Rock whose floors and foundation has split into 3-parts, Rev. 16:17-21, Jerusalem also that city called Sodom and Egypt, (Jerusalem), where our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, Rev. 11:8-12, from the great earthquake that collapsed the cities of the Planet Earth & the buildings fell upon their own heads because they did not repent of their Materialism Idolatry even after 1/3rd the population of the Planet Earth were killed by the great plagues of fire smoke and sulfur dying in 1-day 1-hour , Rev. 22:19; 9:15-18; 18:1-24; 9:20-21.
This Satanic deception by the two forms of Religious-ism Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, and Materialism Idolatry seen in Rev. Rev. 22:19 have been successful causing the two sins from men and women from the very beginning at the fall of all creation. These two sins are most easily seen when comparing Gen. 2:16-17 to Eve’s words Gen 3:2-4. These two sins also are spoke of by God describing Israel’s 2-sins that we are not to forsake Our Father in Heaven but rather but love God with all our heart, mind and soul, and we are not to dig our own cisterns, not commit Religious-ism Idolatry which is adding words to God’s words. Rev. 22:18, rather we are to do unto our neighbors as we would have them do unto us, Matt. 22:35-40.
Neither are we to commit Materialism Idolatry by taking words away from God’s words forsaking Our Father in
Heaven who loves us that leads to Atheism, Agnosticism, Communism and empty pews in the church because the gospel was not passed to the next generation for what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Rev. 22:19, Deut. 4:2, Matt. 5:13. I will also put PDF download links on this blog once I figure out how to do it. I was going to put them on CD but someone reminded me that no one has cd’s on their computers hardly anymore so there will be downloadable PDF links. The cover will be some type of fake leather so no animal harmed but man-made to look like thick leather embossed in hardcover format of approximately 11″ X 14″.
All rights reserved. This commentary or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, printed, copied nor used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of RobertLeeRE or CFS publishing except for the initial reading which leads to consideration of the purchase of a book, a PDF download or donation to this ministry of prophetic witness to the worldwide body of Christ.
But if you do not have the money or you are from a country outside the West you may read this freely even though you cannot afford to donate to support this ministry. If you can afford it no matter where you live your donations and support are appreciated and I hope you decide to bless us because you will truly be blessed by Our Father in Heaven. All support is appreciated. For those living in nations not as rich as those in the West such as Africa or elsewhere where income is exorbitantly low in compared to the West even a small amount is appreciated and God will bless you if you just give what you can afford and if you cannot afford even a small amount that is also okay.
Then if you can just pray and become a regular prayer warrior for this ministry that will also work and we will be bless. This ministry is for you because we are all called to be Witnesses, Is. 43:10, Matt. 28:19, 2nd Tim. 2:1-3, Acts 1:8, Prov. 14:25, and you may support it in any way you can afford that works within your budget. We need prayer warriors that are led by the Holy Spirit to be involved in this ministry after they study and understand these interpretations. We also need people blessed financially to to become a monthly supporters of this ministry sharing with us what God has blessed you with.
I realize I am asking for donations a lot so let me explain myself. I have been writing on my blogs going on about 30-years now, as many of you are aware. I’ve been a Holy-Spirit trained writer/theologian that started as a blogger on Xanga, which is a little like being an artist led by the Holy Spirit. It is not easy coming up with original interpretations that are supported by other scriptures fitting the entire bible, and not only that are not contradicted by other scriptures. When interpretations like this are found they are led by the Holy Spirit only and although they are meant as a communication from Our Father in Heaven to mankind a workman is worthy of his wages. When via this commentary or blog by me, you are taught something new that blesses you, you are required to not only give me credit whenever you spread this unique teaching, but according to scripture you are also required to support this ministry.
And if you do choose to support this ministry, you will be blessed accordingly by our Father in Heaven. For those that this does not connect I apologize. And for those wondering why there are so many editorial mistakes in this book. !st off I am having a great deal of issues of saving when I made corrections not only in Microsoft Word but also once I transfer the partial manuscript to WordPress. I say partial because it will not take the whole because of the size of it and all the charts and diagrams making the editing process has to be done from scratch again. So here is how the day goes. I make hours and hours of corrections only to find out later that many did not save even though they appeared to have been saved in the manuscript.
This process is very slow and tedious which is why I need more donations to this ministry so I can afford an editor i can hire to delegate some of these tasks freeing me up to do what I do best which is write. Won’t you consider becoming a prayer warrior friend of this ministry by donating either a large substantial gift or becoming a regular monthly contributor of this ministry of prophecy? Both these types of participatory donations to this ministry are needed. Won’t you right now send us a check of support becoming a friend of this ministry?
Here is something only meant for those it applies to: There are a select few of you out there in the Ministry that feel it is okay to steal interpretations and quote them publicly as if they are your own interpretation instead of doing your own research deceiving your people into thinking you had arrived at them by yourself. You thought your Ministry was of a certain size and no one knows you did these things, but I know, and our Lord knows what you did. I have decided to not say anything publicly and let the Holy Spirit deal with you, but if you do it again without giving me the credit due me, I will call you out publicly and expose you for who you are, for a workman is worthy of his wages. You wrongly think that you do not need to give credit to where credit is due running rough-shod over your fellow Brothers and Sisters in the ministry. You did not give credit to others in the ministry because you are greedy and think they are lower than you. A simple credit would have been sufficient and appreciated…enough said, I made my point.
For the rest of you that have no idea knowing not what I am talking of please do not worry as this has nothing to do with you. But to all my Brothers & Sisters in Christ just read here and there, and read freely comparing the scriptures revealed by other scriptures (Sola Scriptura), seeing for yourself these amazing truths from Our Father in Heaven who left this love-letter for us that He breathed thru the Prophets.
Only consider carefully if you are blessed by this ministry generously than bless me also generously. In order Brothers and Sisters in Christ so that you may be blessed even more, bless me even more, that you may also have answered prayers being that this is also your ministry too, witnessing to the revealed truth of Our Father in Heaven’s perfect words that reveal other words and the mysteries of God. The following is one of the keys to interpreting all prophecy… For according to Isaiah the Prophet God’s words in the beginning reveals God’s words and prophetic mysteries in the end, (my paraphrase) Is. 46:9-10.
Enough said. I hope and pray you enjoy this commentary on Revelation. Readers of this commentary are on their honor and I only hope that you choose blessing this ministry, praying that all will choose blessing over curse, light over darkness, Trinitarian doctrine over triple denials by the Antichrist nations of this world that I prove to be Islam by their own words later in this
commentary, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:6-13, Qur’an, 4:157-159, 4:171, 5:60, 5:72, 5:73, 5:75-76, 5:78, 5:116, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:34-35, 37:151-152, 39:4, 72:3-8, 112:3.
Our Father in Heaven will richly reward all Witnesses-of-Faith to the complete truth in scriptures that reveal all difficult mysteries in laymen terms including the three in Revelation and not least l brief quotations in a book, sermon or commentary review, my prophetic ministry of Our Father in Heaven’s children that are Witnesses to his truth in his Word fulfilled as His provided Son and perfect lamb.
If you use any quotation or interpretation in any sermon you must support with quotes in which the name RobertLeeRE with links back to this website area your quoting so this ministry will be given complete credit, for according to scripture a workman is worth of his proper wages. For permission to print, copy or reproduce permission must be granted through proper donations held accountable to the honor system by the Holy Spirit according to the law of curses and blessings. For permissions contact RobertLeeRE at CFS Publishing, P.O. Box 503, Morris Minnesota 56267-0503. God will bless you for supporting this ministry.
Printed in the United States of America First Edition, First Printing, December 2021. All scripture quoted and in bibliography used are from the NIV by permission under their fair use rules. Anything used other than NIV is noted in the end with the scripture quote.
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Prophecy Summary
Table of Contents
Please ignore page numbers as there are no page numbers in this blog. The notes sections are blank pages in the book format so ignore those also and just concentrate on the prophecies. When I put the other sections in later this week I will put links in this section making it easier to navigate the book.
Navigate this Commentary on Revelation
by Sections of
Similar Prophecies Revealed
- Section-1—An Introduction: The Apostle John—p-1 to 88-
- Section 2—The Ten Virgins; Five left behind Virgin breadcrumbs of light to increase the harvest, Revelation 1:7-5:14, 10:1-11:19, Matthew 25:1-13. –p-89 to 158
- Section 3—The New Priesthood:144,000 12-year-old male Firstborns never defiled by women Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5. The Dragon and the flood; the About 70-years Prophecy, Revelation 12:1-13:18. P—159 to 199
- Section 4—The Time of Jacob’s Trouble; The Promised Return, Revelation 6:9-17; 7:9-17; 8:1-12; 14:1-5. The Egypt & Assyrians prophesies, The Schism of Islam & turning to Jesus Christ. The harvest of Planet Earth, Revelation 14:13-20. —p-200 to 221
- Section 5—America and her Prostitute cities & Nations in Revelation 9:20-21; 13:6-8, 14:6-8, 16:19-21, 17:1-18; 18:1-19:3, 22:19. —p-222 to
- Section 6—Islam in Revelation 6:1-8, 8:13-9:21; 14:9-12; 15:1-16:19; 17:7-15, 19:4-20:14, 22:18.
- Section 7—New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:1-27.
- Section 8—The Truth Tester: Two Sins, Jeremiah 2:13, Two Forms of Idolatry, Two Defeated Beasts, Two Warnings, Revelation 22:1-21…
When you see these areas of notes and chapter summaries these are formatting that is in the hardcover book. They do not make sense here because your seeing this as a blog on WordPress. There purpose is meant as blank pages for personal notations listing the scripture quoted in each particular section. Rather than putting all the labor involved in changing these things I’ll just let you know to ignore them and skip past them by scrolling down into the commentary being led by the Holy Spirit. Thank-you.
The following pages plus extra wide margins are provided for your study notations placed in front for quick future access simplifying a return resulting in additional meditation on truth led by the Holy Spirit upon finishing the book. It is here that you place neatly documented thoughts with chain linked connection scriptures in the bible. Avoid words & quotes of theologians avoiding Religious idolatry, defined by our Father in heaven’s own words for the entire bible, Revelation 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2, that all concluded truth harvested will be based upon the words of our Father in Heaven, not the confused words of men.
Section-1—An Introduction: The Apostle John sermon notes.
Section-1 cont.
Section 2
Section 2—The Ten Virgins; Five left behind Virgin breadcrumbs of light to increase the harvest sermon notes, Revelation 1:7-5:14, 10:1-11:19, Matthew 25:1-13.
Section-2 cont.
Section 3
Section 3—The New Priesthood:144,000 12-year-old male Firstborns never defiled by women, sermon notes,Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5. The Dragon and the flood; the About 70-years Prophecy, sermon notes, Revelation 12:1-13:18. Other scriptures to consider, Exodus 4:22-23; 13: 1-2; 13:11-16, Leviticus 23:9-12, Numbers 3:11-13; 3:40-51; 8:15-18; 18:15-16, John 6:45, Luke 2:41-50, Isaiah 54:11-13, Zechariah 12:6-14.
Section-3 cont.
Section 4—The Time of Jacob’s Trouble & the promised return sermon notes, Revelation 6:9-17; 7:9-17; 8:1-12; 14:1-5. The Egyptian & Assyrians (mostly Iraqi) prophesies. The coming great Schism in Islam & their turning to Jesus Christ, sermon notes. The harvest of Planet Earth, Revelation 14:13-20.
Section-4 cont.
Section 5—America and her Prostitute Cities & Nations sermon notes, Revelation 9:20-21; 13:6-8, 14:6-8, 16:19-21, 17:1-18; 18:1-19:3, 22:19.
Section 5-cont.
Section 6— Sermon notes on the prophecy of Islam in Revelation 6:1-8, 8:13-9:21;14:9-12; 15:1-16:19; 17:7-15,19:4-20:14, 22:18. Other scriptures to consider: Genesis 16:9-10; 16:11-12; 16:13-14; 16:15-16;21:8-10; 21:11-13; 21:17-18; 21:19-21; 22:1-14; 25:1-9; the 12-sons of Ishmael a spiritual nation of darkness to compete with the spiritual nation of light, Genesis 25:12-18; 25:22-23; 25:26; 25:29-34; 26:34-35; 27:27-29; 27:38-40; 28:6-9;31:20-21; 31:45-5533:1;33:15-20; 35:23-29; 36:1-36:8-41, the Antichrist in Psalms from my Isaiah commentary, Psalms 83:4-8, compare Isaiah’s & Apostle John’s description of the liar, the Antichrist, Isaiah 45:9-11, 1st John 2:22-23, Christ taught Trinitarian doctrine everywhere he led his twelve disciples walking & hiking in Israel, Christ taught all mankind that we should only address God as Our Father in heaven in prayer, Matthew 6:5-15. For these very reasons the definitions of Christianity’s God and Islam’s Allah by definitions and beliefs no matter what any False Prophets tells you cannot be the same. Compare all these things with Islam’s Trinitarian denials of both the only begotten Son & denying our Father in heaven at the end of the prophecy of Islam Section-6 section page, Qur’an quotes, 4:157-159, 4:171, 5:60, 5:72, 5:73, 5:75-76, 5:78, 5:116, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:34-35, 37:151-152, 39:4, 72:3-8, 112:3.
Section 6 cont.
Section 6 cont.
Section 7—New Jerusalem sermon notes, Revelation 21:1-27.
Section-7 cont.
Section 8—Revelation 22:1-21, The Truth Tester: two sins after tempted by Satan with two forms of idolatry causing the fall of Adam and Eve & all creation because they were adding and taking words away from God’s words, Genesis 2:16-17 versus Genesis 3:2-5, Revelation 22:18-19, as a spiritual microcosm seen in Israel as the two kingdoms of Samaria versus Judah each swept away by the empire representing the same forms of idolatry they worshiped, Samaria to Religious idolatry & Judah to Materialism idolatry ( Religious Beast is Assyrian & Materialism is Babylon) representing a shadow of all mankind, Jeremiah 2:13, two forms of Idolatry mentioned by Isaiah, Isaiah 40:18-20, two Idolatress Empires seen one riding the other, Revelation 17:12, two defeated Idolatress Empires defeated by God, Materialism Idolatry defeated 1st in Revelation 17:15-16; 18:1-19:3, by the Islamic Beast Religious Idolatry Empire by the 3-plagues of fire, smoke &sulfur, nuclear annihilation in 1-day 1-hour, Revelation 17:15-16;18:1-19:3; 9:14-15; 9:18, But the Materialism idolatress Empire of America, Mystery Babylon the Great Mother Prostitute with all her Prostitute Cities and Nations of Planet Earth would not repent of all their sins after their nuclear annihilation, Revelation 9:14-15; 9:18;9:20-21. Two Warnings for mankind to learn its lessons that caused the sins of Adam & Eve & the fall of all creation, Revelation 22:18-19, that has now been
Section-8 cont.
fixed and restored by our Father in heaven’s only begotten Son Jesus our Messiah, Matthew 6:5-15, sermon notes.
Section-8 cont.
Section-8 cont.
The Sermon Jokes
This Revelation exposition weeps as Jeremiah wept, warns as Moses warned, harvesting as Jacob did 20.8-years lovingly fulfilling Jesus’ promises, revealing mysteries as Daniel did, claiming authority from Our Father in Heaven as the Apostle Paul did, using Sola Scriptura techniques to reveal prophecy like the reformers did to reaffirm the gospel, warning and avoiding the 2-forms of Idolatry as the Prophets John and Moses did, revealing clarifying exquisitely these prophetic words as living streams of water burst forth underneath Our Father and Son’s thrones pouring downward to all creation.
Test Our Father in Heaven’s words scrupulously comparing to his other words elsewhere and you will see. God reveals all mysteries thru His words, and it does not come from any of the so-called experts, nor is anything revealed by the words of men but as by Holy Spirit confirmed by scriptures only found out and revealed by the Reformers with their Lain cry “Sola Scriptura,”Dan 2:28; 2:30, Deut. 4:2, Rev:22:18-19.
The harvest is great shockingly so and the Saints will forever more praise our Father & Son’s character in songs for planning it. These soon coming world events have been separated into exhaustive chain-linked Sections 1-8 comparing prophecy with linked prophecies categorized simplifying repetitious studies opening the near future like a play as the word Revelation means, “to reveal the near future.” So, although the commentary is a verse by verse commentary I’ve separated it into sections of Similar-Prophecy, so that once you finish Section-8 you will have finished the entire verse by verse commentary on the book of Revelation.
This superior expository method I’ve designed categorizing into prophesies with similarities makes it easier, once you’ve read the commentary, to repetitiously return to study reevaluating certain prophesies over and over quickly by avoiding trying to remember what was seen where, avoiding the common process unlike it was in the past when you’d get lost forgetting where exactly you were in the scriptures. This is easier when the prophecies are separated into sections of similar prophecies rather than being all jumbled together as the theologians have organized them for us now in the bible.
All my commentaries will be reorganized by prophesy including Isaiah which is also all done and just waiting to be copy and pasted from Microsoft Word when you will see it in a couple weeks. I have collected these prophecies in Revelation together into chain-linked sections of similar prophecies with a designed purpose of simplifying a repetitious self-study program to open Our Father in Heaven’s perfect words for according to God himself when he breathed his words thru Isaiah he said the prophecy in the end is revealed by his words in the beginning which is defined as how prophecy is revealed by God’s own words, Is. 46:9-10.
Its purpose of revealing their increased understanding in our last generation that will live during this last coming 20.8-year period scripture records as, “The Great Tribulation,” Rev. 7:4, 2nd Thess. 1:4-7 KJV.
Scripture repetitiously synonymously refers to this important period the entire bible points to as, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” Jer. 30:6-8 NKJV, ending with the final 1-year period at the very end within that period scripture calls, “The Lord’s day of vengeance, a year of retribution for Zion’s sake,” defined in scripture by the Prophet Isaiah as, “The Day of the Lord,” Is. 34:8-10.
This Isaiah prophecy just quoted reveals clearly that when ever scripture talks of “The Day of the Lord,” it is actually referring to an about 1-year period in mankind’s eyes and is the last (about) year in the 20.8-year period of Tribulation scripture synonymously also calls in scripture “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” to be very specific I would say it is a little over 10 month period or .8333 months and most likely will end upon the Jewish Feast celebration called The Feast of Tabernacles, Lev. We know this about period as defined by the “about 1/2-hour of silence in Heaven, which is also the first Wedding Banquet of the Saints right after the rapture, Rev.8:1, Psalms 90:4, 2nd Peter 3:8.
The Time of Jacob’s Trouble was a 20-year period so the .83 of a year is the period known as the Day of the Lord. .83 X 12 months = 10-months and I imagine this will about end on the Feast of Tabernacles which on the Gregorian calendar changes yearly and falls somewhere between late September and late October. Technically speaking since Tribulation and the Time of Jacob are use synonymously in scripture then this last “About 1-year period,” called the Day of the Lord which
should not be confused as the Lord’s Day in scripture; This important 1-year period is called by God when he breathed thru Isaiah as the “Year of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake,” Is. 34:8-10.
I am convinced this important period will begin with the resurrection of the 2-Witnesses (beheaded and lying in the streets 3.5 days prior) that had been preaching Trinitarian-doctrine for a couple years prior in the Jerusalem streets just outside the Dome of the Rock will be beheaded publicly by the 12th Mahdi and his assistant Isa whom Islam will be deceived is Jesus Christ returned as a man again, and the 2-Witnesses will be beheaded on national news thru YouTube and left lying in the streets of Jerusalem with 24-hour cameras watch and it will be a battled of Christianity’s Trinitarian-doctrine versus Islam’s Monotheistic denial that God could never be a Father and that God could never have a Son. Once they are resurrected begins the major earthquake when all the cities of the earth will fall upon people’s heads, Rev. 16:17-19; 11:7-13, and notice the city splits into 3-parts.
These two connecting verses I just quoted must be read together because they’re talking about the same event. When Jerusalem splits into 3-parts it starts at the foundation of the Dome of the Rock and probably the rock itself in which a great spring will start flowing from these huge earthquake cracks that turn into two major rivers of life and at the same time as this the 12th Mahdi Antichrist and his assistant cross breaking man name Isa who claims he is the returned Jesus Christ but the only ones that will believe that are Islam people and other deceived people. We see this water flowing in Ezekiel 47:1-12. Once this water is flowing begins the last year of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake called also throughout the entire bible as “The Day of the Lord,” Is.34:8-10.
Okay so you can see these are some of the interpretations you will see later in this commentary with the corresponding chapters in Revelation but with more detail and more quotes. These type statements that “Who is God to be a Father” and “Who is God that he should have an only Begotten Son,” are all over the Qur’an and all over in Arabic on the Dome of the Rock. And this battle will be defines by these 2-Witnesses that should they rise resurrected and healed after 3.5 days Christianity and her Trinitarian-doctrine are correct and if they do not rise resurrected Islam is right…so when these two Witnesses rise, are healed, are resurrected and raptured to Heaven, this marks the end of the 20-year period also called “The Time of Jacob’s and begins the 1-year Day of the Lord also known as the Year of the Lord’s Vengeance for Zion’s sake, Is. 34:8-10. This 1/2-hour Scripture also supports this truth by two witnesses, Apostle Peter quoting Moses, 2nd Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4,Rev. 8:1.
Other scriptures and Revelation reveal to us awfully specific prophecies soon to be fulfilled in front of our eyes that occur during this 20.8-year period also called mostly in the New Testament “The Great Tribulation.” An organized expository study of these prophecies in this way simplifies a return reconsidering the same prophetic words. This increases revelation by opening of truth micromanaged by Our Holy Spirit. It also shows you clearly why I interpreted these prophecies instead of the empty quotes of other theologians most commentaries exhibit these days, as this way giving you authoritative scripture by quoting other scriptures as my authority just like the Apostle Paul comes by no man nor seminary but by scripture only, 2nd Tim. 3:16-17; 4:3-4, Gal. 1:15-18.
The superiority of this chain-linked expository process compared to other commentaries increases the witness’s revelation allowing similar prophecies to be analyzed in Revelation by easily comparing them to scriptures elsewhere about the same key words. This is what worked for me and maybe if you follow me stepping in the same steps, I placed my foot, maybe you can see over the mountains of prophecy I can see, as I point you to scriptures and places I already read and seen. My style of interpretation is like the Apostle Paul, who claimed his gospel came from no man nor seminary, because after saved by Jesus Christ upon appearance, personally blinding him and healing him 3-days later, Paul witnesses he went to no man, no disciple but instead went immediately to the wilderness in Arabia for three years to personally study scripture with Holy Spirit which gave him Revelation and the correct gospel, Gal. 1:11-18.
Paul then went on to repeat to Timothy this authority to preach this correct gospel does not come from man but scripture and our Father in Heaven himself, 1st Tim. 4:1-5; 5:18; 2nd Tim. 1:13-14; 3:16-17. The Apostle & Prophet John reiterates his personal teaching from Jesus Christ the same points Moses taught witnessing all truth comes from scripture, not man nor any seminary by men nor those masquerading as angels with great light as Moses, Prophet John & Jesus Christ all claiming we are not to even add nor take away one word to our Father in Heaven’s words in the entire bible, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
Martin Luther reiterates these same principals with what became known as the cry of the reformers when they claimed in Latin, “Solo Scriptura,” the interpreting of scripture by scripture only. This is in my opinion the only way these prophecies can be interpreted, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
My authority to teach and preach this gospel and these interpretations comes from no man, no seminary, no other than our Father in Heaven with his Son at his right hand and all scripture breathed thru the prophets according to these quotes I just gave you on scripture. You may treat this commentary similar to a concordance of prophecies of connected scriptures. This is the very reason why I do not quote other theologians because they are usually wrong and only repeat other theologians and it is of no value to you except in the beginning on history.
There is an awfully bad habit that has been going on by theologians for thousands of years now and it is that they pretend they have done all the hard work and act as if they are doing something but all they are doing is quoting and talking about other theologians. Their authority comes from man so that is all they do is quote other men. My authority comes from Our Father in Heaven because all my interpretations come from what other scriptures say other scriptures mean.
That is not what this commentary is if this is what you are seeking. I seek to do the opposite of that which is to interpret all prophecy in Revelation based upon only what scripture teaches, not according to what other theologians have said, but accordingly to only what scripture indicates. That is why I consider this interpretation on the prophecies in Revelation of the highest quality and the last, in our generation currently in history. Some might indicate the quality of these interpretations opening all prophecy cause some to say pointing at me, “He is a prophet.” But I do not consider myself a prophet, rather just a witness of many witnesses soon coming that witness to the proper interpretation of all scriptures, not of prior theologians but pointing back to scriptures and the truth of all scripture.
What real witnesses do is repetitiously point back to scripture when teaching scripture, instead of incorrectly pointing to another man which is usually a famous man with many degrees. They flout their many degrees as if the words of men mean something important but the only thing that really matters is what and where scripture reveals. That is all that matters. This way all your truth is according to scripture. Now is not that how it is supposed to be? I do like to think so. This commentary other than very brief considerations, attempts to always be pointing the reader back to scripture other than brief spiritual breaks at the beginning of each section designed to prepare one’s spirit with laughter in the form of jokes and letters in the form of fiction, all designed to draw the reader into a deep spiritual connection that facilitates the study of an extremely difficult subject matter, prophecy in our generation at this time.
I attempt what is considered the unfathomable according to other theologians which is (Gasp!) interpret these prophecies with no back peddling like saying these prophecies are all historic or all symbolic or this or that. I also do not use prophecy as an excuse to make a swipe at our fellow brothers and sisters in another major denomination of Christianity. There is no hate in this commentary calling our brothers and sisters the Antichrist or False Prophet although you will find that there are shocking (Quite shocking Indeed!) revelations, but the entire body of Christ are one in my interpretations. I believe this commentary is the highest quality interpretation. The notes section at the beginning with connecting scriptures is there to encourage sideline notes and personal revelation giving you extra wide margins for notations throughout increase revelation & personal journey.
As a theologian myself I assure you the other theologians that treat their interpretations of prophecy as settled facts of meat, (when really milk), blocking the meeting of the Holy Spirit with bible readers are wrong and my proof are these interpretations, I lay at the feet of our Father in Heaven’s sheep, that you may be fed meat instead of their watered down milk Ezekiel call clouded water that was clear from the stomping of their feet, these interpretations are my attempt to prepare & ready you for these soon coming important events.
This format’s intention: Our Father in Heaven’s witnesses and his perfect prophecy and good news, rendering it easier once read to return avoiding the re-reading of the commentary allowing repeated meditation expediting revelation. So welcome to this modernized study on the book of Revelation in which all the prophecies are reorganized into sections of similar prophecies related only by what scripture says, not by what any man says, nor what some theologian said at one time. Nor are any commentaries considered so there will be no echo chamber going on in this study for the only thing that matters is what scripture says and I have attempted to keep the water as clear as possible, I have been drinking of, so those after me can also drink of clear water that reveals clear truth in prophecy, Ez. 34:17-22.
I wish to ask you to return to wherever you bought this commentary and leave comments of what you liked and did not like (if any), What prophecies were opened to your soul that touched you the most, whether or not you thought it was a good value for you and others that may purchase like you, for those brothers & sisters after you that are considering investing in Newfound Prophecies in Revelation: Almost Prophecies Revealed. Do not forget to quote some of your favorite interpretations the Holy Spirit confirmed to you giving others an idea of what they might expect, if they were to invest in this modern study guide on soon coming unfolding of prophecies for our generation at this time in history.
I also would like to encourage those that wish to witness and bless others in prophecy in the purchasing of many copies gifting them to Pastors and Deacons, gifting them in groups to bible study leaders, seminarians, and all considering the ministry, for unfortunately there has been a huge blackout by the church refusing to teach whole sections of the bible, mostly in prophecy but also in the Pauline Epistles. Many of these people with good intentions, but still not teaching the truth, because if we are to proclaim that we are teaching the truth, at a very minimum, we as Pastors if we wish to model ourselves after the Good Shepherd, we must teach the entire bible, even if only it involves just reading the parts we do not understand followed up with discussions and encouragement. This ministry of prophecy and witness to scriptural truth counts on all of you witnesses, my brothers and sisters that must take on the works and acts of becoming a fellow witness.
What does a fellow witness do one may ask? A witness always points those he witnesses to back to scripture, never to a famous man nor theologian. Do not be a false prophet that participates with false prophets upholding the same corrupt system that resulted in the crucifixion of Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Do not do it brothers and sisters! It is the actual quoting of what theologians said that got the church so far off the track into bad interpretations of prophecy in the first place. It does not matter, nor should it of what any man says according to any interpretation. All that matters is what our Father in heaven breathed thru his personally chosen prophets in these holy scriptures, his love-letter to mankind said. The only value of quoting a famous man, historically speaking, is like when a certain book of the bible was written, or when studying what some historian wrote during a certain time in history, like the Jewish historian Josephus whose writings documented happenings those first couple generations after Christ ascended to Heaven. These things I think can be of some value by placing historical events in perspective but are of mostly no value whatsoever when it comes to the interpretation of prophecy.
That is because Our Father in Heaven speaks to us plainly as he sent his Son Jesus Christ speaking the world’s most common language at that time in history, theologians call coin Greek, the Greek spoke by the common working man, not the Greek spoke by the educated and elite class and of course Hebrew. This means our Father in Heaven breathed his words to the common man in their own language, coin Greek which had already spread throughout the earth at that time like English has today, and there is absolutely no reason for any Pastor, Elder or Deacon nor bible study leader to return to the Greek nor Hebrew in our generation at this time in history for any interpretation of scripture.
I am sorry as this may offend many that paid high tuition dollars at numerous seminaries and that is not my intention, only to lovingly correct a wayward church in another area pastors have been abusing and arriving at bad contemptible sermons and interpretations. You see the problem is that seminaries need to add all these things to give their students reasons to pay all these outrageous exorbitant tuition fees at their seminaries, but I tell you relentlessly that there is no reason a seminarian should be required to take Greek nor Hebrew to be just a pastor at some church. The reason is none of these leaders should be going backwards in interpretation for they are doing something they are not qualified to do.
If they change what scripture says by doing it and teaching it they are out right in sinful violation of our Father’s warnings to not add or take away even one word of our Father in Heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2. There are also other reasons not to, like for example it is impossible to learn a language in just one or two advanced college courses that one had not already been speaking fluently since childhood. There are many words that cannot be interpreted without cultural considerations of the different meanings of that same word being considered and no matter how much these considerations are considered the only way to learn these important considerations is to be raised in these cultures since childhood.
From what I have personally witnessed the problem historically speaking as evidence to consider strongly is whole sermons even Christian cults like the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been started by some bible study leader going back to the Greek and changing the original interpretation and teaching it as facts when it was not. The damage to Christianity has been immense and it is time to turn the clock back because it does open the door widely to those in power manipulating God’s words to say almost they wish, being abused repetitiously by many with no one holding them accountable to the truth of scripture.
There are Pastors doing whole sermons based upon him going to the Greek and changing a word here or there, and then writing and teaching a based upon Religious Idolatry instead of scriptural truth, when there are massive sections that same Pastor has never read in that same church. It also violates scripture, since going to the Greek and teaching what the Greek meaning, the real meaning (supposedly) to an entire congregation that does not speak Greek has no self-correction system in place since we are all required to correct our pastor or bible study leader if they are teaching anything contrary to the true gospel in scripture so consider these important quotes carefully for all people throughout the Planet Earth will be held accountable by them, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Gal. 1:11-18, Ez. 34:17-22,1st Tim. 4:1-5; 5:18; 2nd Tim. 1:13-14; 3:16-17.
An abbreviation is used for each book of the bible quoted here in this list and any quotes are all from the NIV unless it does not matter as far as modern English translates and then I will use KJV because of copyright rules but if I do that, I will say so in the quote heading which would usually be the NKJV or KJV. It is recommended to have a NIV, NKJV and at least two different translations of the Qur’an, and numerous different Hadiths even though I quote word for word important Islamic verses. When reading look up and follow along in the commentary. The extensive spaces left everywhere with charts; diagrams & illustrations are so you can easily take notes returning later to go over your thoughts & study the same prophecies again
Old Testament Abbreviations
Book Abbreviation Genesis Gen. Exodus Ex. Leviticus Lev. Numbers Nu. Deuteronomy Deut. Joshua Josh. Judges Jdg. Ruth Ru. 1st Samuel 1st Sam. 2nd Samuel 2nd Sam. 1st Kings 1st Kin. 2nd Kings 2nd Kin. 1st Chronicles 1st Ch. 2nd Chronicles 2nd Ch. Ezra Ezr. Ezekiel Eze. Nehemiah Ne. Esther Est. Job Job Psalms Ps. Proverbs Pr. Ecclesiastes Ecc. Song of Songs SS. Isaiah Is. Jeremiah Jer. Lamentations Lam. Ezekiel Ez. Daniel Dan. Hosea Hos. Joel Joel Amos Am. Obadiah Ob. Jonah Jnh. Micah Mic. Nahum Na. Habakkuk Hab. Zephaniah Zep. Haggai Hag. Zechariah Zech. Malachi Mal.
New Testament Abbreviations
Matthew Matt. Mark Mk. Luke Lk. John Jn. Acts Ac. Romans Ro. 1st Corinthians 1st Co. 2nd Corinthians 2nd Co. Galatians Gal. Ephesians Eph. Philippians Php. Colossians Col. 1st Thessalonians 1st Thes. 2nd Thessalonians 2nd Thes. 1st Timothy 1st Tim. 2nd Timothy 2nd Tim. Titus Tit. Philemon Phm. Hebrews Heb. James Jas. 1st Peter 1st Pt. 2nd Peter 2nd Pt. 1st John 1st Jn. 2nd John 2nd Jn. 3rd John 3rd Jn. Jude Jude Revelation Rev.
This commentary is going to be a little unlike most commentaries down the centuries because mostly I will not quote other theologians, but will instead quote scripture with my conclusion, that is it. I quote only other theologians when considering the historical context, but not when it comes to interpretation, the interpretation is arrived at by other scriptures only. This allows you to conclude your own interpretation according to what scripture and Holy Spirit prompts you.
Make your own notes and pray for Our Father in Heaven’s Holy Spirit to help you arrive at the interpretation that makes the most sense to you after you see my interpretation. Another thing I did in this commentary is grouped all the similar prophecies with each other, so it is easier to return to scriptures revealed. Once you finish the entire commentary you have finished the entire book of Revelation. I designed this study on the book of Revelation in such a way that it is easier to return to certain prophecies & study their interpretations of what things will soon take place in our generation at this time.
The book of Revelation speaks to all Christians, whether they are of the first elect raptured for the 20.8-year 1st Wedding Banquet, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, or they are of the 2nd elect the Left-behind Breadcrumbs-of-Light with their fellow Tribulation Saints 2nd Wedding Banquet after Jesus Christ places his foot on Mount Olives, Zech. 14:1-5.
The Peculiar 2nd Collection
of Screwtape Letters Found
I have no intent in clarifying the validity of this 2nd collection of Screwtape letters that came into my possession as emails & blog posts posted repetitiously by some pious shepherd girl posting them upon my blogs in the middle of the night, which was well beyond the midnight hour’s watch: without any kind of explanation of whom put them there, nor why or what their goals were or might have been, but only keeping in mind they’d been sent anonymously for she did not leave a name nor address, even as I attempted many of times deleting them, seemingly so they’re truly related to the original Screwtape letters collection Lewis placed in circulation 79-years prior, that some shepherd girl somewhere had acquired these dialogues, diatribes by demons or as Lewis called them devils, all this according to her right before her disappearance mysteriously after I informed her I would attempt to publish them. These diatribes of the fifth order, she apparently wishing some kind elucidation of something, that truth in authoritative strength & power would prevail.
But to ponder the additionally found Screwtape letters I did, those pesky postings I finally sifted thru, becoming irritatingly tired in the eyes & dismayed of repetitious deleting whilst I kept rubbing the many wrinkles on my brow, finding they’d an uncanny link to much of the many prophecies I had already interpreted in Revelation, Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Joel, Psalms, Genesis and many more.
But they were not scripture, I thought thinking again, as sure as the world turns, but maybe… just maybe they could be used in a different written way, possibly as intentional breaks of fictional discourse designed to facilitate certain revelations already revealed in the holy scriptures, therefore concluding it important in the laying out & properly presenting all scriptural proof, with their links to other scriptures that those climbing Mount Zion, Ex. 24:1-18, might decide for themselves what the numerous links mean, what the purpose of the connections are.
As far as the commentary itself proceeds I’m personally concluding in biblical entirety as a theologian taught by no man just as the Apostle Paul also was taught by no man but Holy Spirit only & prophetic scriptures, Gal. 1:1-2; 1:11-24, that this last 20.8-year period in history is repetitiously repeated two ways synonymously in scripture as both, The Great Tribulation & The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, ending both these peculiar synonymous periods with what Isaiah describes in two ways: a 1-year period of, “The Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake,” which is called all over scripture as, “The Day of the Lord,” Is. Ch—34; 34:6-8.
Now as I mentioned earlier on that other matter, not pertaining to the commentary itself, therefore, whomever posted this 2nd set of Screwtape letters with their claimed connection of being causally linked with (what had) become known as the original published Screwtape letters by C.S. Lewis is not currently known, other than that it was a shepherd girl who was also a caretaker of figs, a family manager for their sheep ranch & fig orchard replacing her elderly but still significantly unfettered managerial father. I place that here for the same reason C.S. Lewis wrote that novel; to precipitate interest of and gathering of the sheep calling them so their personal revelation is increasing repetitiously by the reading of the same boring (not to me though) prophetic words over and over until they become fruitful producing awareness opening eyes that the blind may see, unplugging ears that the deaf may hear that all may precipitate revelation opening the prophecies showing how perfect God’s little book of prophecy is, and that our Father in Heaven loves us as does his Son Jesus Christ as well as their Spirit sent to teach us the truth of these important prophecies in their little book of prophecy.
But what is definitely proven through scripture is this: all truth comes by scripture, no truth comes by prayer according to Christ when Satan attempted to confuse him, Christ did not go off and pray to determine what truth was as he had already read all the scriptures and all the words already knowing what scripture said, Christ then quoted scripture he already knew and was intimately familiar with being prophetic revealed proof, that all truth comes by scripture as the words of God and no truth comes by the words extant of the closed bible, Lk. 4:4, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2. Remember this…Christ’s humanity was being tempted not his deity which can never be tempted.
For if we add even one word or take one away, Rev. 22:18-19, we are guilty of one of these two forms of idolatry Satan repetitiously uses against all men to deceive them leading to all sin. And do not add words to God’s words because of your prayers nor the imagined things in your heart, coming out of those caves of darkness where sins are hidden because of the pride of your fathers and mothers, but come into the light exposing your spiritual wounds as a sore that has been covered too long needing light and fresh air to heal, heal your spirits and stand up proudly walking out and away just as Lazarus was raised from darkness into light leaving & walking out of death into Life. Come out! Jn. 3:12-21.
Other things come by prayer like blessings, spiritual breakthroughs, healing & requests but no truth comes by prayer except in ancient times prior to when the bible was still being breathed through the prophets, prior to the Apostle John’s sealing of the entire bible with our Father in heaven’s recorded two warnings to the entirety of mankind, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Luke 4:4. For we’re to break bread with wine having fellowship in the presence of our Father with his Lamb just like the 75-Prophets did, that We Children may also see over the mountains of what our Father in heaven has in store For Us on the Other Side of the mountain just as those prophets did, Gen. 24:1-16, Rev. 21:21-27.
The only reason I have chosen to print these blog postings & emails is they are causally related to the same exact prophecies I’ve found in the book of Revelation; the emails & blogposts of fragments a person posted upon my blogs repetitiously until I responded to this Shepherd girl and caretaker of fig trees whose family owns a rather large tract of land near the Euphrates River that borders 3-countries of NE Iraq, Western Syria and SW Turkey.
I am not sure what they call a large tract of land in that area of the word but here in North America, we call it a ranch. This Shepherd girl who is a manager of this sheep ranch and a caretaker of the family’s fig trees claims (apparently) there are many caves near this river, and they go caving as they call it, exploring the caves where they light these big torches, a fun family hobby of the younger generation in her family, a pass time she had done with her cousins the last twenty or so years. The story goes like this.
She and her cousins found this one cave with this group of antique wine jars of unknown antique age but guessed to be a minimum of 1,000-years old and never tested by experts because the family prefers their privacy for safety’s sake with all their Muslim neighbors and they are being Christian. And she says she found this huge collection of letters in the language closest to that of Arabia, being Aramaic, being related somehow to Screwtape’s original Letters found and documented by C.S. Lewis, these new ones having (apparently) being found in some old large commercial wine jars according to the Shepherd girl and caretaker of over a thousand fig trees on this Sheep Ranch, and she is the point man or in this case the point girl representing her family that posted them, that, except they’re different being newly found, sent by her I-phone.
Now let me just state I am not some misogynist or some person that calls full grown women girls, but you need to understand I am an old man in is sixties and to me anyone under twenty-five is a kid, a girl a young lady and that is completely innocent on my part with no attempt of defaming her or anyone, so pardon me please. Now on with her story, in this peculiarity as extant biblical evidence I’ve decided to use these creative acts of illumination as fictional prose to magnify & tidy up these teachings of prophecies by repeatedly pointing men back to our Father’s words in Revelation, sprinkled with Commentary and scripture quotes according to specific prophecy, therefore with some magnification & illumination of certain biblical truths, it is my hope upon prayer that truth will once again become precious as was once in the 1st generation of distant past, for our Father in Heaven with Son accompanied by Spirit as a great white dove is the only God that reveals his children’s future by things he breathed through his personally chosen prophets in the past, revealing all Revelation in the end by prophecies he breathed thru in the beginning, Is. 46:9-10.
May we all read the beginnings to understand the ends, for this truly is prophecy revealed. Since these emailed blog postings of letters and many times only fragments of broken crumbled dry parchments from the shepherd girl’s family Sheep Ranch, found in an immensely sized group of wine jars (apparently) are written, but because of the age are dry, brittle and fragmented letters of correspondence, but some areas worse than others.
She claims these are documented accounts, (apparently), between winged demons and their devil brothers some theologians refer to as the fallen angels of darkness related somehow spiritually to Wormwood & his Uncle Screwtape, of unknown origins but linked somehow to the ones C.S. Lewis published, claimed to be of the winged brothers of darkness, brothers of the Liar of liars, devils as Lewis called them, demons of what most theologians call the fallen angels that were 1/3rd of the heavenly angels. Since the origins of these demonic activities is unknown, now we really do not know this shepherd girl nor her family’s fig-tree sheep ranch business, nor do I or many speak the Arabian language of Aramaic, these scrolls of letters of correspondence, in which many are just left over broken fragments, are to be treated as fiction only, purpose being to magnify the author’s own interpretation of scriptures extracted and mined with translucent gold nuggets of truth, no theology of any kind nor truth should be counted upon from their in-numerous lies & manipulations of truth, except that, the scriptures they point you back to for consideration, nor presuppositions of any kind should result from that these emails might proclaim or may have been hinted at by them, that any child of Our Father in Heaven, should only consider what chain-linked scriptures reveal carefully not violating God’s perilous double warning to all mankind of the two very specific forms of Religion-ism & Materialism idolatry Our Father in Heaven gives authority to Jesus Christ given to Prophet John to close the future adding or taking of words from the bible, Rev. 22:18-19, Religious-idolatry being the adding of words, Rev. 22:18,
Materialism-idolatry being the taking of words, Rev. 22:19. Consider reader carefully that these additional Screwtape letters & fragments by email might provide the needed breaks of escape in the study of the many difficult prophetic scriptures whilst magnifying extracted nuggets of already interpreted verses from this magnificent book of Revelation by the Prophet John of his personal revelation given to him by Jesus Christ word for word when Christ gave him prophecy to record and write, but later the angel gave him the little book (the bible) to eat, telling the Prophet John to prophesy again, Rev. 1:1-2, 1:9-19, 10:8-11.
It has been my conclusion after careful consideration that the reader may possibly benefit in the surmise as to what these spiritually related demons Lewis calls devils, Wormwood & his Uncle Screwtape might be saying to each other during the soon coming Time of Jacob’s Trouble, also known as the Great Tribulation, with their Day of the Lord’s year of vengeance for Zion’s sake, Is. 34:8-10, for our Lord’s special coming day of neither light nor darkness, nor day or night, that special day when ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing are divided from the children of our Father in Heaven, a painfully loud wailing of separation at market by his angels, dividing the wheat from weeds on that busy thrashing floor operated by angels, that day when even sheep will be judged from one another, Ezekiel 34:22.
Concerning demons and devils, Lewis said in his preface to The Screwtape Letters, there are two equal and opposite errors into which all people can fall. But what he fails to tell us is how to accomplish this delicate balancing act other than to pray a lot without balancing our prayer life with the reading of scriptures as it relates to building our faith to overcome sin. I have discovered that these two equal and opposite errors are related to the two sins of Adam and Eve, causally related to the two warnings Christ brought from Our Father in Heaven to reveal to the prophet John in the last verses of the bible, Rev. 22:18-19.
Because these last two verses are chain linked to the same revealed to Moses, we know this can only be interpreted for the entire bible not just the book of Revelation as incorrectly claimed by some theologians clouding the water as they drink it making it difficult for the sheep behind them to drink and sheep will be judged according to other sheep just as Ezekiel says, Ez. 34:18-24. These last two warnings are after Our Father in Heaven sends Jesus Christ to defeat the Antichrist Nations and their Religion-ism Idolatry with their False-prophet the Prophet John defines as the religion that denies God is Our Father, also denying God has a Son denying Jesus Christ is the Son of God, 1st Jn. 2:21-23.
As a witness of many witnesses to the truth of scripture for Our Father in Heaven is the only God that reveals the end in the beginning according to the Prophet Isaiah, Is. 46:9-10, the only religion that fulfills this prophesy by the Prophet John is Islam according to their own words all over their Qur’an, all over their Dome of the Rock and the beliefs of their religion and Mohammad since Islam’s founding, Qur’an quotes, 4:157-159, 4:171, 5:60, 5:72, 5:73, 5:75-76, 5:78, 5:116, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:34-35, 37:151-152, 39:4, 72:3-8, 112:3.
The only religion of Planet Earth at this time is Islam and this is a word for word exact description of Islam and is all over their Qur’an and all over their 3rd most holy site called the Dome of the Rock which sits on the exact small piece of real estate preventing the nation of Israel from building a new temple until Christ comes back and defeats the Religious Idolatry of the Islamic Antichrist nations. This occurs in the last year of the 20.8-year period the New Testament calls “The Great Tribulation,” which is also called “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble” in the Old Testament.
More on these important prophecies later in this commentary. Lewis concluded there were two equal and opposite errors all Christians must balance and what I am adding to his epiphany is that there are also two equal and opposite forms of idolatry that Satan used successfully exploiting with deception of Adam and Eve which is the adding of words to Our father in Heaven’s words that for simplicity’s sake we will address in this entire commentary as Religion-ism Idolatry. This sin was most likely committed by Adam as evidence I will give later in this commentary.
The 2nd sin was committed by Eve which we will address in this entire commentary as Materialism Idolatry which is the taking away of words from Our Father in Heaven’s words. This sin was most likely committed by Eve. And these two sins separated and intertwined spiritually throughout history causing mayhem throughout mankind as certain people groups and cultures were drawn to one more than the other sometimes a mixture but these two forms of idolatry became two separate mountains of idolatry that eventually became two empires of sin, and two religions of sin, one the Religion Idolatry of Islam, the other the no religion of Materialism Idolatry and religion Atheism which is really no religion at all thus Materialism Idolatry or the taking away of Our Father’s words. In both these empires of idolatry, Islam and America, there is a little overlap of these two forms of idolatry but mostly not.
According to prophecy in the last book of Revelation our Father in Heaven allows the Islamic Empire to defeat the American Empire and then later when he gives his Son Jesus Christ the authority to place his feet on Mount Olive which results in a great earthquake splitting the Mount Olive in half allowing the Jewish people in Jerusalem a place to escape and this great earthquake splits the Dome of the Rock and the Rock itself allowing a great spring of water to burst forth with a gradual increase in flow over that last year period scripture calls the “Day of the Lord,” Isaiah says is the last year of this 20.8-year period, Is. 34:6-8.
The way we balance these two equal and opposite errors Lewis speaks of is by balancing our prayer life the knowledge by reading scriptures, if we have the inability to read, then we must have others read the scriptures that we may hear God’s words, which builds our faith balancing with knowledge increasing our spiritual growth, for prayer is not enough since it does not strengthen our faith according to the Apostle Paul, Rom. 10:17. I have created and summarized this chart for you so you can see all the scriptures that backs this teaching up with the scriptures so you can see this teaching is from God via the Holy Spirit in the bible. This roadmap of a summarized teaching makes it more easily for you to determine what is truth and what is not truth. This summarized teaching is a type of teaching I discovered in my studies and was first used by Jesus Christ himself when he summarized the ten commandments into 2-commandments, (Quote).
Study this teaching and you will realize it is a teaching you can use to witness and minister to God’s children to help them bind up their spiritual injuries.
Since all faith comes by hearing the word of God, Rom. 10:17, to grow spiritually if the Preachers are not reading scripture but instead are always skipping around as they do today the ONLY way to grow spiritually is to instead of doing all those inconsequential things like Martha was always doing cooking in the kitchen for everyone we MUST care enough to sit at Christ’s feet and listen to the words of God, Luke 10:41-42. Preachers would be more effective if they would just stand up and read scripture. Preachers must stop skipping around in scripture ignoring almost all prophecy, ignoring almost all the Pauline Epistles and ignoring most of the Old Testament. The only way a Christian can grow spiritually and see all the scripture chain links in the bible in which one scripture reveals another we must all increase our reading of the bible 100-fold by praying less but reading more, by attending church functions less if that is necessary to increase our reading more of the holy scriptures. I found in my own personal spiritual journey church activity (Martha business) is preventing spiritual growth because people are forgetting the most important thing which is to sit at the feet of Christ and start reading the scripture with no commentary, without skipping around, start listening what our God has for you. Just listen what God has for you.
Some of you must work less or increase your reading on Sunday’s only but whatever it is you must increase your reading of scriptures 100-fold. These two sins of idolatry that Adam and Eve committed became two common sins passed into all the children of mankind becoming two mountains or empires of sin that would rise and fall both attempting to conquer each other to cover the Planet Earth with their cities promoting their way of life respectively, Religion & Materialism Idolatry.
These two Empires are Islam and America with most countries of Planet Earth falling under one or the other empire but some a mix. One involves religion while the other involves the taking away of religion, one involves the adding of words to Our Father in heaven’s words while the other involves the taking away of Our Father in Heaven’s words and it is the understanding of all this and how it is linked to a balancing act of Lewis’s equal and opposite two errors of either making Satan out to be more powerful than he really is or making him out to be less powerful then he really is.
All this is related to the two original sins by the two original forms of idolatry Satan used against Adam and Eve to confuse them from the original simple gospel Our Father in Heaven had given them to follow in the Garden of Eden. These two forms of Idolatry Temptations by Satan became two sins, became two continuous sins mankind struggles with throughout history represented and called in scripture two mountains of sin a person climbs one or the other instead of going thru Christ and climbing Mount Zion. I am not making these things up and will present the evidence of these statements throughout scripture and in my extensive charts and diagrams.
When we go through Christ and climb Mount Zion that gets us to the correct mountain which is New Jerusalem. If I were to give the scripture quotes to support these things it would overwhelm you right now, but for now just understand this is where we are going, and I will gradually present the scripture evidence supporting this summary teaching that summarizes the entire bible.
But when we balance these two things, prayer and faith, by increasing our readings of scripture 100-fold because our faith increases our prayers become more effective and we become true witnesses for Our Father in Heaven for a true witness never points a person they are witnessing to another man but teaches them by pointing them back to the bible quoting scripture and teaching that way. One error Lewis speaks of is to diminish the Devil’s powerful dominion, disbelieving in their powerful existence by blaming ourselves for everything, not forgiving ourselves for sins we had committed in the past. Keith Green added to Lewis’s teaching, he taught repeatedly at concerts he gave in his ministry years, “That we as Christians are taught by Jesus the importance to not only forgive others but to forgive ourselves, Satan attempts to attack us by stealing our forgiveness, to cripple us spiritually convincing us otherwise, reminding us of certain sins we committed in our…past; Keith Green repeatedly taught that when the Devil points to our past reminding us of our frailty, whispering in our ears saying we’re not forgiven, we’re just to
point to his future reminding him of his future, laughing and mocking him and then he will flee our presence,” this technique of successful spiritual warfare is quoted by also C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, according to Keith Green in between songs on one of his live albums.
To sum up when Satan points to your past. to remind you of the mud you have been in and how unworthy of God’s redemption & how dirty you are to discourage you, we are to point to Satan’s future, to remind Satan of his destination of where he is going, Rev. 20:1-4. When Satan attacks you are reminding you, pointing to sins in your past, you remind Satan pointing back to his soon coming future laughing in your spirit of the perfect faith of our Father in Heaven’s redemption & salvation has given you.
The other error Christians should be aware of, Lewis claimed in the preface of Screwtape letters, are those people believing these devils are more powerful than they really are, blaming the demons instead of taking personal accountability for their own sins committed against Our Father in Heaven. These two errors we must never forget were defeated at the cross.
We should not fall into either of these errors making these devils out to be more powerful than really, they are nor less powerful than they really are. We overcome these two errors that are also two original sins by balancing our spiritual walk with Christ by increasing our reading of scripture 100-fold, by decreasing our other spiritual activities including anything that prevents us from increasing our reading of scripture 100-fold. This is how we overcome by a spiritual journey when we tether ourselves to the 70-plus-5 prophets and climb Mount Zion to have fellowship, eat and drink in the presence of Our Father in Heaven, Ex. 24:1-11.
This is our first act after salvation; That we must be climbing the right mountain. For as I made another chart for you to understand in this journey is that scripture outlines for us four mountains that we can choose but only two are the right mountains which are the same mountains Moses and Jesus Christ climbed which is Mount Zion which gets us to the final mountain which is New Jerusalem. We are not to climb the mountain of Religious Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, nor are we to climb the mountain of Materialism Idolatry, Rev.22:19.
The only Mountain we are to climb is Mount Zion which is the one Christ climbed when he got to the top and was transfigured, stepping into the clouds disappearing into the clouds to talk to Moses and Elijah. When Christ stepped into the clouds he was on the Mountain New Jerusalem. This is the same mountain Moses stepped off into to go meet with God. This mountain is called New Jerusalem. This was witnessed by the three Christ took with them and they could not see what was behind the clouds bot that was New Jerusalem. When Christ stepped into New Jerusalem he was actually in Heaven being ministered to by his angels. Because when Christ stepped onto Mount New Jerusalem if he was there even only ten minutes, he might have been there for years because no time exists in heaven for in God’s eyes a day is like a 1,000-years and a thousand years are like a day in the eyes of God, because in heaven there is no time, nor is there any death there, 2nd Peter 3:8 quoting Moses 90:4.
We are never to see God’s face because that is an act of judgment, rather we are to see only God’s back following him always by following his perfect Son, our Lamb following him everywhere, even tethering ourselves to other Christians that we may follow in their exact footsteps up Mount Zion. We tether our selves so if we stumble or trip we do not fall off but rather are pulled back up into the climb.
It becomes like a spiritual balancing act. Lewis points out these two errors but never seems to give us any kind of method of how we shall accomplish this balancing act other than thru prayer. I am not belittling pray because in its place it helps us a lot and we should pray but that is not as I see it what most people should do to solve this tee totter balancing act between making the devil greater than he is or making him less than he really is but there is an answer I have conclude which is this; instead of focusing on prayer we should pray a little less ad read scripture a little more. In some people’s cases read scripture a whole lot more. You see truth does not come by prayer, but truth comes by the reading of scripture. Now hold on; I can already imagine some of you getting all up, but you need to listen more carefully and think what I am saying and teaching here. I am not discounting prayer, I am only talking balance, for Christ clearly taught that we should all pray, Matt. 6:6-17.
What I am adding to Lewis’s teaching is that this balancing act Lewis was teaching on how to overcome sin, and that is what Lewis was inferring was a way in which we can be victorious and overcome sin right? That is exactly right, it truly is a balancing act and we as Christians, to overcome sin… we should be spiritually balanced, right? Well, I have noticed another thing that should be balanced in our walk with Christ, and it is what you will find later in this commentary what I call the two forms of Idolatry I have found weaved throughout the entire bible, in what I call a summery form of teaching spiritual awareness and spiritual growth. Summary teaching is what Christ did everywhere he sat and talked with those following him.
The best example would be when he summarized the ten commandments into two saying we are to love our Father God with all heart, mind, body and soul, and the 2nd which was we were to do onto our neighbor as we would have him do unto us. That my friend is a summary teaching of scripture, and all preachers should do it way more than they do, but back to my point.
How do we as Christians walk that fine balance between making the Devil more powerful than he really is without going to far in the other direction and making him less powerful than he really is? What I am saying is we do by becoming more balanced spiritually as Christians in other areas of our spiritual walks with Christ. So, what am I saying? I am trying to be very delicate without stepping on people’s toes but will just throw this out there. I see a whole lot of people praying but hardly anyone blowing the dust off their bibles and reading them.
Do you know Christ before the age of 12-years old had read the Old Testament so fully and complete he had whole passages of scripture already memorized not because he walked around with memory cards testing himself but because he had read and meditated on scriptures to the point it would just come out in conversation when he talked and people would be amazed when speaking to him he had far exceeded any preacher or rabbi that would speak to him, Lk. 2:41-50. I see too many people spending more time than they should in prayer and less time than they should reading the bibles.
Since when is meditating on what your Father might say more important than what he has already said?
The point I am trying to make is that truth comes by scripture reading and spiritual healing ministry by prayer and not the other way around. Did you know the meaning of the word God is not the same as the meaning of the word group Our Father in Heaven according to how our western theologians have hacked up the English language so badly in our generation? I want you to think carefully about these things in the next few paragraphs about the meaning of every word out there.
In the English language the word capitalized as God used to automatically mean the God of Christianity and Jewish religion, the God of Moses. Yet theologians have consistently wore down Christianity with semantics stating the word Allah and God as well as the Christian God are all one and of the same, but they are not. Islam clearly teaches all over its Qur’an and Dome of the Rock repetitiously that God cannot and is not a Father and nor would take or have a Son, also saying that Jesus Christ cannot have a Father as God nor is the Son, attacking Christianity at the most basic claims and without these claims Christianity ceases to even exist. Yet our Christian missionaries and elders and preachers and even popes repetitiously over the last 50-years keep claiming it is the same God wearing down the English language to the point the meaning is watered down and means nothing anymore.
But Christ clearly repetitiously taught us that we were to address only God as Our Father in Heaven when we pray and fast, Matt. 6:3-18. Eventually as English changes more and more we will have to modernize the translations to include Christianity’s teaching of what that word God means in the English language.
Let me say this again so it sinks into all you baby sheep out there. Anyone: whether elder, missionary, deacon, preacher, minister or pope that says otherwise is a false prophet and you should not give him money or listen to him anymore or judgement will be poured out upon your own head because this contradicts the very words and teaching of Christ and his disciples as they walked all over Israel, Matt. 6:3-18.
We must test everything taught by what scripture says, as to whether it passes the truth-tester test. Here are a couple of examples that truth comes by scripture, not by prayer, other things come by prayer but not truth. One of Islam’s five pillars of Islam, their religious beliefs as they say is they have a public time of prayer announced on loudspeaker five times daily, yet they do not get any closer to truth because they do not read the holy scriptures with that as their religion has rejected the bible, accepting only the Qur’an as holy scriptures of which, yet they never get any closer to truth other than the monotheistic belief that there is only one God they call Allah which is not the same God we call Our Father in Heaven Christ told us to address only as Our Father when we pray, Matt. 6:3-18.
They love to pray though, but truth unfortunately does not come by prayer no matter how many words, no matter whether it is done publicly banging loud gongs or what. Christ abhorred public payers the Pharisees and Sadducee did marching around like roosters with their chests thrust out strutting in the public with long holy robes with holy tassels on, and he talked about this everywhere he walked when teaching that we should address God as our Father in heaven warning us to only pray in a quiet non-public place and especially to not announce or tell anyone about it, just as when we fast completely the opposite of the 5-pillars of Islam, Matt. 6:3-18.
There was a special time in history when God or an angel would appear to a prophet when they were praying like Daniel, but these were very specific instances in history when God was writing the bible and breathing thru the prophets but now at our time in history we read in scripture when Our Father in Heaven as Christ taught us the way we are to address God closed the entire bible and holy scriptures in Rev. 22:18-19, warning us that we are not to add or take away even one word to the entire bible. We know Christ was transcribing His Father’s words which are also Our Fathers words breathed thru the Prophet John who was also transcribing these words word for word, yet Christ closed the entire bible in Rev. 22:18-19 with two warnings.
We are warned not to add a word and not to take away a word both with real spiritual consequences spelled out. We know this is meant for the entire bible no matter what any False Prophet claims because of what Moses says also in Deut. 4:2, which is my summary lesson for the entire bible, that we are to not add a word or take away a word from Our Father in Heaven’s words breathed thru the Prophets Disciples and Witnesses, we are not to do it, not even one word, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
And these adding and taking away of words were two original sins by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and it is clearly laid out there in Genesis when you compare the words Our Father gave to Adam as the simple 1-verse gospel he was supposed to teach Eve, it can be easily seen the gospel was changed by both. It doesn’t say clearly who changed what but other scriptures give us evidence of these same sins and also considering our last two admonishments, Rev. 22:18-19, we can surmise with evidence, which I have concluded, that Adam started sinning by adding words to simplify it because Eve kept taking words away trying to manipulate Adam to control Adam, but none of those details really matter since only the results and what scripture says clearly matters, as we can see it happened and are told the result of the fall of Adam and Eve, fall of the Garden of Eden, but just compare and you will see this clearly happened, Gen. 2:16-17; to 3:2-6.
We know who did what because the bible infers the Religious Empire is a male origin since the beast is a male beast, Islam according to 1st Jn 2:21-3. This then infers the other empire is not a beast at all but infers with careful analysis it is female origin because the prophets infer she is the female Great Whore of Babylon, (America according to Rev. 18:1-24 and numerous other quotes). One is a male beast and Beasts tear the physical and spiritual flesh of men, also prophesying about its Antichrist and False Prophet also two more male beasts. All this considered when we look at the Islam Empire it sexually abuses the female gender thru male domination where curiously the American Empire sexually abuses males with pornographic images with women dominating.
Do not fret much if you did not agree with this last conclusion of mine as I am confident you will understand more as you get deeper into the study of these important prophecies. But this is my view and my interpretation… This is my summary teaching of these important prophecies that are weaved throughout the entire bible only ending after our father in Heaven has defeated these two empires of Idolatry that came from these two original sins by first letting one defeat the other, and then defeating the last one, the Empire of the Islamic Antichrist Nations because they killed 1/3rd the population of the Planet Earth with their nuclear annihilation, Rev. 9:15-16; 19:17-21.
That is the bad news for all Islam but only gives us generalities in symbolism of what happens but the details of what happens are by the prophets Isaiah and Zechariah we can clearly see this judgment of the last beast of Islam occurs over a one year period when a plague of rotting flesh is placed upon Islam and all people that participated in attacking Jerusalem and Israel resulting in about half of the Islamic people repenting and accepting Trinitarian doctrine effectively getting saved while the other half are killed or cast into Hell, Is. 34:8-10, 19:16-25, Zech. 14:1-19.
These are connecting scriptures that must be read together as they are about the same event at the same time in history. Seems like a major earthquake at the beginning of this 1-year period scripture calls the Day of the Lord, the dome of the Rock and the rock its self where theologians believe Abraham did the sacrifice of the provided Ram in place Isaak, splits into 3-parts because of Islam’s denial of Trinitarian doctrine, and water flows eventually getting more and more flow of water, all from the major earthquake that rocks the world starting at Jerusalem, also at the same time Christ puts is feet on the Mount of Olives, but at the end of this 1-year period right before the Antichrist and False-prophet are cast alive into the lake of fire alive, by that point the water flow from the rock is completely flooding their Dome of the Rock as a sort of gradual warning to them they do not cede as also the painful gradual rotting of eyeballs and tongues all over the Islamic Nations, unless they give all their gold and silver and holy clothes and expensive clothes to those ministers of healing collecting them door to door for the new 3rd-temple that will be rebuilt over the Dome of the Rock. More on these things in the proper sections of this commentary. I am speaking about most Christians now that if we focus less on prayer and more on scripture it will be easier for us to overcome the sins we struggle with because we will have more faith which gives us strength because faith comes by the hearing and reading of the word of God according to the Apostle Paul, Rom. 10:17.
So is praying not good? No, that is not what I am saying. Prayer has spiritual beneficial consequences, but truth just is not one of them. I will give you another example, the Christian cults as Christian theologians call them. These would be specifically Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, but there are others we will not mention. They have done studies, and do you know most their converts do not come outside of Christianity but within?
I know this sounds strange to most, but this is true. This is what they do but they keep it really secret how they do it but I happen to know how they do this. What they do is go door to door to find someone that prays a lot, but does not read scripture much, someone who goes to church a lot but does not crack open that bible and read it much, someone that likes the idea of holiness, the idea of mingling with others that are holy but does not read scripture much and does not really know what scripture says and where it says it. This type of person never invests in a quality study bible which unfortunately cost a lot more but is lazy and only buys an old translation making it more difficult to read, more difficult to navigate more difficult to understand.
Or this person never owns a bible altogether, or did own one but lost it, and never brings their bible to church to look up as the preacher is quoting, but instead uses the bible in the pew, or uses the quote in the program. Okay you all got the idea of the type of Christian these door-to-door cult salesmen convert. And then they start quoting their pamphlets they carry, till the person they were invited in to speak with, have a meeting with. The victim notices what they say isn’t right, that something is not right, and the cult member tells them we have a difference in what truth is, why don’t we all pray about it and end this meeting and you pray about what is true this evening before you go to bed and surely God will tell you what is true and what is the right spiritual path for you to take, lets make an appointment now for tomorrow and we will come back, or they do not even make an appointment and just show up the next day ringing the doorbell to ask what answer they got back from God.
Do you see how easily this happens? So, truth comes by scripture for even Paul warned us that an angel can appear as an angel of light in the greatest cave of darkness, and our only test of truth is the bible and that is not the Book of Mormon, nor the Jehovah’s Witnesses translation of the bible in which they changed a couple of words in which none of these are accepted by the rest of Christianity, 2nd Co. 11:14-15, Gal. 1:8.
So, what I am saying in this summary statement is that truth comes by scripture, but other spiritual benefits come by prayer. When Paul was confronted by Christ blinding him for 3-days, once healed was confused, but did not go to any man, nor any seminary, but instead went to a quit space in the wilderness of Arabia for 3-years to test his truth that was revealed by the reading of scripture for all truth must be tested by scripture for that is the only truth we can count on, Gal. 1:8; 1:11-18, 2nd Co. 11:14-15.
To all potential witnesses throughout the Planet Earth, if such a great man as the Apostle Paul having Jesus Christ appeared to him in person has to test truth by going into the wilderness for 3-years to be by himself do you think your different or your special and you do not have to test whether what is preached to you in the seat of your church by someone just because they have a seminary degree like the Pharisees and Sadducee did but crucified our lord and Savior Jesus? But these two errors are connected somehow as I see in the scriptures to the two original sins of mankind Jeremiah speaks of seen as a metaphor of prophecy about Israel, illuminated as a microcosm metaphor in the historically divided nations of Israel.
These two sins from Israel are a metaphor of the two sins of mankind on Planet Earth. Samaria & Judah respectively; are seen as committing these two sins that caused the division of Israel into two nations, Jer. 2:13, but also seen in two empires of idolatry that divide the world into two empires that rise and fall in history, both the empires that had their origin when Adam was adding words to God’s words, mankind is reminded, warned not to repeat this Religious idolatry in Rev. 22:18, & also when Eve was taking words from the simple gospel our Father in heaven gave them in Rev. 22:19; these two forms of idolatress temptation pre-packaged by Satan that led to the two sins
resulting in the fall, one by Adam one also by Eve, is most easily seen in scripture when comparing the pure gospel given by our Father in heaven to Adam, Gen. 2:16-17, to the corrupted gospel later Eve quotes to Satan when Satan knew this simple gospel better than Eve confusing that first young couple leading to the fall of all mankind & creation, Gen. 3:2-6.
These two sins that led to two empires of idolatry defeated by God, then mankind is warned to never return nor commit these two sins again, Rev. 22:18-19.
These two errors Lewis surmised in the Screwtape Letter’s preface, coming close theologically but incorrectly describing it all, emanated from the two temptations of idolatry presented by Satan to Adam & Eve, like a gift but really a can of worms packaged in with deception by Satan, just like these same temptations unsuccessfully presented to Jesus Christ, presented and polished into two forms of Religion & Materialism Idolatry, two idolatress temptations becomes two sins and two falls, one we shall call for simplicity’s sake Religion Idolatry, deceiving Adam to sin, Rev. 22:18 and the other we’ll call Materialism idolatry deceiving Eve into sin, Rev. 22:19, both sinning & both fallen.
We know this because the Religion Idolatry eventually transforms in scripture becoming the future empire of Islam, Mystery Antichrist, with all his Islamic Beast Nations that deny our Father in Heaven, also denying our Father’s Son Jesus Christ, even denying his Spirit & our Father’s children throughout the earth, described in scripture throughout the bible always with a male pronoun, because it came from the original sin of Adam who was adding words to God’s words to simplify the gospel for Eve, it seems, Rev. 22:18, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:3-15, Jn. 3:12-21.
The Materialism idolatry that deceived Eve that becomes the city building Empire starting as the Tower of Babel, Gen. 11:1-9, that like a mountain destroys the earth, as America, Mystery Babylon, the Great Mother Prostitute, with all her Prostitute Nations & Cities of the earth is always used in the female pronoun throughout the bible, Rev. 22:19, Is. 14:3-21, Jer. 51:25-26.
These two major forms of idolatry are seen repetitiously throughout scripture as two competing warring empires of idolatry that repeatedly historically rise and fall conquering each other over and over, becoming two competing empires of idolatry, seen as two empires defeated by God in Revelation in their last and final forms, one as that Religious empire of Islam with his nations, the other as the Materialism empire of America with her city nations, both abusing men & women sexually destroying the Planet Earth with their two advanced forms of idolatry they spread destroying earth. But the good news is our Father in heaven defeats both these empires in the end seen all over in Revelation conquering and falling, Is. 45:9-11. 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:3-15, Rev. 9:1-9; 9:14-15; 9:18; 9:20-21, 17:16; 19:19-21; 18:1-19:3; 20:1-4, Jer. 51:25-26, Is. 14:3-21, then our Father in Heaven leaves us with these last two warnings that he fixed it, to never return to these two forms of Religion-ism & Materialism Idolatry, Rev. 22:18-19.
These two empires are in direct competition with each other attempting to spread their empire of idolatry throughout Planet Earth, one attempting to break the other like a bull rider riding a wild horse or bull beast, Rev. 17:12, against each other seen rising and falling historically in scripture, conquering each other while both are attempting to possess the earth and build their cities controlling the earth, conquering the earth with their forms of idolatry they think is the solution to the sins but they are not the solutions, rather they are the results of the sins, but both in the end are seen conquered by our Father in Heaven in the last prophecies of scripture, in the Revelation breathed through the Apostle John brought by Jesus Christ from his Father, which according to our Father in Heaven is the last Revelation breathed through a man, Rev. 22:18-19. First the Religion Idolatry empire conquers the other Materialism Idolatry empire seen falling, Rev. 17:15-16;18:1-19:3, Jer. 51:25-26.
Then the last empire that came from the Religious-idolatry is defeated by Jesus Christ riding a white horse coming with all his Saints, from heaven, Rev. 19:11-21. Then our Father in heaven punishes Satan and all his dark demons and devils by locking them all back in prison, securing them up in Hell for 1,000-years, then rewarding the 2nd elect group called the left behind Tribulation Saints that did not deny the Son but also did not deny our Father in heaven, nor did they deny the Holy Spirit, nor his children, nor did they take the mark of 666 which was the Religious empire’s denial of the Potter’s plan of redemption his children call Trinitarian-doctrine, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:3-15, Rev. 20:1-4, Jn. 1:1-21; 3:12-21.
Revelation underlines the pertinent celebrated fact that neither of these two last empires of Planet Earth’s idolatry wins, both are conquered and defeated by our Father in heaven, see & compare her fall in Jer. 51:25-28, Is. 14:3-21, Rev. 17:16; 9:14-15; 9:18; 16:19 ½ -19:21; 9:20-21; 18:1-19:3 to his fall in Rev. 16:1-16 ½; 19:19-21; 20:1-4, both the great mother prostitute and the great imposter good shepherd dressed in white sheep’s clothing seen falling in defeat by our Father in heaven during the 20.8-year Great Tribulation also known repetitiously throughout scripture synonymously as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. The Materialism idolatry Empire falls at the beginning of this period, the Religious-idolatry Empire falls at the very end during the 1-year of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake called, The Day of the Lord, Is. 34:8-10.
God does this 1st by when half of Christianity is raptured in a group Christ describes as the 1st group of elect but also calling them Saints, Matt. 13:20; 25:1-13. The left behinds also are seen becoming part of an elite elect group called Tribulation Saints, as like breadcrumbs of light showing the way back to heaven combining their efforts with the 144,000 1st born Jewish males, a new priesthood from the 12 tribes of Israel, given to Jesus Christ as a Mosaic requirement in the entering into the promised land, that preach the true gospel throughout the earth to increase the harvest, re-entering the 20.8 year Great Tribulation, also called, The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, to preach the gospel they were taught by Christ and the raptured elect returning to finish their ministry and new priesthood, that even in the threat of violence to their bodies in the form of beheading by the sword and decapitation do not accept the religion of the Antichrist Beast Nations empire that denies Trinitarian-doctrine endorsing the form of a forced tattooed Mark of the Beast, written metaphorically in scripture as 666 upon the forehead or wrist so they’re beheaded in this 20.8-year period repetitiously repeated throughout scripture in two synonymous ways as, The Great Tribulation and The Time of Jacob’s Trouble Rev. 7:14, 20:1-4, Dan. 12:1-4 KJV, Jer. 30:6-8 KJV, 2nd Thess. 1:3-7.
The demons and devils are themselves equally pleased by both forms of idolatry for they cause them to keep conquering and attacking each other to cause as much death & destruction as they can, taking great pride in both the sins of Adam & Eve, Jer. 2:13, both empires that kept rising and falling, Rev. 17:12, each at different times in history being defeated by the other empire of idolatry from these two sins of idolatry, Religious idolatry and Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:18-19, for these demons & devils will hail a materialist or religionist with the same delight.
I have decided to post these additionally found Screwtape Letters in this entire commentary in italic, (tongue in cheek), that were posted upon my blogs by this shepherd girl, a caretaker of fig trees upon her father’s land he proclaimed was his, all to consider their peculiarities by some unknown character, not mixing them with scripture, neither adding nor taking words from our Father in heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18-19, but just considering them as part of the journey as we are walking through this last commentary on this peculiar section of the bible called Revelation that was breathed from our Father in heaven, given to Jesus Christ and then brought it to the Apostle John, Rev. 1:1-2; 1:10-13, told by the Mighty Angel clothed in the clouds with a rainbow above head to prophesy, so the Prophet John prophesied, Rev. 10:1-2; 10:11.
These supplementary Screwtape Letters and fragments, are claimed to have been found by an unknown person in the world today, a young shepherd girl & caretakers of fig trees that carries an I-phone who wishes an anonymity I’ve chosen to respect & protect, that transmitted these found letters and fragments, claimed to have been found in some big 1,000’s years antiquated disintegrating cracked commercial pottery wine jars, disintegrating into dust here and there almost everywhere, deep in some cave (she really did claim this) near the Euphrates River in Northern Iraq close to the border of Syria, (these really were her exact words).
My first feelings when encountering this daughter of a rich landowner of a large ranch specializing in fig trees with numerous herds of sheep, was that she was spamming my blogs as a cry out for attention. I did not believe anything she said or wrote. She claims these things were all done to increase the harvest of souls from the ripe fields of Planet Earth for our Father in heaven with Son and Spirit, where all water of life, all light will flow that the nations of mankind will soon walk by. My first thought was to avoid violating Our Father in Heaven’s two idolatry warnings micromanaged through Moses & Prophet John, and his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, Deut. 4:2, Rev. 1:1; 1:7, 22:18-19.
For when the winepress is turned slowly and the trampling has begun, when pain, screaming and wailing are all around and the market wailing, trouble & tribulation has begun; the prayers, the repentance with a turning to our Father in Heaven increases exponentially, for the harvest of Planet Earth will be expectantly great in the wheat fields of many as the flowing of Heaven’s wind is blown increasing the harvest of the grapes that must be trampled whether the grapes are plump with amazing sweetness or a small dry one with thick skin, all must be trampled, all must go to market whether goat or sheep, all will go to market to be weighed for righteousness sake.
An Introduction: The Apostle John
Before we get into the Prophet John’s Revelation, 1st and foremost let us consider the Apostle John himself as a prophet forgetting he was a disciple, who he was, but this entire commentary is on prophecy, so let us concentrate on that matter only, prophecy. The Apostle John should be addressed as Prophet John and here is why. First off—John was called a prophet by the mighty angel clothed with the clouds & having a massive rainbow above his head, Rev. 10:1-4; 10:10-11. Secondary—most theologians would interpret this angel to be Jesus Christ himself when considering these other scriptures I give you as descriptions in scripture of God, to further your studies here they are, Gen. 9:12-13, Is.63:9, Ex.3:2; 13:21; 16:10; 19:9; 19:16; 34:4-5; 40:34; 40:38, Jn. 1:15-16; 6:38, Matthew 17:5; 17:12, Acts 1:9; 9:3; 26:13, Mal. 4:2, Rev. 4:3, Ez. 1:28, Lev. 16:2; Nu. 9:15-22, Lk. 21:27.
First off let me be CLEAR:You will never find this in scripture because it is not there other than when the Apostle Peter was prophesied to by Christ a time was coming when someone would tie his hands and take him to a place he did not wish to go (martyrdom), John 21:19-21.
And Apostle Peter referring about John says what about he? And Christ scolds Peter saying it is God’s will to decide who does what… But the church Fathers and historians record this happening to John and that is why John was exiled to the Island of Patmos where Christ visited him to breath thru him the book of Revelation.
The story goes according to Tertullian in the Prescription Against Heretics Ch-36. They were martyring Christians everywhere and they were trying to publicly torment the Apostle John publicly by boiling him in oil. Every-time they tried he would preach to the audience and everyone watching would repent and get saved.
After a few times of doing this (some say 3x) The Roman Emperor gave up and exiled John to the Island of Patmos which is how John begins Revelation on the Lord’s day on the Island of Patmos.
Now this to me is a really weird public execution and might indicate there was some cannibalism going on where the Romans were eating their enemies for a belief it gave them power.
Some church historians claim it was at the same time or right after other Apostles were martyred, like the beheading of Paul, and the crucifixion of Peter in which Peter said he was not worth to be crucified the same as his Lord so would they please crucify him upside down. They complied and said yes. When your reading the church historians and Fathers of Christianity all their stories are a little bit different because this was a time of major social upheaval when millions upon millions of Christians were martyred.
Some say these things are legends, others true. Personally I believe them because why would they kill all the disciples in these horrible martyrdom-s and only one exile him to an island? The only thing that makes any sense is what some of these church Fathers said in their letters about what they knew what really happened.
Yes, John should be addressed as prophet first and foremost, just as a doctor who is also a licensed nurse would be addressed as his highest achievement, called doctor so in so in the hospital where he or she works, and John shall be called Prophet John.
In doing this let us compare John to all the other prophets in the bible best we can, but not just considering his book of Revelation but his gospel of John and his 3-Epistles. No prophet should be considered John’s equal except Moses himself which in some ways greater. This is my opinion and as ridiculous as it may sound to many of you, bare with me that you may understand where I am coming from.
I never thought this until I studied his five books of the end. In my opinion the theologians should have placed all five of his books all next to each other in the end just as Moses’ five books are in the beginning. There are many parallels here. John was like the little brother of Christ he never had because Christ was never close to his siblings for they were never recorded of listening to even one of his sermons.
When the disciples were scared to ask Christ something they would ask John to ask him, and he would. You could say Moses had this same intimacy with Our Father in Heaven speaking face to face. I would say Moses is greater but only a smidgen if there were a way to measure this type of thing.
I hope if I have done this commentary properly you will agree that only Prophet John’s writings are worthy to be all in the end right next to his Revelation given him by Jesus Christ from our Father God in Heaven. John , like Moses goes back to the beginning when talking of Jesus Christ in Jn. 1:1-34, saying he was our Father in Heaven’s word that became flesh, became his Son, and that this Word and this Son was not only there in the beginning but created everything in the beginning, if that was not enough this spiritual little brother of Christ nails the point completely by John reiterating that without Jesus Christ nothing was made, that all life came from Him, but also from our Father and their Spirit, that they are life, they are Light in darkness.
The Prophet John has no prophet like him except Moses himself, for as Moses talked to God word for word as a friend would, so the Apostle John was as a little brother to Jesus Christ speaking to Christ word for word placing his head on the bosom of Christ, able to ask things of Christ no other disciples were able to ask of Christ. Of the three in the inner circle of Christ’s-12 disciples the Prophet John was the by far of those three for scripture clearly records a special relationship between Christ and the Apostle John with privileged status the others did not have, Jn. 13:23-25, 19:26-27 NKJV.
God breathed more words by far thru the Apostle John than any other disciple. Matthew, Mark nor Luke was written by any of the 1st 12-disciples as they were all written by later disciples according to most theologians and all we have written by the original 12 are the Apostle Peter’s two letters and John’s gospel of John, his 3-letters, and his book of Revelation. John was told he would be given privileged status as a disciple being allowed to live without martyrdom, and he did live a minimum of 35-years longer than all the other disciples because Jesus Christ had a special purpose, to breath the book of Revelation thru the Apostle john closing the bible to any more additions, or any more holy books to mankind, Rev. 22:18-19.
I like this quote of Carrington by Barclay about Prophet John’s Revelation given to him by Jesus Christ. They are crediting John but really the Revelation is by Jesus Christ who brought it from Our Father giving it to John, Rev. 1:1; 1:12-13, but also, we see many words are also by Prophet John who is told to eat the little book and prophecy by the angel, Rev. 10:1-11.
So, this last quote shows that John is a prophet in the Old Testament tradition because the mighty angel tells him to not only eat the book but to prophecy. It also tells him not to write some of the things he saw which means he knew things others would never know because he was not to write them down.
Not to compare Prophet John to Christ because Christ was the Son of God, one of the 3-trinity manifestations but like Christ John knew certain things others may never know or will never know until their deaths. So, consider this when reading all of Prophet Johns writings including his gospel and his letters, he knew things and used those things he knew he was told not to reveal, but things nevertheless that influenced his words, influenced what he wrote about, maybe although he was told not to write about those things what he did do is go up to that line but never cross it.
This quote of Carrington by Barclay is meant only of Revelation but in my opinion but really should be of all of Prophet John’s writings, but I would like to take this a little further. Prophet John’s skill-set as a prophet in the Old Testament tradition even rightly so but should be compared only to Moses, not the other prophets because Moses spoke with Our Father in Heaven, face to face unlike any of the other prophets of the Old Testament, in a special standing all by himself. If we were able to measure the skill-set of a prophet in the Old Testament it is it, Moses is it, none can compare or are even on the same plane of comparison with Moses, except the Prophet John… I can almost hear some of you squealing in your seats right now holding your hands up to be answered, attempting to challenge that last statement, but just hear me out on this one.
Prophet John was treated like the little brother of Christ, Jn. 13:23-25 NKJV, and there was a closeness and special relationship none of the other disciples had acquired, unlike his sibling little brothers that rejected him like James and Jude and others until after the resurrection, that even were possibly attempting to get him killed before he fulfilled his calling to be crucified, Jn. 7:1-10, Lk. 4:24; 4:28-30, Mk. 3:21; 3:22; 3:30; 3:31-32; 3:33-35, David when prophesying about most know the verse fulfilling prophecy of Ps. 69:21 but never hear about how Christ was a stranger to his own half-brothers, an alien to his own Mother’s sons because of his own personal zeal for the reading of scriptures to be close to his Father in Heaven, Ps. 69:8-9, Lk. 2:41-52.
Consider this evidence: Scriptures do not record one instance of any of Christ’s half-brothers and half-sisters ever sitting at the feet of Christ listening to the teachings of the Son of God. This is one of those peculiarities theologians often quickly dismiss or skip because they do not know how to explain it without offending those listening in their congregation, so they take the easy way out and skip it altogether. We can only guess and hypothesize what happened but let me skip all that and tell you what I think really happened. Remember when Christ was first born King Herod Senior was trying to kill baby Jesus, so the parents were told to flee to Egypt and after Herod had died were told by the angel to return, Matt. 2:13-21.
Okay here is what I think. They knew Jesus was special, would save mankind as a person one day to be like a King of Israel or something like that, but they did not understand any more than what the Pharisees and Sadducee understood later when Christ started his ministry. Mary knew about being a virgin and they both knew the angels had visited them in dreams but over time these things became distant memories and over time we all start to question spiritual miracles that happened in our lives. And after time went on after they went back to Israel over time, they gradually forgot who, or never knew who this son of theirs Jesus they knew as Jesus not as the anointed Christ he was.
They never told anyone in Israel their story because they were fearful from the very beginning since Herod Senior, the Israel puppet king Herod Senior was trying to kill Jesus, so they never told the brothers and sisters Jesus was born with the Father being by the spirit of God. And certainly, they never told friends because of safety reasons that someone once again in a powerful position might try to kill their son. And certainly, if they told someone the truth rumors and gossip mongering most people are, Joseph & Mother Mary decided not to tell anyone. These were family secrets they thought, to be kept under wraps for family safety. The brothers and sisters thought maybe Jesus was born of a different father than Joseph and for these reasons there was a separation between Christ and all his half siblings. As Jesus was drawn to study the scriptures at such an early age as he was aware of who he was and his destiny and mission assigned by Our Father in Heaven, his siblings all thought of him as an extreme holy roller that thought he was holier than thou. The parents thought Jesus was spending too much time studying the scriptures and we see they completely dismissed Christ when found 3-days later in the temple with all the Rabbi’s around him amazed when he was 12-years old, Lk. 2:41-50.
Notice this last quote ends with the Parents Mary and Joseph did not understand Christ. Do you see this brothers and sisters? Even Jesus was struggling with everyone around him, even those in his family that thought he was taking everything too serious. His brothers and sisters also thought he was taking everything too serious. Even there is a mocking tone that when the Rabbis were all amazed at the knowledge this 12-year-old boy had, there is a mocking tone also once his parent found him, instead of being happy they found him congratulating him on where they found him it was all about the trouble, he caused them.
Also why did Jesus sneak off like that, maybe if he had asked, they would have said no, and we see this kind of struggle here, a struggle between how the parents Joseph and Mary thought Jesus should behave and should spend his time versus how Jesus thought his time should all be spent in His Father’s House. Catholic and Anglican theologians hate these scriptures always wanting to explain away that Christ has this perfect little childhood, and the books of James and Jude were not written by the half-brothers that grew up as little brothers to Christ. All Protestant accept it mostly that these two books were in fact written by the true half-brothers of Christ and the reason they do not mention these things in their introductions of who they are and the reason these letters are also so short is that they are embarrassed and ashamed they did not get saved until after the resurrection according to this quote in Acts when we first see some of Christ’s family hearing after that only of his brother James becoming the leader of Jerusalem all over the rest of Acts till martyrdom, Acts 1:14, not recorded in scripture but most theologians accept the historian Josephus’ account that James the Just as he was called was beaten to death by a club by the Pharisees as he was praying for them around 62 AD. Okay my point being in all this is that these little brothers of Christ were not even recorded as being at the foot of the cross, nor any siblings and if they had been there or ever participating with Christ’s followers they certainly would have been recorded, but they were not. Most protestant theologians accept these interpretations I just gave you except Catholic, Anglican, some Eastern Orthodox and some Lutheran theologians but most all Protestant accept these interpretations that there were some struggles between Christ’s siblings and even his Mother Mary.
They did not understand because Christ’s Trinitarian doctrine he taught everywhere he went and that he was the Son of God what sharply rejected by the Pharisees and Sadducee and the entire family of Christ was so connected with those elements of Judaism they thought Christ was a fanatic that had gone off the deep end, thinking he was crazy as these scriptures record and only some of his brothers are recorded saved in Acts 1:14.
My point being that Christ was not close to any of his little brothers and truly the Prophet John fulfilled that spiritual role to Christ, even ministering to Christ if that would be possible, commonly putting his head on Christ’s bosom when he wanted the answer any question he wanted from Christ, Jn. 13:23-25 NKJV.
All the other disciples also treated John as if he were also their little brother and Christ was their older brother with family authority they feared. The Prophet John truly took on the role as the little brother of Christ and he had special prophetic insights from the visions as he was told by the mighty angel not to write about certain things clearly showing the entire book of Revelation and every word in this book was micromanaged by Christ and that the true prophet to compare John to is not just any Old Testament prophet but only the majestic Prophet Moses.
There is no other comparison except Moses himself. Consider this: Moses spoke face to face with God Our Father; Prophet John spoke face to face with our Father’s Son Jesus Christ; both prophets transcribing word for word books being micro managed by God, one in the beginning the other in the end; John transcribing Revelation & visions word for word in the end; Moses transcribing the 1st five books of bible in visions in the beginning; The Son of God Jesus Christ one of the Trinity micromanaged the Prophet John’s words in the end; Our Father God one of the trinity micromanaged Moses’ words in the beginning; Revelation is not just John’s words as Christ breathed thru him, but much of it are word for word quotes of Jesus Christ; the first 5-books of the bible are not just Moses’ words as our Father breathed through him but much of it are word for word quotes of Our Father God’s words and His micromanaging of Moses’ words; God Our Father used Moses to participate in writing 5-books of the bible nicknames the books of Moses; God’s Son Jesus the Christ used John to participate in writing 5-books of the bible when you count each letter as a book; Both Moses and Prophet John warned us to not add or take away even one word to the entire bible with both adding punishments and plagues if we do, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, Is. 46:9-10.
These are many of the reasons John should be addressed as the Prophet John, but also because the mighty Angel told John to eat the little book and prophesy, Rev. 10:1-11. Although Prophet John was not used for the magnificent miracles Moses was, Moses never seen the magnificent healing of the downtrodden Christ did. I would still place Prophet John on an almost equal footing with Moses, maybe just a minuscule smidgen below but that is it. Reading the gospel of John Prophet John reaches further back into the Son of God, one of the 3-Trinitarian manifestations of God than any Prophet including Moses because Moses in Genesis gives us the creation of all creation by God whereas John tells us this was the preincarnate Jesus Christ, Jn. 1:2-18.
Moses tells us in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, Gen. 1:1, the Prophet John adds in his gospel that the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ was there not only in the beginning but that he was the one that through him, (pre-incarnate Jesus Christ), all things were made and without him nothing was made that has been made, Jn. 1:3.
Do you see the genius and artistic flair so to speak of the Prophet John? You see, it is one thing to say through him all things were made as if he is some sort of assistant to God, but Prophet John goes on completely deifying the pre-incarnate Christ reiterating that without Christ nothing was made. Prophet John’s words are so precise he selects them as the genius Prophet spiritual little brother to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.
No one said it better, made the point better than Phillip Carrington quoted by William Barclay in his introductory statement of his Revelation commentary. Here it is. According to Phillip Carrington quoted in William Barclay’s commentary on this last section of the bible we call Revelation, in his introduction of his THE REVELATION OF JOHN: VOLUME 1, Carrington says “In the case of the Revelation we are dealing with an artist greater than Stevenson or Coleridge or Bach. St. John has a better sense of the right word than Stevenson; he has a greater command of unearthly supernatural loveliness than Coleridge; he has a richer sense of melody and rhythm and composition than Bach…. It is the only masterpiece of pure art in the New Testament …. Its fulness and richness and harmonic variety place it far above Greek tragedy.”
But brothers and sisters and those that are witnesses, I would like to continue Carrington’s train of thought continuing like a steam engine saying this Disciple and Prophet some call Saint John, if he played piano he would have been mankind’s Beethoven, if he’d played chess he would have been our Bobby Fischer, if he’d been a politician he would have been one of the Kennedy’s if he’s been a civil rights leader he would have been our Martin Luther King, if his chosen art form had been sculpting he would have been our Michelangelo, if his given gift was painting on canvas images of life Monet, he was known as the gentle best friend and little brother to all the Apostles included in the inner circle of Apostles even though he was the youngest, but older brother and friend to the youngest 13th Apostle no one mentions Mark who wrote the book of Mark.
The Prophet John was: the only one that took on the role as (like) the protected little brother of Christ; the only one that took on the role as (like) the spiritual replacement son to Christ’s Mother Mary; according to Tertullian a 2nd century theologian and historian in his The Prescription Against Heretics chapter 36; the Prophet John was the only Apostle having conquered the Roman Emperor Domitian who unsuccessfully around 92 AD attempted to boil in oil the Prophet John in a large chef’s vat 3x with stacked burning timbers neatly organized underneath as a public display of shame, while he just smiled in Our Father in Heaven’s LOVE evangelizing the filled coliseum with mystical successful alter calls in which everyone witnessing the miracle were saved because of the miracle they were witnessing, discouraging the Roman Emperor Domitian so badly he’d given up, only to ban the mouthy Prophet John to the Island of Patmos fulfilling his destiny to transcribe Revelation from Christ bringing from our Father in Heaven, Rev. 1:9-20, The Prescription Against Heretics, chapter 36.
God’s destiny for the Disciple & Prophet John, as truly a master artist of written words and wonder whose canvas was painting Christ in poetic words like he did in his gospel reaching further into the past than any prophet in the Old Testament did in his gospel, Jn. 1:1-34, yet grasping the future judgment and redemption of mankind so clearly in such a condensed document as Revelation, he truly was the little brother of the secrets of Our father in Heaven’s Son Jesus the Christ, each word of his is so concise descriptively as if being sharpened with pin point precision & accuracy in his gospel, Jn. 1:1-34, John calling himself prophet but also called by God prophet so should be addressed only as a prophet which is an office exceptionally higher than just being an Apostle, for the Apostle John himself called himself a prophet & our Father in Heaven who sent his words with his Son our Lord Jesus Christ also called the Apostle John a prophet and that is good enough for me and that is why I also call him Prophet John, Rev. 10:6-8; 10:10-11.
Prophet John was a genius, when speaking about our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ the Son of our Father in Heaven, the Prophet John was an expert in words and prophecy at the highest caliber in all his writings, But the book of Revelation was transcribed word for word for it was breathed thru him word for word, Rev. 1:19, in John’s gospel he reaches back in time before time exists further than any Apostle, Jn. 1:1-34, before anything exists calling the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ the word in the beginning, Jn. 1:1-34, showing our Lord Jesus Christ was there in the beginning, his knowledge of scripture showed he knew Christ although born after John the Baptist was before him, Lk. 1:39-45; 1:56-60; 1:76-80, Jn. 1:29-30, his Epistles and Revelation, a Bach and Beethoven, a genius when it comes to both Prophets & Apostles, yet like a little brother always with his head on the bosom of Christ always prodded by the other disciples to ask the difficult questions they were afraid to ask, Jn. 13:23-25 NKJV.
The Prophet John seen in more detail further into the future and deeper into the past than any prophet or apostle except maybe Moses, but possibly more if you consider Revelation, not just his gospel and letters, and who else better to reveal the Antichrist Nation’s religion other that John himself in his letters, 1st Jn. 2:21-23.
I claim to you John was just a smidgen below Moses if we were to measure the skill of a prophet, if that is even possible, so no wonder the Prophet John’s letters reveal to us who and what religion are of the Antichrist & False Prophet nations today, 1st Jn. 2:21-23. They are the same nations that deny God is Our Father in Heaven and deny Jesus Christ is his Son, completely blaspheming the very words and Trinitarian-doctrine Christ and his disciples taught everywhere they walked, Matt. 6:5-13.
Whenever the disciples were afraid to ask Christ something, treating him like a little brother would prod him to ask Christ who treated John better more lovingly than any other disciple. Christ treated John like his spiritual little brother and was closer to John than his real little brothers, so they would always asked John to ask Christ himself for he was the one Christ loved, Jn. 19:26-27, the one who would put his head upon the bosom of Christ while Christ was talking, Jn. 13:23-25 NKJV, teaching,
When it comes to the selection of each of his words in scripture and his knowledge of all the connecting scriptures, the Apostle & Prophet that regularly placed his head upon the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ treated by Christ as his spiritual little brother replacing the little brothers that were never there for Christ during his short time on earth nor his ministry years, the Son & provided Lamb from our Father in Heaven, let us cover some basic theories of interpretation most theologians use with some corrections and additions I use, with comprehensible terminology, that you may use with others to describe not only what you believe but describe the interpretations I gave you, so that you may also give to others like a baton passed to a team runner in a great race, the same race the Apostle Paul finished. Throughout history since Christ’s ascension into heaven there have been 3-major interpretations that our Father with Son & Spirit to commission the Apostle John into the last Prophet John 62-years later all Christians did not believe in the 1,000-year millennium reign of Christ as King of kings because Revelation had not been written yet, Moses and Peter seen it partially but not many around them seen it, Ps. 90:4, 2nd Pt. 3:8.
Peter may have discussed his views of prophecy with John for they hung out together and were part of the inner circle that witnessed Christ at the transfiguration, Matt. 16:28-17:9. Peter in my opinion according to historical evidence wrote both letters from the same year in 62 A.D. His short prophetic discourse on the 2nd coming of Christ & the rapture most likely was based upon Moses’ short prophetic Psalm definitely confirms borderline premillennial prophecy breathed thru the Prophet John by Christ claiming he received it sitting at the right hand of our Father in heaven, for these are all linked and should be considered together, Ps. 90:4; 2nd Pt. 3:8; Rev. 20:4.
Of course, the Prophet John seen it 62-years later and boy did he ever see it. So, during those first 62-years all of Christianity mostly were amillennial believers that believed Christ was going to return in their lifetime taking them to heaven, without the 1,000-years millennium, some might have understood the premillennial fulfillment of prophecy, Ps. 90:4, 2nd Peter 3:8, Peter had an idea possibly having read Moses’ words, according to his own prophetic words but most had no idea till the Prophet John with the words he recorded in Revelation from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 62-years later, Rev. 20:4.
The preterist foundation builds interpretations with assumptions that all the book of Revelation in its entirety concerns things of the past that already occurred. Amillennialism was the dominate beliefs in prophecy until John’s Revelation written in A.D. 92, except possibly the Apostle Peter’s belief and quote of Moses, 2nd Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4, and evidence extant of the bible would be Pseudo Barnabas who was definitely premillennial in his epistle (not gospel) in which we do not know if this was the real Barnabas but I take the position it was not, then for about 2-centuries post the Prophet John’s written A.D. 92 Revelation amillennialism was in decline till mid-3rd century when Augustine converted from pre-millennialism to amillennialism. We know and accept the Prophet John passed out Revelation to the 7-churches his fully revealed message from Jesus Christ so for centuries after that pre-millennialism made great strides in acceptance and was spreading everywhere being written and preached by such greats as Justin Martyr, fully pre-millennial shares his views, of two resurrections in chapter 80 of his work, “I and others who are right-minded Christians on all points are assured that there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a thousand years in Jerusalem, which will then be built, adorned, and enlarged, [as] the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah and others declare.
Justin Martyr the first to write pre-millennial doctrine after the Apostle Peter quotes Moses, 2nd Peter 3:8. Psalm 90:4 & the Prophet John’s Revelation. Justin Martyr writes in his Dialogue with Trypho, end of chapter-80, translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. Notice clearly here that Justin Martyr, as I also do, interpret the prophets in scripture to be: 1.) claiming that both the 3rd Temple and Jerusalem will be rebuilt after what Martyr claims (incorrectly) is the 2nd resurrection, in contradiction to those also with great faith claiming the temple must be rebuilt before the return. For the bully Islamic Antichrist Nations that deny God’s character and all trinitarian doctrine deniers, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, denying trinitarian doctrine 5-times daily in prayer denying Christ’s teaching on prayer, Matt. 6:3-15, but have stolen the tract of land where the 3rd temple will be built after Christ strikes the Dome of the Rock and the rock creating a great earthquake releasing a great spring of water dividing the Dome and the Rock into 3-parts in support of trinitarian doctrine against the liars and Antichrist nations that deny it, Is. 45:9-11. 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Rev. 16:18-16:19 ½, Ez. 47:1-14.
But consider therefore, this would be I conclude after the 3rd resurrection for the 144,000 Messianic Jewish preadolescent males are the 2nd resurrection of the elect, as you will find later in this commentary in Section-3, if you wish to flip.
Irenaeus lived 130-202 A.D. as Bishop of Lyon, in his apologetic defense of a literal interpretation of all scripture & pre-millennialism considered a starch advocate for literal interpretation and pre-millennialism said Irenaeus connected the prolonged life of the ancients to God’s premillennial will & destiny for all men, “The translation of Elijah and of Enoch in their own bodies as men that pleased God, as well …as it was God’s good pleasure that they should flourish…” Irenaeus then went on to say, “The ancients living seven hundred, eight hundred, and nine hundred years of age…as God willed that they should live…and that there shall they who have been translated remain until the consummation [of all things], as a prelude to immortality. … God’s appointment…for such a number of years…” Irenaeus then inferred that “The translated do live as an earnest of the future length of days.” (being 1,000-years), A.D. 130-202, Irenaeus, Against Heresies, book 5, chapter 5. translated by Philip Schaff et al, 1819-1893. I paraphrased Ireneaus’ words condensing about two pages into this short paragraph above, Irenaeus connects the 1,000-year pre-millennium post-rapture period to how long the ancients lived like Adam, as a prophetic destiny for all of God’s people to cover the earth multiplying for 1,000-years millennial reign of Christ, before our Father in Heaven brings final Great White Throne judgment with the final Heaven. Ireneaus then goes onto say in verse 32, that because of God’s promise to Abraham Ireneaus writes, “The promise remains steadfast… God promised him the inheritance of the land. Yet, Abraham did not receive it during all the time of his journey there. Accordingly, it must be that Abraham, together with his seed (that is, those who fear God and believe in Him), will receive it at the resurrection of the just,” Ireneaus, Against Heresies, book 5, chapter 5:32. Revelation being interpreted literally being pure pre-millennialism.
This prophetic trend and beliefs continued until long enough after Revelation was passed out to the 7-churches until critic theologians started to question the validity of the Apostle John being the original writer. Around this same time allegoric (symbolic) interpretations were becoming more and more commonplace becoming established as legitimate translations.
Modern amillennialism can trace its origins to Marcion, the great heretic. The reason I call it modern amillennialism is this is when amillennialism took a sharp downward spiral turn from the amillennialism seen among the first Apostles before John’s scrolled Revelation he received from our Father’s Son sent to visit him to give him the words of Revelation in 92 A.D. For the amillennialism some of the first Apostles believed was not based upon allegorical nor symbolic interpretation but an actual real return and 2nd coming of Christ, probably in their own lifetimes, for we see similar beliefs in Thessalonians when told they must work to eat, 2nd Thessalonians 3:10.
Marcion was the 1st amillennialism proponent to use allegorical interpretation of the scriptures to attack those that interpreted scriptures literally, which was the same downfall of the prophets and priests in Israel and Judah, , whose spiritualization of the scriptures was so symbolic he was at once labeled a heretic, but many of these new amillennialism proponents that did not interpret scriptures literally would soon take the same path as Marcion borrowing his techniques of allegorical interpretation, but not so heavy more of an allegorical light. Marcion was the first major Heretic to influence many soon afterward that adopted similar beliefs. Marcion’s belief system avoided any kind of real incarnation, therefore, no logical place allowed for a real 2nd Coming. Marcion expected most of the mankind to be lost…he denied the validity of the Old Testament and Mosaic Law…as the first great heretic he was successful in his attack upon pre-millennialism, although he was labeled a heretic. He was the beginning of a way pre-millennialism was countered and amillennialism started making inroads again from churches in Egypt among the Egyptian people around mid-3rd century A.D.
The first successful public defense of amillennialism and counterattack of premillennialism was by Origen thru his allegorical interpretation of Christ’s 2nd Coming, Matthew 12:30, interpreting that return was Christ revealing Himself as deity to humanity in such a way that all might share in of His glory to the degree that each individual’s actions warrant works. Amillennialism continued once again making inroads among the Egyptian churches and Origen was the first to challenge pre-millennialism doctrine openly after Marcion and Origen’s allegorical interpretation left no room for a literal millennium, only a symbolic millennium. Although no one took his side publicly many adopted his view as time wore on in the Egyptian Nation’s churches. Origen’s influence continued years later until similar amillennialism proponents started writing similar views until Constantine’s dream, he called a vision of the cross sword to conquer in the clouds of the sky.
All these types of questions required community and authoritative answers resulted in critical inquiry & confusion at a time when martyrdom of young authoritative bishops, pastors & elders became commonplace, many times martyred with great scriptural knowledge leaving gaps in accepted taught knowledge. The letters and holy books were being passed to different churches and congregations to be read but eventually because of all the social upheaval churches started worrying about the safety of the documents, because Christianity was spreading so fast, the original documents were being copied and even that could not keep up eventually with preachers preaching instead of reading leading to gaps in knowledge of the spiritual truth. One of these gaps was which john wrote Revelation, John the Baptist or John the Apostle.
And others thought neither of these Johns for John was a common name also. This led some to question comparing the styles between Revelation, gospel of John, and John’s 1st, 2nd & 3rd letters. Revelation being all prophecy and apocalyptic in style seemed evidence by some it was not written by the same John. It was during these same critical evaluations that a minority some decided Revelation should not be canon and this was the beginning of the decline of pre-millennialism with post-millennialism prophet theory dominance occurred for 16-centuries until the late 19th century when pre-millennialism interpretation of prophecy returned and post-millennialism started to decline because people started to read their bibles more realizing the world was not getting better gradually, rather it was getting worse and worse.
At the same time as this 2nd & 3rd early Christian centuries, centuries of extreme growth but also social upheaval & common martyrdom with attacks upon the Christian communities, spiritual attacks also with Religious idolatry, false prophets writing false holy letters not led by the Holy Spirit were commonplace, requiring critic theologians to weed thru the documents all competing for acceptance by the Christian communities. For in the 2nd & 3rd century A.D. both amillennialism & pre-millennialism competed for Christian community acceptance for the Roman Empire was being taken over by Christians and post-millennialism became mainstream for the leaders of the Holy Roman Empire. They believed for the most part until Constantine that when Christ came back that was judgment and redemption.
When the Roman Empire turned toward Christianity they believed it was God’s will to conquer the earth installing God’s government everywhere as consequential reactionary pendulum swing from over 3-centuries of innumerous martyrdoms of millions upon millions of witnesses and was when the beliefs of post-millennialism went mainstream which was the belief that the church would continually make things better, sin would keep decreasing gradually getting better and better and when mankind was good enough Christ would then return.
A gradual end of Christianity’s post-millennialism can be seen after the great awakenings preached by Holy Spirit which led to congregational movements in their return to personal bible studies seen in great historically documented spiritual movements seen like the Shakers, the Pentecostals, the prohibition women’s movements, Darby’s theories dispensation with Clarence Larkins charts and diagrams, numerous tent preachers of revival that led to the Charismatic television revival movement with their televangelists & finally a nondenominational church structure movement that has continued until today, all of these groups have wholeheartedly embrace pre-millennial beliefs which is an opening and literal interpretation of the Prophet John’s recorded words of Jesus Christ passed from his Father, our Father we call Revelation.
Although there is evidence of the preaching of pre-millennialism by some according to early church historians, which I was shocked by, so I had to look it up myself, according to J. Vernon McGee in his introduction of his commentary on Revelation. In the next 3-pages I quote most of McGee’s thought pattern but correcting his obvious pre-millennial biased thoughts about Luther. McGee claims Martin Luther was pre-millennial but did not find this out to be true in my research. I did not see that in his writings concluding that because he was an ex Catholic Professor he was too influenced by Catholic theologians.
William Barclay, a Catholic theologian talks of Luther’s disregarding of Revelation’s place in the New Testament, along with 2nd Peter, James, Jude & Hebrews, relegating them it to be a separate list placed outside the back of the New Testament, William Barclay’s Studies Commentary on Revelation, 1976 Saint Andrew Press Edinburgh, Scotland.
One thing all Catholic & Anglican theologians and those close to Catholicism like all Lutherans as was Luther is their hate of the Prophet John’s two warnings against what I call the two forms of idolatry I teach about in Section 8, this being not only the last section in this commentary but also the last warnings and lessons from our Father in Heaven after he defeats the two empires of idolatry seen defeated in Rev. 18:1-19:3; 19:18-19; 20:1-4, then just like a father scolding his children , our Father in Heaven warning us, lecturing us to never again add one word to God’s words, nor are we to take away one word from our Father in Heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
Luther was not a perfect man as McGee portrayed him, just a man like you and I with imperfections, as seen in some of his other later writings and thoughts of the Jews without chasing that rabbit. But I had to research McGee’s interesting quotes in his introduction to Revelation comparing them to Barclay’s, and some of them were interesting fodder with their incorrect conclusions as supporting evidence of early Christianity’s premillennialism preached.
It seems all theologians fall on one side or the other in this spiritual civil war between the supporting evidence of their own prophetic doctrines and they all seem to be missing the most important point, which is what scripture says, not what preachers say or said, not what church fathers say or said, nor even what church historians say or said. For a literal interpretation always trumps a symbolic interpretation according to Rev. 22:18-19’s warnings from God. But what does a theologian do when nothing seems to make sense, everything seems to be just a pile of symbolic metaphors jumbled indistinguishable from each other? For starters we must stay humble never forcing an interpretation, like historically theologians did, when claiming now for 1,000’s of years, claiming the Angel Gabriel’s words were 70-weeks of years instead of just 70-weeks as Gabriel said, Dan. 9:24.
Theologians must quit adding words to God’s words changing truth in their own stubbornness. So, we pray a lot, re-read a lot, digest small portions that can be interpreted literally on the edges, like children eating that vegetable put on the plate we do not wish to eat, slowly interpreting what can be interpreted, slowly picking away at it, doing sermons only on what is known and revealed. This works for me and revelation is revealed later when reading other scriptures and connecting scripture links are found, for scripture reveals scripture, not men, not theologians nor church fathers.
But one thing we do not do is we do not make assumptions by adding things and words imagined, rather we must wait on our Lord & Father in Heaven as mankind must wait patiently for many times these visions of prophecy are revealed only at God’s appointed times, not ours nor those with long resume’s and degrees, for God wants us to count on his words only, his scriptures only, his bible and many theologians do not like this for it takes them out of the equation and solution of just what truth is and how it is tested which I go into more detail into Section-8 which is the basis of all my interpretations of scripture in this commentary as I scale Mount Zion to get to the clouds where Mount New Jerusalem starts disappearing going up the 2nd Mountain, the Mountain of God scripture calls New Jerusalem no one knows is there but some do, Ex. 24:1-13.
For those that are tired of being blown back and forth by theologians quoting other theologians’ contradicting other theologians quoting other church fathers come into rest under God’s truth tester solution given by Jesus Christ & Prophet John in Rev. 22:18-19, the scripture many theologians hate for it cuts them off at the kneecaps as we used to say when I was in the Army. It blows their idolatress worship away, so they never quote it because they hate it, Rev. 22:18-19.
Let us see what Martin Luther said himself about Revelation and this quote, here is an excerpt I have paraphrased and condensed what would have been about 15 pages into a page for you:
Luther’s preface
Revelation of St. John
“About this Book of the Revelation of John…, there is no prophet in the Old Testament…who deals so exclusively with visions and images…, I think it approximates the Fourth Book of Esdras; I can in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it…Moreover he seems to me to be going much too far when he commends his own book so highly, Revelation 22:18-19—indeed, more than any of the other sacred books do, though they are much more important—and threatens that if anyone takes away anything from it, God will take away from him, etc.. Again, they are supposed to be blessed who keep what is written in this book; and yet no one knows what that is, to say nothing of keeping it. This is just the same as if we did not have the book at all. And there are many far better books available for us to keep. “Many of the fathers also rejected this book a long time ago; although St. Jerome, to be sure, refers to it in exalted terms and says that it is above all praise and that there are as many mysteries in it as words. Still, Jerome cannot prove this at all, and his praise at numerous places is too generous. “Finally, let everyone think of it as his own spirit leads him. My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book. For me this is reason enough not to think highly of it: Christ is neither taught nor known in it. But to teach Christ, this is the thing which an apostle is bound above all else to do; as Christ says in Acts 1:8, ‘You shall be my witnesses.’ Therefore, I stick to the books which present Christ to me clearly and purely, preface of Revelation of St. John, Luther’s 1522 translation of the New Testament.”
First off, I wish to say Luther did and said many great things but there were also many things he said like a bumbling fool in the night, he never should have said. Sorry, all you Lutheran’s and people that place him on a high pedestal where no man should be placed.
I also wish to add Martin, you were no Saint Jerome either, and neither am I according to the Prophet John’s own words breathed thru him by Jesus Christ that brought them from our Father in Heaven closing the entire bible to all additions, all prophets adding or taking words away, all popes, all theologians, all preachers and teachers, closing it to all to add or take away, and even closed to you Martin Luther who is so upset because he could not make heads nor tails of the meaning of the Prophet John’s Revelation, and the last warnings preclude symbolic interpretations encouraging the most literal interpretation, Rev. 22:18-19.
What Luther and others do not seem to understand is that Rev. 22:18-19 is for the entire bible, not just Revelation considering the connecting verse link is Deut. 4:2. I attempt to always follow and test all truth according to this never attempting to force an interpretation as Daniel was scolded of attempting, just as Daniel was repeatedly sent away confused until the appointed Time of the End, when he was not nor told when that appointed Time of the End was in even Daniel’s own personal recorded frustration, Dan. 12:4-13.
But where I disagree with McGee is he taught premillennialism was mainstream in early Christianity I disagree with that view. My view is some took that view and others did not. I am premillennial which is by far the most literal superior Holy Spirit led interpretation that lines up with scripture, but I am not just going to make things up to support this view.
When looking at early church history I see this group of premillennialist believers contending with the group of amillennialism believers each with their own theologians and preachers preaching for both views, and amillennialism and its later form of postmillennialism won until the great awakenings preached throughout Europe and North America drew Christianity back into those bibles sitting in front of them to start repetitiously reading scripture more, especially Revelation and the Old Testament prophets. This took premillennialism mainstream with Pentecostalism and their tent preachers that took the path into television evangelism and the Charismatic movement and the nondenominational church movements that brought both many good and many bad things into mainstream Christianity, and one good thing is the literal interpretation of the Prophet John’s written scroll we call Revelation and the most important ending of the entire bible with God’s two warnings that like a dirty little secret almost no Pastors nor theologians teacher and follow, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, a dire scary warning from our Father in Heaven to all of mankind I cover in Section-8.
Here are my thoughts on this contending with McGee’s conclusion. Amillennialism was mainstream until Prophet John’s written scroll Revelation in 92 A.D. when some read it but many did not for it was not for their time, it is for our time. It does not say it was sealed as Daniel’s does in Dan. 12:4-13, but there is evidence it was partially sealed, Rev. 10:4.
So it was partially unsealed and partially sealed, but I take the view that all Time of the End prophecy is sealed according to Dan. 12:4-13, not just Daniel, but all prophecy categorized as after the start of the period Gabriel calls the Time of the End, Dan. 12:4-13, is unsealed. To me the Time of the End Daniel speaks of began sometime around when Israel became a nation, then everything became unsealed. And the closer we get to everything the more revealed so when the New Millenium starts almost all prophesies will be revealed. If this is not true ask yourself this important question…”What is the point of all prophecy other than to be a roadmap in a football huddle of the play we are to make!”
I do not believe premillennialism became mainstream in Christianity until fulfillment of the Fig-Tree prophecy with Daniel’s Time of the End prophecy when Israel became a nation again, 1948-49. Although premillennialism was preached in early Christianity it was not accepted mainstream in early Christianity because most people did not even read Revelation, bibles were only available to the most minority of elites eventually becoming even chained at the lecterns and not even in the vernacular languages of the congregants, except a few minority historian writers privileged to be allowed to study and read the scriptures led by the Holy Spirit to attempt to trudge thru Revelation with all its difficult imagery and symbology, Holy Spirit led like Bishops and no one listened, and if they did listen they did not necessarily accept.
As I said, Gosh, just think about this for a moment and I am sure you will agree with me on this one. Sure, pastors would stand up and read the Epistles of Paul over the last couple 1,000-years, of Peter and others. Can you imagine the confusion of a Pastor standing up and reading Revelation? They certainly would not have stood up and read such a controversial book in front of those innocent lay Christians in those early years for they did not understand it and were trying to figure out what to do with it and how it could bless the congregation. For that very reason many leaders in the church rejected the book being canon, but it was well documented, and everyone knew it was written by the Apostle John who also wrote the 4th gospel which everyone knew was the best of all four as far as details went. In the 4th instead of a historian recording what happened he was also an evangelist seeing the pre-incarnate Christ, in the beginning as the creator of everything, Jn. 1:1-34.
No Prophet or Apostle had done or written this way, and it was the same of his 3-letters. And if your looking for something in the gospels you cannot find check John, because when he wrote John according to the church fathers, he wanted to mostly cover things that were missed in the other 3-gospels.
The Apostle John, treated by Christ as like his baby brother whom Christ favored over all the other disciples. This apostle many say was the Bach of prophecy, of Revelation , the genius of all the apostles, even all prophets except maybe Moses himself, or even possibly above Moses. How could they disregard this scroll written by the Apostle John, knowing who he was and what he’d already written? If it had been written by anyone else surely it would have been dis-regarded. But because Revelation was written by John, who’d already written the 4th gospel of John and 3-letters letters of prophecy considering 1st Jn. 2:22-23. although they did not like it they could not disregard it. So the only ones that read it were those high in the church. They did not understand Revelation, nor did they know what to do so they treated it as many scrolls by the prophets were treated, they placed it in the back rooms of the 7-churches it was distributed to. Most were encouraged not to read it after countless tried and failed.
Some understood it and the premillennialism it taught but when they tried to share the things revealed to them with others, only looks of glazed over eyes were seen, yawns and boredom resulted. Revelation was not for their time, it is for ours, that is why all is now revealed now for it is for us as we look up for our redemption is near. Revelation is a guide & roadmap for the Tribulation Saints, for the left behind little rocks, little breadcrumbs of light to light the path back to God Post-Rapture because 1/2 of Christianity is called to miss and go thru the Rapture becoming part of that high level group of Preachers, we call the Tribulation Saints where martyrdom will be commonplace and special rewards by Our Father in Heaven. They get to go closer to God at the top of New Jerusalem than anybody else just because of martyrdom; It has its special rewards…
These Left Behind Breadcrumbs of life were left behind because they were SAVED, they were VIRGINS, and most importantly they were left behind to increase the harvest to increase the magnificent grace of his Son our brother and Savior Jesus Christ, God;s perfect plan, Rev. 25:1-13. Do you see clearly how the greatest harvest the world has ever seen now? Wipe those tears now so we can continue. Also for the great coming harvest of Planet Earth when the entire nations of Israel, Zech. 12:6-14, most if not all of Egypt and Iraq turn toward Christ rejecting Islam and the Qur’an according to two Witnesses, two Prophets, a major and minor, Is. 19:16-25, Zech. 14:12-21.
For just half of the people now residing in the Islam countries that make up 1/4th the earth, Rev. 6:1-8, half will turn at the end of the 20.8 year Time of Jacob’s Trouble right after the 2-Witnesses are resurrected and healed sand rapture in the streets of Jerusalem, right after God grasps the Antichrist 12th Mahdi and his assistant Isa they are deceived into thinking it is Jesus returned as a man again, at the moment the resurrected are going door to door to collect gold, silver and holy silk garments from the Islam Trinitarian-doctrine deniers to collect funds to build the new Temple upon TOP of the damaged Dome of Rock that already split into three parts with water denying all their Islamic Antichrist brothers and sisters that deny Trinitarian-doctrine evident all over the Qur’an & Dome of the Rock, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23.
The early church fathers, bishops & preachers just like most preachers of today did not even know what to do with this book on prophecy. It is only in the last hundred years the understanding of this book has come to Christianity, and only now is it truly opened and revealed. The people that did understood it were in the minority, not many agreed with them, so they would mention it and write about it doing sermons on the small portions they did understand, even though they understood premillennialism only now is the book of Revelation opening up fully to all Christianity preparing them for now time is very short, even at the door knocking ringing the bell to come in with the trampling harvest of mankind with judgment and redemption with separation of the wheat from the useless chafe that is thrown into the fire. But the next four pages are some of the quotes by McGee I looked up and added my comments to them the ones that I felt supported the minority view of premillennialism prophecy doctrine, that is now such a large portion of Christianity. This now majority view that was a minority view back then, popping up in history here and there but pushed back down by mainstream theologians that want to control everything just like the Pharisees & Sadducee wished to control Christ’s Trinitarian-doctrine he taught everywhere he walked that they were so offended they crucified him by a kangaroo court in the middle of the night, like a cave of darkness, Matt. 6:3-15.
Amillennialism is the scriptural belief that when Christ comes back there is no 1,000-year Sabbath day of rest when mankind and heavenly beings will dwell and live together. They interpret the entire book of Revelation and everywhere else the bible speaks of this period in all wild symbolic interpretations to support their views and belief system. It is difficult to carry on a conversation with these people for their contradictions are so immense they usually run-away avoiding discussions. Not many take this view anymore, but it was the dominant view till the prophet John scrolled Revelation in 92 A.D. It seems it was the dominant view for hundreds of years after that also, although many church fathers preached pre-millennialism according to their own writings.
Post-millennialism is the belief that all of Revelation or most was fulfilled during the time the prophet John scrolled them in 92 A.D. in symbology they understood in their times. Everything is also symbolic to this view for those Christians in those generations only they understood at that time. The believers of this view say Babylon is Rome in Revelation, last Peter’s writing from Rome instead of Babylon, 1st Pt. 5:11-13.
First the common view was amillennialism until John’s writing of Revelation, then a mixture of some that were amillennialism and some were pre-millennialist because they were influenced by the Prophet John’s Revelation but as the centuries wore on they started losing their ground because people did not have the bible to read for themselves to decide and it became a public spectacle, and since no one owned bibles in those centuries the pre-millennials gradually started losing their arguments when the belief in post-millennial-ism started emerging because amillennialism could not defend their positions anymore, so gradually they all ran for cover for a new belief gradually developing as the centuries wore on getting further and further from when the Prophet John scrolled Revelation in 92 A.D. called post-millennialism.
Post-millennialism acknowledged Revelation but claimed all the prophecies in Revelation had already occurred, already fulfilled symbolically in those first generations of witnesses. Since Post-millennialism grew from amillennialism as a direct result in the defense of the amillennialism view many of the same beliefs are intermingled making it a little confusing for one sees similar elements in both. Since both these views were both built upon symbolic interpretations of Revelation some gradual views developed, one was the 1,000-year millennial kingdom would be a reign of Christ’s church, Catholicism, and once the world became better and better by a forced Catholicism, Holy Roman Empire upon the world and once God was pleased enough, Christ would return with the Great White Throne Judgment. There is no logic in this view, for one must pick and choose which scriptures are interpreted and which are symbolic, at random to manipulate scripture without logic violating Religious idolatry warnings to support their own theologians, Rev. 22:18, Deut. 4:2.
McGee was quoting Barnabas from the Epistle of Barnabas, not the same as the Gospel of Barnabas. Many theologians consider this epistle was written by the original Barnabas that walked with the Apostle Paul. The Catholic theologians especially like this epistle as he quotes many of the Apocrypha books, they have in their Catholic bibles that never made it into the protestant or Jewish bibles, the exact definition of Religious idolatry, Rev. 22:18, Deut. 4:2.
I have personally read all the Apocrypha books of the Catholics and completely understand why they were never accepted as canon by the Protestants. Catholics, in their own defense, do not claim these additions are canon but beneficial historically, their excuses with claims, but in my opinion is still categorized Religious idolatry, Rev. 22:18, Deut. 4:2.
They claim he was the same Barnabas that walked with the Apostle Paul, wrote this epistle whom was quoted by early church historians & McGee that Barnabas was fully pre-millennial, when he said, “The true sabbath is the one thousand years…when Christ comes back to reign.” I am not so sure these claims he was the actual Barnabas are true, but even if they are it is never accepted as canon anyway, so they are only the words of men as defined, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
But as a historical document of what people thought and believed back then is acceptable and, in that case, it is worth quoting, McGee probably thought, and I do agree with him on that stance. Now I just wish to add an important point, therefore, that if Barnabas walking with the Apostle Paul, Paul who was martyred 23 to 25-years before, some say with the Apostle Peter, the Prophet John recorded Christ’s words Christ received from our Father in Heaven, which was a type of pure pre-millennialism belief with the rapture and 20.8-year judgement followed by the 1,000-year true Sabbath day of rest, most likely a minority view within this newly found Christianity at that time, these beliefs had to have been some talk among Christians in certain circles talking about Moses quote on Ps. 90:4-10.
These circles of discussions influenced by the Holy Spirit, may have also influenced the Apostle Peter’s 2nd Letter from Babylon, not Rome as the amillennialism, & post-millennialists commonly claimed with their Religious idolatry, 1st Pt. 5:11-14, 2nd Pt. 3:8, Rev. 22:18.
For the most part Revelation was not read nor understood more than 3-decades later, in fact most effort was put into making basic decisions about Christianity, what Christianity was and what the Apostle Paul’s church doctrine taught but there were some church historians that did read and extract via the Holy Spirit proper church doctrine concerning prophecy and taught pure pre-millennial doctrine such as Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, who was the historian Eusebius says was the Apostle Peter’s successor, commented, “Consider the times and expect him.” You will find later in this commentary Ignatius is talking about my proven connecting scriptural links in prophecy the Time of Jacob’s Trouble that is a time, time and ½ a time, scriptural links I teach in Section-4 of this commentary.
It is not known if by 116 A.D. Papias believed the premillennial prophecy doctrine or was just quoting it. Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, who—according to Irenaeus—sat at the feet listening to the Prophet John preach & teach saying, “There will be 1-thousand years…when the reign of Christ personally will be established on earth.” This links Moses to Apostle Peter, Ps. 90:4; 90:10, 2nd Peter 3:8, a 2nd hand account of what Barnabas said, to the Prophet John’s teaching to Papias of what he meant in Rev. 20:1-4, pure pre-millennialism doctrine. Let us see what other evidence by earlier church historians.
Justin Martyr in 150 A.D. says, “I and all others who are Orthodox Christians, on all points, know there will be a thousand years in Jerusalem…as Isaiah and Ezekiel declared.”
Then Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons writes 25 years later about Jesus’ promised return that we will all drink the fruit of the vine in our Father in Heaven’s kingdom argues: “That this …can only be fulfilled upon our Lord’s personal return to earth.” Fifty years after that in 200 A.D.
Tertullian writes saying, “We do indeed confess that a kingdom is promised on earth.” We can only assume Tertullian is talking about the Prophet John’s promised Christ returned reigned as King of kings, earthly pre-millennial kingdom of our 1,000-years Sabbath day of rest when men and angels will co-habitat on Planet Earth in fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles.
John Calvin states unequivocally in the late 15th century in his 3rd book of Institutes, “Scripture uniformly enjoins us to look with expectation for the advent of Christ.” When Calvin says the advent, he is talking about the 1,000-year millennial reign of Christ with all our Father’s children on Planet Earth, pure pre-millennialism.
Most all of Christianity at that time were amillennialism with those before their time that were premillennial, but not understood by most other preachers and ministers and certainly not understood by laymen that were without personal copies of scripture. This was the beginning of post-millennialism & its theologians and devotees believing that all the words and its teachings were for those first couple generations that were familiar with references and metaphors and symbols John used during the times of the Emperors Nero and Domitian. The weakness of this foundation is that everything must be symbolic ignoring large portions disregarding large portions of connecting scriptures and when everything is symbolic wild interpretations are the result when literal interpretations are ignored. This view is most popular among those influenced by Catholic, Anglican & Lutheran scholars that reject the Book of Revelation overall as a book of prophecy, Revelation being mostly meant for those first Christians being tortured, killed and martyred as a ministry to them by John. Since Lutherans came from Martin Luther who himself said about Revelation, he would have denied Revelation a place in the New Testament along with James, Jude, 2nd Peter, Hebrews, he demotes them all to a separate section after his New Testament just as the Catholics did with all the books of Apocrypha, instead of rejecting them as books from God as the rest of Christianity did in their Protestant bibles.
And there are many more theologian’s hostilities to the book of Revelation.
The way I think of these scholar’s hostilities to Revelation as they are all Holy Roman Empire scholars and theologians, mostly Catholic or connected to Catholics like Anglicans are spiritual cousins to the Catholics. There are many other reasons but one specific to them is they believe the Pope’s words are equal to the word of God and that the bible is not closed as the Apostle John did confirming Moses, and this bothers them somehow in their adoration of the words of their Popes, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
2.) The Historical Foundation believes the Revelation is occurring unceasingly in the history of the church to our present time. The weakness of this foundation is its followers have pick and choose which scriptures apply and which to completely ignore for when there is no historical application to consider.
3.) The Historical-Spiritualist Foundation was a continuation of the Historical Foundation but spiritualized & started by Sir William Ramsay. This spiritualized historical foundation states the two beasts are imperial and provincial Rome, with the main purpose to encourage Christians, but to a large extent all the prophecies have already been fulfilled.
Amillennialism, the belief there is no millennium came from this Historical-Spiritualist Foundation. The weakness of amillennialism is everything is symbolic with no meanings spiritualized with these wild completely preposterous interpretations that contradict the rest biblical entirety. Whenever you point to other scriptures with discussions with these proponents they always say, “Well, these are just symbols.” Without answering the scripture offered them to consider, they just ignore what was said.
4.) The Futurist Foundation is where Christianity is today historically with its premillennialism movement that transformed Christianity’s view with such movies as Tim La Haye’s Left Behind showing the world the incorrect non-scriptural events that would not take place after the prophesied rapture for you can almost look at all these foundations as periodic spiritual awakenings within the worldwide body of Christ. Premillennialists came out of this view precipitating from the great awakenings that influenced the Pentecostal movements with their traveling tent preachers and the nondenominational church movements that transformed hearts causing people to rediscover the reading of their bibles leading to modernized translations and all the massive study bibles everyone carries everywhere they walk.
For our Father in Heaven reveals all prophecy at the time in man’s he has chosen to increase the harvest separating the wheat from the chafe. For if the weeds are pulled out too early it destroys the wheat harvest, so our Father chooses the time when all is revealed by giving dreams and visions to awaken his people at the time, he chooses to increase the harvest.
5.) There is a 5th I call the All Prophecy Revealed Foundation, the prophetic interpretations of scripture that come out of this are all more detailed because they are based more upon scriptural connections throughout biblical entirety. This is where Christianity is moving in our generation at this time as the last generation 70 to 71-years after the fulfillment of the Fig-Tree prophecy prophesied by both Ezekiel confirmed by our Lord Jesus Christ when he stated this generation would not pass until all things occurred and were fulfilled, Ezekiel’s dry bones prophecy predicted Israel becoming a nation again, Ez. 37:1-23, Jesus Christ confirms this is the last generation that sees Jerusalem no longer trampled by the Gentiles, Lk. 21:24; 21:29-32, Jer. 24:1-10, Moses stating the last generation before the rapture will live 70-years or 80 if lucky, Ps. 90:10, beyond pre-millennialism after the rapture finally learning these two last two warnings & lessons from our Father in Heaven, for this last generation of Christians & Tribulation Saints will not add words to God’s words committing Religious idolatry, Rev. 22:18, nor will these Christ-followers of Planet Earth take words from God’s words, Rev. 22:19.
For interpretations of all prophecy cultivated from this foundation truth that are based upon scripture only and not the words of men nor violating the two forms of idolatry again, Rev. 22:18-19.
I thought it important to cover at least some church history of the Apostle John’s spiritual journey that comes from what are called by many church fathers because they were some of the first bishops and leaders among early Christianity in the first couple centuries after Christ’s resurrection and his going to heaven after his countless appearances. It is what these wrote & feel about the Apostle John, mixed legends with facts, left behind at a time of great tribulation, great trouble and turmoil at a time when the church and its new Jewish religion called Christianity were still at an exceedingly early growth stage without accepted doctrine of what happened when Christ appeared born as a virgin.
To complicate this social upheaval leaders of Christianity were often killed and martyred without replacements to fill in the positions causing power vacuums and scattering of both Christians and Jews to other lands at times unexpected at inopportune times. All this social upheaval for the first 150 years after the crucifixion & resurrection, at a time when governments were constantly changing led to many writers documenting what happened as they were moving on the run many times, or writing things they had heard on the grapevine, some writing what they heard as facts they had heard, others writing only facts. So many of the writings contradict and some make the reading of these writings interesting fodder and discussion by those trying to determine which are true and which are false.
Since all these writings were after the Apostle John wrote Revelation ending it and closing the bible, by the authority of Jesus Christ bringing the words word for word from his Father and Our God we were command to call him also our Father in Heaven, Matt. 6:6-13, to any more words added what these church fathers wrote can only be considered extant of scripture and are only classified as church history and nothing else, Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2.
Theologians really do not know for sure what happened exactly during those times in early Christianity with all the massive social upheaval. Therefore, it is a topic of interesting discussions and even some debate trying to separate the facts from the legends. For we only know what the scripture teaches us leaving many gaps in what has happened forcing us to consider what early church historians wrote which for them many times was hearsay contradicting what other were writing. Nevertheless, as subjective as church history is compared to the scriptures, which are absolute, it is still important to learn and know.
Although this has little to do with the book of Revelation, I feel this is still important for God’s people to know the history of those that have gone before us. John and his older brother James were known as the sons of Zebedee and Salome, and the little brother of James the Greater. In the Gospels the two brothers are often called after their father “the sons of Zebedee” and received from Christ the nickname title of the “sons of thunder”, Mk. 3:17.
John was the youngest of all the Apostles and quite likely had more in common with Mark who wrote the book of Mark than the other disciples because he was so much younger and may even have been a young teenager which makes sense because he was quite often treated as a young brother by Christ, which it seems was treated quite badly by his real brothers who were also his younger brother, who ignored his entire ministry until after the resurrection. So in some sense John was the only Brother that ministered to Christ with LOVE treating him like his older brother. Only one person that came close to minister to Christ I am thinking Mary Magdalene when pouring the expensive oil upon Christ’s head anointing him for martyrdom.
And John was treated like the baby brother by them all, which probably started with his older brother called James the Greater by early church elders and bishops of Christianity. James, his older brother is not the James that wrote the Epistle of James, nor the James that was martyred by being thrown off the high temple wall and stoned to death in martyrdom who is called James the lessor, the half-brother of Christ because he had both genes from Joseph and Mary where Christ was born of virgin with only biological genealogy from his Mother Mary. Protestant theologians believe the Epistle of James was written by James the Lessor, the half-brother of Christ that was not saved, nor was Jude or any of his siblings saved until seen after the resurrection in Acts, Acts 1:12-14, Jn. 7:1-5.
None of Christ’s biological half-brothers are recorded as sitting at the feet of Christ leading most theologians to conclude they took the same view as the Pharisee and Sadducee until after the resurrection, Acts 1:12-14, Jn. 7:1-5.
The gospel of John records them mocking Christ attempting to get him crucified before his appointed time according to some commentators. Others commenting on this passage claim they believed Christ would prove himself by doing miracles which most feel does not make sense, Jn. 7:1-11.
This interesting but peculiar passage ends with Christ going to the Feast of Tabernacles incognito. Of all the brethren Christ treated the Apostle John as his baby brother, being even closer to John than his little brothers who attempted to get him killed by deception and jealousy, Jn. 7:1-5.
Christ even is recorded in scripture showing favoritism of the Apostle John, his baby spiritual brother, as the rest of the disciples sometimes get him to ask Christ certain questions, they themselves felt scared to ask Christ, Jn. 13:21-30. Much of the artwork of the Last Supper down thru the centuries depict the Apostle John so young, John 13:21-30, as if almost before puberty still lacking in adult male characteristics sprinkled with feminine characteristics, like the way scripture depicts King David before he became king, 1st Sa.16:12; 16:33; 16:42-52.
In the artwork by the masters throughout history of the last supper shows the baby brother Apostle John with his head upon the chest of Christ, which is also recorded in scripture at the last supper as truly the youngest and baby brother, Jn. 13:21-30.
It is easier to understand the Apostle John if we understand those around him, he considered his peers and friends. Originally, they were four independent fishermen, two brothers neighboring two brothers, that ran fishing businesses, not the poor dumb uneducated ones that labor, theologians often portray them in a bad light, revealing their own personal prejudices of what I consider successful working middle to upper-middle-class sets of brothers. James and John fished with their father’s boat as employees in their father’s successful business located upon the shores of the Lake of Galilee.
The other two, Andrew and Peter it seems, since their mother was a widow, (Quote), owned their own boat, therefore this was the boat the disciples were always in in the gospels, the boat was owned by the two brothers Andrew and Peter. They probably as John & James were born into this business and their Father as Jesus died young, (Research the expense of boats at that time in history).
Therefore, I personally believe the Apostle Peter was not poor as many claimed, nor was Andrew and they probably had more wealth than any of the other Apostles. This is confirmed not only by their demeanor of how they acted in certain situation but how the entire group treated them, as successful business owners. We can only painstakingly guess on some of these things, but we do know that scripture records James and John in the boat with their father and when called by Christ they left their father and his boat immediately to follow Christ, (Quote). It is much easier to leave something if you do not own it, not to diminish their calling as they probably did have good jobs also as sons of a business owner.
This can only mean they had already known and heard of Christ before this time, probably from Peter’s brother Andrew, who also told Peter before Christ seen these other two brothers in the boat on the same day, Mk. 1:14-20 written around~48-50 A.D., Matt. 4:18-22 around~55 A.D. Lk. 5:1-11 around~71 A.D., Jn. 1:35-41 and written as late as~90 A.D.
It is easier to understand these when you read their accounts from earliest to latest written. Most theologians conclude Mark, even much younger than John was the young man that ran out of his robe when they tried to grab him also at the arrest of Jesus. This, many claims are a personal testimony from the author’s account by Mark only, whom is also the spiritual son of the Apostle Peter, not his real son, 1st Pt. 5:10-13, 2nd Pt. 3:1, Mk. 14:51-52.
The 1st two passages are evidence the letters were written by the Apostle Peter as the 2nd one mentions the first one. For these above quotes many theologians surmise that much of the gospel of Mark is from being an assistant watching the Apostle Peter’s sermons, following Peter around as the Apostle preaches recording his testimony. The reason they conclude this is Mark is the only gospel that has this passage, so they think Mark is recording here what happened to Mark, that these last two verses are a personal memoir by Mark.
I conclude that since Mark has written the earliest of the gospels, he is the youngest of them all, I consider Mark to be the unrecognized Apostle. Unrecognized because he was so young when he started following the group. but recognized later by Peter and Paul as a companion of not only skilled intellect but of such high level spiritual growth influenced all three gospels except John who decided he wanted to put in his gospel what was not in the other three. Most theologians agree that Mark was the kid that ran out of his robe when Christ was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Mark, in the gospel named “Mark” was recording himself.
Most probably, because of Jewish tradition, Mark when following the disciples around was 11-years or younger since Christ himself was teaching the Elders in the Temple at only 12-years of age. Because of Marks young age he was never called to be one of the 12 but was probably close friends with John the younger children that also hung around the disciples as they walked around Israel, related to one of them as a young nephew that hung around and grew spiritually. John probably had as much in common with Mark than the other disciples.The Apostle John was the youngest of all the disciples possibly even as young as 14 or 15-years of age. So, Mark was so much younger than the eleven, younger than 12-years old, a generational difference and shift is seen in his perspective & portrayal of the Apostles with their constant weakness in understanding of the significance of who Christ was versus what Mark may have felt that comes out in his writing.
Scripture records Peter and Andrew in their boat alone, nothing about his father, only that their mother was a widow, therefore a reasonable explanation is that they owned their own boat and probably made a comfortable living as the boat was probably paid off. According to the usual and entirely probable explanation they became, however, for a time disciples of John the Baptist, and were called by Christ from the circle of John the Baptist’s followers on the same day while both sets of brothers were fishing in separate family business boats, Peter, and Andrew first, then the sons of Zebedee, to become His disciples, Jn. 1:35-42, Mk. 1:19-20.
But the Apostle John writes that Andrew who was a disciple of John the Baptist was the one who had first found the prophesied Christ the Messiah personally witnessing the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist, Jn. 3:21-23, when the heavens opened and our Father in heaven witnessed to everyone of John the Baptist’s disciples that day that Jesus Christ was His beloved Son in whom he was well pleased, Jn. 3:21-23.
This was not a contradiction, rather an affirmation that Andrew, Peter’s older brother then went back home and told his brother Peter he found the Christ, the Messiah. Since they were in the fishing business, they were probably friends with another fishing business owned by the father of the sons of Zebedee, John and his older brother James, with John being the youngest of all the original 12-disciples. Likely Andrew not only told Peter that day but also told his friend James who told his little brother John. For they were all from the same town, Jn. 1:35-41, and were all disciples of John the Baptist.
Therefore, the next day when both sets of brothers were fishing all of them already having the knowledge Christ was the Messiah from the Apostle Peter’s older Brother Andrew, they had already been disciples of John the Baptist prepared by John the Baptist to follow Jesus therefore when Jesus called, they answered immediately being ready, knowing Christ was the long awaited for, whispered about Messiah, Jn. 1:35-41. Salome, Mk. 15:40, was alleged by numerous Catholic theologians to be the mother of the two sons of thunder, also called the sons of Zebedee, one of the apostle sets, the brothers John & his older brother James. Salome was one of the holy women portrayed by scripture at the crucifixion, and who visited the tomb on the morning of the Resurrection, Mk. 15:40; 16:1. In Mk. 15:40, we read: “And there were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalen, and Mary the Mother of James the Less and of Joseph, and Salome.” The parallel passage of Matthew reads thus: “Among whom was Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee,” Matt. 27:56.
Comparison of the two linked passages is scriptural evidence that the Salome of the former is identical with the mother of the sons of Zebedee in the latter, who is mentioned also in Matt. 20:20, in connection with the petition in favor of her sons. Independent of the gospel nothing is known of Salome, some writers guess most likely she is the sister of Jesus Mother Mary mentioned in Jn. 19:25. Papias of Hierapolis, an early 2nd-century bishop claimed the Apostle John was killed by the Jews, not accepted credible by most theologians as a different report counter to the most accepted view, that the Apostle John’s passing of natural causes in old age, attributed by later Christian as having written Revelation when Christ visited him on Patmos as Revelation claims, (Quote), and being banned to the island of Patmos with Christ having personally visited him. Plus, that peculiar book of Revelation he personally penned which were the very words of Christ quoting his Father.
This claim by Papias of Hierapolis, surely is not credible for evidence does not support this claim. This is doubtful in my opinion, because other writers and witnesses would have claimed similar as famous as the Apostle John was having written the entire gospel of John, 3-letters, For the most part theologians doubt the reliability of its credit to Papias, with only marginal support only. Another minority claim is that this is reference to John the Baptist which seems more probable. The Apostle John’s traditional tomb today is thought to be in the outskirts of Ephesus, modern day Greece having passed on of natural causes and old age.
Apostle John’s Journey
to Prophet
Rev. 1:10-1; 10:9-11
John was the only Apostle that is thought to have not been martyred, dying incredibly old of old age in contrast to the other Apostles that most of which suffered horribly with martyrdom for standing fast and preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. For this reason, there are certain legends of the Apostle John of which historians do not know which are true. This first one I believe personally to be true because to me it is the only thing that explains his living life to an old age at a time Christians everywhere were being martyred. Many times,
I asked myself why not the Apostle John who preached and taught in the most dangerous area and was also a pillar of Christianity, a direct target for assassination by Roman authorities. The only plausible explanation is what this historian Tertullian writes of him. Tertullian writes in De Praescriptione that John was with Peter in Rome when charges were brought to kill him by boiling him in a big pot of oil, yet he was miraculously delivered. If this were true, some theologians say it would mean the book of (Edit???Revelation) was written before the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
since Peter was crucified upside down around 67 A.D. John was ordered to be killed by boiling him in a huge pot of oil by either the Emperor Domitian or Emperor Nero in the coliseum with the seats filled to watch him die. To me it makes sense the emporer would round up more than one imprisoning them and punishing them publicle possible even regretting having allowed Peter to be crucified upside down or maybe it was done at the same time. Maybe as Peter was watching upside down John was preaching to the colliseum and all were But instead of dying he seemed to have no effects even though the oil was boiling all around him, he preached sermons to the dumfounded audience astounded by the miracle right before their eyes followed with an alter call, in which everyone there because of the miracle before their eyes, realizing the truth of the matter all giving their lives with repentance to Jesus Christ. Then they tried to kill him by forcing him to drink poison, but additional miracles happened, Tertullian, De Praescriptione. Scripture does not record this, but historians and theologians close to this time write about some of these things.
Revelation 1:1-3 KJV
1 THE Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all the things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he that readith, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Verses Rev. 1:1-3—They used to call this the Revelation of the Apostle John, or the Apocalypse of John, but according to verse-1 it is the Revelation of Jesus Christ given to John, breathed through Prophet John, recorded word for word to the seven churches of Christianity at that time, from the island of Patmos, Rev. 1:1; 1:9. You could also say the revelation of Jesus Christ given to John. Many of the church fathers claimed the Apostle John was banned to the island Patmos during the reign of Emperor Domitian, A.D. 82-96.
Clement of Alexandria tells us: “On the death of the tyrant John returned to Ephesus from the island of Patmos,” Clement of Alexandria, The Rich man’s salvation, 42.
Origen said: “The Roman Emperor, as tradition tells us, condemned John to the island of Patmos for witnessing to the word of truth,” Origen in Homilies on Matthew.
Tertullian claimed: “The Apostle John was banished to the island,” Tertullian. On the Prescription of Heretics, 36. Jerome tells us that the Apostle John was banished to the island of Patmos in the 14th year after the death of Nero and released a free man on the death of Domitian, Concerning Illustrious Men, 9.
The Emperor Nero reigned from A.D. 54-68 while Emperor Domitian reigned A.D. 81-96.
This means according to both Clement of Alexandria and Jerome the Apostle John was on the island of Patmos for 14 years from 82-96 A.D. John was exiled to the Greek island of Patmos because he would not die as his death sentence was attempted to be carried out, as ordered by Emperor Domitian to be boiled in a big tub of oil at a Roman coliseum while the Romans watched. Many times, I think this is true, but then I wonder why the Apostle never mentions it in the book of Revelation which was written after this. It seems to me that such a magnificent miracle would have been recorded in the book of Revelation or somewhere.
All these speculations on this legend, if it is a legend and not a fact, are based upon when Christ told the Apostle Peter would be martyred on that John would not, Jn. 21:19-24.
This type of torture by physically cooking the flesh in my opinion, is possibly some evidence there was some sort of cannibalism going on in the upper realms of Roman government, if not public but in secret, if this legend of their attempting to boil the Apostle John in oil is true. But there is also historical evidence they just enjoyed torturing their adversaries in public demonstrations to control uprisings long before Christianity by such things as crucifying in mass large quantities of people for various reasons dotting the landscape to put down rebellious uprisings as a means in control the masses by means of shame and threat. I know Nero was sticking Christians after dipping them in oil sticking a big wood piece of timber up their bowels and lighting them on fire to light the streets of Rome, According to Tacitus, Annals 15:44.
For many people at that time, the fear of the barbarians conquering them was greater for Rome brought civilization also. If Christianity had not been taught by Christ, they were not to pick up the sword or they would be killed by the sword when the assistant to the high priest’s ear was cut off with such force some say instead of the head as intended by the Apostle Peter intended, Jn. 18:10-11, but Jesus picked his ear back up and put it on, touching him and healing him at the same time contrasting all Islamic teaching to pick up the sword and conquer with the sword, Lk. 22:51, Mk. 14:47-50, & if it had been his head he would have put that on also healing him, it is quite interesting to note that Christ always taught everywhere he went to never pick up the sword, Matt. 5:38-40, to always turn the cheek yet in this very instance Christ made sure they had not many swords but only two, for they would have picked up many if Christ required them, Lk. 22:35-38.
But Christ made sure Peter had just enough swords to injure someone he could heal, but not so many they would start to successfully defend Christ but enough someone would get injured so he could heal that person to make the point that this was a kingdom of heaven & not of this world, no more than two swords even though there were 11-disciples there, not enough to conquer anything, only enough to injure someone and flee, for Christ placed the very sword into the hands of the Apostle Peter so he could cut off the ear, Lk. 22:35-38, for almost right after Christ had taught the two swords were enough for Peter to defend himself while fleeing during his denials of Christ episode in his life, hands He was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Peter surely had one of the two swords for eleven men fled and turned the other cheek and would not conquer but Peter did try to defend Christ and lopped off the ear of the High Priest’s assistant as our Father in heaven willed that His Son’s love for mankind could be displayed at that very moment in time, Luke 22:38.
Christianity would never have survived the combined hate coming from the pro quo status of the upper realms of the religious whether it be those that worshiped the Roman Gods or those Pharisee and Sadducee that enjoyed their positions of power and wealth so much they had abandoned long before that time the reading of scriptures for agnosticism as if they were walking atheists that out of convenience pretended to believe in God.
This spread of Gnosticism was so vast it deceived many into believing tradition itself was truth and the idea of anything that would challenge or change tradition became an outside threat against the inward civilization. Therefore, the efforts to suppress and put down the new Christianity was combined and sharp during the time of the Apostles after the crucifixion. The new Christians were covered with oil and stuck on large poles stuck in the ground bordering the city roads to light the city of Rome by the Emperor Nero. The power mongering groups of the Pharisees and Sadducee were happy to see this since it was putting down what they considered a threat and cult of barbarian Christian Jews that threatened from the outside pointing inward that threatened their comfortable means of making money with such respected positions of power.
They were happy watching as outsiders seeing this clash of early Christianity with Roman government, so they encouraged it and tried to manipulate the Romans into killing the new Jewish Christians, so they encouraged it thinking if the rebellion grew enough, and there was enough chaos that Rome might abandon the land of Israel and they might restore Israel to its former glory with a new golden age of David’s Kingdom. Therefore, the Roman emperor was burning Christians with oil stuck on sticks to light up Rome,Tacitus tells us how Nero singled out Christians to blame for the great fires in Rome in 64 A.D. Tacitus stated that Christians were singled out for their “hatred of the human race” and “abominations.” According to Tacitus, Nero punished Christians by nailing them to crosses, burning them as human torches for .. (Tacitus; Annals 15:44).
The reigning emperor, Nero, a man known for his cruelty and love of theater, scapegoated the Christians for the disaster. According to tradition and later historians, as a punishment, Nero devised grotesque executions for the Christians: he covered them in animal skins and had them torn apart by dogs, and he doused them in tar and used them as human torches to light the night sky for his dinner parties. It was in the wake of the fire, Christian tradition maintains, that the most important Apostles Saint Peter & Saint Paul were arrested and executed. But while the fire of Rome was a devastating historical reality, did Nero target Christians as a result?
Circus Maximus
Recorded in tradition in A.D. 67, in the last year of Nero’s reign, St. Peter was hung upside down and beheaded at the Circus Maximus during a wave of brutal anti-Christian persecution after the burning of Rome. Nero Nero was proclaimed emperor in 54 A.D. at the age of 16.[6] His rule has commonly been associated with impulsiveness and tyranny. Early in his rule, he was heavily advised, but he slowly became more independent. In 59 A.D., encouraged by his mistress Poppaea, Nero murdered his mother. His leading adviser, Seneca, was discharged and forced to commit suicide. After the Great Fire of Rome occurred in 64 A.D., it was rumored that Nero ordered the fire in order to clear space for a new palace.[7]
Publius Cornelius Tacitus was a senator and historian of the Roman Empire. His exact birth date is unknown, but most sources place it in either 56 or 57 AD. His two main works, the Annals and the Histories, covered the history of the empire between 14 AD and 96 AD. However, much of the work has been lost, including the books covering events after 70 AD. He was only 8 years old at the time of the fire, but he was able to use public records and reports to write an accurate account.[8] Most of the historical evidence for Nero persecuting Christians comes to us from the writings of the Roman historian Tacitus, who wrote between 115-120 CE, at least fifty years after the events he was describing. According to Tacitus, the people of Rome blamed Nero for the fire and Nero responded by deflecting blame onto the Christians.
Tacitus writes, “Nero fastened guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on [the Christians who] were hated for their abominations.” In Roman biographies, Nero is known for murdering his own mother; he is certainly capable of this kind of cruelty, encouraged by the Jewish authorities and higher dominions of Israel coming from their own fear of the truth in the scriptures. Josephus records that during this period of uprisings against Rome, & against early Christianity by the powers that be within the Pharisee & Sadducee government of Israel they started to lose control between competing political factions within the Israel government from jealousies over the massive amounts of money coming in from the Mosaic Law institution of tithes.
The commonly accepted social contract between the rich and the poor unraveled when the rich of the pharisees and Sadducee conclude the middle class Pharisees and Sadducee were stealing from the offerings of Israel people .Up until this time the middle class Pharisees & Sadducee would take a certain amount that they could live passing the offerings higher up after they took what they needed and passing the offerings higher up in the religious structure but these competing factions between the rich and middle-class started to distrust each other and the higher groups started to accuse the middle groups.
Therefore, the higher groups came up with a perfect solution in which the offerings would be taken directly to the higher groups by the posting of religious authorities directly where the offerings were taken skipping the middle groups all together. This bickering within took a more ominous tone when at certain feast festivals, factions were stabbing each other in public and then pretending shock and dismay that some stabbed the Pharisee so no one in the crowd could figure out who stabbed who, Josephus, The Complete Works, the War of the Jews, 6.3.4 verses 208-213, Translated by William Whiston, A.M. Copyright 1998 Thomas Nelson Publishers p-884. Here is a little excerpt quote from my Commentary on Isaiah … This is, I’m sure fulfilled when Judah was conquered by Babylon, but also at the fall of the 2nd temple when the Romans, and gangs, were going house to house robbing and stealing of food, so many robbers and thieves going house to house daily many Jewish people started cannibalizing their own children, Josephus, The Complete Works, the War of the Jews, 6.3.4 verses 208-213,Translated by William Whiston, A.M. Copyright 1998 Thomas Nelson Publishers p-884.
The Complete Works
War of the Jews,
6.3.4 verses 208-213
208 As soon as she had said this she slew her son; and then roasted him, and ate the one half of him, and kept the other half concealed. 209 Upon this the seditious came in presently, and smelling the horrid scent of this food, they threatened her, that they would cut her throat immediately if she did not show them what food she had gotten ready. She replied, that she had saved a very fine portion of it for them; and withal uncovered what was left of her son. 210 Hereupon they were seized with a horror and amazement of mind, and stood astonished at the sight; when she said to them, this is mine own son; and what hath been done is mine own doing! Come, eat of this food; for I have eaten of it myself! 211 Do not you pretend to be either more tender than a woman, or more compassionate than a mother; but if you be so scrupulous and do abominate this my sacrifice, as I have eaten the one half, let the rest be reserved for me also.” 212 After which, those men went out trembling, being never so much affrighted of anything as they were at this, and with some difficulty they left that meat to the mother. Upon which the whole city was full of this horrid action immediately; and while everybody laid this miserable case before their own eyes, they trembled, as if this unheard-of action had been by themselves. 213 So those that were thus distressed by the famine were very desirous to die; and those already dead were esteemed happy, because they had not lived long enough to see such miseries. Now William Whiston, the translator of the above book gives a remarkably interesting comment below this section I just quoted, here is his quote: “Josephus observes here that no parallel examples had been recorded before his time of such sieges, wherein mothers were forced by extremity of famine to eat their own children, as had been threatened to the Jews in the Law of Moses, upon obstinate disobedience, and more than once fulfilled (see my Boyle’s Lectures 220-14), is by Dr. Hudson supposed to have had two or three parallel examples in later ages. He might have had more examples, I suppose, of persons on shipboard, or in a desert island, casting lots for each other’s bodies; but all this was only in cases where they knew of no possible way to avoid death themselves, but by killing and eating of others. Whether such examples come up to the present case, may be doubted. The Romans were not only willing, but very desirous to grant those Jews in Jerusalem both their lives and their liberties, and to save both their city and their temple. But the zealots, the robbers, and the seditious, would hearken to no terms of submission. They would voluntarily choose to reduce the citizens to that extremity, as to force mothers to this unnatural barbarity, which, in all its circumstances, has not, I still suppose, been hitherto paralleled among the rest of mankind.”
This disintegration of all government within Israel caused such frustration with the Romans that they started to categorize the Jews with the Christians as the Jews being part of the problem. Around the same time all these things were going on around 69 to 70 A.D. the belief by the Pharisees’ & Religious elites with their Religious idolatry of adding words to God’s words, Rev. 22:18, resulting in Dan. 9:24 becoming weeks of years instead of weeks as the angel Gabriel said resulted in the common belief among the Religious educated elites that Dan. 9:24 70-weeks of years predicted the installation of the King of kings Messiah that would bring liberty to all Israel freeing them of the Yoke of Roman rule.
This common Religious Idolatress belief of Changing Daniel’s words (God’s) from 70-weeks into 70-weeks of years, Dan. 9:24 violated to witnesses and scripture quotes, Deut. 4:2, Rev. 22:18, became mixed with revolutionary ideas and freedom and the plan became common to force massive riots by the Jews throughout the places Jews had large majorities, especially in Palestine, Rome, Spain with the idea that these massive riots right before the prophesied event of the 70-weeks of years prophesied King of kings Messiah would be facilitated by massive forced social upheaval and riots. This should sound familiar to most people because Christianity adopted this same Religios Idolatress translation. Almost all parts of Christianity also interpret the same but interestingly, NONE agree on how it was fulfilled. They all differ adding their own twist saying it was fulfilled in different ways, but when you read Daniel 9:24 carefully Sola Scriptura it says to “Put an end to sin!”
In my interpretation sin will not be put to an end until Christ returned, NOT when he rose from the grave, That was the start but as Paul clearly states sin will continue as we are sanctified until we are resurrected because our flesh is corrupt and we keep sinning,as we are sanctified to sin less and less. So this misunderstanding of how to interpret Dan.9:24 led to massive social upheaval all over Palestine.
This forced social upheaval and stabbings at social religious events all backfired in 70 A.D. when the Romans decided to disregard and abandon the Jews all together and their Palestine and their 2nd Temple sending groups of Romans door to door killing Jews when at the same time Jewish revolutionary gangs were also going door to door robbing families of food, with gangs of Jewish elites doing the same things all at the same time wherever Jews lived that were unwilling to scatter.
This resulted in what Josephus records in his writings called the Jewish wars, (Quote Josephus), with massive famine everywhere resulting in cannibalism and stories of people cooking their own babies to survive a time when the Jewish 2nd Temple was torn down and there was no system of welfare for the poor to eat. social upheaval that Daniel 9:24 was Daniel’s misinterpretation 9:24 prophesied Messiah. Therefore, the end result of this Religionism Idolatry, Revelation 22:19, idolatress interpretation of changing Daniel 9:24 into 70-weeks of years instead of just as it says 70-weeks resulted in the Romans started persecuting Jews also, Revelation 22:18.
Not just Jewish Christians and these plans of the Pharisees and Sadducee to turn the Romans against Christianity backfired eventually bringing Rome into destroying the 2nd Temple and destroying Israel altogether in 70 A.D. Much of this was a clash of civilizations between different philosophies of how the common man could raise his family in a protected environment from the common raiding & plundering from neighboring tribes invading to kill the men, taking all the food, horses, camels, women and children. Eventually families would run to the cities to escape these common marauders welcoming a civilization that built such good roads, had such good ideas in aqueducts and plumbing that would punish those people that would steal instead of work with public executions such as crucifixion, and these were dotting the landscape everywhere as the Roman Empire’s solution in minimizing any uprising.
Christians If the book had been written earlier than 90 A.D., then Emperor Nero would have been the one that carried out this unsuccessful death sentence. Theologians are not in agreement of the Emperor whether Nero or Domitian.
Church Fathers record the emperor exiled the Apostle John to the Patmos Island after attempting to boil him 3-times in the coliseum while he witnesses and preached leading large amounts of people to Christ while nothing happened to him, attempting at the cooking of his flesh for all to watch, but he kept preaching and saving souls because of the miracles before their eyes and having no effect he kept preaching to those in the audience converting all who sat in the audience frustrating the Emperor even more each time getting more and more angry till giving up upon the 3rd time giving up and saying it was not our Father in heaven’s will that he die therefore banishing him to the island of Patmos, as sort of Roman exile. It is at this Patmos Island that Jesus Christ visited him, and he recorded word for word the book of Revelation.
This tradition of the prophets writing word for word is throughout biblical entirety passed down from Moses & confirmed by the Prophet John’s confirmation of Christ’s words brought from his Father, our Father in Heaven, and we can have absolute confidence there was no violation of this principal confirmed by Jesus’s warning to all of Christianity either, Deut. 4:2, let us read Rev. 22:18-19:
Revelation 22:18-19
18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and the holy city, which are described in this book.
So do not follow those who say Babylon is a code-word for Rome, or that Christ meant this or that reducing Christ’s words down to manipulate them or help God violating God’s explicit last warnings closing the entire bible separating it as the words of God from the words of mere men, Rev. 22:18-19.
For it was only a few words Eve added to God’s words that led to Satan’s deception in the fall of Adam & Eve with all creation. Do not do it. Do not do it. Do not do it for death is but only a few words away waiting to deceive those like Adam & Eve, Gen. 2:16-17 versus Gen. 3:2; Compare the words counting them if you will, compare them in your spirit, then evaluating these words in the beginning to those words of warning in the end, Rev. 22:18-19, then sitting back, reclining with faith having a growing confidence the Father’s only begotten Son has been making all things better, has paid a costly painful price, redeeming us out of the immense swirling lake of fire. May we never forget, never looking back, always drawing forward into the steps God has numbered for us.
Verse-Rev. 1:3—This is the only book in the bible God awards numerous, specific specially assigned blessings, heaping them generously, mounding them in layers that do not collapse, upon all heads, of those attempting not only the reading of these prophecies, but the hearing of them. This is the only book or verse in the bible that indicates you will be blessed by just reading it. For those specific reasons, I suggest those witnesses should be reading Revelation in numerous settings, requesting Holy Spirit to reveal, removing the shrouds, some fast renderings some slow repeatedly, with breaks of time that you may be blessed many times. No other book in the bible gives out automatic blessings, heaping them, mounding them generously upon the heads of all who read it.
The book of Revelation does so, so why don’t you read it for yourself seeing and hearing what God reveals to you, okay?
There are other blessings God lists for those with ears hearing, taking heart all things written in the book of Revelation; special blessings for those reading Revelation out loud for all to hear, or out loud in group settings. Revelation is a somewhat complex book of the bible; it is the last of the 66 books of the bible, that requires its reader to have extensive knowledge of the Old Testament to properly interpret it.
Revelation 1:4-6
4 John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the planet Earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
Verses Rev. 1:4-6—After John received the entirety of these words from Jesus Christ, as instructed, he distributed them to the seven churches, each fledgling having its own weaknesses and strengths representing all of Christianity for all time until the very end after the resurrection of the elect so they can escape the coming world wrath when 1/3rd the population of Planet Earth will be killed by nuclear annihilation, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Mk. 13:20, Rev. 8:1; 9:14-15; 9:18; 18:1-19:3, till the long awaited Bridegroom Jesus Christ returns, Matt. 25:1-13, Jn. 3:27-29; 9:14-15.
Jesus Christ is the firstborn that will train the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe, of firstborn young preadolescent males that have not been defiled by women, Rev. 7:1-8. More on this teaching when you get to section 3. Christ has freed us and included us in his city, the place he went to prepare for us called New Jerusalem, 1450-miles by 1450-miles by 1450 miles tall in addition to the title deed to Planet Earth we will inherit, Jn. 14:1-4, Rev. 20:4-5; 21:1-27, and the elect will never again add a word or take a word away from our Father in heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18-19.
These seven spirits represent the seven churches in all Christianity then and are also here now. This does not change till judgment day as the entire of Christianity at that time as well as our time today are within all seven churches today. All Christians fall in one of these seven categories today.
These are not church ages, rather church health medical charts with Jesus Christ the Good-Shepherd as the Spiritual-doctor evaluating the strengths and weaknesses admonishing but also encouraging his sheep, that we may look and compare to our own spiritual growth and our own weaknesses to self-correct through pray and overcome.
For they are all his brides abandoned not, assigning some to the 1st banquet for the elect to train the 144, 000 from the twelve tribes of Israel, Rev. 7:1-17; 14:1-4, when the entire nation of Israel turns to Christ right after the rapture of the elect, Mk. 13:20, Matt. 25:1-13, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 8:1, Zech. 12:7-14, others assigned to the 2nd Wedding Banquet to increase the harvest, Rev. 7:1-17; 14:1-4; 19:9; 20:1-4, that our Father in heaven assigning the five virgins including half of Christianity not found worthy of the elect, the left behinds like breadcrumbs of light that will work with the trained and released 144,000 with the entire nation of Israel that turns to the one they pierced Jesus Christ our Fathers Son, Zech. 12:6-14, Is. 19:16-25, combining their ministering to the lost with the entire nation of Egypt when they also will turn to Christ our Father’s Son they denied, Is. 19:16-25, Zech. 12:6-14, all combining their efforts with the Assyrians scattered all over the middle east all over the Islamic countries all over Iraq will also turn away from Islam’s Qur’an and their denial of our Father’s only begotten Son accepting Christianity, the bible and Trinitarian-doctrine repenting and all joining together not accepting the mark of the beast nor their 12th Mahdi Islamic Antichrist nor accepting the teaching of their False prophet Isa, Is. 19:16-25.
Our Father in heaven will allow it to happen this way to increase the harvest and these left behinds breadcrumbs of light will be rewarded at the 2nd Wedding Banquet celebrations before all the monuments to Christ are built all over the borders of Egypt and Iraq, shocking all of Christianity when half the population of the Islamic peoples all over the world, deny Mohammad, deny the Qur’an, deny the 12th Mahdi Antichrist, deny the False prophet Isa, accepting the only begotten Son Jesus Christ, accepting our Father in heaven the Potter and his plan of redemption, accepting the Holy Spirit and becoming the brothers and sisters of all the children of our Father in heaven, Is. 19:16-25, Matt. 6:5-15, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23.
The book of Revelation was transcribed by the Apostle John from Jesus Christ’s words and visions given to John in a series of words and visions to reveal the future which must soon take place. of visions by Jesus Christ claiming it came from his Father God in Heaven, while living on the island of Patmos, John claims was while he was exiled there by the emperor Nero or if written later Emperor Domitian. From my studies I have concluded it was during the reign of Domitian and theologians have no idea what years John was on the Island, but most all agree he was on the island of Patmos. (Edit).
It is said by early extant church historians that the Roman emperor Domitian commanded the apostle John be boiled to death in giant tub of oil was saved by miraculous intervention by our Father in heaven, but that the Apostle John only continued to preach from within the pot while the oil was bubbling but not burning him whatsoever, with a great many coming to Christ while he preached from within the huge vat of bubbling oil. The death sentence seems strange and callous to me making me wonder whether there was cannibalism occurring within the Roman Empire. It seems they were attempting to cook him. Another time, John was forced to drink poison according to other legends but, as promised in Mk. 16:18, it did not hurt him.
Some may ask why these things are not written in scripture since there were so many that heard similar stories, but scripture does not say. Well for one thing there was great tribulation and Christians including pastors and leaders in Christianity were being killed everywhere and this led to a great social upheaval with people everywhere scattering to unsettled lands as such. Christians and Jews were being scattered with the gospel they brought with themselves throughout the Planet Earth. But there is another reason and that is because John closed all editions of words or stories to be added or taken away from the bible and for whatever reason Prophet John chose to not put the story in Revelation of how he wound up on Patmos.
All these different theologians during that time all agreed on certain things but contradicted each other on other things, so we do not know what the real truth is. Tertullian says John was banished to Patmos by Domitian after trying to boil John, some say 3-times, others say once but they all seemed to agree he was boiled in oil, a miracle occurred and everyone witnessing the miracle turned to Christ in droves that were sitting in the audience. Some say this happened once, others twice and some 3-times disagreeing on the details but all agreeing the Roman Emperor unsuccessfully attempted to martyr him publicly by boiling him in oil and they all seem to say he was banished to the Patmos Island off the Greece coast.
They all say the Roman Emperor banned him to Patmos, some say Nero, some said Domitian and Tertullian said both Nero and Domitian. Yet Nero’s last name, if things were not confusing enough, Nero’s last name was Domitius, a similar name to Domitian that might have gotten confused by some theologians of those ancient days. Many times, legends are based upon factual things that happened and most theologians agree John was banned at Patmos and John was visited by Jesus Christ, John transcribing the words of Christ writing the entire book writing the words as micromanaged with the visions.
Therefore John, the head of the church in Ephesus at the time, was banished to the Island of Patmos approximately from A.D. 90-95. It was on this Patmos Island the Apostle John received the words of the Revelation from Jesus Christ given to Christ from our Father in heaven. It is unknown if these things are legend or fact since scripture only gives supporting evidence without explicitly saying about the Emperor Domitian’s failed attempted public assassinations of the Apostle John or not.
Our church fathers in their historical writings report it to be true and that is good enough for me, I personally believe it. These legends are connected to the prophecy by Christ to the Apostle Peter’s martyrdom and Apostle John’s walking with Christ and there, really Peter’s bold inquiry of their future. It is important to understand that the Apostle John was the youngest of all Apostles and was considered and treated by Christ like the baby brother in front of the rest, Jn. 13:23-27; 19:25-27.
This is [why] some of the historical artwork of the disciples and Christ at the Last Supper, portraying the Apostle John as a young lad as David is also portrayed before the slewing of Goliath, 1st Sam. 17:33, so young in fact of having feminine characteristics looking like a woman with long beautiful hair, 1st Sam. 17:42.
But to dismiss these things as some theologians do too easily is not the position to take nor a blind acceptance of some of these legends neither is the position to take. Some Christians might accept one legend while other Christians the other and only what really matters is what the scripture states, but other things we keep close to our hearts to discuss with brothers & sisters in fellowship and fun till the day when we are in New Jerusalem having the joy of the full truth being revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Then we will know what really happened because we can ask the Apostle John in person or witnesses that were there all in due time truth will be revealed. The truth is not exactly known it is true, but all truth comes from scripture and none by prayer. For the Islamists are better at prayer than anybody, as are the Buddhists, yet our Lord Jesus Christ had no respect for prayers by men as such as these that pray 5-times daily, Matt. 6:5-8, yet they completely abandoned all scripture for an angel that appeared as light to them dictating the Qur’an, Matt. 6:5-8, abandoning the warnings of our brother the Apostle Paul, 2nd Cor. 11:14, Col. 2:18, Gal. 1:8, the Islamists now pray five times daily yet are the Islamic Antichrist Nations according to 3-important witnesses’ testimonies, and the Son of our Father in heaven Jesus Christ, Prophet Isaiah, Apostle & Prophet John, Apostle Peter & Jesus Christ all contradicting Islam’s own words in their so-called holy Qur’an & all over their Dome of the Rock, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:5-15, 2nd Peter 1:17.
For this reason, I witness that all truth comes by scriptures which are absolute without error for these truly are the words of Our Father in Heaven breathed thru the prophets. We witnesses need to keep pointing all who receive these scripture quotes, pointing them back to the perfect truth in God’s words, back to scripture for correction and truth, 2nd Tim. 1:6-7; 3:16-17. Our authority to preach does not come by man but God’s very words breathed thru the prophets, Rev. 22:18-19, no truth comes by prayer which is the way the Christian cults of Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons witness door to door leaving their potential converts to pray for truth to be revealed in prayer even though the truth contradicts scripture, but since they have not and do not read scripture they are led astray unawares like a baby sheep by a sheep dressed in wolves clothing to the wilderness to be devoured once separated from the flock.
So let us understand this most important truth, that all truth comes by scripture and no truth by prayer, other things come by prayer like strength in spirit, overcoming sins and demonic oppression, but not truth, truth comes from sitting at the feet of Christ and listening to every word he speaks, and we can only do this by reading scripture not by our out-of-control imaginations. Let us not quickly be abandoning the warnings of our brother of all Christian doctrine, the Apostle Paul, 2nd Co. 11:14, Col. 2:18, Gal. 1:8.
The Christian cults of Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others are repeatedly going door to door drawing Christians away from the foundation of scripture confusing them by expressing the over-importance of prayer in determining truth, always offering their words to add to our Father’s words committing Religious Idolatry violating our Father’s warning, Rev. 22:18.
This Religious Idolatry is one of the 2-sins from the garden of Eden breathed through Jeremiah in Jer. 2:13. Do not forget that water flows from both Our Father and his prided Lamb His Only Son to all us children in heaven clearly described, Rev. 22:1-2. So, when we dig our own cisterns, we are adding words to Our Father’s words which is adding words to God’s words, Jeremiah 2:13, Rev. 22:18. Test the spirits and invite them to sit down and read Rev. 22:18 and see for yourselves if they run. This one verse invalidates the entire book of Mormon and all the pamphlets they have from their angels abandoning the warnings of our brother the Apostle Paul, 2nd Co. 11:14, Col. 2:18, Gal. 1:8.
Either scripture is absolute or not. According to God’s last warning in the bible it is, Rev. 22:18-19. Many theologians misinterpret this as being about the book of Revelation only, but most protestant theologians interpret that as the entire bible. Because of Deuteronomy 4:2, I take the view it is the entire bible, which is the Protestant view in contrast against Catholicism, against Islam’s Qur’an, against Jehovah’s Witnesses and their New World Translation and their Awake! pamphlets, against Mormonism, and against any teaching that is adding or taking away words from or to our Father in heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18-19.
These are the different positions theologians take and you must decide where truth comes from. Does truth come by prayer, by scripture or both? Did you see that? There are 3-postions to consider on this important theological position, and the proper interpretation of all scripture is affected by how you answer this positional question. I do not trust in the words of men except the prophets and that type of prophecy has ended in my theological opinion as a theologian with special gifts in interpretation of prophecy in the bible, Rev. 22:18-19.
You cannot properly understand prophecy without understanding this important position of truth. Read it, meditate on it, eat and digest it according to our Lord’s words of truth at the last supper, Jn. 6:48-58, Lk. 22:13-20.
I will give you a hint and nothing can be sure except this when it comes to pray when considering truth and it is this: either an angel of light or an angel of darkness appears as an angel of light, that is it. Truth can NEVER be determined by prayer. One time someone shouted from the popcorn gallery screaming an answer from the question he begged which was, “Then what IS prayer for Mr. RobertLeeRE?”
Prayer is for us to communicate our needs to Our Lord, to cry out to Our Lord, to minister to our souls, but NOT and I repeat to NOT determine what truth is or whether or not the interpretation is correct. For all truth and all prophecy hangs upon the fact that scripture reveals other scripture. If you remember this important fact all the mysteries of scripture will be opened up right before your eyes.
In the last 150-years there has been a great movement of Religious idolatry that sprouted from our forefather pilgrims that founded America believing and teaching truth comes by persistent prayer without reading scripture in the proper time balance of a minimum of 1/20th versus reading. They have incorrectly taught and inferred that religious movements of charisma, quaking and shaking that overwhelmed the spiritual senses reveal truth. The spreading this false gospel among mainstream protestants that even exceeded the Catholic theologians teaching that the Pope’s words were equal to our Father’s words breathed through the prophets recorded meticulously word for word in the holy scriptures. But the protestants took it one damaging step further into Religious idolatry’s cave of darkness into an even deeper darkness leading most of Christianity amiss with its over emphasis upon the value of prayer in determining truth and what truth is.
This over emphasis upon prayer resulted in some major schisms within protestant Christianity itself, Jehovah Witnesses and Mormonism, and a new one in the last 100-years with the Pentecostal movement, the Charismatic movement and nondenominational Christianity. These groups have fallen prey to one of Satan’s oldest tricks since the beginning of time, the same Religious idolatry that led Adam & Eve astray into sin by deception, described & breathed thru the Apostle John, as a warning to all men & mankind to never return to this Religious idolatry & again add words to our Father in heaven’s words; or that person, follower or violator that does will have poured upon his own head certain curses with consequences of spiritual darkness upon those that do ignore this warning, Rev. 22:18.
This dire warning is not for pastors and deacons and those in positions of authority, but is to all mankind, as the warning is nonspecific indicating all mankind will be held accountable to this standard of truth, without excuse. Religious idolatry comes from one of the first two sins in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve both fell to its package of adornment by Satan, that led to one of the two original sins that led to the fall of all creation, in the fall of mankind, Jer. 2:13, Rev. 22:18-19.
Although I am speaking of both types, Religious & Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:18-19, I am mainly speaking of adding words to our Father in heaven’s words which I categorize as Religious idolatry, Rev. 22:18.
Our Father in heaven says he is the only that reveals the end in the beginning, Is. 46:9-10. So, to understand this passage most easily we must see what Adam and Eve did in the beginning when they were messing with our Father’s words leading to their deception by Satan and their sin, compare Gen. 2:16-17 with Gen. 3:2-3.
Religious idolatry is the adding of words to our Father’s words in the conclusion that it is a valid way to obtain truth violating Rev. 22:18. This can be done by the writing of words or dictating the words of a dark angel that appears as light confusing us as to what truth is, abandoning the warnings of our brother the Apostle Paul, the author and progenitor of almost all church doctrine, 2nd Co. 11:14, Col. 2:18, Gal. 1:8.
Paul warns us to not do this, not to disqualify ourselves. The best examples of this would be Mormonism’s book of Mormon, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New World Translation of the bible and their AWAKE pamphlets, some teachings of Catholicism, Islam’s Koran, and any holy book other than the bible, all adding words to our Father’s words in different degrees violating & falling to Satan’s temptation of Religious idolatry spoken by both Christ and the Apostle Paul, Revelation 22:18, abandoning the warnings of our brother the Apostle Paul, author of most all church doctrine, 2nd Co. 11:14, Col. 2:18, Gal. 1:8.
Another way we can fall to this temptation is by listening and following the words of a person that places himself in the pulpit equal or higher than scripture itself, like a theologian, pastor, Pope or someone calling themselves an Apostle or Prophet, teacher or theologian that teaches without quoting scripture, claiming certain things by quoting words of great men instead of quoting scripture, saying or claiming by insinuation he is one of us, but teaches contrary to us, also described as a sheep in wolves’ clothing, Matt. 7:15-20.
This could be something as simple as a pastor or elder in the church government claiming some tradition not in scripture is equal to truth of what is in the bible. I am of the opinion, that our Father in heaven gave us the bible for that very reason, that all men cannot be trusted. We have found this to be true when it comes to freedom and liberty, which also comes from God, let us also claim this same enlightenment of truth when it comes to biblical truth; this is my biblical interpretation and position which is your first lesson in understanding what the proper interpretation of all scripture and prophecy is.
If there is anything you gain from the reading of this commentary, this is the gold nugget of truth you must take with you and keep in your heart, that all truth comes by scripture, by the very breathed words of our Father in heaven, everything else is deception when it comes to deciphering what truth is. We are not to put our brother pastors on a pedestal but to hold them accountable to every single word of our Father in heaven, Matt. 6:15-20.
And of course, this very principal that all men are sinful, nor is any man sinless except our Lord, and that there is only one, our Father in heaven’s perfect righteous holiness, that will not allow any sinful man back into his presence in heaven that repeatedly purposely keeps violating these two forms of Religious and Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:18-19.
For in the very beginning, before Moses’ authorship of the first five books, all truth was oral passed down, handed down from father to son through the elders. If this had been successful there would be no reason for a bible. But we all know the end when a person whispers a nugget of truth passing it around the circle sitting at a campfire and realizing the result is nothing like what was originally pronounced as truth. All people always wish to add and take away words because it tickles the ears of the hearer. Each person adds or takes away words and the end nugget is no nugget of truth anymore, Rev. 22:18-19, Jer. 2:13.
So my position is a personal truth realized thru the scriptures, “That all truth comes from the bible, no truth by prayer nor research of prior theologians.” I have found almost all commentaries to be completely worthless in the help of interpretation, in fact commentaries by theologians tend to throw a tremendous amount of confusion into the mix. Remember the issue at hand is never what some man thought about some verse at some time in history and who he was or how famous.
The issue is (does) Our Father in Heaven have a history of trusting those in charge, and if that was so (why) did he breathe these words thru the prophets in the bible anyways?
Our Father in Heaven obviously had certain prophets he did trust such as Moses having discussions and breathing the 1st-5 books of Moses thru Moses, but Why?
What was the purpose of the bible that has been translated into all languages throughout the Planet Earth, that any man throughout the earth may read Our Father in Heaven’s words from our own bibles in our own homes without some religious official telling us what Our Father in Heaven really meant?
I do look at them usually throwing them across the room in disgust of their lack of scriptural evidence for their claims, lacking in scriptural evidence supporting their claims of most of their interpretations of scripture except Trinitarian-doctrine, in which there is immense scripture support in the entirety of both Old & New testaments, Trinitarian-doctrine being a correct view taken, and also their philosophical interpretations & explanations of how truth meshes with the geological fossils and dinosaurs and the age of the planet Earth and how they line up with scripture.
You can find more commentary on these issues in my commentary on Genesis but here is a peak of my thoughts on these things. Unlike all other commentaries in these instances theologian’s commentaries in rare circumstances are helpful because just about all the arguments on all sides have been made, but even considering these things I take a somewhat different view in my commentary on Genesis. Almost all theologians take the view that the 5-books of Moses were not written by Moses, considered started originally as a critical view by some rare theologians such as I, because the authorship shows different styles of writing using different words, exhibiting different styles of writing meaning different authors, (academia calls this the J-inquiry).
Most interpret this as different times at different generations in contention saying they were not written by Moses but condensed and compiled over time, yet if one reads Ex. 24:1-18, it is easily surmised that Moses was the leader of a new school of prophets, and it was out of this school under Moses’ authority that these 1st five books of Moses were produced & came from. It was Moses himself who authored the books but claimed they came from Our Father in Heaven, and these seventy were assistants, editors, secretaries and on job trainees we repetitiously see all over our blue-collar schools today like schools of plumbing, schools of electricians, schools of pipe-fitters, schools of machinists all trained on the job, just as Moses school of prophets.
We see administrative department heads because when we count there are 75 prophets, not the 70 asked for in verses one to two because the 70 are the underling school trainees with the four department heads micromanaged by Moses at the top above the four, Ex. 24:1-18.
This educative school structure clearly shows separated department heads with separate responsibilities including separate distinct skill levels assigned different tasks to manage the immense amount of material, all written down and compiled by Moses micromanaged but separate department heads in competition with each other for bureaucratic control and influence. It is obvious to imagine Moses’s meeting with God, then meeting with the other four with discussion and decision making, then each of the five, including Moses, go off and meet with their assigned fifteen to accomplish their assigned tasks. This is clearly what happened.
They were all prophets, and most probably all editors and all writers. They were witnesses of God meeting with Moses, the Israelites were witnesses of this group of seventy all assigned tasks by Moses to write these 5-books of Moses. To think Moses did all his own editing of the immense size of the 5-books is just silliness, nor has this been claimed by scripture nor tradition, but this chapter in Exodus shows us clearly what happened. My view upholds truth and the tradition that they were written by Moses, upholding Mosaic authorship, that they were written by Moses even according to scripture, Ex. 24:1-18.
I do not know why all (seems all to me) theologians on the conservative side are unwilling to standup for truth, for the conservative view is the strongest in my opinion if scripture is just read. But this brings a whole another problem theologians and Pastors are causing by not reading the scriptures nor fulfilling their call to stand up in church in congregations and simply just read the scriptures with question-and-answer sessions afterwards. Do you know that that was the requirement of all congregations and Pastors in the Old Testament times?
It is true and that was what they did in history. The Pastor’s job was to read scriptures to the congregation at a time in history when people could not read. Well thank goodness our Father in Heaven had the foresight that a day would eventually come when most all people with a certain amount of intelligence would read, for Our Father in Heaven took out the middle man so all men would eventually quit adding and taking away words from Our Father in Heavens words just as Moses warned confirmed by the great Prophet John, closing the bible once an for all to all future cults, closing to all future religions including Buddhism, Atheism, Agnosticism, Hinduism, Islam, and all religion concerning all truth except the last one, Christianity, Deut. 4:2, Rev. 22:18-19.
My view from my commentary on Genesis is that Moses started a school of prophets teaching with administrators, department heads and the whole nine yards as we say here in America. Just like any department head at an ivy league school at Yale or Harvard or Oxford, Moses had assistants that could read & write and that was the main requirement they had to be able to read and write with ability to become scribes, and authored under his name in his school, Moses’ school of prophets, Ex. 24:1-18.
Just like any department head assigns assistants to himself or someone else that is writing it is all done under one name many times, whether they call it an editor, or department head or a famous writer’s name there are assistants, and trainees and numerous many that do the bulwark of the labor of writing that is than micromanaged by one person, one author named Moses. Scripture even supports this view of Moses’ school of seventy prophets and 5-department heads in his school of prophets, Ex. 24:1-18.
This eventually came to be known as written by Moses himself, because that is what the Israelites witnessed, Moses’s micromanaging everything as top judge, top prophet, who it was overseen by Moses, micromanaged by Moses, but each assistant had their own style and unique words show through in Moses’ authorship, but they are still written by Moses just as those books are at academic institutions like Harvard, Yale, and any top director of the theology department at any seminary or theology department of any major academic institution. It was Moses that our Father in heaven spoke to, Ex. 24:1-18, not the seventy prophets even though they held eyewitness account, as witnesses and prophets these 70-prophets told the Israelites what they’d seen once going back down the mountain what they’d seen Moses do, of course they would put Moses name on everything out of not only respect, but the truth of what the eye had seen, therefore everything, every single tidbit had to be read and re-read and checked by Moses, micromanaged by Moses, Ex. 24:1-18.
This is what happened, and therefore all truth comes by scripture and no truth comes by prayer nor academia or theologian, not even me if I were to not point back to scripture as I always attempt to do, Rev. 22:18-19.
When Christ was tempted by Satan, he quoted scripture because truth comes from scripture not prayer nor any angel today, nor academia or theologian but by scripture only as the cry of the reformation by Martin Luther and his Latin cry Sola Scriptura, meaning by scripture only, Lk. 4:1-13, 2nd Co. 11:14, Col. 2:18, Gal. 1:8.
By the way, do you know Jesus was tempted by the same two forms of Religious & Materialism Idolatry as Adam & Eve fell to and sinned with? Rev. 22:18-19. When we’re attempting to determine what truth is in the proper hermeneutic interpretation of prophecy, and all scripture for that matter, truth is determined by scripture only, Sola Scriptura according to Martin Luther, not by prayer nor by the reading of other commentaries which are the words of men, Religious idolatry, unless they point you back to our Father in heaven’s words as I do, Rev. 22:18.
Yes, our Father in heaven appeared to the 75 prophets, Ex. 24:1-18, breathing his words through the prophets for mercy upon us lost souls and our benefit, Ex. 24:1-18. But there comes a time when prophecy ends, let us call this time almost now, Zech. 13:1-6, because our Father the Potter’s love letter to mankind has ended, & this type of prophecy of adding words to scripture has ended, Rev. 22:18-19.
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