New-Found Prophesies in Revelation: Almost All Prophesy Revealed Section 2
These 2nd set of Screwtape letters between these Demons from caves of darkness are talking about scripture so I added the scripture quotes so the reader can easily reference what they might be talking about…I have also taken the liberty to capitalize the pronoun when referring to God to make it easier for the reader to understand what is being said,,,
(Place the Screwtape letters for the Ten virgins, the Rapture of the elect, the left behinds breadcrumbs of light here, )
Sargent Wormwood,
Quit complaining about the elect and how God calls them His children commanding them thru Himself-his-Son in that unholy book they call Matthew. Matt. 6:6-13. Who does this Author of Trinitarian-doctrine think he is? He cheats at the game. He says he reveals the end in the beginning but he never revealed those things to us so we could plan accordingly to increase our harvest of souls. The rules are stacked against us. He says that he reveals the end in the beginning, but what he does not say that that is only to those that spend all their free time reading his scripture breathed thru his silly prophets. I mean this scripture has been there for thousands of years yet not one church quoted it as an important scripture to know…
Who spends all their time reading scripture? Even our Enemy’s pastors nor elders in the churches ever read our Enemy’s Road-Map-Manual that shows the way back. Our campaign of whispers making them think truth came by prayer,was from our Enemy’s Spirit so they think they are recieved truth that way but they are not only going on the path further and further into darkness. this so I am thinking keep whispering in all the pastor’s ears, things like that. Teach the pastors that they are highly skilled orators to always add things in, always a little extra here and there, to make people laugh a lot. Whisper in their ears to always have a prayer meeting in groups in the middle of the service to prevent that time behind used for the public reading of scripture. Never forget, anything that distracts and keeps people from reading scripture, to prevent the pastors from reading scriptures. Could you have imagined if one of His children stumbled upon this verse thousands of years ago? Get them doing anything, any kind of church business that leads them away from just reading our Enemy’s words. A really good thing to whisper is any way you’re deceiving them into thinking it came from the Spirit of our Enemy. , instead of revealing the prophesies in the end in the beginning in the end because no one was reading his manual of the game rules they call the bible as he breathed the words thru that Prophet Isaiah. Is. 46:9-10. He says he reveals the end in the beginning but he did not reveal it to us, so those are unfair rules. He is tricking us out of our harvest of the spotted striped and dirty sheep just as that child of God Jacob tricked our son Uncle Laban out of that great harvest of spotted striped and dirty colored sheep. I mean who wants dirty colored sheep anyway?!! The only good sheep are the ones with the perfect fleece of white on the outside, right?!! Gen. 30:27-43; 31:10-14 It is so demeaning that God creates himself as his own Son with no father yet calls that Son His only begotten Son, found worthy to escape that slipped thru your claws and fly to other places getting to work on the patients left behind, those breadcrumbs of light, can you see their light showing the path of truth back? Use their own light against them like the claws of our brothers of darkness never released on probation pulling them down to the numerous caves of darkness. Whisper in their ears there is no such thing as absolute truth, only a little bit of truth in everything sprinkled with a little bit of falsehood in everything which leads only in one direction to us, the darkest darkness, each darker than the prior. For our time of happiness is short and we have only 7-years to lord over them causing them great tribulation, according to Pastor Rikshaw’s interpretation of the prophecies at the University of Triple Denial 666. Start searching for the left behinds, the breadcrumbs of light. Confuse them, whisper in their ears there is no truth, only confusion and that all truth must be interpreted by some preacher, some teacher, some Imam or holy man wearing white linen but never in the holy book our Enemy & Son with Spirit breathed through the Enemy’s chosen prophets. Never let them realize this simple faith that saves them, that strengthens them, that heals their soul hurts by encouraging them to call our Enemy their Father in heaven & Son with Spirit.
Your loving Uncle & General,
Dear Sargent Wormwood Sir,
PFC Scorpion & General Screwtape asked me to write you occasionally. I heard you were a little down about the enemy’s children that were found to be of the elect, escaped by rapture. That is cheating. How can You know me and your winged brothers have been thinking on this, agreeing how unfair it is that our Enemy and that one he calls his Son with Spirit are concocting their own rules that seem to confound us hordes as more and more revealed. And the way he keeps mocking & laughing at us. Then I only noticed recently the words of Isaiah when he breathed thru Prophet Isaiah that He is the only one that reveals the End, in the Beginning, Is. 46:9-10. We found great relief in our depression by whispering in the ears of He, who likes and proclaimed by his Son, to be called “Our Father in Heaven,” how despicable as he is always cheating me. Who does he think he is? These are the patient’s elements of the two temptations packaged by our great Big Brother Lucy Fer, the two forms of idolatrous temptations used against all the patients, Pastor Rikshaw explained to us at his University of Triple Denial 666 darkness. Here is what we have had great success with, as the lava flows underground from East to West in in-numerous caves of darkness. It is more fun and easier to accomplish with a companion-winged brother of darkness. It goes like this…
This fragment of one letter above that obviously continued but the age of these scrolls broke up into dust and ended here…this fragment of this letter is all we have of this letter.
New-Found Prophecies in Revelation:
Almost All Prophecy Revealed
Section-2 Content—The Ten Virgins; Five left behind Virgin breadcrumbs of light to increase the harvest, Rev. 1:7-5:14, 10:1-11:19, Matt. 25:1-13.
Revelation 1:7-8
7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen
. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Verses Rev. 1:7-8—Verse 7 should be considered and compared with Abraham’s 3-angels he called Lord, Gen. 18:1-15, the description of the mighty angel most theologians think is Jesus Christ-like many Old Testament descriptions of Angels that are also God, Rev. 10:1-2, also seen in Daniel’s Son of Man and Paul’s vision, Dan. 7:13; 1st Thess. 4:16-17. Alpha and Omega are Greek words meaning, the beginning and the end. The Apostle John claims penmanship of these word-by-word prophecies brought to him by Jesus Christ, Christ claiming he received them from his & our Father in Heaven, Matt. 6:5-15, compare Rev. 1:1-2; with 1:10-13.
Revelation 1:9-11 KJV
9 I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle of Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day and heard and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus and unto Smyrna, unto Thyatira, and unto Pergamos and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.”
Verses Rev. 1:9-11—John’s own testimony claims he was banned to the island of Patmos because of preaching the good news gospel of Jesus Christ, the word. Yet in Jn. 1:1-34. two witnesses the Apostle John and John the Baptist claim the word was there in the beginning. Some might ask, “The bible or Jesus Christ?” I believe both since the words of God were breathed thru the prophets, but that is my personal beliefs. It is this part that was changed by the Jehovah’s Witnesses in their New World translation changing a couple words from “the word was God,” to, “The word became a god,” which violates our Father’s Religious idolatry warning in the end, Rev. 22:18. It is interesting the enemies of our Father in Heaven always accuse the Christ followers of the same exact things they are doing, for it is they that have changed our Father in Heaven’s words by breaking the warnings of Religious idolatry and adding words to our Father in Heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18.
The Lord’s Day according to most theologians was celebrated by early Christians the day Christ rose from the grave on the 3rd day, on what today we call Sunday which was the 1st day of the week. Therefore just as in the early days of Christianity they celebrated the day Christ was resurrected (1st Jewish day of week), this Lord’s-day became our Sunday and in the early history of the West which are known as the Christian nations people did not work on Sundays for that was church day. Today that is now different because of all the Materialism Idolatry with its Atheism an Agnosticism that has consumed Western civilization.
Most all Christians go to church on Sunday instead of what was called the Sabbath or Saturday. It is not what is taught by those others that claim this was changed by the Holy Roman Empire in 3 or 4-hundred A.D., whatever they claim. This was started in the beginning of Christianity when they would worship on the day Christ rose from the grave resurrected, for they thought it would be silly to celebrate the day Christ was still in the grave not yet resurrected.
The natural inclination from Christianity’s birth and beginning was to, just as the Apostle John says here as he was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day which was Sunday. The Apostle Paul confirms this saying the code was nailed to the cross by Jesus Christ, Col. 2:13-14, and that it is a deception and false gospel when the Apostle Paul quoted circumcision as an example of it, Phil. 3:2-6, Gal. 6:12-16; 5:2-4; 4:21-30, even saying there was a false mountain many climbs thinking they are holier than thou when they climb even calling that mountain Mount Sinai. Once again those that claim you are to go to church on Saturday instead of Sunday are breaking our Father in Heaven’s Religious idolatry warning by adding words to God’s words, Rev. 22:18.
They worshiped God on the 1st day of the week celebrating Sunday because that was the day Jesus Christ rose from the grave. In early church history Sunday was called “The Lord’s Day.” To early this made more sense to celebrate the day Christ rose from the grave rather than the day Christ was in the grave. Most of Christians celebrate going to church in the spirit instead of Saturday the traditional Jewish Sabbath. The Apostle Paul taught if we follow one law of the code of Mosaic Law for holiness sake we were placing ourselves under the code and were obligated to follow the entire code (Mosaic Law) and if we did not follow the entire code we were hypocrites that picked and chose which law to follow and which not, Col. 2:13-15; 2:16, Gal. 3:10-13, Mk. 2:27.
John, on the Lord’s-Day, is transported into the spirit into the future, receiving this vision on a Sunday while in the spirit which probably was during prayer & meditation. We Christians celebrate Sunday which was the 1st day of the week at that time, rather than the Saturday Sabbath because Christ was still dead in the grave on the Sabbath, not a day to celebrate, a day he was in the tomb with that big rock rolled in front of it. On this Saturday Sabbath day all the followers of Christ were still mourning the death & crucifixion of our Savior, not a day to celebrate. The only ones celebrating this day were the demons & devils of darkness and Hell, and all the groups of Pharisees & Sadducee that denied he was the Son, denied he was the Messiah, denied he had a Father in heaven we call God, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, denying Christ’s teaching of Trinitarian-doctrine he taught everywhere he walked all over the land of Israel that we are to address God in heaven as our Father even in our prayers, Matt. 6:3-15.
There are certain church groups that falsely claim, we should be attending church on Saturday which was the Sabbath. They then go into all these detailed reasons of attacks accusing of how the Catholic church changed the worship day from Saturday to Sunday as it being Catholic conspiracy, when the Catholic beliefs did not come until 4-centuries later. This is another good example of Religious idolatry when words and teachings are added to our Father in Heaven’s words, Rev. 22:18.
They then expound on this taking advantage of people that are not very well read or informed. nor do they have the time to investigate, so they go along with what these sheep in wolves’ clothing and their false shepherds say and start attending church on Saturday, following this false mountain of Mosaic law, which is Mount Sinai, Gal. 1:6-9; 3:1-3; 3:10-11; 4:21-31, Col. 2:9-14; 2:16-18.
The Apostle Paul was doing it until he encountered Christ on his way to Damascus Syria searching for Christians to kill. These Mosaic law followers that as hypocrites would pick and choose which parts of Mosaic law were more important than other parts to follow were doing this even back in Paul’s. For the Apostle teaches that if you follow even one part of the Mosaic law system placing yourself under the law for righteousness’s sake you must follow the entire law and will be judged by the law, Gal. 5:2-4.
Would you rather celebrate the day of the death from crucifixion of our Savior when all were still mourning his being in the grave or celebrate the day of his resurrection and defeat of death on Sunday, the first day of the week?

Christ rose again as he said he would on the 3rd day, Sunday morning right at the sunrise. This is the day Christ rose from his tomb of death, which became the celebrated church day Sunday, the 1st day of the week at that time, which was the 1st workday of the week they called during those first generations of Christians, The Lord’s day. So naturally they started celebrating this day. Christ was crucified on a Friday; they took him off the cross around 3pm in a hurry for Sabbath day began soon and darkness was approaching, and they had to finish burial protocols before darkness.
For he died quicker than the others because in them days they would hurry when someone was crucified on a Friday to get ready for the Sabbath which was the next day. When the centurion came to break his legs, he was already dead which was surprising, they usually did not die that quick but with all the whipping and tearing of Christ’s flesh he died quickly. So, the Centurion jabbed a spear into his side, to make sure he was dead, he was and so there was no need for his legs to be broken, Isaiah 53:5.
The reason they would break the legs was there was a little stand at the bottom they could push up to relieve all the tension coming through the arms that were nailed to the cross, so certain ones would live much longer by pushing up with their feet on this stand straightening out their legs.
Then the crucified people would live much longer so to solve this they would break the legs of those that were crucified if they had a good enough reason to facilitate the crucifixion and death process. Since Sabbath started soon, they wanted to hurry not preparing a dead body on the Sabbath. That was the case here.
There is a time coming when the Lord’s Day and the Day of the Lord will be celebrated being the same day. Sure, one is as a thousand years in God’s eyes where there are no boundaries of time like man has after the fall according to both Apostle Peter and Moses, 2nd Pt. 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4.
Christ rose from the grave on what they called the Lord’s Day, church day, Sunday, and after the resurrection when Judgment has already occurred with the separation of the wheat from the chafe when the chafe is thrown into the fire, we will dwell with Christ on earth for a thousand years before the Great White Throne Judgment. Heaven starts after that 1,000-year period it
seems. After the 1,000-years Satan is let loose one last time to tempt mankind with another judgment and separation of the chafe from the wheat and then Heaven. The 1,000-year period is essentially a reward to the Christ-followers as a time to live on earth as God had originally planned, or at least close to it, to have families and children in a world where sin is essentially nonexistent.
There eventually will come a time I think when these two days scripture calls the Lord’s Day and the Millennial 1,000-year, 2nd Peter 3:8, will be thought of essentially as the same day once time ends in mankind’s eyes becoming eternal.
According to Isaiah, “The Day of the Lord,” that repetitiously throughout scripture all the prophets talk about is a 1-year period Prophet Isaiah calls, “The year of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake,” Is. 34:8-10, which is the last year of the 20.8-year period of the plagues and judgment upon all the Nations of the earth that attacked Jerusalem, Zech. 14:16; 14:1-21, Is. 19: 13-24, Rev. 16:19-21, (mostly Islam) and denied Trinitarian-doctrine denying the Our God in Heaven could have a Son, but also Denying God could ever be a Father, even denying Christ’s command of how we should address God in Heaven as our Father in all prayer, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:6-13.
Yet these prophecies predicted the Islamic Antichrist Nations would deny Trinitarian-doctrine 3x for it is the religion of man, 666, and Religious Idolatry, Rev.22:18, Islam doing this all over their Qur’an & all over their Dome of the Rock, Qur’an, 4:157-159, 4:171, 5:60, 5:72, 5:73, 5:75-76, 5:78, 5:116, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:34-35, 37:151-152, 39:4, 72:3-8, 112:3. .
Zech. 14:12-21, when ½ of all Islam turns to Christ harvested by our Father in Heaven turning away from Mohammad and his book of Religious
idolatry they call the Qur’an, Is. 19:16-21, separating themselves from all their neighbors denying our Father in heaven because the plague of rotting tongues and rotting eyes because of what the Qur’an claims was said, also claiming was seen in the dark cave, which is an exact description of all the Islamic people of the earth that deny, deny, deny, 666, deny his Son, deny our Father, deny our Father’s children, denying also Holy Spirit forever denying, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, in a great contrast to what Christ taught everywhere he walked even teaching us how to address God as our Father in Heaven in all our prayers, Matt. 6:3-15, The Day of the Lord is the last year, Is. 34:8-10, of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble also called, The Great Tribulation, the 1st is the Jewish Old Testament name, the 2nd is Christianity’s name (Gentiles) of the same period of trouble and tribulation, Rev. 7:4, Dan. 12:1-2 KJV, Jer. 30:7 KJV, 2nd Thess. 1:4-7 KJV.
But the Lord’s Day, and Day of the Lord essentially will be thought of as the same day after the resurrection with the start of the New Millennium when heavenly beings and mankind will dwell together for a thousand years in the eyes of men and eyes of God. This is because the day of the Lord Isaiah calls the 1-yeard period of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake, Is. 34:8-10, is such a short period which begins the 1,000-year period that only the best pastors will be able to explain the difference to those living in the 1,000-year New Millennium.
These three days with different names, different meanings and different time periods will all become flipped eventually all thought of as the same day, the 1,000-year millennial Lord’s day of rest, the Lord’s Day. On this day which begins with resurrection and 1-year of the Lord’s vengeance of judgment for Zion’s sake according to the entire chapter of Is. 34, key verse to understand that chapter being Is. 34:8-10, we are to rest on this 1,000-millenial Sunday, by dwelling with heavenly beings fulfilling the Feast of Tabernacles prophecy worshiping our Father in Heaven, enjoying life, partaking in creation and creative acts for there will be no working during this period. Scripture testifies extensively about this Day, Is. 11:6-9.
Here is a little from my commentary on Isaiah which is heavily linked in prophecy and should be studied with Revelation, Zechariah and Joel, all linked in prophecy together, absolutely required to best understand Revelation. This is what our Father in Heaven does you know. He links the entire bible together. Here you cannot understand Revelation without these other parts in scripture. You also support my ministry and will be paid back 100-fold if you read the entire bible.
And do not lay this burden upon your church and Pastor. Everyone, and I mean everyone I have met who says this has missed 3/4th of the bible. Almost all pastors, and I know this is not only sad but true, ignore most of the bible. So, invest in these addition commentaries purchasing extra as gifts for friends & relatives, last supporting my ministry to our generation at this important time in history.
I interpret that the scriptures infers clearly… that neither animals, nor humans will eat meat, but will eat fish just as Christ is recorded doing after the resurrection, Jn. 21:12-14. I am sorry to my brothers and Sisters within the 7th-day Adventists whose elders teach contrary. We will eat fish during the New Millennium. Just as these things were true before the time of Noah, people will eat fish as their meat source according to Ezekiel’s vision, Ez, 47:1-12. For we learn the times of the end when we investigate the times of the beginning, Is. 46:9-10. Isaiah the prophet talks about this 1,000-year period when the wolf will live in a barn peacefully with the lamb as friends and the calf and lion will chew cud and drink water from the same trough side by side peaceably as well as the cow and bear as friends together for no longer will flesh be torn with teeth according to Isaiah in Is.11:6-9.
Isaiah 11:6-9
6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child will lead them. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den. 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
Isaiah 11:6-9 KJV
Verses Is. 11:6-9—This is Isaiah’s part of the vision itself which is about the 1,000-year day of rest for all creation, rest for animals, trees, grass, the entire Planet Earth, humans and angels all covered and protected by a tree of God’s love, all resting and laughing together.
The entire book of Revelation fulfills the repetitiously repeated theme by the prophets which is, the Day of the Lord, Is. chapter 34; 34:8-10, which is a 1-year period of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake at the end of 20.8-year period of The Great Tribulation, also called the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, which is repeated over and over all over the bible. This is what the entirety of Revelation is about, this 20.8-year period called, The Great Tribulation, also called synonymously, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.
This 1,000-millenial time will be a time when we will no longer eat the flesh of other animals, but it appears we may still eat fish since scripture shows clearly Christ ate fish after his resurrection cooking and feeding it to the other disciples, Jn. 21:9-13, yet we see absolutely nothing recorded of him eating meat. In my opinion this means he probably did not eat meat, and surely, he did not eat pork as that was forbidden under Jewish Mosaic law. But fish he did eat, and if he hadn’t it surely would have been recorded in the gospels and it is shown where fishermen are still catching & eating fish in the 1,000-year millennial reign of Christ in New Jerusalem and Prince David in Jerusalem, Ez. 35:22-24, 37:25, 39:21-22, 44:3, 47:1-9, 47:10, 47:12.
There will only be fish eaters, no meat eaters in the New Millennium. Do not despair those that love meat, as the fruit that grows on the Planet Earth during this period will have special properties making it more delicious, more filling with increased satiety at a much higher level we have today with meat. The fruit will be much larger, much sweeter and with such condensed nutrients a person after eating fruit during that period will have so much energy to do things…
For man will catch fish, but for what reason other than to eat? We cannot make clothes from them, we would not catch them to release them, the only conclusion is that we will catch them to eat, Ez. 47:10. This is the fresh water that will flow from underneath the temple, the one managed by Prince David resurrected, the same David that slew Goliath and used to be a king but now Christ is King of Kings of planet Earth. So, you vegetarian
Christians remain ahead of the rest of us, but without offense to them it seems we will be eating fish as our only meat source in the Millennial reign of Christ, contrary to Daniel’s apparently pure vegetarianism, Dan. 1:12. Remember though even fish eat fish for it is a clean meat constantly in water.
It is possible that after eating the fruit that grows on either side of this river many will lose the taste and desire for any meat that requires the tearing of its flesh. I would not consider fish in this category in which many times the smaller fish is swallowed whole by the bigger fish. But this is not the major reason I believe this; scripture shows Christ eating bread and fish after the resurrection. It might be the end of eating fish comes at the end of the 1,000-year millennial period of rest, that I would accept.
I am sorry, but I just get so excited in these interpretations of prophecy and gave you a free preview of my commentary on Ezekiel, so not to sidetrack your studies too much let’s get back to John’s book of Revelation.
This is the commissioning of John as not only an Apostle but a prophet, verses Rev. 1:9-11, as all the prophets in the Old Testament were, and although many of the other apostles were indeed prophets but the apocalyptic form of the Apostle John’s, John is told to write what he sees carefully micromanaged by God word for word, sending it to the seven churches that represent the churches of all time, even our time. The voice speaking behind him is the same description used in various places of Christ in all his power and glory, Dan. 10:5-6, Ez. 1:26-28.
John sends the entire book of Revelation when finished each to the seven churches represent a microcosm of all churches in all of Christianity, representing the seven churches of all time, even our time. These do not represent church ages as many have taught. The voice speaking is the same description used in various places of Christ in all his power and glory.
Just like each of the 12-disciples represents the 12-personalities of all Christians everywhere; the seven churches represent the seven church types of all time. All Christian churches fall into one of these 7-church type category. It is by the reading of these church types that encourages all of us, warning us in love, admonishing us with corrections.
This 1000-year millennium Sabbath-Day-of-Rest starts with Jesus the Christ and his day the prophets repetitiously call the Day of the Lord, Is. 34:8-10, a 1-year period of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake at the end of The Great Tribulation, a 20.8-year period also in scripture repetitiously inferred by the prophets synonymously as, The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, also a 20.8 year period, our Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son & Lamb of our Father in Heaven, this time not coming back not as a humble servant as in the first time, as a baby in a manger, but returning in all His power as Judge, as conqueror to take back title deed to Planet Earth, to judge of whether or not the person has accepted Jesus Christ into his heart once repenting of his sins, Rom. 10:8-11. Scripture also reveals we must become born again, Jn. 3:3-7; 1:12-13. When you combine these two in faith, it is at that point we become justified entering justification & are saved.
This time Christ is coming as the King of Kings, Lord of Lords to take back title deed of planet Earth back from Satan.
The 20.8-year period of The Great Tribulation—The Time of Jacob’s Trouble begins with the resurrection of half of Christianity, the 5-virgins with oil for their lamps, Matt. 25:1-13, upon the great taking away of the elect most call the rapture, Mk. 13:20, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Jn. 14:1-4, leaving behind the 5-virgins without oil that become part of the Tribulation Saints, to minister to Israel the gospel that they turn to Christ, Zech. 12:6-14, that the combined Tribulation Saints as breadcrumbs of light showing the way back ministering the gospel to Egypt, Iraq & the Assyrians who all turn to Christ, Is. 19:16-25, they all becoming another group of elect allowed to escape by grace to enter the next resurrection with Prince David, another group of elect, also known as the rapture. For they did not believe in the rapture because it is our Fathers will they become breadcrumbs of light with bibles left behind to increase the harvest. It works this way to increase the harvest by leaving behind breadcrumbs of light to show the way back to those that are lost,
Jn. 14:1-4. This begins the 20.8-year

tribulation period called in scripture, Rev. 8:1, 2nd Pt. 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4, Gen. 31:41, “The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble.” This time is also seen, Rev. 8:1, 2nd Peter 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4. in heaven in the eyes of God as about a half hour in God’s eternal eyes in heaven, a place without time, Rev. 8:1; 7:14, Gen. 27:41, The Great Tribulation, a time used synonymously throughout the bible with, The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Jer. 30:6-8.
After a billion elect Christians are taken away via the rapture, Mk. 13:20, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, like Noah’s Great Grandfather Enoch, Gen. 5:22-24, right before the beginning of the 20.8-year period scripture calls both the Time-of-Jacob’-Trouble Gen. 31:41, Rev. 8:1, 2nd Pt. 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4, a time used synonymously with what most people call The Great Tribulation, or tribulation, Revelation 7:14, also known as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Jer. 30:6-8.
Once this rapture occurs another billion are left behind because they lack something scripture seems to indicate the Holy Spirit, oil for theirlamps, the five virgins representing the church brides of the Groom-Jesus-Christ, Matt. 25:1-13, becoming the elect qualifying them to escape, Jn. 14:1-4, Mk. 13:20, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 8:1, beginning this time of Jacob’s trouble for all mankind, Gen. 31:41, Jer. 30:7, Rev. 8:1, Ps. 90:4, 2nd Pt. 3:8.
During this troubling period for the entire planet Earth, there is a

nuclear proliferation holocaust when sadly 1/3rd of all mankind will be killed by the Islamic Antichrist nations and their 3-plagues of smoke, fire & sulfur, Rev. 9:1-8; 9:14-15; 9:18; 17:15-16; 18:1-19:3, and America and all her prostitute trainee nations and cities throughout planet Earth still would not repent of their idolatry of materialism, sexual immorality, murders, thievery, atheism, agnosticism, from the sins of sparkling eyes & covetousness resulting in the taking away of God’s words from scripture, Rev. 17:1-6; 17:13-21; 18:1-19:3; 17:15-21; 22:18-19.
For she is the Materialism idolatress empire America, Mystery Babylon, The Great Mother Prostitute with all her Prostitute Cities and Nations of Planet Earth destroyed by the beast she rides and his Religious idolatress empire Islam, Mystery Beast, with all his Trinitarian-doctrine denying Antichrist
Nations given an increased authority by God to buck her off, trample her and burn her with fire, Rev. 17:13; 17:15:16, Scripture clearly describes the empire of Materialism idolatry, The Great Mother Prostitute, Mystery Babylon with all her Prostitute Cities and Nations is America, Rev. 17:1-6; 17:13-21; 18:1-19:3.
But before this 1/3rd of mankind is killed, Revelation 9:14-15; 9:18, the Islamic Antichrist nations will first defeat The Great Mother Prostitute, Mystery America, and then the entire Planet Earth will weep because they know they are coming next, Rev. 17:16; 18:1-19:3, by trampling her and burning her with fire by these same plagues, Rev. 17:16, Jer. 51:2; 51:25-28, Is. 14:3-21.
We know these are the same plagues because she falls in one day and one hour; Nuclear proliferation holocaust seen by all the prophets, Zech. 5:5-11, Rev. 17:15-16; 18:8; 18:10; 18:17; 18:1-19:3. I interpret scripture to give an exact description of America and here are only some scriptures to consider:
- Rev. 17:18—state this great city is the one that rules over the nations and kings of planet Earth. When John received this from Jesus Christ cities and nations were used in a synonymous way. Rome was a city and an empire. Babylon was also a city and empire. According to the Fig-Tree prophecy by all the prophets and Jesus Christ we are in the last period in which the rapture and resurrection will occur any day now, in our lifetime. This means the only nation that fits this description is America. At one time the Catholic church would have fit this description hundreds of years ago but not now, not today. All the kings of planet Earth that are true monarchies are all in the middle east & all Islamic. Only America in these last 50-years has rode this Islamic Antichrist beast, she, America, being hated by Islam so much because of our protective relationship with the nation they hate most Israel. America surely will be burned by fire and trampled by the Islamic Antichrist beast, Rev. 17:16.
- Babylon-the-Great will be a nation that sits on and are surrounded by more bodies of water then any nation on planet Earth, Rev. 17:1. Only America is surrounded by so many
- bodies of water and massive rivers. No country comes even close to the amount of water that surrounds America.
- Babylon-the-Great will be the greatest melting pot nation of cultures and languages teaching the world to all come together and speak one language and become one culture speeding up her wickedness God slowed down by causing languages of confusion, Gen. 11:1-9, Rev. 17:15. No nation comes even close in prophetic fulfillment to being this melting pot than America. Yet it is all the foreigners streaming to her to winnow her that are also a plague of foreigners sent to overwhelm her borders & destroy her because no rock will be taken from her
nor cornerstone for, she will not cover the earth with her cities and governments of her definitions of truth & liberty she calls freedom that enslaves all people to wickedness, Jer. 51:2; 51:25-2, Is. 14:3-21. All peoples and cultures and languages stream to her to speak one language which is an exact description of the first time we see the beast Babylon, as the Tower of Babel God scattered and pro-actively confused her culture into many languages from one language because she was building her skyscraper city too quickly becoming evil too quickly before planet Earth had a chance to repopulate after Noah’s flood, Gen. 11:1-9. Since accordingly when she is growing the greatest, she would be the one nation all the world would want to speak her language, English. Only America fulfills this prophecy. Of course, an argument could be made for some other English-speaking countries but considering the other prophecies about Babylon-the-Great only America fills this exact description of Babylon-the-Great.
- America, Mystery Babylon, The-Great Mother Prostitute with all her Prostitute Cities & Nations of Planet Earth, has a tattoo on her forehead put there by God because she deceives many of her true identity, Rev. 17:5, calling herself a defender of the poor but she became an exploiter and enslaver of the weak, pretending her founding fathers were righteous men but they owned, beat and raped slaves, calling herself arrogantly a pious righteous Queen of Heaven but she really has spread thru filmed her staged images of sexual immorality, calling herself a pious righteous chosen people but became a den filled with false shepherds dressed in wolves’ clothing like ravenous beasts that pounce upon the weak tearing the flesh of our Father in Heaven’s children preaching Materialism idolatry sprinkled lightly with Mosaic Law everywhere they stood calling it Abraham’s blessings behind their lecterns of false righteousness filled with all their Agnosticism & Atheism unwilling to set the captives free, unwilling to speak out, unwilling to be outraged and shocked by all her murderous cities filled with thieves, alcohol & drug abuse, destroying the earth, exploiting the poor. America, Mystery Babylon, she is the Great Mother Prostitute of a Den of Prostitute Cities & Nations of earth that all copy her Materialism idolatress beliefs, Rev. 17:1-6; 17:13-15; 17:18; 18:1-19:3; 22:19, Jer. 51:2; 51:25-28; Is. 14:3-21, Gen. 11:1-9, they all throughout Planet Earth copy her desires of gold and silver with precious stones, copy her staged filmed sexual immorality, copy her Atheism, Agnosticism, her management style of manipulative pretend government of liberty for the people but really is for the rich, her cities filled with all their murder & thievery. This is a Den of Prostitutes in which she is the manager of this den, the Mother of these Prostitute Cities & Nations of Planet Earth. God tells this Mystery Materialistic idolatress American Empire she will not cover the Planet Earth with her cities, Is. 14:3-21, Rev. 22:19,
no rock nor cornerstone will be taken from her, Jer. 51:25-26, this great Mother Prostitute American Empire will not cover the Planet Earth with her cities, Is. 14:3-21, that only our Father in Heaven’s children will, with the place prepared for them by the only begotten Son, the provided Lamb of our Father in Heaven of our coming New Jerusalem, Rev. 21:-22:5. All of America, Mystery Babylon, the Great Mother Prostitute with all her Prostitute Cities & Nations
- of Planet Earth will all look up to her desiring to become just like her. They will copy her, be manipulative like her, all this den of prostitutes desiring to become just like her worshipping silver, gold with precious stones also, rich & successful like her by streaming to her attending her advanced schools (they think). America fills this prophecy exactly like no other nation on planet Earth could, Rev. 17:1-6; 17:13-15; 17:18; 18:1-19:3; 9:20-21, Dan. 5:4, Gen. 11:1-9, Is. 14:1-21, Jer. 51:2; 51:25-26.
- America, Mystery Babylon, The Great Mother Prostitute with all her Prostitute Cities & Nations of Planet Earth will have a very large Christian population and all Christians throughout planet Earth will not be able to see who this Great Mother Prostitute is because like the other mysteries in the bible, like Christ born of virgin Mary, like the trinity doctrine, they will have trouble understanding since it is a great mystery, Rev. 17:5. Who Babylon-the-Great is is a great mystery to Christianity until the time of the very end, Rev. 17:5-7, even was to the Apostle John and the angel admonishes John scolding him, Rev. 17:6-7. No nation on planet Earth fits this description so closely shocking all the Christians of the planet Earth as America does fit this exact description.
- Babylon-the-Great, scripture reveals as America and the prostitute nations and cities throughout the Planet Earth, Rev. 17:1-6; 17:13-21; 18:1-19:3, will have the greatest trade schools and universities on planet Earth and all people of the planet will stream to her becoming a melting pot of people groups traveling far and wide to attend her schools, that they may become wealthy like her idolaters of materialism to learn her advanced trades, Rev. 18:22, (More specific quotes), also she will have the greatest musicians and singers on planet Earth when you also consider all the prostitute nations and cities under her, like her. No nation fits this exact description as
America does.
- Babylon-the-Great will be the wealthiest consumer of luxuries shipped to her then any nation on planet Earth, Rev. 18:11-12. We also see this in the way she dresses herself, Rev. 17:4. America is by far the wealthiest nation on the planet.
- Babylon-the-Great will have a very large Christian population in her, described as a groom, bride and lamp, Rev. 18:4; 18:23. The groom is Jesus Christ, the bride is Christianity, and the light of the lamp is the Holy Spirit.
- Babylon-the-Great will have more sea captains and merchants (import export brokers) streaming to her,
- becoming wealthy like her, then any nation on planet Earth with ships bringing luxuries that her wealthy people purchase, Rev. 18:3; 18:11; 18:15; 18:17; 18:19; her merchants in 18:23.
- Babylon-the-Great’s authority to rule the planet will be stripped from her and given to the Islamic Antichrist nations to destroy her throughout planet Earth with their 3-plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur, Rev. 17:12. This 1-hour is a 41.666-year period according to 2nd Pt. 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4.
Soon after these plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur, Rev. 9:17-18, have swept all over the west and east forcing the world to submit to Islam, under
the 12th Mahdi Caliphate coming from Iran, the nation and King of the North, according to Daniel, will capture a fortified city, Which I interpret scripture to indicate to be Mecca, Saudi Arabia, also known as the king of the South, Dan. 11:15-32.
For when Daniel was receiving this vision from God, he was standing on the bank of the Tigris River, near the city of Babylon, the nation’s directly North being Persia, Iran, and the nation directly South being Saudi Arabia, Dan. 10:4.
The billion Christians left behind lack in something disqualifying them to be raptured but they will create major world revival finding their bibles and reading and praying becoming Ministers to the Jews. personal relationship with the Holy Spirit lacking in desire to watch for the return of Christ and read their bibles.
They are left behind to become the Ministers to those on the planet after the rapture in fulfillment of the Ten-Virgins-Parable-Prophecy; Matt. 25:1-13, this is my interpretation.
They are left behind as lambs, to be martyred, the prophesied Tribulation-Saints to increase the harvest of planet Earth.
During this period the time of the Gentiles will be over so they will take the gospel to the Jews 1st and the entire nation of Israel will finally realize after America and the entire west have fallen, no longer able to protect her, to the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur, Rev. 9:15-18; 17:15-18, with one last plague from the repetitious Planet Earth’s earthquakes each getting stronger to the final earthquake when the cities of the earth fall upon all the heads of the Materialism idolatress follower’s heads, Rev. 22:19; 9:18-21; 16:19 ½-21. The great city split into 3-parts starts at Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock where water will flow from the rock with special healing properties fulfilling Ezekiel’s vision, Ez. 47:1-13, when this massive earthquake happens the cities of the Planet Earth will collapse falling upon the heads of the materialistic inhabitants starts after the comma, Rev. 16:19 ½-21.
Israel will be forced to have faith in God’s protection opening the eyes of the blind nation Israel causing her to weep for Christ, the one they pierced in repentance for God’s protection of his people. At the same time the Antichrist nations, Islam, will plan to attack Israel and all the nations of the world minus the Christian nations of the west, because they will be gone, will go to fight in the Valley-of-Armageddon to decide what religion and what plans will populate the cities of planet Earth. God will rule in favor of Christianity and the Christ-followers and against Islam and the followers of mosaic law and Islam.
All the people that die from these judgments by God, that do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will stay in the grave waiting till the end of the 1,000-day of rest, the Lord’s-Day, to stand for Judgment at The-Great-White-Throne-Judgment.
The Christ followers of the Jews and Gentiles all the way back to the crucifixion and all those that had faith under the mosaic law system that qualify by God’s perfect judgment and standards will be rewarded with living and reigning with the King-of-kings Jesus the Christ for a 1,000-years of rest, a true sabbath in God’s eyes on planet Earth.
There will be no work during this period, no meat-eaters, as the lamb will lay in the grass with the lion, all beasts and humans will not eat meat as the time before the flood.
I interpret these prophesies to be an exact description of America. No country of this world today fits this exact prophetic description except the United States of America, Rev. 18:1-24.
During this 20.8-year tribulation period called The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble in the Old Testament also called the Great Tribulation period in the New Testament, Rev. 7:4, 1/3rd the people of planet Earth will die from the plagues of fire, smoke & sulfur, which describes exactly nuclear annihilation in 1-day 1-hour, Rev. 9:14-15; 9:18; 17:16; 18:1-19:3. This time, also called by many The Great Tribulation, some shorten (incorrectly) as the tribulation, is best understood as the very beginning right after the rapture and is the last 20.8-years before the 1,000-years New Millennium, Jer. 30:7, Gen. 31:41, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Mk. 13:20, Jn. 14:1-4, Matt. 25:1-13.
The very last year of this 20.83 year period is called repetitiously throughout scripture as, The-Day-of-the-Lord, Zech. 14:3-21, Rev. 16:2-19 ½, Is. 34:1-17, Joel 2:1-11, which Isaiah tells us is a 1-year period of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake in the 3-key verses for the entire chapter, Is. 34:8-10.

These 7-churches that have 7-angels watching over them represent all churches at any one time in the world. They were all there then and are all here now. The reason we know this is these 7-angels are also called the 7-spiritsof God. At different times during social upheavals in history some regions of planet Earth have more of one church characteristic than others. The Laodicean church is spit out because it’s neither cold nor hot, as are the Minister-Left-Behinds that become the Tribulation-Saints in partnership with the entire nation of Israel, to increase the harvest of planet Earth in God’s perfect providence.
They’re left behind: to increase the harvest; because neither hot nor cold, lacking in Holy Spirit, not watching for return; no oil in lamp; Christ spitting them out of his mouth into the tribulation period called, The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble; as Ministers of the gospel to the entire nation of Israel. This is all done to increase the harvest.
This, “Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” Jer. 30:6-8, is a time period used synonymously called, “The Great Tribulation,” Rev. 7:14, is most easily thought of as the very beginning of the 20.8 year period post rapture of which the last year of that period is called, “The Day of the Lord, the Year Of The Lord’s Vengeance For Zion’s Sake,” Is. 34:8-10, Zech. 14:13-21, Is. 19: 11-25, Rev. 16:19-21.
Our Father in heaven would have saved America if he could, balm was given for her pain and healing was attempted but she could not be healed, Jer. 51:8-9.
Nor could she be saved for she is filled with Atheism, Agnosticism, wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing and false prophets, Sexual immorality, Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:19, murder and thievery in all her cities that she spread throughout the Planet Earth with her images destroying the Planet Earth like a great mountain that destroys, like a great city that never stops building to destroy, she will not cover the Planet Earth with her cities, Is. 14:21-22, and she will be rolled off a cliff defeated and destroyed by our Father in heaven like a great burned out city building mountain, Jer. 51:25; My interpretation is that this is an exact word for word description describing only one nation on planet Earth being America, Rev. 17:1-6; 17:13-15; 17:17-18; 18:1-19:3.
Revelation 1:12-18
12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned, I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. 17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
Verses Rev. 1:12-14—The one like the son of man is Jesus Christ standing among the 7-church types that began with coming from his ministry of redemption that emanated from his Trinitarian-doctrine he taught everywhere he went, Matt. 6:5-15, everywhere he breathed, Is. 45:9-11, before he was miraculously born, Jn. 1:1-23. The connecting verse to be read with Rev. 1:11; 1:12-18 is Rev. 10:4; 10:9-11.
Verses Rev. 1:12-18—The seven golden lampstands are the seven
churches. They are golden because they have oil in them and are lit in heaven. The “Ten Virgin’s oil lamps,” parable teaches about being left behind in the “Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble,” not Hades, Matt. 25:1-13. This is because they are called virgins instead of whores or prostitutes.
NIV Theologians incorrectly label the chapter heading as bridesmaids, and a line should cross that chapter heading out correcting it, for all chapter heading are commentary that was never in the original manuscripts. The correct heading description would be, “The-Ten-Virgin-Brides,” waiting on the promised return of the Good-Shepherd & Sinless Groom.
That is wrong because Jesus called them ten virgins in this parable waiting for the groom. Whenever the chapter heading does not describe what is [actually] in the chapter, put a line through it, always removing the words of men, clarifying the words of God like looking thru a magnifying glass provided by the Holy Spirit. The groom is Jesus Christ, the ten virgins are the entire body of Christ worldwide waiting on the promised return to marry, promised to the elect, Mk. 13:20, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 8:1, encompassing both Jew & Gentile alike, Matt. 25:1-13.
That is because this parable by Jesus was about tribulation, not salvation. For the seven golden lampstands have oil in them and are lit. This means in the parable half of Christianity will be left behind as ministers of the gospel to the rest of the world increasing the harvest.
Revelation 1:19-20
19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
Verses Rev. 1:10-20—verse 10 does not mean the Lord’s day is Sunday. Constant repetition of the “Day of the Lord,” in the Old Testament’s prophetic books about the time of harvest, the time of judgment. This is part of the vision itself which is about the Day of the Lord which is also called the Lord’s day. The meaning is the same. The entire book of Revelation is about the 20.8-year period of The Time of Jacob’s Trouble used repetitiously & synonymously with The Great Tribulation, Gen. 31:41, Rev. 7:14; 8:1, Jer. 30:6-8. This is a time in our Father in Heaven’s eyes… translated into the time of man by Moses, Ps. 90:4, confirmed by the 2nd witness Apostle Peter, 2nd Pt. 3:8, ending in the last year with the year of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake, Is. 34:8-10, called repetitiously throughout scripture as “The Day of the Lord,” Is. 34:1-17; key verses 34:8-10, Joel 1:1-3:21, Rev. 6:9-17, (Rev. 6:1-8 was fulfilled when Islam began & conquered 1/4th Planet Earth till Ottoman Empire fell), (Other Quotes of Day of Lord). The Prophet Zechariah tells us in Zech. Ch—14 numerous things about this last year the Prophet Isaiah calls, The Day of the Lord, Is. 34:8-10:
Zechariah 14:1-3
1 Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. 2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; The city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 3 Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle.
- —is the key verse to the entire Zech. Ch—14, that it’s about “The Day of the Lord,” just as Isaiah chapter 34 is in entirety, so they should be read together with the entire book of Joel, although poetic some parts of Joel also infers of a locust like people which is the 19.8-years of The Time of Jacob’s Trouble also called the Great Tribulation of the locust people coming just like Rev. 9:1-18 shows what these locust like people will do prior to their defeat in The Day of the Lord, what Is. 34:8-10 clearly defines as the year of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake, but The Day of the Lord begins with the resurrection & rapture of the Two Witnesses that had been beheaded in the streets just outside the Dome of the Rock in which they’d been preaching and witnessing to al truth in scriptures and Trinitarian-doctrine which is polar opposite to Islam and their Qur’an.
- This of which begins at the end of their 3 ½-year-ministry to the Trinitarian-doctrine deniers, after preaching against Trinitarian-doctrine & nature of Islam and Islam’s 12th Mahdi Messiah Antichrist & assistant False Prophet Isa are running their very successful nuclear annihilation & destruction of Planet Earth from inside the Dome of the Rock the last 19.8-years, the
Two Witnesses preaching against them the last 3 ½-years, they’re beheaded by the 12th Mahdi Antichrist with False Prophet Isa they think is Jesus, (NOT!), that were scared to confront the two witnesses because of their miraculous skills and pronounced plagues like Moses, upon the invading Islamic Antichrist army when Jerusalem is invaded, they behead the Two Witnesses leaving their bodies in the streets 3 ½-days thinking Islam and their denying 3-times of Trinitarian-doctrine will prevail, it doesn’t when they’re healed, resurrected and raptured on internationally televised video, and the 1-year Day of the Lord begins in verse Zech. 14:1 the key verse inferring the rest of chapter 14 is about this time, which is the 1-year period of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake, according to the Prophet Isaiah, Is. 34:8-10.
- Zech. 14:1-3 above tells us this day of the Lord, Isaiah 34:8-10, tells us The Day of the Lord is about a one-year period at the very end of, The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Gen. 31:41, Jer. 14:8; 30:6-8, 2nd Thess. 1:6-8, a period of time scripture uses repetitiously synonymously with, The Great Tribulation, Jer. 30:6-8, Rev. 7:14, Matt. 24:21, see the word, “about,” in Rev. 8:1.
- return of the Lord will begin as the Lord’s Glorious appearance, Lk. 17:24, to protect Israel and its people at war with the Islamic Antichrist Nations who just invaded Jerusalem and killed their Two Witnesses martyred, healed resurrected and raptured, Jerusalem people trying to escape blocked on the east by Mount Olives, Christ appears in all his glory standing on Mount Olive splitting from east to west providing a means of escape through the now divided Mount Olive as he stands upon it that his people may escape the Islamic sword and the Trinitarian-doctrine deniers that the Apostle John says are the Antichrist Nations because they deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of our Father in Heaven, saying their Allah has no Son and is no Father which is true because Allah is not our Father in Heaven as Christ taught, Matt. 6:5-15, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Zech. 14:4-7, taking back by force not only title deed to Planet Earth but title deed to the land the Dome of the Rock was built on, by judgment, by plagues, to judge the Islamic Antichrist Nation Trinitarian-doctrine deniers including issuing specific plagues, splitting the Mount of Olives their 12th Mahdi Antichrist with his assistant False Prophet Isa out of the Dome of the Rock with their Trinitarian-doctrine denials. This splitting of Mount Olive will result in a major earthquake in which 7,000-people in Jerusalem are killed but is not the final earthquake. A gradual splitting of the Dome of the Rock into three parts but also going across the floor and outside the dome, in fact all of Jerusalem is gradually increasing this gradual triune earthquake crevice
no one can figure out because all is very gradual with every tremor, every grumbling, every earthquake with tidbits of water seeping out here and there trickling from some unknown spring underneath, deep in the Planet Earth. A short unknown period of Jerusalem people escaping through the Mount of Olives with something holding back the Islamic armies. It could be our Father in Heaven’s with some extremely specific skinny minor tornadoes or something like that.
- The plague upon all Islamic people of the Planet Earth has now started with the painful slow rotting of their tongues and eyes balls but especially upon all men and women of Planet Earth that took the Islamic scrolled Mark of their Allah, that denied Jesus Christ was the Son of God for God has no Son they claim, the beautifully scrolled Arabic Mark of the Beast also denied God in Heaven is a Father, that he should ever have a Son, or a partner Holy Spirit that helped his only begotten Son, all three denials of the metaphoric representation of their leader which was Satan himself, for this Mark of the Beast denies Trinitarian-doctrine Christ taught everywhere he walked teaching all to address God in heaven in all prayer as he did as his Father in
Heaven, Matt, 6:5-15. The prophet Isaiah taught us we should not talk back to the Potter blaspheming his plan of salvation on how God chooses to reveal himself to all mankind to save us from our two sins from Satan’s two presented forms of idolatry, Is. 45:9-11. Rev. 22:18-19, Jer. 2:13, we are not to deny the Son, nor deny our Father in heaven, the two sins of blasphemy John insinuates are connected, 1st Jn. 2:22-23. Islam is the only religion that fits these exact descriptions of the Islamic Antichrist Nations with their denials of the Son, and of our Father whenever they pray 5-times a day, Matt. 6:3-15, all over their Qur’an & all over their Dome of the Rock the 3rd most holy site of Islam, Qur’an Quotes, 4:157-159, 4:171, 5:60, 5:72, 5:73, 5:75-76, 5:78, 5:116, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:34-35, 37:151-152, 39:4, 72:3-8, 112:3. The final characteristics of this beast are seen as the beheading and decapitating of Christians and Jews, Rev. 20:4, by him in his final form since Mohammad founded Islam in 632 A.D. but also seen beheading Christians and Messianic Jewish Saints, in the Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, a period defined incorrectly described by theologians as the 7-year time of tribulation. The got the name almost right for it is called also The Great Tribulation, Rev. 7:14, but the time they got wrong, it is rather a 20.8-year period, not a 7-year period. I cover this in my other commentaries. The mark they did not receive denies the Trinitarian-doctrine, plain and simple. This is enough about the 2nd beast seen
falling that beheads people with its so-called holy sword, Rev. 19:11-20:4. I am a witness to the truth of prophecy calling all witnesses to stand up, look up for their redemption draws nigh.
- issuing certain awfully specific plagues with warnings and admonitions to leave Jerusalem and abandon the Dome of the Rock giving it to Israel to build the 3rd temple of which Islam will be refusing and each plague is issued just like during the time of Moses and the Pharaoh of Egypt. I have concluded these plagues being specifically against all the Islamic Antichrist Nations because of the repetitive wording, all those who attacked Jerusalem, are the same plagues outlined beginning in Rev. 16:1, Zech. 14:1-3.
I do not believe Russia will be in their group on their side as theologians have said but would not be shocked if it played out that way either. Remember, Russia is an Eastern Orthodox country, part of Christianity, not Islam, but they are also an Atheist country that birthed out of the Materialism idolatry of the industrial revolution of Christian Western Europe, so they do have much in common with the Trinitarian-doctrine deniers that today are mostly all Islam. The real question is what will win out in the heart of the Russian people, Atheism and its last most dangerous form of Materialism idolatry when they burn bibles, which is when the pendulum of the social contract swings into the completely other direction resulting in Atheism, Agnosticism & Communism, or will their old original roots of Eastern Orthodox Christianity win? I happen to believe their old roots will win and they will all return to Christ in the Time of Jacob’s Trouble also called in scripture The Great Tribulation. This would mean the far north described in scripture would be either Syria (unlikely), or Turkey (possibly) or one of those Islamic countries near the Caspian Sea (most likely), but not Orthodox Christian Russia.
(Edit) is mostly against the people and nations ransacking Israel and Jerusalem, but mostly Jerusalem, stealing plunder & spoils with the raping of Israel’s women door to door unsuccessfully because a remnant will fight back and survive by not being plundered nor its women raped.
Verses Rev. 1:18-19—Christ repeats He has the keys to death and Hell. He reminds John in his office of prophet to write carefully again everything seen in the vision. This is assurance to all that read these are the words of Jesus Christ who brought them from His Father (Our Father also—Matt. 6:6-13), not the words of John. Revelation was transcribed word by word, micro-managed by Jesus Christ.
Verse- Rev. 1:20—The seven stars and seven golden lampstands are the seven angels of the seven churches which are the candlesticks, each being assigned an angel by God, that ministers to those people in that church.
Revelation 2:1-2
1 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. 2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not and have found them false.
Verses Rev. 2:1-2—The city of Ephesus was on the Cayster River 3-miles from the Aegean Sea. I was a wealthy Roman commercial trading city on the River Cayster near the sea. The Ephesus church was the chief church in Asia Minor, (Turkey), Eph. 1:1; 3:1; 41. The Pauline Epistle Ephesians, 40-miles South of the church of Smyrna, is commonly dated by theologians either between 52 to 56 or 59 to 61 A.D.
This church was probably founded by the Apostle Paul. The Apostle John as did Jesus’ Mother Mary joined this same church before Apostle John was banished to the island of Patmos, where on this island he received his instructions and visions from Christ what became the book of Revelation closing both the Old & New Testament bible according to Christ and John, two witnesses, Rev. 22:18-19.
All that add or take away words violate this verse putting certain curses and plagues from God in play.
Revelation 2:3-7
3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. 6 But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
Verses Rev. 2:3-7—The Ephesians experienced great hardships in the beginnings of their church.Forsaken means abandoned. The Ephesians have abandoned their first love of the Father in their brother Christ.For Christ taught Trinitarian-doctrine everywhere he traveled, even when he taught us how to address and pray to our Father in heaven, Matt. 6:5-15. Christ admonishes the Ephesians encouraging them to return to their first love at the beginning when the Ephesian church was founded.
Revelation 2:8-10
8 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. 9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.
Verses Rev. 2:8-10—Smyrna, an ancient Ionian city 40-miles North of Ephesus. The poverty-stricken bride rich in spirit! Smyrna today would be the Christians in the poorest nations of Africa, especially the ones that have Islam in a large population influencing their culture and spreading throughout their land. This would be like Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia.
These poor Christians today repeatedly are slandered by Islam, which are followers of Mosaic Law according to the Apostle Paul, Gal. 4:21-31, claiming they have the truth and the Jews rejected God’s truth, that they replace the Jews as God’s chosen people. They also claim that Ishmael is the son of promise; not Isaac.
Christ encourages them telling them “Do not be afraid, Satan will imprison some of you, others persecuted for ten days. Be faithful unto death to receive life as your crown.”
Revelation 2:11-16
11 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.
12 “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. 13 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives. 14 Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. 15 Likewise, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
Verses Rev. 2:11-16—verse-11 a general message to all churches, inferring that many in the church will overcome and be saved. The Nicolaitans were members of a heresy sect within the church of Pergamum and Ephesus that did not want to give up the common paganism accepted by mainstream Romans, believing that God really did not care concerning food sacrificed to idols that was also involved with sexual immorality which Balaam the prophet for hire was also involved with. It seems to me the closest thing to this type of idolatry would be the Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:19, that has come from modern Christianity that has led to widespread growth of Atheism, Agnosticism and sexual immorality that America, Mystery Babylon the Great Mother Prostitute, with all her Prostitute Nations and Cities of Planet Earth, like a city building mountain that destroyed the planet, Jer. 51:25-28, no rock nor cornerstone would be taken from her nor would she cover the Planet Earth with her cities, Is. 14:3-21, and she would not repent of her Materialism idolatry she destroyed planet Earth with, Rev. 22:19; 9:20-21, after her nuclear annihilation by the Islamic Antichrist Nations that destroyed the planet Earth, Rev. 9:14-15;17:16; 18:1-19:3.
Revelation 2:17
17 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.
Verses Rev. 2:12-17—Pergamum and Ephesus church members struggled with these sects within their church membership rolls, described as where Satan’s throne is yet remain true to Jesus Christ. You remained true even in the time my faithful witness Antipas was put to death in your city.
This is about the same within Christianity at the churches all over the world. Quite commonly you see a Sunday school teacher that does not believe Old Testament stories like Noah’s Ark, or Jonah and the whale, the Sunday school teacher believing these are children’s fables in the bible. This, by definition, means they do not have faith. Since all salvation is by faith not works according to the Apostle Paul, they are agnostic, not saved, Rom. 10:5-15.
These people are non-believers within the church, also called agnostics, same problem then as now, paganism mixed with sexual immorality was the teaching of the Nicolaitans, was like the teaching of the false prophet for hire, Balaam who sacrificed food to idols and led the Israelites astray by the young sexually immoral Moabite girls, Nu. 25:1-13, which was the teaching of the Nicolaitans. This type of teaching is closest to the agnosticism by many of the preachers today.
In the book of Revelation, Jesus called Antipas “my faithful martyr.” He was the bishop of Pergamum, ordained by the Apostle John, and his faith got the attention of the priests of Asklepios.
The pagan priests complained the prayers of Antipas drove their spirits out of the city hindering false god worship. As a civil test, governor orders Antipas to sacrifice wine & incense declaring emperor was “lord and god,” Antipas refused therefore, most theologians believe Saint Antipas is the same one mentioned in the book of Revelation, Rev. 2:13, as the verse says:
Revelation 2:13 KJV
13“I know your works, and where you dwell, even where Satan’s seat is: and you hold fast to my name, and have not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwells.”
This is the story of one of the Apostle John’s disciples he had ordained as the bishop of Pergamon, Bishop Antipas during the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian. Some say during the reign of Nero (54-68 A.D.). “They would place him inside the bull, tie him in such a way that his head would go into the head of the bull.
Then they would light a huge fire under the bull, and as the fire heated the bronze, the person inside of the bull would slowly begin to roast to death. As the victim would begin to moan and to cry out in pain, his cries would echo through the pipes in the head of the bull, so it seemed to make the bull come alive.”
Even in the midst of the flames, the elderly bishop Antipas died praying for his church. The year was A.D. 92 according to some theologians. This information on Antipas can be found according to the Commentary on the Apocalypse by Andreas of Caesarea.
Revelation 2:18-19
18 “To the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze. 19 I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.
Verses Rev. 2:18-19—The son of God, Jn. 1:1-21; 3:13-21, Jesus Christ taught Trinitarian-doctrine everywhere he went, even when teaching how to pray we were to address God as our Father, the same one as his Father in heaven, Matt. 6:5-15. Christ also taught when you read this same passage a few verses before and a few afterwards you realize Christ also taught an anti-Islam doctrine for Christ also taught against any public pray in which one of the so-called pillars of Islam is public prayer 3x daily, Christ also taught against public fasting and against Islam’s month-long festival called Ramadan. Matt. 6:3-18. So this makes sense when you read the Prophet John’s passage in his first letter that points to Islam only as the religion of the Antichrist, 1st Jn. 2:22-23. For Islam is the only religion that denies both the Son & our Father in Heaven all over their Qur’an and all over their Dome of the Rock that sits on top of the small piece of land preventing Israel from building their Temple.
Other vision scripture describes his eyes are like the sun or fire, Rev. 1:14; 2:18; 19:12. Christ starts his admonition saying the church of Thyatira has good deeds excelling in faith, love, service and perseverance, doing more now than at the beginning in the acts and birth of this church of Thyatira.
Revelation 2:20-21
20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21 I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling.
Verses Revelation 2:20-21—In my interpretation the Church of Thyatira has some members that are disqualified from being included in the elect group that escapes the time of trouble described by Christ and the Apostle Paul, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Mk. 13:20, Rev. 8:1.
The reasons I interpret scripture to indicate this is one of the virgins that does not have oil in her jar with her lamp running empty and dark is this:
- She misleads God’s people into sexual immorality which is one of the sins the people of Cryptogram America, Mystery Babylon the Great Mother Prostitute and all her Prostitute Cities and Nations of Planet Earth that worship her Materialism idolatry like she does, Rev. 22:19;17:1-6;1713-15; 17:17-18; 18:1-19:3, Dan. 5:4, Gen. 11:1-9; 9:20-21. And Cryptogram America, Mystery Babylon the Great Mother Prostitute and all her Prostitute Cities and Nations of Planet Earth would not repent of their Materialism idolatress sins they forced upon entire planet Earth, forcing pornography upon the planet with their technology, forcing sexual immorality upon the planet with their images destroying the planet Earth as a city building mountain that destroys God rolls off a cliff saying she will not cover the planet with her cities, Jer. 51:25-26, Is. 14:21.
- Through the internet and phones even though they are Christian nations, God’s people of the planet Earth were forced to participate in this type of idolatry in their weaknesses, weakening the people sent by God to preach salvation to the world so God’s wrath is upon them. I interpret scripture to be an exact verse by verse description of Cryptogram America, Mystery Babylon the Great Mother Prostitute with all her Prostitute Nations and Cities of Planet Earth, Rev. 9:20-21; 17:1-6; 17:15; 17:18; 18:3; 18:6-7; 18:11-13; 18:14-16; 18:17-19; 18:22-23, Dan. 5:4.
- All the preachers and theologians of the west are responsible for this sexual immorality of the world that came thru the internet because they never spoke up, never were outraged, never pounded the lecterns in church, never strengthened the sheep like the good shepherd would, binding up the wounds of the weak by teaching God’s words, Ez. 34:15-16, were greedy more interested in teaching a false gospel
that preaches tithes which is mosaic law and a different gospel according to the Apostle Paul, Gal. 1:6-10; 4:21-31, Col. 2:13-15. God will hold these church leaders and their corrupt family members in the body of Christ responsible for the lost, the weak of this generation judging one sheep between another sheep, Ez. 34:20-22, bringing judgment upon these Pastors that selectively teach certain scriptures to manipulate truth like wolves in sheep’s clothing, Ez. 34:20-22, Ez. 34:10, bringing judgment upon Pastors that stand in the pulpit not teaching the entire bible, some out of personal ignorance avoiding judgment, but others out of manipulation of scripture and truth, to line their pockets with tithes of gold, which God clearly warns of horrible judgment coming to them out of their arrogance and agnostic behavior unwilling to allow God’s words to teach as it does, just like Adam & Eve did in the Garden of Eden, Rev. 22:18-19. These wolves using the words only used in Mosaic Law, agnostics really, portraying themselves as like meek good shepherd seers wandering with truth spoken without a home, but really wearing luxurious suits with flashy gold watches and jewelry, by thievery and stealing in the name of materialism, disguised as an offering false plate of Mosaic Law tithes, they’re really preventing the real pastors from binding up the injuries of the sheep with olive oil and cotton gauze teaching the real love of God, of those capable shepherds from standing in the pulpit to bind up the injured and build up the weak that they may drink of clear water from Christ. For these wolves dressed like shepherds, with their long lists of degrees, keep constantly teaching Mosaic Law selling blessings and calling it a tithe, as if putting God in a box to box him in to manipulate truth for financial gain for their own financial gain and laziness, and these wolves calling themselves Pastors, almost all in the rich Christian western nations and cities that use the word tithe with offerings every Sunday which is Mosaic Law, driving the sheep and scattering them from the churches, controlling all the seminaries with their agnosticism and critical beliefs, milking God’s people at all the conferences they run and control, at all the lecterns they stand behind, charging people for God’s words, putting copyrights on God’s words in modern new bible translations creating a desert of God’s words in the poor nations of the world, that the poor of the planet Earth cannot afford a
good bible. Christ is coming and will be a Good shepherd holding these wolves accountable, Ez. 34:20-22, each and every one of them, and their agnostic family members, and their agnostic friends, Ez. 34:10. Woe unto all Christian Leaders in the west. A great judgment of nuclear annihilation is coming to all these Christian nations of the West and all her prostitute cities & nations of planet Earth, Rev. 9:14-15; 9:18; 9:20-21, are not prepared even though the warnings are clearly in scripture. God will judge these Christian Pastors at a different level than the sheep, Ez. 34:20-22, woe unto them that take paycheck but do not write weekly sermons starving the sheep, Ez. 34:10, scattering the sheep, allowing agnostic elders to drink sweet water but muddy it up for others making God’s words undrinkable, Ez. 34:18, woe to these elders, woe to those that call themselves Apostles adding words to God’s words violating scripture, Rev. 22:18-19, woe to the pastors who only feed themselves never feeding those that are weak, Ez. 34:2, woe unto those that go to conferences stealing money preaching Mosaic Law using the word tithe from behind the lectern, woe to those pastors that feed on the sheep, Ez. 34:10, woe to those that getting paid to preach but do not preach for the Good Shepherd is coming to bind up wounds, Ez. 34:11-16, to unplug the ears, that the blind may see, that the fool may preach that the captives will be released.
Verses Rev. 2:20-21—The church of Thyatira, I interpret, is one of the two churches, 2-out of the 5-virgins that miss the rapture, Matt. 25:1-13, willed by God to go thru the Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble a great 20.8-year period of trouble for mankind, Gen. 31:41, Jer. 30:6-8, also a great period of tribulation called, The Great Tribulation, Jer. 30:6-8, Rev. 7:14, Matt. 24:21, that begins with the rapture, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Mk. 13:20, about ½-hour in God’s eyes interpreted to be about a 20.8-year period of trouble in men’s eyes, by Moses, Ps. 90:4, and the Apostle Peter, 2nd Pt. 3:8. The last year of this great 20.8-year time of trouble and tribulation is called , The Day of the Lord’s 1-year vengeance for Zion’s sake upon all that attack Israel and Jerusalem, Is. 34:1-17; 34:8-10, upon all the people of Planet Earth that deny the Son Jesus Christ saying our Father in Heaven is not a Father and that he has no Spirit, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23.
Thyatira and the other four virgin churches are willed to go through this time of trouble because of their own Religious idolatry, Rev. 22:18, they do not believe in the rapture, they believe they’re called to go through the great time of trouble, and they are, to increase the harvest being purified as gold and silver in the fire, to minister to those in the place of gnashing teeth, removing impurities and dross, becoming part of the time of trouble Saints receiving special rewards, Rev. 20:1-4. For they will become strong as great breadcrumbs of light witnessing the path back in a great darkness, like little rocks of light that do not deny Trinitarian-doctrine, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, do not deny the only begotten Son, do not deny our Father in heaven for they were like clay that said to the Potter use us and mold us as your people and make us your witnesses for the weak to increase the harvest.
So, at the end of the comments on these two verses we will simplify these characteristics, so we know what is required of us to be in this other elect group, for both groups are of the elect, one group to escape, the other group set apart as a special group of the Time of Jacob’ Trouble Martyrs, Rev. 20:1-4.
We must consider these things carefully that we may have these characteristics to stir us to endeavor to be in this group avoiding this great Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, a time of great redemption for many but also a time of horrible judgment for a sad untold numerous amount of people in this 20.8-year period of Time of Jacob’ Trouble most think of the tribulation period, whose wrongful interpretation comes from Religion Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, and the sinful acts of interpreting Daniel before the Time of the End which did not start until Israel took back Jerusalem in the 6-day war.
The Laodiceans, Rev. 3:14-22, a metaphor of a large portion of the body of Christ that are agnostic riding the fence of materialism with degrees of right and wrong, proudly showcasing their impurities that must be removed in the fire, just like dross from silver & gold, will also go thru this same Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, Gen. 31:41, Jeremiah uses time of trouble in a synonymous way and the same time period other scriptures use the word tribulation, Jer. 30:7, a 20.8-year period in man’s eyes but about a ½-hour period in God’s eyes according to the Apostle Peter, 2nd Pt. 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4, Revelation 8:1, all accompanying the other 3-brides, Matt. 25-1-13, Jerusalem, Judah and Samaria, becoming unified Saints of mercy, the left behinds to increase the harvest with the entire nation of Israel getting saved right after the elect are raptured, Zech. 12:7-14, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Mk. 13:20, Rev. 8:1.
The meaning of the name Jezebel is unknown, but some theologians think it means to be unmarried or un-exalted, CBD p-109.
Jezebel’s father was the King of Tyre & Sidon, cities of trade in which the description by scripture is so exact to the descriptions of Babylon in both the Old & New Testament of the bible, accordingly precise that if one were to remove the names from both descriptions, they’d be indistinguishable from each other, Is. 14:1-21; 23:1-18, Ez. 28:1-26, Rev. 18:1-24, Sidon and Tyre were the same people, with the same sins and judgments as Babylon related to materialism Idolatry and sexual immorality, Rev. 18:1-24, Is. 14:1-21; 23:1-18, Ez. 28:1-26.
It seems these people did a lot of trade and might have been cousins to the boat people, the Philistines possibly related to the Greeks and island people also. One of their trades might also have been slaves.
Also, scripture not only claims the kings of both are Satan himself, Ez. 28:1-13, Is. 14:3-12, but that both are decreed an approximate 70-year period, Jer. 25:12, the life span of a king, Is. 23:15, of authority to rule till God brings judgment removing their authority to rule and giving it to another beast they will be conquered by. Babylon will be desolate forever, and this is Babylon the Great since Babylon is seen rising again in the book of Revelation, therefore, this is not about the Babylon Judah went to for 70-years, Jer. 25:12, rather it is about the Babylon the Great, the last Babylon in scripture before she falls, Rev. 17:5. So the theological question at hand is what is the connection of Tyre and why the 70-year period for Tyre which is in modern day Lebanon today?
King Ahab did not mind that Queen Jezebel worshipped the many gods of her father, King Ethbaal of Tyre and Sidon, so he built for her the 1st temple and Asherah pole for Baal in Samaria, under his authority as King Ahab of Israel, 1st Kin. 16:29-33.
King Ahab was the first that built an altar and Asherah pole to Baal which resulted in these being built and placed all over Samaria in high places that all in Samaria with pocket idols may easily burn incense and pray in these high places with beautiful mountainous views, offering alms to these pocket idols, (Quote).
Jezebel killed the prophets of God and was against Elijah at every place he went, 1st Kin. 18:13; 19:11. Jezebeldined with 450 prophets of Baal & Astarte at her table, 1st Kin. 16:31-32; 18:19. Jezebel caused the Prophet Elijah to flee after he slew the prophets of Baal when she desired to slay him like she slew many of the prophets of Jehovah, 2nd Kin. 9:7; 1st Kin. 18:4-13. Jezebel received an accursed death prophesied by Elijah when Jehu asked those working for him to throw her down from the window and he ran over her with his chariot and her body was eaten by dogs, (Edit 2nd Kin. 9:7; 9:30-37).
Theologians do not know who this Jezebel in Revelation was, so opinions vary, whether this was even her real name or if Christ was using the name as a metaphor in general descriptions of an evil woman, or the type of idolatry being committed in the church of Thyatira leading people astray like the evil Queen Jezebel did, (Quote), wife of King Ahab of Israel around the years, 874-853 B.C., ZPBD p-431.
Revelation 2:22-23
22 So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23 I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.
Verses Rev. 2:22-23—In my opinion this bed of suffering is, The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, what most people think of as the great tribulation, the 5-virgin-brides not found worthy to be in the elect at the rapture, Mk. 13:20, Matt. 25:1-13, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 8:1, until later to be purified in tribulation, not having oil for her lamp, but necessary to increase the harvest of planet Earth. I follow this line of thought later but let us consider other things first, (Edit).
The historically ancient Jezebel, 2nd Kin. 9:30-37. Jezebel died a slow painful death thrown out a window, run over by chariots and while her body was so broken with the inability to move, she struggled in her last minutes of life while dogs ripped away at her tearing all the flesh of her body, dog beast eating man beast.
This bed of suffering could be the fire, The Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, a great time of trouble and redemption for all mankind and creation, a great harvest time when God purges all weeds from the wheat because of this same type of idolatry.
The 7-churches of John’s letter book of Revelation are 7-brides, 7-virgins, two left-behind brides will go through the fire of tribulation with the other three left-behind-brides, Jerusalem, Samaria and Judah, all becoming preachers with the 144,000 during the 20.8-year Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, to increase the harvest. This is what scripture clearly teaches according to End-Times-Prophecy.
Revelation 2:24-25
24 Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets, ‘I will not impose any other burden on you, 25 except to hold on to what you have until I come.’
Verses Rev. 2:24-25—Edit remember, Jezebel’s father was the king of Tyre and Sidon, modern day Lebanon, and if you read the quotes, you can see that the descriptions are exact of both Tyre and Babylon in scripture, both whose king is Satan, Ez. 28:1-19, Is. 14:3-21. These are the two main beasts that come from the two sins, Religious idolatry and Materialism idolatry that God is cleansing from those that are of the Christ-followers, also seen as two warnings by God,1st being to religious idolatry which involves the adding of words to God’s words,
Rev. 22:18, and the taking words away from God’s words, Rev. 22:19.
This idolatry takes words from God’s words until the result when even bibles are being burned in the following and belief in agnosticism and atheism, communism Rev. 22:18-19.
This type of idolatry of materialism perverts God’s true grace, which leads to the sins of God’s people on a path of darkness following a Babylonian type of idolatry, attempting to cover planet Earth with her prostitute cities & nations filled with Materialism idolatry, arrogance, atheism, agnosticism, sexual immorality, violence, murder and thievery, Is. 14:21, Rev. 17:1-5; 17:13-21; 18:1-24; 9:20-21.
Although Jezebel’s father was a high priest eventually becoming the king of Tyre and Sidon like all generations that swing like a pendulum in opposition to their parents, in rebellion to their parents teaching according to the philosopher of historical idealism, (Quote), Jezebel and Ahab dove deep into another type of idolatry called religious idolatry that perverting God’s law into a system that has no grace. All this comes from the original two sins God is speaking to Jeremiah about, Jer. 2:13. We are not to forsake God and choose Materialism Idolatry by taking words from God’s words, Rev. 22:19, Deut. 4:2, nor are we to dig our spiritual cisterns by adding words to God’s words which is Religious Idolatry, Rev. 22:18, Deut. 4:2.
This type of idolatry is different than the other type, the one of portable pocket idols that were brought to the Asherah poles in high places, the religion law idolatry. All these sins of Samaria, burning incense with pocket idols in high places at Asherah poles are from mostly the worship of gods and idols that do speak, creating new religion, worshipping angels of darkness that appear as angels of light just as Mormonism’s Moroni & Islam’s Jibreel.
Both these types of idolatry lead God’s people away from God upon a path into the wilderness, both lead to different types of sexual immorality, one forced upon the community by religion & a false law, the other encouraged by a community that does not believe in any religion or law at all, a sort of perverted type of grace. Both lead to God’s judgment.
For one adds words to God’s words creating new religion, new laws & words God never spoke, declaring things God never uttered. This eventually becomes the Idolatry that speaks, disguising it’s an angel of darkness as an angel of light that in its final abomination, final form talks back to the Potter who is our Father revealed by the prophets, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, confirmed by Jesus Christ everywhere he went, Jn. 14:1-14, even when teaching how we should address God in prayer, Matt. 6:5-15.
Those that follow this type of idolatry deny the Son, or deny the Father, or both depending on how advanced down into the valley of the religion of men’s imagination they have descended assuming, talking back and correcting God’s plan of redemption, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:5-15, Jn. 3:13-21; 14:1-14, Rev. 22:18-19.
Surely the Apostle John & Jesus Christ were being quoted by the famous civil rights leader when he said darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can drive out darkness, Jn. 3:13-21, Martin Luther King,1962.
Because they deny these proclamations of truth based upon lack of faith then they add things they think should be there just as Eve repeated the words taught her by Adam when he was attempting to correct and simplify the gospel for Eve, thinking he, a mere man, could even possibly help God, Gen. 2:16-17 compared to Gen. 3:2-3.
This type of idolatry leads to additions to the bible adding words to God’s words like Islam’s Qur’an, the Mormon’s Book of Mormon, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Awake magazine and their re-writing of the JW bible that changed and added words to Jn:1:1-21 and other places, Buddha’s Buddhism, Hindi’s Hinduism, and all their many deviations and sects of truth that take a water that is sweet and pure adding small amounts of poison making the whole well bitter poisons that brings death to all whom drink, all adding words to God’s words saying God said something he never said violating the warning of Jesus Christ breathed thru the Prophet Apostle John, Rev. 22:18-19.
These are all from just one type of temptation Satan has used upon all men since the fall in the Garden of Eden.
The other type is the idolatry of materialism, Rev. 22:19, that eventually perverts God’s grace, growing from the sin of covetousness and an unwillingness to follow the golden rule taught be Christ, “To do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you,” Lk. 6:31, Matt. 7:12.
Revelation 2:26-29
26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. 28 I will also give that one the morning star. 29 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Verses Rev. 2:26-29—any one church will have the different but awfully specific revealing characteristics of these ten different virgins waiting on the long-awaited coming groom Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is called the bright and morning star, Rev. 22:16, the one whom the victorious one is given, Rev. 2:28. For this reason, each church will have some that qualify for the rapture and some that will qualify later after being purified like gold is purified in the fire. I interpret scripture as teaching there will be 2 to 3 raptures during this 20.8-year period of The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, probably three, beginning, middle and end. Marilyn Hickey takes this view which seems right to me. The purpose of the left behinds is to increase the harvest. This is Our Father in Heaven’s perfect grace.
This is obvious to me, in the Garden-of-Gethsemane when Christ comes back three times, and each time is an admonishing rapture with left behinds, Christ telling them repeatedly to watch, pray and wait, yet they keep falling asleep, Matt. 26: 45-46.
It just does not seem believable, nor likely, that not [even] one of the disciples would stay awake, not at least one, one of the three, Matt. 25:36-46.
In my opinion the reason they were falling asleep was God was teaching a parable, with meaning of a deeper truth. They were falling asleep because God was stimulating them, making them fall asleep, to teach end times prophecy regarding the ten-virgins-church that in the end, we should all be watching for the groom of the church, the long coming groom that took longer than anyone could think, Jesus Christ. For in God’s eyes a 1,000-years are like a day, and 41.666 years are like an hour, Rev. 17:12, with 20.8 years of silence are about a half hour, Rev. 8:1, 2nd Pt. 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4.
The five virgins church left outside with the gnashing of teeth after the door is closed, does not represent the true grace of God, in my humble opinion, rather it teaches legalism which is not the gospel lacking in the grace and forgiveness we see in Christ and the Apostle Paul. The church theologians have interpreted this parable wrong in a very legalistic unloving way. This prophecy was designed by God to not be understood until the End of time, our time. The Five virgins without oil in their jars to keep their lamps with light are the virgins Thyatira, Laodicea, Jerusalem, Judah and Samaria.
For the proper revelation it is important to think of them as virgins as scripture clearly says, not the chapter heading that calls them bridesmaids. For virgins in scripture means pure, prostitute means fallen. A lot of people do not know, but these chapter headings are not in the original manuscripts. They were put there as commentary to help baby Christians when they first got saved.
This is written to the virgin church bride Thyatira with Christ’s love, faith, service & perseverance, now doing more than the beginning, Matt. 25:1-13. But tolerating Jezebel who thinks she’s a prophetess misleading God’s people into idolatry with sexual immorality, one of the main sins mentioned the world does not repent of after 1/3rd the people of planet Earth die from the 3-plagues of fire, smoke & sulfur, Rev. 9:18; 9:21. For these sins God strikes her children dead driving them the church making their pews empty.
The dead are spiritually dead children of people in the west especially that do not have the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are left behind to increase the harvest of planet Earth these last years. When they are not raptured there will be great panic in their very souls with them seeking bibles to read and figure out the truth and path to God, probably a family member leaving a great deal of notation within the margins with connecting scriptures, and there will be a great harvest all over the world, for it must be this way to increase the harvest.
This will increase the harvest and these 5-virgins, half of Christianity, are predestined to go through The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, a 20.8-year period also called synonymously The Great Tribulation period, and they are left behind with those gnashing of teeth willed by Our Father in Heaven To Increase The Harvest.
God gives them time to repent before the rapture, but they did not, but since unwilling, they miss the rapture because they did not have oil in their jar lacking the Teacher, Holy Spirit in their life. Now they will be cast on a bed of suffering in the great tribulation, also called The-Time-of-Jacob’-Trouble, a 20.8-year period, Gen. 31:41, Jer. 30:7, Rev. 8:1. So Christ increases their suffering to purify their souls turning them into Ministers and Preachers to the nation of Israel. The five virgins that run out of oil in their jars is the key to interpreting these prophecies of the ten virgins properly, [not bridesmaids].
The meaning of bridesmaid and bridegroom are completely different even though the words are similar. A bridesmaid is a friend and female assistant to the one being married, the bride. The similar male word would be groomsman, (Edit?). The bridegroom is the one being married. These two words are not even close in meaning, Webster Dictionary.
Modern NIV theologians infer the word virgin is the same as the word bridesmaid, Matthew 25:1-13, by placing the incorrect chapter title and heading as “The Ten Bridesmaids,” but once you get into the chapter you realize Christ is talking virgins, not bridesmaids. Remember when ever you read the bible the chapter headings were not in the original manuscripts and carry no more weight in scripture except equal to commentary and most are wrong when it comes to interpretation of prophecy; That is the case here. The virgins are waiting for the bridegroom to return to take them to his family to get married and live in the house and place he built, the place of many rooms, Jn. 14:1-4.
The perplexing thing is that these same NIV theologians are not consistent and then after they put ten bridesmaids in the chapter heading, they turn around in the chapter calling them virgins. The body of Christ needs consistent guidance in the word of God, not theologians that vacillate in their interpretations going right to the edge of the cliff possibly even violating Christ’s warning breathed thru the Apostle John, Rev. 22:18-19. I was glad to find out the chapter heading the KJV theologians gave was “The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins.” So do not let these chapter headings influence or confuse your proper interpretations, and when they do cross them out with your personal notations side by side. These chapter headings are not in the original manuscripts so are to be considered only commentary of one man’s conclusion of what the context of that text means, nothing more nothing less not even a word, Rev. 22:18-19.
These NIV theologians do this because they cannot imagine Christ, who plays the long awaiting returning groom having more than one bride, but when anyone does this it violates Rev. 22:18-19’s stern warning to not remove or add [even] one word in the entire bible. If we stand-fast to this stern warning, God opens the window of prophecy so we can see over the mountains what God is doing. Following this strict interpretation of all scripture elevates your status from some shallow preacher to witness and ever since the beginning of time God has been raising up witnesses that forcibly advance God’s plan of redemption for mankind. This is the difference between proper interpretation of prophecy and not, the difference between being blind and seeing, the difference between plugged and unplugged ears, life and death, Rev. 22:18-19.
Revelation 3:1-3
1 “To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. 3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.
Verses Rev. 3:1-3—the city of Sardis a city of western Asia Minor was famous for its arts, crafts, textiles, gold jewelry and minted gold & silver coins, & a patron of the mystery cults, CDB p-180.
Revelation 2:4-6
4 Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. 5 The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. 6 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Verses Rev. 3:4-6—(Edit), To the bride in Sardis reputed to be so lively yet really is dead. You sleep so soundly you peed in your bed soiling your clothes, verse 4. Quit going back to sleep!
Wake up or Christ will come like a thief in the night to you. You have many things unfinished yet to do! Do not forget how far you have come! Yet there are some among you not sleeping wide awake, dressed in white and victorious. Grace…(Edit)
Revelation 3:7-13
7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. 11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name. 13 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Verses Rev. 3:7-13— To my bride Philadelphia-because of your deeds I have placed an open door no one can shut and will force those claiming to be Jews but are from Satan to bow at your feet and acknowledge that I love you, since you have kept my command to be patient.
Revelation 3:14-22
14 “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. 21 To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
Verses Rev. 3:14-22—The rich virgin bride Laodicea, with deeds neither cold nor hot which is the worst place to be. These are like all the rich people of the world that became atheists and agnostics in the Christian nations and cities of planet Earth with their Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:19, that are dead in spirit claiming they love God but hate Israel, yet they do not even have enough faith to open their bibles and read them. They’re the ones believing the bible has numerous mistakes, believe the stories are children’s fables, saying they love God but pushing for Islam immigrating into the lands of their children throughout planet Earth.
For they are only immigrating to conquer, to proselytize, to build mosques for the history of Islam has always shown that they first immigrate in peace until they become a majority. Then like India, like Syria, like Lebanon, like Morocco, like Algeria, Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia after they have a majority they riot and conquer.
They love God but pushing for homosexual rights within the church. They have no concept of truth because they have no Holy Spirit in their life that is a Teacher to them.
These Laodiceans are mostly agnostic by their worldview having bibles but not reading them because they do not believe in absolute truth. Their faith if measured is there but if it were possible to measure barely tips the scale, so they are weak. To them the bible is filled with a lot of children’s stories
They are prophesied by Christ to be spit out of the 1st rapture wedding banquet, not being taken away, not escaping tribulation, to be purified in the fire removing their impurities. After the rapture they become scared realizing immediately what they missed resulting in an immense change of heart, change in spirit, weeping to God purifying themselves that they are counted worthy to teach others of their mistakes in the lack of faith in the truth of the scriptures and God’s love.
For there must be two wedding banquets: One just before the start of the half hour of silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble and one at the end of the half hour of silence in heaven, Gen. 31:41, Time of Jacob’s-Trouble for the Tribulation Saints, a 2nd Wedding-Banquet at the end of The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, the 20.8-year period when the tribulation Saints are done preaching the gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ.
God wills all these things to happen this way, to increase the harvest of planet Earth; that all that are worthy, all that are willing to purify themselves may enter the kingdom of God; showing mercy on those weeping for it, showing compassion on those seeking for it; left behind breadcrumbs of light on a path of darkness showing the way back to those that do not know the way but to follow with admonishments with encouragements, stronger sheep binding up the weak sheep, ministering to the gathered flocks of Israel on the King’s highway as left behind breadcrumbs of light, all in the sheep pen God has placed them.
If people were not left behind as ministers of light to the other left-behinds, there would be no reason to delay judgement, which the delay is of course God’s merciful choice, but it is also God’s decision to increase the harvest, of which is the most important thing in God’s eyes.
For this reason, Satan will be tricked and God’s harvest is massively celebrated for all eternity the magnificent harvest by his Son and provided Lamb. These things are all over the books by the prophets. Everything in the scriptures are not only about Trinitarian-doctrine, but everything is also about the unpredictably massive harvest worldwide. For example the entire nation of Israel turns to Christ right after the soon coming rapture and God talks about, Zech. 12:10-13:6.
As if that is not enough of it then Israel after turning to the one they pierced Jesus Christ realizes they must donate 12,000 1st-born preadolescent males from each tribe before they can enter the promised land of Heaven in fulfillment of Mose’s commands from God, Rev. 7:1-8; 14:1-5; Gen. 27:43- 31:41, Ex. 13:1-2, 13:11-13, Nu. 3:12-13.
And these 144,000 will be raptured into heaven to receive 31/2-years of teaching by Jesus Christ but also by the five virgins raptured which is half of Christianity, Matt.25:1-13, so 3 1/2 years in Heaven is only about 10 to 20 minutes on Planet Earth according to two witnesses, Apostle Peter quoting Moses that on earth where time exists translated into a place where time doesn’t exist, Psalm 90:4, 2nd Peter 3:8.
The amazing thing about this prophecy is these “Little Christs,” will return in almost the power of Jesus Christ (almost) but when they get back to Planet Earth 20 minutes later everyone they talk to will be mystified of their intimate knowledge of scripture and just as the Israel Elders were mystified of the 12-year old Christ everyone these little Christs will also be mystified and ministered and healed by, Lk. 2:41-52.
If this isn’t enough they will have faces that probably shine as Moses did after returning from speaking with God yet these Little Christs will be like only 12-years old and at the age of being undefiled by any woman or pornography, Rev. 14:4.
When they get back to Planet Earth only a few minutes later probably the same day or the next there will be a massive celebration all over Israel with a Bar Mitzvah celebration of their manhood en mass and they will be sent to go throughout the Planet Earth to minister to the left behinds combining into the Tribulation Saints to harvest the Planet Earth going door to door two by two. But they will not be selling any pamphlets or pushing any Religious Idolatry like the Jehovah Witnesses, these Messianic-Jewish kids will be full of the grace and truth of Jesus Christ and they will be going door to door 20.8-years until the end. And if that is not enough 1/2-Islamic people of the Planet Earth will turn away from Islam, turn away from the Qur’an to be healed of the painful plague God pronounces upon the Trinitarian-doctrine denying religion of Islam and while the Tribulation Saints are going door to door to collect gold and silver and expensive holy fabrics, will be healing those that donate if they repent and turn to Jesus Christ and discard their books of Religious Idolatry, Is. 19:12-25, Zech. 14:1-21.
This will all happen the last year of “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble AKA The Great Tribulation.” And the soon coming harvest will be so magnificent and unexpected by all the so-called experts that songs will be sung about it for all eternity…
prophesied during the great harvest portion of the 20.8-year period of the Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, Gen. 27:42 to 31:41, Jer. 30:7, Mk. 13:20;Jn. 14:1-4, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Matt. 25:1-13, Rev. 8:1, Ps. 90:4, 2nd Pt. 3:8.
It is during the 20.8-year period of trouble that Jacob, Israel turns to Christ, the entire nation of Israel turns to the one they pierced Jesus Christ, repents in weeping realized they missed the rapture, missed the entrance into the spiritual promised land and searching the scriptures seeing Christ all over in the prophets weeping, Zech. 12:6-14.
Israel weeping because the beast Islamic Antichrist Nations are conquering all the nations and cities that were part of the Materialism idolatry empire of, Cryptogram America, Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Prostitutes and all her Prostitute Cities and Nations of Planet Earth filled with all her atheists and agnostics and materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:19.
With all her sexual immorality, murder and thievery she destroyed the earth with, they being conquered by the Islamic Antichrist Nations that also destroy the Earth with their 3-plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur killing 1/3rd the population of the Earth, Rev. 9:14-15; 9:18;9:20-21; 17:15-16; 18:1-19:3, all in 1-day 1-hour the nuclear annihilation and devastating wickedness of Cryptogram America, Mystery, Babylon the Great Mother of Prostitutes, with all her Prostitute Cities and Nations of Planet Earth could not prevent their wickedness from destroying the planet Earth, and spreading throughout the planet Earth, even the lead cover could not prevent this wickedness from destroying planet Earth, Zech. 5:5-11.
God would have saved her, but he couldn’t, Jer. 51:7-9, he had to increase the harvest so a double portion of her own nuclear annihilation was heaped upon her own head, Rev. 18:6-8, to increase the harvest and during this great time of trouble & tribulation for all of God’s people, for his left behind breadcrumbs of light, like little rocks of light left on the path, on the King’s highway showing the way back to God, Jn. 14:1-4, the entire nation of Israel in the corporate sense repents and turns to their Savior Jesus Christ at the beginning of this 20.8-year period, Zech. 12:6-14.
Realizing they missed the rapture to the promised land repent realizing to enter the promised land they must make a sacrifice upon the wave offering their 1st-borns as required by law, 12,000 from each tribe, Rev. 7:1-8, a requirement by law before entering the promised land, before entering the place prepared by God, Jn. 14:1-4, as required by God spoken by Moses, Ex. 4:22-23; 13:1-2; 13:11-16, Lev. 23:9-13, Nu. 3:11-13; 3:44-45; 8:6; 8:16-18, Is. 54:13, Jn. 6:45, all young males not defiled by women before the age of Bar Mitzvah, 12 years old male, will follow Christ like little chicks everywhere he goes, Rev. 14:1-4, even back to heaven raptured for a special 3-years seminary training in heaven by Christ and those elect already raptured trained in heaven, by Christ and his elect found worth to escape, Mk. 13:20.
Now here is the interesting thing that will blow your mind. Since according to Moses confirmed by the 2nd witness Peter, Ps. 90:4, 2nd Pt. 3:8, a day is like a 1,000-years in the eyes of God then 3 ½-years in Heaven will be like 5-minutes 40 seconds on Planet Earth. These 144,000 new order of priests will be gone 3 ½-years, coming back matured & ready to be the witnesses on the order and power of Jesus, for they spent 3 ½ years in immensely deep spiritual training by Christ himself and all the raptured Saints, they will be spiritually more mature by far than any Christian on Planet Earth, 15 ½-years spiritually mature but will still look as if they are twelve years old for their bodies will be only 5-minutes physically older.
This also means that during the few minutes Christ disappeared in the cloud at the top of the mountain during the transfiguration of Christ to prepare him for the soon coming crucifixion he was probably gone for years being ministered to by the legions of angels in heaven, Matt. 17:1-9, Mk. 1:9, Lk. 9:27-36. This same goes true when Jesus disappeared for 3 ½-days and when Joseph and Mary retraced their footsteps found Christ teaching the Teachers and Rabbis, Lk. 2:41-50. Keep in mind the literal translation of Father’s House, where Christ claimed he had to be is not the temple, rather it is New Jerusalem, where our Father in Heaven is dwelling right now with his Son, Rev. 21:1-22:5.
And after these 3-years of being in heaven, about 5-minute upon Planet Earth according to Moses and the 2nd Witnesses Apostle Peter, Ps. 90:4, 2nd Pt 3:8, the 144,000 were taught advanced spiritual training in miracles all marked by the angels of our Father for their special protection from the plagues, Rev. 7:1-8, these now innocent young men never defiled by women, Rev. 14:1-5, that have been taught our Father in Heaven’s Son’s perfect righteousness just like Christ was taught when he was 12-years old also, Lk. 2:41-50.
These 144,000 witnesses will be released into the 20.8-year period of The Great Tribulation all scripture uses repetitiously synonymously also as The Great Time of Jacob’s Trouble, for as little rocks of light to preach the gospel throughout the planet Earth to increase the harvest and show the way back to those that do not know the way post rapture of the 1-billion Saints, Mk. 13:20, 1st Thess. 4:13-18, Jn. 14:1-4, during the time of trouble when God started issuing plagues upon the Islamic Antichrist Nations that destroyed the planet Earth, Rev. 9:14-15; 9:18; the people ,that deny the only begotten Son, also denying our Father in heaven, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23.
And after God was issuing these plagues to increase the harvest the harvest was increased again when all of Egypt repented turning to the one they pierced, the one they denied, turning to our Father in heaven they also denied increasing the harvest, the Egyptians and Iraqi people and all their relatives that had spread throughout the earth all turned to Christ as Isaiah says, Is. 19:16-25.
The harvest was increased greatly andthe12th Mahdi Antichrist became dismayed and greatly frustrated beheading anyone that wouldn’t uphold true Islam and deny the Son, deny our Father in heaven, also deny Holy Spirit so he and his assistant Isa (sic), the False prophet came up with a mark all people must have in which they deny Trinitarian-doctrine or beheaded, (Quote), but their plan did not work as half of the Islamic people of the planet Earth turned to Trinitarian-doctrine rejecting Islam and the Qur’an as truth, Is. 19:16-25.
Those left behinds are mostly in all the rich countries Christians have settled in, living in America, Canada, European Union, Western Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, Sweden, Holland, Finland, France, Germany, Canada, the west. These left behinds [might] be given special protection from the nuclear annihilation all these countries experience in fulfillment of 1/3rd of the people of the planet Earth are killed from the 3-plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur, Rev. 9:18.
The reason I say they are the richest nations on planet Earth from the west is they are the prostitute nations being trained by the Mother-of-Prostitutes, Babylon-the-Great, Rev. 17:1; 17:5; 17:15; 16:16; 17:18; 18:1-24. These are also the same Christian nations filled with the most materialistic agnostic people in their many churches in their many lands. These are the ones that will be left behind, not the poor Christians in South America, nor the poor Christians in Africa nor Asia. ½ of Christianity will be left behind, half will be allowed to escape, the half left behind are also called the five virgins without oil for their lamps, Matt. 24:1-13, Mk. 13:20, Jn. 14:1-4, 1st Thess. 4:13-18.
They are the ones that failed all the other Christians of Planet Earth, failing the weaker ones in poor countries and their young innocent children, allowing their false prophets to be arrogantly standing in front of them in their pulpits and lecterns at their many seminaries with all their degrees to be peculiarly silent… while the world was physically taken by the neck forced to drink, drink, DRINK of the cup of wickedness forced from Hollywood spilling through the great cities of Planet Earth, worshipping idols that do not speak: idols of sexual immorality, pornography, the worship of idols of gold, silver, diamonds, precious stones, luxurious cars and boats, long unneeded slabs of marble or granite, expensive fat jewelries, showy luxurious cars and limousines, and Armani suits standing in the pulpits preaching untruth topped with chocolate desires sprinkled with sprinkled lust to tickle the ears, Is. 46:6-7, Dan. 5:4, Rev. 9:20-21; 17:4,18:3,18:9-10, 18:11-13, .18:15-16, 18:17-18, 18:19.
And the most important fulfillment of prophecy is her unwillingness and their reluctance to repent of their sexual immorality, thievery and materialism forcibly spread throughout the planet Earth coercing all the defenseless people of the planet Earth to guzzle her massive cup of wickedness spilling it down their faces as they tremble, forcing them, causing them, all that drank to go straightaway inflamed with lustful desires to see more images, Rev. 9:20-21; 17:2, 17:4, 18:23, Dan. 5:4; Is. 46:6-7, Jer. 25:15-27, 25:16-17, 25:27, 25:33, 25:30-32; Is. 13:1-22, 24:1-23.
Remember brothers and sisters, these are pagan and weak Christian nations being forced to sin with sexual immorality seeping from their phones and internet into their lives like demons that go to and fro seeking a home that they may rule over.
These are sins of sexual immorality God detests with all the preachers and false prophets in the west unwilling to stand up for truth with outrage in the pulpit. For they would not repent of their sexual immorality, nor of their materialism causing slave wages throughout the planet Earth, nor their murders and thievery in their huge cities with tall buildings, Rev. 9:20-21, Dan. 5:4, Is. 46:6-7, Gen. 11:9.
They are the prostitute nations under Babylon-the-Great that is trampled and burned by fire just as she was, Rev. 17:16, falling like her in 1-day-1-hour, Rev. 18:1-24.
These nations are part of the 1/3rd people of the planet Earth that die of the 3-plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur which is an exact description of nuclear annihilation, Rev. 9:18; to increase the harvest of the Jews 1st, and Gentile stragglers that are the left behinds as God’s mercy as Ministers and witnesses to the lost.
These countries will all fall to the Islamic Antichrist nation’s 3-plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur, Rev. 9:18, just as Babylon-the-Great does, Rev. 18:1-24, whom I interpret scripture describes clearly as America, Rev. 17:1-5; Rev. 17:13-18, Rev. 18:1-24, Jer. 50:1 to 51:64, Rev. 18:1-24.
This is during the half hour silence in heaven, a 20.8 year period that takes up only about a ½ hour in heaven in our Father’s eyes, scripture calls The-Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble, Gen. 27:41 to 31:41, Rev. 8:1, Matt. 25:1-13, Gen. 30: 37-43, 2nd Pt. 3:8, confirming Moses, Ps. 90:4, a time used synonymously with what most people call The Great Tribulation, Jer. 30:6-8, also known as the very last year of trouble with tribulation called by Isaiah the year of the Lord’s vengeance for Zion’s sake, Isaiah 34:1-17; 34:8-10, The Day of the Lord,.
Because these virgin brides are lukewarm, Matthew 25:1-13 they’re spit you out of Christ’s mouth as the wretched pitiful poor blind and naked brides that they are. They need to go through fire and tribulation to be purified where they will be become part of the Tribulation Saints, to increase the harvest taking the gospel to the Jews 1st to increase the harvest.
Those victorious will be rewarded to sit with Christ on his throne in the city prepared by Christ, New Jerusalem, just He was victorious to sit with my Father on his throne.
Revelation 4:1-5
1 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” 2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 5 From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.
Verses Revelation 4:1-5—The door in heaven is always open to the followers of Christ, just as it is for John here. John is transfigured into the spirit. The description of the throne is the same as in other parts of scripture, Rev. 4:6.
Revelation 4:6-11
6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “ ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, ‘who was, and is, and is to come.” 9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
Verses Rev. 4:6-11—Sea of glass and four living creatures covered with eyes all over front and back. Wherever God is his creation and new forms of life everywhere. The 24-Elders fall down throwing their crowns to God, to worship God’s grace and holiness.
There is a great deal of talk among theologians of whom these 24-Elders are and scripture does give indications to some indications of them. The 12-disciples minus Judas are the first eleven we know 100% sure because scripture tells us, Matt. 19:28.
Judas lost his privilege but because he did repent before committing suicide from his anguish and repentance, and he does appear to have been deceived by the high priest of Israel, I have no doubt he will be in heaven, he might even be one of these twelve elders. But I go into detail on that elsewhere on my teachings that suicide, according to scripture elsewhere like when Prophet and Judge Samson committed suicide, (Quote), but is still counted as a righteous but tormented lonely man in scripture, (Quote), is a sin like any other, the real issue is our faith in our Father and his only begotten Son Jesus the Christ, not the sin, we’re not saved by Mosaic Law.
Revelation 5:1-9
1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 3 But no one in heaven or on planet Earth or under the planet Earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. 4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” 6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the planet Earth. 7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. 8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. 9 And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
Verses Rev. 5:1-9—No man is found worthy except the Son of Man, Jesus Christ the provided Lamb of Our Father in Heaven, the Lion of Judah and the Root-of-David. The Lamb has seven horns to scatter his seven churches to increase the harvest of planet Earth and spread the gospel. The four living creatures with the 24-Elders encircle the slain Lamb worshipping him falling down; the Elders cast their crowns to Christ, the King of kings. Each had a harp and bowl of incense which are the prayers of God’s people. All the saved people were purchased by the blood of Christ.
Revelation 5:10-14
10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the planet Earth.” 11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. 12 In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” 13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on planet Earth and under the planet Earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” 14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.
Verses Rev. 5:10-14—We are a royal priesthood & kingdom, (Quote). The counts of the angels are in-numerous. Everyone from planet Earth and heaven, even all creatures confess Jesus to be honored and prayed forever and ever.
Revelation 10:1-11
1 Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. 4 And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down.” 5 Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. 6 And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the planet Earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There will be no more delay! 7 But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.” 8 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” 9 So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’ ” 10 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. 11 Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.”
Verses Rev. 10:1-11—Some theologians say this entire chapter is an interlude according to and that is the best I have heard describing this chapter. I can kind of see why they would say that but there is some good info here that cannot be ignored. For example, the magnificence and majesty of Christ in all his power and we must never forget that in our revelations of him. I hear time and time again people say how their going to walk right up to Christ in heaven and carry on some conversation with him as if they do of a relative or sibling or something like that.
Not saying it will not be like that, because Christ can do anything. I do not know how he can or will do that, I guess he could manifest himself in many different places at once, but I am not sure it is going to be like that for our CEO in charge of Heaven, Him and his Father. People will worship from a distance, receiving ministry and visions of healing from a distance by angels as such but how exactly are you going to walk right up to this? I am just saying…
Another especially important teaching here is the placing of the Apostle John in his right respectful position when addressing him. John obtained the category & status of Prophet in addition to his Apostleship rank in authority, and he should be addressed as such, as a Prophet. Just like the Mighty Angel says here (most say Jesus Christ) John was to eat the book (bible) and prophesy. So how do we address this title issue? The same way we address a person that is both a doctor and lawyer;in this case John is both an Apostle and Prophet.
Prophet is the higher position so in most cases we would address him as the Prophet John, unless we are discussing his walk with Christ and the other disciples so in that case, we would address him as the Apostle John.Notice also some of the things John was told not to write about, inferring the entire book of Revelation is meant for mankind to completely understand before it happens. Did you hear that all you haters of prophesy? That is right. We are to not only read Revelation and understand clearly what is coming and how it is going to happen.
But when we are discussing the book of Revelation, we address him as the Prophet John. That is right. John’s rank is both Apostle, Prophet and this chapter is an interlude, a break, a parenthesis in Revelation.
The most important thing in this entire chapter is how Our Father God, through the mighty angel tells John to eat the little book of prophesy, Rev. 10:1; 10:10-11. If this means anything it means John is both a Prophet and Apostle. If John is called a prophet by Jesus Christ through his mighty angel that is okay with me, I will also address him as Prophet. If you decide to address John as Prophet, you are in great company. This whole chapter because of verse 1—clothed in a cloud, face like the sun, legs like fire, verse-3—voice like a lion. These descriptions are like those throughout scripture of Jesus Christ; for some reason I cannot explain Christ appearing as an angel, other than saying it is only Our Father in Heaven’s plan of redemption, only that he does.
I do realize God appeared to Abraham as an angel of the Lord just before Sodom and Gomorrah were judged by these same plagues of fire smoke and sulfur, Gen. 18:1. But it seems to me that upon the day of the Lord this would be Christ. If I ever seen something like this, I would be terrified and fall on my face worshipping him as God. I could not look at him, I swear. Sometimes God does conceal his identity through these types of things, Gen. 18:22;19:1; 32:26-30.
In verse-Rev. 10:6 he seems to swear by himself. Eating the scroll that tastes sweet but become bitter in the stomach seems to be a metaphor for the bible as manna. Many times, God’s people eat the bible by the reading of it voraciously like manna, staying up all night reading reading reading.
God then reveals revelation, like no one has received giving him the ability to see over the mountains, as if he is seeing the future, after climbing God’s mountain of Zion.
This becomes bitter because no one can understand what he has seen over the mountain, what God has shown him, it then becomes bitter in his stomach. His family, his brothers and sisters think he is crazy. Even the people he grew up with, that knew his gentleness, they all think he is crazy, thus the bitterness of revelation. It also becomes bitter in his stomach because of the judgment he sees coming upon Israel, upon the world both saved and unsaved, Mk. 3:21, Mk. 6:1-6.
Verse-Rev. 10:1-3–seems so magnificent, and we must remember this is the revelation of Jesus Christ and must take scripture according to what it says, and the faith supports that, but verse Rev. 10:1-3 says this is an angel with a rainbow above his head. When we see Jesus Christ in his glory, and we will someday, it will be more than this because this revelation came from Jesus Christ, Rev. 1:1.
Yet this angel is telling John to once again eat more of the bible and prophesy. The description of this angel is so magnificent, so monumental after a person reads this verse it is easily understood how many of the prophets fell prostate not even able to look at the holiness of this angel so enormous there is a rainbow above his head. Therefore, many prophets fall and worship these angels as God, being told by the angel to get up, that they also worship the same God you do, not to worship, for he also worships God, to get up, eat the bible once more and to prophesy again. Not much in this chapter except that it is easily read and understood. Maybe more will be revealed to me in my 2nd edition.
Most theologians would interpret this angel to be Jesus Christ himself when considering these other scriptures I give you as descriptions in scripture of God, to further your studies here they are, Gen. 9:12-13, Is:63:9, Ex. 3:2; 13:21; 16:10; 19:9; 19:16; 34:4-5; 40:34; 40:38, Jn. 1:15-16; 6:38, Matt. 17:5; 17:12, Acts 1:9; 9:3; 26:13, Mal. 4:2, Rev. 4:3, Ez. 1:28, Lev. 16:2; Nu. 9:15-22, Lk. 21:27.
Revelation 11:1-17
1 I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. 3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the planet Earth.” 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the planet Earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. 7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the planet Earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the planet Earth. 11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on. 13 At that very hour there was a severe planet Earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the planet Earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven. 14 The second woe has passed; the third woe is coming soon. 15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.” 16 And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.
Verses Rev. 11:1-2—This entire chapter is pretty straight forward. A lot of apocalyptic visions of heaven. For three and a half years the Islamic Antichrist Nations will trample Jerusalem, (Quote). It is during these three and a half years the plagues will be distributed for the Nations of the planet Earth trampling Jerusalem called the Gentiles, and the only nations that will be doing it at that time are the Islamic Antichrist Nations which will deny the only begotten Son, also denying our Father in heaven, Is. 45:9-11, the Prophet Isaiah confirmed by the Apostle John, 1st Jn. 2:22-23. Their trampling of Jerusalem for 42-months was the last increase of authority to the Islamic Antichrist Nations: the 1st being to conquer 1/4th the planet Earth, Rev. 6:1-8, the 2nd being to immigrate throughout the planet Earth at the last hour, a 41,666-year period in man’s eyes but the last hour in God’s, Rev. 17:12, Ps. 90:4, 2nd Pt. 3:8,.to prepare getting ready conquer when the authority is increased again, Rev. 17:12.
Verses Rev. 11:3-6—Sackcloth meaning inexpensive uncomfortable cloth made and used for carrying things like potatoes or vegetables from the market.
I believe and translate the two witnesses will be someone born of our generation, probably one woman and a man, a couple, or it could be one Gentile and a Messianic Jewish person from Israel as an Israel citizen, can almost guarantee you they will not be from our seminaries, most likely to have never gone to a seminary Israel or something. One thing I can almost guarantee is the witnesses will be from our time, not someone returning like Moses or Elijah or something like that.
Verses Rev. 11:3-12—Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Islamic Antichrist nations for three years. During these 3 ½ years it seems like the Antichrist will be living in the Dome-of-the-Rock, Rev. 11:2, while the two witnesses are outside the Dome-of-the -Rock prophesying in poetic language talking to God in Trinitarian-doctrine, Matt. 6:5-15, Jn. 3:13-21, promoting the Son, our Father in heaven, while the12th Mahdi Antichrist and his False Prophet Isa (sic), denying Trinitarian-doctrine, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Is. 45:9-11, Matt. 6:5-15.
Surely the Apostle John & Christ were being quoted by Martin Luther King, the famous civil rights leader when he said darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can drive out darkness, Jn. 3:13-21, Martin Luther King,1962.
The two witnesses preach Trinitarian-doctrine just outside the Dome of the Rock for 3 ½ years, Rev. 11:2. It seems that this will be telecast on the news just as it will be telecast internationally when the witnesses are beheaded for their Trinitarian-doctrine making Trinitarian-doctrine on trial.
This will be the primary thing on trial, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Trinitarian-doctrine, Is. 45:9-11, our Father in heaven, our Potter and his provided
sacrificial 1-year old lamb the begotten Son, Matt. 6:5-15, our Brother whom went to his crucifixion getting on the cross willingly for our sins, the good news being that we may see in darkness choosing light from our Father in heaven over the wickedness and darkness of our sins we hide from God if that were even possible, the people of truth over the people of lies, Mount Zion over Hagar & Ishmael’s Mount Sinai, Gal. 4:13-21, the people of the bible over the people of the Qur’an, marriage over harems & rape, Gabriel over Jibreel, Sarah’s Isaac over Hagar’s Ishmael, Jacob’s blessing over Esau’s soup, the saved over the lorded over and their plagues of lies, darkness with mistreatment of the weak, Jn. 3:13-21. Surely the Apostle John was being quoted by the famous civil rights leader when he said darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can drive out darkness, Jn. 3:13-21, Martin Luther King, 1962.
Notice this was exactly opposite of the teaching from Islam’s Malcom-X and sadly untold numbers of African Americans picked up the violent solution from Islam’s Malcolm-X.
The Antichrist will get sick of the two witnesses outside the Dome-of-the-Rock preaching to the world while he hides waiting and wanting Trinitarian-doctrine to be on trial, thinking that God will reveal that the Islamic Antichrist peoples with Hagar’s Ishmael and their Mount Sinai quest with the Qur’an will go outside with warriors and confront the two Witnesses and most likely will decapitate by sword the two witnesses in the street upon national television, but before their own beheadings, the witnesses will witness for Trinitarian-doctrine prophesying their bodies will be resurrected after 3 ½ days.
After they are decapitated by sword for their preaching of Trinitarian-doctrine, which is Christianity, the Antichrist will purposely have them left in the streets upon national television while many grieve in an attempt to discredit the Trinitarian-doctrine they preached, still others elsewhere on the King’s highway and in hiding all over the earth will be privately and publicly celebrating, not believing nor accepting that the Allah of Islam was God, nor had the Power to keep these two witnesses rotting with their blood being spilled upon the ground, nor would the Islam’s Allah have the power to prevent the resurrection in front of the world’s eyes the two witnesses because of the Trinitarian-doctrine they preached. This will be a showdown between the Trinitarian-doctrine preached by Christianity and the anti-Trinitarian-doctrine preached by Islam’s chosen two representatives the 12th Mahdi Antichrist and his assistant Isa, their two false witnesses. This showdown will be like when Elijah had a showdown with the Religious idolatry & their 450 false prophets of his day, Rev. 22:18, 1st Kin. 18:20-46.
But their Allah’s Islam is only darkness that covers sin like a wound that cannot heal until it is uncovered and exposed to fresh air and light where sin is revealed and repented of healing the soul of religious idolatry. God resurrects them after 3 ½ days confirming Trinitarian-doctrine preached by Jesus Christ, Matt. 6:5-15, denied by their 12th Mahdi, and their Isa, their Mohammad and all over their Qur’an, all over in big 6-inch block scroll work all over their Dome-of-the-Rock, blaspheming our Potter’s plan in heaven, Matt. 6:5-15, of redemption with his provided sacrifice of his Son, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23. Islam’s denials of Trinitarian-doctrine are repeated all over the Qur’an and their Dome-of-the-Rock, Qur’an Quotes, 4:157-159, 4:171, 5:60, 5:72, 5:73, 5:75-76, 5:78, 5:116, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:34-35, 37:151-152, 39:4, 72:3-8, 112:3.
Verse Rev. 11:13—this is the same earthquake that divides the Dome-of-the-Rock into 3-parts, and the city of Jerusalem also splits into 3-parts with springs bursting forth from the rock flooding this 3rd most holy site for Islam, our Father and his lamb Jesus Christ given authority to cast the two false witnesses into the Lake of Fire alive, Rev. 19:20, and healing waters will burst forth from New Jerusalem and deep within the Planet Earth simultaneously, Rev. 16:18-19 ½; 16:1-19 ½, Nu. 20:9-12, Ex.17:5-7, Ez. 47:1-13, Ez. 47:1-12, Jn. 4:4-14, Matt. 27:51-52, but also simultaneously a great earthquake on Planet Earth, the greatest earthquake mankind has ever experienced causing the collapse of the cities & skyscrapers of Planet Earth starting off with Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock spreading throughout the upon the heads of the people still left in Babylon the Great that did not repent of their Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:19; 16:19 ½-16:21, America, Mystery Babylon, the Great Mother Prostitute with all her Prostitute Cities & Nations of Planet Earth, that still did not repent, Rev. 9:20-21, upon the heads of the people committing Materialism idolatry, Rev. 22:19, our Father in Heaven’s judgment will bring, leveling most all if not all, the cities of Planet Earth of those poor souls that would not take the other warnings with repentance of their city plans serious, of their building cities all over the earth filled with Materialism idolatry with its common end result of Atheism & Agnosticism, Rev. 22:19, sexual immorality, violence, murder and thievery in all her cities that she will not cover the earth with, Is. 14:3-21, confirming Trinitarian-doctrine taught by Christ in how we should address God as Our Father in Heaven as we pray to Him in heaven, Matt. 6:5-15.
This is the same planet earthquake that causes a great spring of water to flow from underneath the steps of the temple, Ez.47:1-12, Rev. 16:18-19 ½. And the new temple will be built and managed by a resurrected Prince David upon his resurrection starting at the beginning of the 1-year period called the Day of the Lord described by Isaiah, Is. , Ez. 34:24; 44:3, Zech. 12:7-13:1, upon this same destroyed struck by our Father in Heaven Dome-of-the-Rock, rock and dome both struck, split into 3-parts by earthquake & destroyed, destroying all works of religious idolatry and its religion Islam, Rev. 16:18-19 ½; 16:1-19 ½; 19:18-19, casting the 2-false witnesses directly into the Lake of Fire, our Father in Heaven striking the rock, seen first as a shadow of something coming with Moses’ peculiar punishment & incident,Nu. 20:9-12, Ex. 17:5-7, Ez. 47:1-13, Rev. 20:1-4, Ez. 47:1-12, Jn. 4:4-Ez. 47:1-13, Rev. 20:1-4, Ez. 47:1-12, Jn. 4:4-14, Matt. 27:51-52.
The last 6-months of the Time-of-Jacob’s-Trouble the 12th Mahdi of Islam, the Antichrist will be thrown directly into Hell, then Christ will start issuing out the plagues upon the people that deny Trinitarian-doctrine, all of Islam, issuing plagues that rot the flesh while still alive, Is. 19:2; 19:4; 19:18-25, saving most if not all of the Egyptian people, and the many Assyrians too.
For more details upon this massive turning to Trinitarian-doctrine and Christianity by extremely large portions of the Islamic people that see the arm and hands of God to protect them on the King’s highway see my commentary on Isaiah.
Verses Rev. 11:14-15—title deed of planet Earth passes back to God and the temporary authority he gave Satan to redeem us back to him through his son Jesus Christ, this temporary authority is now over. No longer are the kingdoms of the planet Earth Satan’s, they are now the Potter’s, our Father in heaven & his Son’s, the King of kings & Lord of lords that will reign over planet Earth and all created things forever.
Verses Rev. 11:16-17—we will find out who the 24-elders are once we are in heaven. One thing can be sure, it is most likely not who we think it will be, just as David was surprisingly selected by God. They just like David will be the servant’s unknown that became known.
Revelation 11:18-19
18 The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small— and for destroying those who destroy the planet Earth.” 19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an planet Earthquake and a severe hailstorm.
Verses Rev. 11:18-19—it is interesting to me what God has in heaven his Ark of the covenant. Israel had things in its Ark of the Covenant that signified and sealed its relationship with God, like Goliath’s sword from David after he passed on. He probable carried that sword with him ever where he went when Saul was chasing him, it eventually was placed in the Ark. Then ten commandments written by the finger of God, broken by Moses out of anger because when he came down the mountain, they were worshiping the gold calf. But maybe God has different things in his Ark of the Covenant, (Edit).
This could be the same Ark of the Covenant that seemed to have disappeared, or could it be a different one for it seems to almost hint that way. For Prince David will surely also have an Ark of the Covenant, after appearing and becoming discovered again. I personally think this is a different one, it is God’s, and in it will be other things, like instead of the sword David took from Goliath after knocking him out with the stone, maybe it will contain the stone itself with a bible both old and New Testament. Maybe there will be a potter’s wheel in there representing our Father in heaven, Is. 45:9-11, 1st Jn. 2:22-23, Matt. 6:5-15.
Maybe the ark will be much larger revealing God’s magnificence and wonder. Maybe the Ark of his Covenant will be so large to contain things we never thought of like Noah’s Ark, the Cross Christ was crucified on, Pontius Pilot’s basin he washed his hands in, or possibly Goliath’s armor and clothes, we can only guess with conjecture.