Waking Christians up, One soul at a Time
Currently Reading: Sahih al-Bukhari: The Early Years of Islam Islamic Women by www.PDImages.com So Which God is the God Desired by Women? Islam? Mormonism?Buddhism?Hinduism? Or is it Christianity? I decided we would take a brief break from our commentary on the book of Daniel because of a national article that came in the news recently. The great news is that …Read more »
Get Back up And Get In the Race, Proverbs 24:16 The Race of Endurance The Race Won By Staying In the Race A friend of mine once stated he had a dream in which he was running from his past and couldn’t get away from it. We are all are running from our past as sinners. I am, you are if …Read more »
Matthew 24:23-27 NIV NIV | NKJV | ESV Matthew 24:23-27 NIV Mattew 24:23-27 I added verse 26 and verse 27 into this expository because I felt without 26 & 27 some of the meaning is lost. Let us break bread and read scripture, here it is:At that time if anyone says to you, ‘ Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do …Read more »
The 200 Million Are Not China Islamic women by www.PDImages.com The 200 Million Are Not China But Islamic Fascism Revelation 9:14-16 14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”15 And the four angels who are kept …Read more »
Antichrist denies Only Begotten Son Revelation 7:1-20:4 NIV | NKJV | ESV Antichrist Denies Only Begotten Son Revelation 13:3 Scripture only supports the Antichrist coming from the Middle East, Islam This does not line up with any of the protestant theologians many of them great men going as far back as 200 A.D. These were only men …Read more »
911 Twin Towers by www.PDImages.com Antichrist Kingdoms Given Authority For One Hour The Antichrist nations are given authority for one hour from God, Revelation 17:12. This hour is for 43.66 years according to 2nd Peter 3:8. In this Peter makes a statement concerning the promise, the 2nd coming. Peter teaches that a day in the eyes of God …Read more »
I have been really getting into a lot of Bob Dylan lately. Here is one of his better songs written in the early 80’s upon his spiritual rebirth and born again experience as a new Messianic Christian. Do you think Bob Dylan is a modern day prophet for our generation? “Gotta Serve Somebody” is a song by Bob Dylan from his 1979 studio …Read more »
An interesting story published originally by the “Independent,” picture by the AP of a current event that has much of Saudi Arabia outraged and up in arms over a celebrity Islamic Minister’s molestation, repeated rape and torture of his own 5 year old daughter. He admitted to the torturing of her with cane beatings and cable”because of his own doubts …Read more »
For those that wish to support this ministry but do not have the funds there is a way to support this ministry, get some books and also get a tax donation receipt to pay less taxes at the end of the year. Each book will come mailed with a receipt if purchased from this site rather than through Amazon where …Read more »
Martin Luther Martin Luther-Who Stood Up When Church wasn’t Teaching Scripture Born 10 November 1483 – Went to Heaven 18 February 1546 Martin Luther was raised by a rich businessman that made his money from mining. He had always wanted Martin Luther to become a lawyer. when Luther was in law school he felt great promptings by the Holy Spirit. …Read more »
Babylon the Great and the Antichrist are two separate Beasts Babylon the Great and the Antichrist are two separate Beasts. Last ruler has nothing to do with Babylon the Great, they are two different Beasts representing two different sins of mankind. She rides the Beast but is a separate Beast, Revelation 17:7. Babylon the Great represents materialism and Atheism which according …Read more »
Dome of Rock Translated=Antichrist defined 1st John 2:22-23 Here are the inscriptions translated off of what is considered the 3rd most holy site of Islam, The Dome of the Rock. The most significant things to notice here are the basic tenants of Islam, claims that are Blasphemous to Christianity, that God has no begotten son, Christ is not begotten. The …Read more »
World’s largest Christian TV channel ‘funds owners’ exorbitant lifestyle’ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/mar/23/us-christian-tv-channel-owners-lawsuit World’s largest Christian TV channel ‘funds owners’ exorbitant lifestyle’ This article was published on guardian.co.uk at 11.53 EDT on Friday 23 March 2012, by Peter Beaumont. It was last modified at 20.08 EDT on Friday 23 March 2012 Peter Beaumont Webfeed Profile Peter Beaumont is foreign affairs editor at …Read more »
Joel Commentary by RobertLeeRE & The coming Witnesses-Prophecy in today’s News This is my commentary on the book of Joel. This book’s prophetic meaning is now revealed to the body of Christ. My comments are not meant to replace the word of God, nor be added to it. They are meant only as a guide for you to compare …Read more »
John MacArthur Knows 12th Mahdi is Antichrist John MacArthur now knows the 12th Mahdi is the Antichrist. This is nothing new to many of us Preachers that have been Preaching this going on 10 years now. The wind is blowin in Christianity today. Many of us Preachers on the internet want to welcome John MacArthur and his long-time coming but correct …Read more »
There are none so blind as those who will not see! In one generation, the US will ask itself: who lost the world to Islam ? Please go to this link and watch this video and the return to read this post; Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman, Party for Freedom, the Netherlands , at the Four …Read more »
Arnold Murray and the Christian Identity Movement Arnold Murray, False Teacher? by RobertLeeRE       Do not get Arnold Murray confused with the world renown Minister of Andrew Murray, the South African writer, teacher and Pastor 1828-1917. These two are light and darkness. remember a little poison goes a long way and still is poison. take two glasses of the most pure sparkling water …Read more »
The Peculiar Jehovah’s Witnesses Bible Translation This is all taken out of the New World translation of the bible by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 1961. the Publisher is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., International bible Students Association, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. This is a commentary on the very subtle difference …Read more »
Jehovah’s Witnesses page of tract 1889
Where on Earth is The Antichrist Coming From? Matthew 24:23-27 NIV NIV |NKJV | ESV Matthew 24:23-27 NIV I added verse 26 and verse 27 into this expository because I felt without 26 & 27 some of the meaning is lost. Let us break bread and read scripture, here it is: 23 At that time if anyone says to you, …Read more »
(Revelation 13:11-18) NIV | NKJV | ESV 666 There are sixty-six books in the bible. Isn’t that peculiar? The number of the Antichrist beast is 666 yet the bible has 66 books. Does anybody have a theory out there. I have one but I want to find out other people’s thoughts. Please comment and let …Read more »
 Three Evil Spirits That Look Like Frogs Revelation 16:12-14 NIV | NKJV | ESV     Then I Saw Three Evil Spirits That Looked Like Frogs;  Will Iraq usher in the three evil spirits from the east, the three kings, and if so who are these three kings? Could they be Iraq, Syria and Pakistan? Or could they be three kings with future kingdoms …Read more »
Never Compare the Church to Babylon the Great or Babel Revelation 17:1-22:21 NIV | NKJV | ESV Why the Church is not Babylon the Great and we Should Never Ever Compare the Church to Babylon The Great or the Tower Of Babel Both Babylon the Great and the Tower of Babel are connected in scriptures to the beginning and the …Read more »
Jeremiah 25:15-38 NIV | NKJV | ESV      Two Adulterous Sisters                Ezekiel 23:1-15 NIV  Two Adulterous Sisters Judah & Israel    1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, there were two women, daughters of …Read more »
Seventy Weeks are seventy years (Daniel 9:1-10:1) NIV | NKJV | ESV      Six day war not significant propheticallyThis 1/2 of Jerusalem thing has absolutely no significance related to prophecy. The thing that is very significant is the seventy weeks in Daniel. The proper interpretation is that this is seventy years of one week celebrations of the feast of tabernacles …Read more »
Assembling Holy Men