Waking Christians up, One soul at a Time
Babylon the Great America New Jerusalem, Two Great Cities (Genesis 17:1-18:24) This article is still a work in progress.For the Lord builds a mountain that brings life to the earth, also a great city, New Jerusalem, 1400 miles x 1400 miles & 1400 miles tall, Revelation 21:1-27, Jeremiah 2:2, and man builds a destroying mountain that brings death & trys …Read more »
911 Twin Towers by www.PDImages.com Antichrist Kingdoms Given Authority For One Hour       The Antichrist nations are given authority for one hour from God, Revelation 17:12. This hour is for 43.66 years according to 2nd Peter 3:8. In this Peter makes a statement concerning the promise, the 2nd coming. Peter teaches that a day in the eyes of God are …Read more »
Here are the inscriptions translated off of what is considered the 3rd most holy site of Islam, The Dome of the Rock. The most significant things to notice here are the basic tenants of Islam, claims that are Blasphemous to Christianity, that God has no begotten son, Christ is not begotten. The Many Blasphemies inscribed on the Dome of the …Read more »
Archeological Supplement Part One Origins Of The Seventy Weeks Controversy Daniel 9:24 The Great Controversy The Foolish Shepherds Have Thrust On Us Sheep This Seventy Weeks controversy seems to have also spilled over into historical dating of the beginning and end of that seventy year period prophesied by Jeremiah. To not understand this Seventy Weeks controversy is to not understand …Read more »
This is a work in progress Babel Tower by www.PDImages.com My Commentary on the Book Of Daniel Part One  Author’s Preface This is my commentary on the book of Daniel. This book’s prophetic meaning is now revealed to the body of Christ. My comments are not meant to replace the word of God, nor be added to it. They …Read more »
    Babylon Given Dominion by God From Adam & Eve Till Rapture                                          Daniel 2:1-3 NIV        In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. 2 So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed. …Read more »
Commentary on Daniel Part 3 Daniel 3:1-30 NIV The Image of Gold and the Fiery Furnace King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, ninety feet high and nine feet wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. 2 He then summoned the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all …Read more »
                              Mark 15:33-34; Psalm 22:1; 22:24 NIV   Rainbow in my back yard                                               NIV | NKJV | ESV                                        “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”       Jesus wasn’t complaining, he wasn’t questioning God because he was God in the flesh, John 1:1-18 NIV. He wasn’t tempted, or weakened, he wasn’t being negative. He was ministering to the men & women standing at …Read more »
© This material is copyrighted all rights reserved Israel Mountains compliments of Daniel Ventura on Wikipedia; red & black writing on image are changes by RobertLeeRE This has been a work in progress since July 2009 A Study on Ezekiel’s Gog & Magog Author’s Preface The top picture is where Gog and Magog will be judged by God, on the mountains of Israel. The large …Read more »
Author’s Preface The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is Twenty Years Not Seven by RobertLeeRE Here’s a sermon from the archives I posted in October 2006. It has been improved with some additional scriptural quotes, revealed through revelation from God, but the basic message is the same. This prophecy is based upon the bible using two different terms synonymously, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” and the “Tribulation.” …Read more »
This is a work in progress so check back often: After some discussions with others there seems to be a need in some discipleship on the rest of the New Testament. The part I am talking of mostly are the Acts of the Apostles, Pauline Epistles, the other Epistles of Christ’s brothers James and Jude and finally the book of Revelation. When …Read more »
This is Joel’s 2nd TRUMPET WARNING to the church, thus his 2nd book on this same subject that Antichrist nations will rise through Islam, first being New York Times bestseller The Islamic Antichrist, published in 2008. Brother Joel’s concise clear exegetical analysis of scriptural prophecy pertaining to the Antichrist BREATHS FRESH AIR into eschatology circles. This book, a huge conundrum …Read more »
A Summary of Prophecies that say America is Babylon the Great                          Revelation 16:17-21                                                              NIV | NKJV | ESV       I summarized all the prophecies that support the evidence of America being Babylon the Great, Mother …Read more »
I am from America and wish to add to the conversation. I am very interested and write and teach on Xanga at this website RobertLeeRE.Xanga.preview/ I wish to awnser the question posed: Who do you think is the Antichrist? I have studied this issue greatly in scripture and can only hope I add to the conversation for my brothers and …Read more »
   RobertLeeRE-Here is a discussion I participated in on Xanga about 5 years ago about the False Prophets and their preaching hate and how Babylon the Great is some form of Apostate Christianity. They might say it is Cathlocism or in the case of the Jehovah Witnesses claiming everyone but them has the special key,that if you are not part …Read more »
Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the process …Read more »
Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in …Read more »
Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the process …Read more »
      Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the …Read more »
(Genesis 17:1-18:24) This article is still a work in progress.For the Lord builds a mountain that brings life to the earth, also a great city, New Jerusalem, 1400 miles x 1400 miles & 1400 miles tall, Revelation 21:1-27, Jeremiah 2:2, and man builds a destroying mountain that brings death & trys to destroy the earth, also a great city, Babylon the Great America, …Read more »
Seventy Years Israel, Then Comes Judgment Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE The reason you do not see much here on WordPress …Read more »
                                       The Coming Fall of Babylon the Great, America                                                          (Revelation 18:1-24)                The Coming Fall of Babylon The Great, America                       http://www.xanga.com/RobertLeeRE/564758055/summary-of-american-prophecies.html                         The two-dimensional work of art depicted in this image is in the public domain worldwide due to the date of death of its author, or due to its date of publication. Thus, this reproduction of …Read more »
      Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the …Read more »
      Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten books. I told him “I do not have the money to publish ten books!” He said “The Lord will provide!” “Really?” I said. TO DONATE The reason you do not see much here on WordPress IS I am in the …Read more »
A Summary of Prophecies that say America is Babylon the Great Revelation 16:1-22:21 NIV | NKJV | ESV I summarized all the prophecies that support the evidence of America being Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes, Abominations of the Earth. Support this ministry–The Lord has placed it upon my heart that I now have enough material to write ten …Read more »
Assembling Holy Men